The moon was full and I thought to myself that just because I needed to go ballooning. But the truth was that I was there , of that there were many doubts. It was enough to give me an award, but I remembered that old American judgment about the profession of journalism , that " worse, much worse would have to work " . He looked like a clandestine meeting , during the dictatorship , one of those games that was distributed in illegal propaganda , or concretized the day and time for a demonstration of the same sign . My contact does not appear anywhere , and I in that corner of Radio Extra had the appearance of a stray dog ??lost, without love , is my spitting image . After a while, a long while , I had no choice but to clubbing with all my strength the door of the warehouse, which looked like an enchanted castle , a fortress impregnable . I almost scream that of "Ah the battlements ! Is there anyone inside? " .
It was just like the prohibition era , in which customers snobs knock at the door of the clubs in Chicago , to drink a sip of whiskey bad bad and good jazz . The only small , imperceptible problem is that I had no password keeper eventual offer , I do not know the password . She was very wet with papers , without papers actually going to a blind date.
The first to appear was a dog the size of a lion lunged at me , to live barking , roaring like the MGM lion Walden Mayer. Behind him a young , provided a model jersey Marcelino Camacho or sixties worker priest founder of Workers Commissions union . I had no idea of my existence , and knew nothing of me, so kindly invited me to stay outside as part of the urban landscape that corner lost, until they could discuss and make a decision regarding my little person mountain . This custom is the deliberate , they have very established, there to deliberate to decide the color of the fridge , and in the end it seems that one is dealing with the bureaucracy of the Ministry of Development of Soviet Russia .
So keep enjoying the cool of the night in February , and allowing my bones were reigning seeping with moisture . While I stood in the form of stalactite, numb with cold, got my man , aboard a bike, and in shirt sleeves . Perched on that machine transport , had the same look as the jeans listed in the advertisement of Marlboro , riding their horses through the untamed western prairies . It was impressive to see him in this way, as a medieval knight aboard his horse ready to kill the dragon , rescue the princess, and righting wrongs as I stood shivering in the cold , just like a chestnut inside your gazebo , covered with a blanket next to the stove . It imposed a new discussion , to which I again had to attend the verdict outside . I started to think to myself that it was a little older to get into this kind of scrubbed , maybe it was okay to play at being a seasoned journalist who plays as potatoes and moms , who was fifty years old , and as I said Woody Allena your partner in a movie : "Leave a gram of madness , by the time you reach menopause " . And to finish to fix I was alone , Sergi has the unquestionable merit of disappearing at times when it is most needed .
I finally cleared the way and go into the room. He had crossed an impregnable until then , had crossed a precise limit , a kind of Rubricón which is not returned ever since . I was behind a supposed enemy lines, at least for the vast majority of public opinion in Barcelona they were public enemy number one in the city. He was the prototype for among law who never one wants to have a husband of his daughter, for that type of individual whom never would buy second hand car , a new version of the " Rollings Stonnes " , walking through the dark side life on the other side of the road .
But for me it all started much earlier. Exactly May 14 l.998 . At that time I had the idea , one always these things happen, published in " La Vanguardia " an article entitled " The Princess Cinema ," and prayed in this manner " On May 24 , 1996 , security forces State , held in this city the largest deployment known from the assault at Central bank Plaza Catalunya . The goal was not free any hostages kidnapped group , but enforce the court order to vacate the premises , occupied for more than six months by a group of youngsters with colored crests , safety in the nose , military boots , socks with tights broken and another way of living .
Involving over two hundred national police , ambulance, firefighters effective , the city police and even a helicopter. There were fifteen and over forty wounded detainees. The operation was a success, in plan " SWAT" . The law and order were fully restored. ( ... ) It is fair to thank , first and diligence so effectively the government delegate , Mrs. Julita Valdecasas as caste like son . Not surprisingly your father , with magnificent rector of the University of Barcelona , also authorized , with Franco in power , the entry of the police to restore law and order. The PP government unreservedly support the measure, and even President Pujol , described as " fake progressives " who criticized the police and supported the squatters (.... ) " .
In fact Princess Film eviction means the coming- of squatting movement in the city , its debut , and also a turning point in the crackdown . The industry officials were not going to go for little girls with eating things you do not play , no less with the sacrosanct principle of private property , so the technique was to stick and stiff patent . Speaking of dialogue was like to mention the ferret , hostilities had begun , it was a full-blown war . They were ready for anything, even the use of the V U.S. fleet in the Mediterranean , if necessary.
Such a historic event ended the trial and the imposition corresponding to 33 of the 40 defendants of minimum sentences , 18,000 pesetas fine for the usurpation of the building and up to nine months in prison for disobeying the orders to evacuate the building and to resist agents . All true victory of law .
However, the publication of the article allowed me to meet two little people who would play a decisive role in this story . On the one hand the government delegate lady , Dona Julia Vladecasas , Julita for friends who call me chapter through his press secretary , Mr. Jarreño , one of the rare exceptions to that maxim by which I am opposed to the death penalty , except for press officers . In fact a few days ago I received a call from him , for him to come to the old Civil Government in the form of invitation to go to breakfast . " Am I going to stop ? " , I asked as to good Jarreño Graciet . The answer to base " Of course not man , that things have " turned me weak , I was not all me. It was obvious that I had gotten in trouble precisely because of mess with people , something I always blamed my lady mother.
The building had a sinister , I thought as he crossed a stay after another, until you reach a small shack with a roof unattainable where the event was going to commit . Mrs. delegate , appeared as long ago under a hairstyle achieved after a laborious session hairdresser, such that if the result of a enbalsador with an Egyptian mummy . While realized orange juice color Iberia , about corissants biodegradable and obvious coffee with laxative properties , Julita was telling me anything but pretty. Their main demands were centered on the figure of his father and the criminalization of squatters.
Apparently I was a good person , no less loaded with good intentions , the typical " fellow traveler " , but had not seen the world through a hole , because the squatters were bad, had horns, tail possessed , and smelled of sulfur , were four unruly kids , and was willing to show video recorded by police in that showed how bad they were . Top as the highest representative of the central government in the northeast of the meadow , called Spain , were obvious connections between Catalans and ETA squatters . To my face skepticism , for such , I keep linking affirm "I thought the same, that ETA was a very serious organization , but the information services of the police , I have demonstrated the presence of squatters here in acts of HB " . Needless to say that when they arrested Laura Riera , squat Terrace who worked in the town hall of the town, for alleged collaboration with the terrorist , some media satisfaction was widespread, and was finally able to close the circle.
I left as I could of that breakfast , which had survived with great patience . Julia did not have a silly hair , but had so much left, as I land in Havana . He entered the cloth with amazing ease , and at least in this area looked like an elephant locked in a china shop Lladró . I was going to get them.
A few days later I met the second protagonist of the story, Albert Martinez , a spokesman for the squatters . It was a big disappointment because it had a crest of colors, or a bad pirsing in the nose, and military boots or torn screens , even looked freshly showered . The stereotypical image , the cliché was broken, but also instead of a requested Mahou beer to drink .... a glass of milk . A squat drinking milk! , For me it was almost as much as a vegetarian lion . Albert had the same appearance as the Apostle John, the beloved of Christ , curly hair , big eyes with a penetrating gaze and leisurely ways , almost of Versailles , which, moreover, not only named Albert , but Albert Jesus. That would be time later my man, I was hoping to contact the door of the warehouse, who was going to cross over to an assembly squat in El Palomar de Sant Andreu .
I do not know who was more scared , me or them themselves . Anyway, just looked at me , as if there were , but the truth is that it went missing, seemed an octopus in a garage, sang like a clam , equipped with my tweed jacket , looked a real journalist , reporter disguised bold " Whasignton Post" , working on Watergate. He was almost as disguised with that outfit, dress like lagarterana of Mort and Filemeonn Le commits my appearance, the introducer of ambassadors , who trying to make a grace said " Look, if I tell them now that you're a cop ... " The occurrence left me colder than it already was . It was just like a white man, in the midst of a gathering of Sioux Indians , or Zulu . At any time they could tie me to a totem , start and finish any hirviéndome ritual dance in a pot like a missionary , and serve with an apple in her mouth for breakfast , or become mincemeat for pies .
We were sitting in a semicircle around a rickety table in a diverse sample of chairs of all types , type and condition . The staff was mostly in uniform, the said Camacho jersey Mareclio model to havoc , and the truth is that I missed because the cold , was rigorous , except for Albert , who was still in short sleeve , just like that . It was an outfit almost as logical as in China lucieran the ineffable inhabitants Mao uniform or Popular Party officials were on board Hermès ties . The meeting was presided gentleman morosely and Trosky aspect which granted the use of the word for rigorous duty . He was torn , in detail , the preparations for a protest party in El Palomar , some of the participants lived there, Albert , for example, and others were in the neighborhood, at the announcement of an upcoming eviction. While some Liab the hashish spliff , the heads of each plot were realizing the state of affairs . The main issues focused on getting speakers , - truth be told is that had never assumed it was something so difficult to achieve , and in an exciting debate about whether or not to include food in the celebration , with attendant logistical problems this will cause . Until someone settled the issue by saying " People will not come to eat, do not you think ? " .
Then came my turn. It was like gerovital chute of Rejuvenation vein ,was in a meeting ! . I am in a meeting ! . The last time he had done such a thing had to be thirty years younger, almost all hair , no gray hair , and above must believe that you could live in a better world . I explained the reason for my visit, the idea of the book, what we had done until then . He spoke at a fixed point on the wall, not daring to look towards the gathering . It was as a preacher reciting the Sermon on the Mount or a charlatan who had at the end of the Ramblas trying to sell a miracle lotion against hair loss and to demonstrate the beneficial effects of the potion is the drinking just before the stupor general present. The silence was rigorous , those gathered were struggling to put a face of interest , looked like they were in church , listening to my words as if it were the last thing you do in this world . Once the dissertation - once Sergi regret that I was not , because their appearance Jeam Dean in " Rebel Without a Cause " , might have been more convincing, which presided over the meeting , told me he did not communicate anything , that would deliberate and that it would tell me something about it.
Outside on the street, take a deep breath . I then did not know either , but that had meant a shift coperniquiano a primary strategic change . The press was no longer in my body serrano, the bete noire of squats, one arm over police repression. The sectors most moderates had won the game , it meant a great opening -a journalist in an assembly squat ! - The radicalization of an urban tribe , ostracism almost religious sect , had given way to clear will be a movement popular open . But I had no idea then that, or almost anything, just knew I had frozen feet and there was a demonstration on Saturday .
I knew nothing of the Palomar , who had " squatted " five years from Albril 6 , 1997 , an institution , a symbol something like the Holy Family of the squatter movement . I did not know that eg February 15 of 2000 , published as " La Vanguardia " the next day " ( ... ) some 20 young people settled in the plenary hall ( Sant Andreu District ) , and 20 more are left out, without showing any kind of violent behavior . (sic ) The squatters took full development of the district to claim that they are not vacate " . What did I know ! .
Neither knew that this was an old story , a tug of war , protracted conflict , as would the cheesy smug . On the one hand were those guys, unkempt , saying that this was his, which was scheduled in the mists of time , when we were all good and democracy was still in his underwear and the corpse of the dictator was still recent, would be a social center for the neighborhood, and on the opposite side the worthy authorities saying that nanai of Paraguay , which had to pass a street there , and had nothing to do with that property , was building a block of flats next door right next door. Simple coincidences .
I that day , cold dead knew nothing . I did not know that 236 people had autoinculpado of occupation, that the District Manager , Mrs. Maria Gloria declared that "neither wanted to leave , or want to talk " , that the city had abandoned the criminal , and opted for a process civil squatters that did not make sense to be reported while receiving offer of dialogue. He was a journalist , maybe even be a good journalist , and therefore had no clue. Unaware that there had been a Orfilia camping in the square in front of the district headquarters , with loungers and a removable pool to cool off, or eleven of them had been arrested by locked in the office of district councilor , Mr. Ferran Julia , socialist - an occupation for some, a kidnapping attempt for another , and that most had been teaching matters worse some of them in high school.
They had very clear ideas . Albert himself , inhabitant of " El Palomar " , he had told in " La Vanguardia" on July 5, 2001 . " To us what interests us is taught? ? ? " R what is not taught elsewhere, we focus on other forms of entertainment . Not everything that we have taught little ones is invalid. " He concluded by saying that his project" ( ... ) power participation, not as in most of the areas managed by the city , where young people are given all very chewed " .
Nobody could do anything . Even the Child Jesus, whose image was removed from the traditional Nativity that each year , about the appointed feasts , ride the Municipality in the Plaça Sant Jaume . Ladies and gentlemen squatters led the Son of God , to walk in Barcelona and did not like anything, but is that what he saw nothing . Among other things she did not like pinch apparently, the threat to evict " the squatters who have painted and rahabilitado the Palomar , an abandoned building in the Sant Andreu " . It was thus a lost cause , a good reason to fight for, because defeat was secured before starting , one of the few reasons why it pays to do this job , maybe even live . That was a story made expressly for this occasion for me, or as custom painted , so I decided to throw myself straight into the pool , without knowing in advance whether there was water inside .
It was like we were in Holland, were not imagining things , just missing some ladies dressed in those wacky hats , shod with wooden shoes, equipped with two separate cheese ball, and the horizon some windmills of those who go on postcards and tables of Van Gohg . In the atmosphere reigned sweet smell of hashish , as I am by the age thing , I sleep produces a lot of care , a support indescribable joins my usual holgazanearía , also had same-sex couples who openly kissed some, walking hand in hand , and a proliferation of bicycles. It could be perfectly Anmsterdan , but it was the square of Sant Adenreu Orifilia , the cradle of modernity , and this was a manifestation of the squatters , to protest the imminent eviction of " El Palomar " .
Were barely two hundred souls, but we caused the same impression that the crew of a pirate ship in his day off . An indelible impression say . One lady said as we passed : "What's happening in our neighborhood? " . The left of the soul, like a sigh , like a lament . For the people , for the good people who saw us pass , I saw colorful parade march that while made ??its purchases , once completed the television movie on Saturday afternoon, they were causing the same feeling as the Dalton Brothers , whose its mere mention causes real panic . As in the far west abiding citizens , well-meaning souls who serve the Lord and kept the laws , put children and women in a safe , while the treasures hidden in a safe place . We were like the devil himself , the embodiment of evil . A phrase that reminded me of Thomas De Qunicy , that " If one starts soon afford a murder does not care to steal , theft happens to drinking and failure to observe the Lord's Day, and ends for missing good education and leave it for the next day . "
The delegation did not lack its dodgy aspects , as the gentleman who dressed executive , suit, shirt , tie and briefcase included, distributing propaganda , like that girl who manifested carrying an electric mixer stretching his arm out the backpack, or as one priceless electoral propaganda banner , which once featured a perfectly recreated Pascual Maragall with horns, and the eyeballs the dollar sign . The demonstration ended in exactly the same way as happens to me when I enter journal writing : no one did the wave , the girls not flinch , and theirs will punish me with the whip of indifference. No, it was not possible . Albert did what he could , but could not do anything , I said over and over that I had to get wet for us, but Albert was apparently dry thoroughly . Our intention was shut in with them, within the Palomar from the night , and attend live and direct eviction , which was to produce God willing, the desire was rejected , but briefly cuts . I repeated to myself , you can not always win every game , but still could not remember the last time he had won one . There was nothing to do, so I did what I do best , which is to annoy people . I started by phoning the District worthy authorities . There was a small , almost insignificant detail is that the eviction was ordered , just weeks before the conclusion of the EU Summit in Barcelona. It did not take any lynx, or have a crystal ball or a bachelor's geostrategic , to know that such police action could be received as the festival 's grand international event. Put on war footing squatter movement , was a magnificent , occurrence , that the said celebration started with the worst omens and finish as the dawn rosary thus. It was a great truth, that common sense is the least common of the senses .
With this magnificent reasoning , talk to the district manager lady . It was great because his whole argument was to say that the neighbors complained , because the inhabitants of El Palomar , they made noise at night. I explained that I had a neighbor who let the dogs ( two dogs Two) barking continuously from eight o'clock until six in the afternoon, and despite my best efforts had not gotten anyone to evict by force. Could do something about it ? . Neither of these , recognize that the dates were not the most appropriate , but the dates and the judge put the peace here and then glory.
A short while later I received a call from Mr. Alderman . I was lucky because Mr. Alderman was not talking about this topic with the press , in fact Mr. Alderman was not talking to the press about anything, and I even doubt that Mr. Alderman talk to anyone, even himself. He started telling me to read , which he liked , and I also asked if he liked the article the day I ciscaba cleanly in the Lord Mayor of Barcelona. Not that he did not like , he said , laughing . He said more, for example, that the squatters were bad, and I every time I heard such a thing as an attack caught me ternurita towards these evil creatures . That he had wanted to talk, but they do not . Clear that the City had filed a lawsuit, and it demanded as a condition that the withdraw . They had offered a local , what local ? , Not that never came to fruition , ... but they were bad . No, that had never been intended for equipment for the neighborhood, it had to be a street , and had fulfilled the law. Apparently , with the squatters , everyone will come a great rush, a tremendous emergency by law enforcement . The dates were not the best , but could do nothing . When I hung up the phone knew for Murphy 's law , according to which a bad situation , you can always get worse ostensibly , would inexorably fulfilled .
Soon, coincidences of life , surfing the web , I bumped into an entire story . It had happened a year earlier, on 5 December 2001. He had missed the XVII International Alfonso Comin Award . The award ceremony held in the magnificent setting of Salo de Cent of the Barcelona City Council. Everything under the chairmanship of Councillor Mrs. Núria Carreras. The winner was Mrs. Isabel Rodriguez Lkpes Filha , part of the movement of landless rural workers in Brazil , the state of Pará . And you know that is dedicated to such movement ? . It's simple ... to occupy land . I do not think there is a less subtle form of schizophrenia, schizophrenia sufferer who left Barcelona city .
But not everything would be bad news . Apparently , after extensive and lengthy deliberations , have the immense advantage of that ? ? ? " The rush is not part of their model of life - it was agreed that yes, we were allowed our presence the day in question , but yes beginning at eight o'clock . in the event that did not occur eviction could not post photos or details about the device ready to receive the representatives of the law. with a whisper , almost imperceptible dared to Albert ask , if the called device would be peaceful. with a look of surprise , only managed to say " of course ." breathed relieved by the response , and a little embarrassed for having asked the question , but you have seen many movies .
So along with Sergi and a photographer of " The Newspaper " were going to attend from the first row of stalls, an eviction of a squat . To get you started with the taxi got lost , or rather missed the driver. I cachis my luck , I have a world exclusive and lose myself and I'm late ! . But still arrive on time. There was a great display information , like a press conference in the gardens of the White House , as it were . Were all media and more. Among those who had clearly left over the famous Spanish television camera , with which we encounter in the Maremagnum . Only in me snapped me point blank that he did not like what he had published nothing . I lost a great opportunity to tell me that I do not like his face. Luckily , the one who always claimed that he had to ask permission to make a information, intended to sneak over the hill in El Palomar . Albert stopped him , and did not allow access. For a moment harbored the idea , I swear it was just instant, that revenge is a dish best taken cold .
There were many more people. For example some gentlemen who were stationed on the roof of the adjacent building , which coincidentally were the barracks of the Guardia Urbana , gentlemen dressed as video cameras , which were dedicated to film so richly personnel roamed those byways . The fact is that when I made them hi -bye , and I sent a kiss withdrew as if they were ashamed of his wrongdoing , of being caught in fragatis . It seemed the most natural thing in the world is that the police can record to anybody else .
Finally franked all obstacles , and always guided by Albert , looking to be suffering a true stomach ulcer, entered the enclosure. The show was wonderful , the old factory seemed a magical landscape , as if fairy had touched with her wand , and as if by magic had played on stage. There was something theatrical representation of a show, a stage for modern opera , Fura del Baus type . He could work nicely for an event as one closing ceremony Olympics or so.
The argument was simple , the epic was served beforehand. David against Goliath, the weak against the strong , cunning against brute force , imagination against unjust law . Was that from the dark night of time, from the Greek tragedies until Western movies . But there was something circus , trapeze , the ' harder still ' or ' no hands, no hands " , a certain taste for danger well understood , and the adrenaline rush . And a bit of sports environment , including some " fair play" , because that game we all knew that sooner or later most had it lost, it was a simple matter of time , but time also came and moved the imaginary marker hearts.
Rather, why not challenge? , To climb to higher spending as funanbulista by wire, dry climbing without unnatural and climbing wall . But , all things considered , it seemed the filming of a movie, the run , those moments leading up to the cries of " Hush, hush , you remember ." And there is a thud of the platelet , and a deep voice says: "Action" . Est & aacutebamos as in preparations , when the stagehands go from one place to another , electricians review the spotlights, the actresses were retouched makeup and some actor is reviewed a thousand times their role is a two word phrase . Something funny , joke , gag clowns, of hazing . Seeing them put hands tied with chains to cement filled barrels produced some hilarity , kitchenware thinking was needed at the hardware store that should be used to undo this mess, and the bricked walls from within.
Sitting on top , hanging from the ceiling seemed puppet dolls , suspended in space. As down-to- earth , others rag dolls made had a clear echoes with the Giants festivals , built with a clear aesthetic reminiscent of the work of Joan Miroo . The avant-garde artists had left their mark on that muchachada .
But it was also an enclosure , an act of resistance . " The Palomar resists ," read a banner , like Numancia or Stalingrad. This was so confinement as may be the Democratic Sindicat Caputxins in Sarria , or intellectuals , or so on Montserrat during the Burgos trial . There was something heroic , in everything , and I older than the songs of Dona Concha Piquer , attending as a espectad everything ? ? ? "Or privileged . Guys representatives of the press , we study the strategy , we try to provide the steps that would give security forces in their commendable mission , and we conclude that the first people were going to turn tail going to be the distinguished representatives of the " fourth estate ." So we decided to hide as rats , get into a hole , try to make the pictures and trust our luck. for a moment I remembered "The Front " , the film that the director of " Excelsior " Open your arms to measure the rolltop desk , where its sole is in the form of innocent condemned to death , hidden inside. An idea that caused a big laughter in the audience , but it seemed to me the most logical thing in the world at the head of a newspaper editor , that boasts of such. This time the roles were reversed , and it was I who was doing pig rabbit stuck in the trap .
Like any self-respecting drama such, here we had our heroine , young, dressed in proverbial hoody that gave him an air of follower of Comandante Marcos , the Zapatista movement. He had eyes that were hurting just looking at them, there still, tied to his drum, looked like a Renaissance Madonna . He smoked and waited, like everyone else. Because after a bu ? ? ? " In time , chascarillos jokes and gradually gave way to the heaviness of the waiting room and visits the dentist . Became increasingly frequent glances through windows, surveying the landscape as a prisoner looking through the crack in the cell. was growing anxiety and mobile phones never stopped communicating with the outside while we remained closed and bolted .
Sergi , had instructed me about it so I pertreché of a water bottle , and a handkerchief , for the case where law enforcement Lazaran tear gas, but he had forgotten to tell me the most important thing about the sandwich. After a while, a server had a Carpanta hunger TBO , from my childhood , something atrocious. Meanwhile our hosts giving full account of some sandwiches the size of a shark. My face must be a poem , because finally took pity on the elderly and the condumio shared with their guests.
After nearly five hours , who more and who less was already fed up with the situation. That was when the news broke . The eviction had been suspended . " La Vanguardia " broke the news in this manner : " The eviction of El Palomar , which was to be executed yesterday morning , was finally suspended. In this way , put the brakes on an intervention that , a few days ? ? ? " Holding the eurocumbre of Barcelona , could have stirred up the squatters , one of the most active anti-globalization groups in the city. Has been told this newspaper , the City , as owner of the property , asked the court to suspend . the court must now set a new date to expel the occupier . Around 300 people gathered from eight in front of the building . by not appear and after learning that police had evicted the occupants ended their lockdown at noon . " This was the politically correct view , it may even be true, strictly true , but the closure was based nearby the theory that calls " security forces and the state," lacked sufficient manpower that day , is the reason ? . 's visit to Barcelona, ??from the King and Queen . these things , of course with Franco passed.
But no one is concealing the strategy, would jump at the summit , the days would pass and it did. On April 5 , the day before they could celebrate the fifth anniversary - The Palomar was evicted by surprise and the six inhabitants offered no resistance . With an urgency unknown in local things - squatters regarding the city of Barcelona , gives evidence of a stagecoach always unknown to him came the immediate demolition of the building.
The city could finally breathe easy , we had taken a great burden. This was apparently a big problem in Barcelona. After five years , the police had managed to restore her natural order of things. Finally a straight line could be drawn that much desired , - because after all is the shortest distance between two points , and the street Rovira i Virgili , would present more that unpleasant " sawtooth " that apparently as the disfigured , that obstacle disliked both our councilors . It was a rare blend of a strange alliance between the landscaping , geometry and aesthetics. The neighbors could sleep peacefully , free from noise . Problem solved . Soon no one will remember if that lot had to go intended for social facilities for the neighborhood or a road , no one not fall in the account if the construction of a house on land adjoining it is a simple coincidence or was the result of an operation estate . Does that matter to whom ? .
The truth is that if the grid , the model so beloved of the urban Barcelona would fit perfectly as a metaphor of order, logic puzzle was completed , things were in place , and everything in its place . The ideal, the dream , the metropolis had concluded, after strenuous efforts comparable to those employed only by the Pharaohs to build their pyramids . Squatters had lost a battle but not the war of course .
All that I thought for my intrigues me , to myself, when by the pale winter sun discovered the presence of Mrs. Veciana , the accomplished councilor of " Human Rights " of His Excellency council . A really great thing because while on the one hand the council goes to the police to throw them into the street , a member of the consistory is planted up ahead in solidarity with youngsters who are intended to oust packing. There are things that can only happen at the confluence of the latitude and longitude in which we find ourselves , can not happen anywhere else in the world, only happen in Barcelona. Really of good.
There was a timeout, an intermediate , half of the game, but do not get bored , the truth is no. It was to be the unseen , the greatest show on earth , next to the Olympic Games or the very congress 92 year Eucrarístico were a real ninedad 1,951 , a small thing, of kids playing and moms potatoes and kitchenettes . For events, real event , the European Union summit in the hospital forever Barcelona , a city of fairs and congresses end , a way as any to confuse it with great big guy. It did not have any crystal ball or be a tarot fortune teller , or have a one-eyed parrot to know that this could be, at best , a rare cross between " Mad Police Academy " and " You land as you can " . Not to be any lynx to think that this could end badly , all lived under the syndrome of what happened in Genoa with a clean shot dead murdered city broadcast live camaras et orbi by television , and our first and worthy authorities did all they could , and more, in this regard. Mrs. Julita put their grain of sand and not think of anything better to close the Diagonal , the main artery in and out of the city , for security reasons . The thing which filled me with horror verily , for that , just that , is what I have done , the first thing you would have thought a guy , I had no fucking idea .
But that was not all , to spread panic among citizens, civil war climate . Mr. Clos , the then mayor or so, had the flats of his fellow citizens to send scheduled, weeks in advance , they are sent to the big city , without offering a single measure as dendonado alternative to the private car . The Consller of Governació , Mr. Pomes , certainly do not be suspended classes at the universities , but instead agreed to temporarily shut down two metro stations , making access to the powers in the closest thing to a stage of the Paris- Dakar . The prosecutor of the Court of Justice of Catalonia , announced at a press conference that " going to be tough with the rioters was at stake because the image of Barcelona" , and it would be implemented speedy trials . On the other hand it was announced that in prisons cells were evicted to house the alleged detainees , and hospital beds had been emptied to address potential injuries. Less order to make any necessary blood transfusions , who more and who less , with two presumed front fingers did his best to prove otherwise. In a bizarre occurrences game Mr Aznar came branded as reactionary potential semjenate protesters to mark event , and Mr. Pujol , on the contrary , they qualify for " fake liberals of Sunday." Proof that Extremadura touch. In this context , and with such a landscape , a city squatters are not going to happen any better than staying at home watching our infumables infumable television programming , or suffer a sudden attack of imagination and get everyone to learn macramé or cross stitch.
The obvious result of all this was that the 9th, nearly a week before we had a prior , preheating by the band, as it were in a rally at the Place de la Universitat . There, where I fly so richly had seen the bust of General Franco ousted from the rectory , had gathered a large representation of European youth in a comprehensive catalog where you can put a screw in the human body in the form of " piercing " while a young mother was breastfeeding her child. There he set up a nightclub in the open, based on hip- hop, joint and Lout blow . Some kids will say to his father , "Dad , Dad we'll see what happens ! , And a guy tells his girlfriend ," Fear not , nothing happens . " A girl has a guy to a fellow faculty, and the environment there is an air of festival , celebration as caused by a new municipal facility . On the walls can be read "In the EU-15 you are the 0.0000001 % " .
Opposite front there is a strange mix between football players and cartoon samurai warriors Japanese , under color of law enforcement Robocop type , with an angry face . Its simple vision can cause irreparable psychological trauma in any infant soul and manners are downright improved. In this movie there are more Indians than horses , and played two defenders and peak for each protester law . We have put in place , including balloons and shouts of the Sioux Indians themselves . ? ? ? " The group is among the " love parade " in Berlin and plan a shabby imitation of the Rio Carnival, the patently obvious that much of the audience has abandoned them deodorant.
Come on probation , between two rows of policemen with face few, and very few friends . An officer had no qualms about going so quietly filming the protesters , something that apparently should be legal . While the boys were hitting jumps, our men continued Harrilson women as gum chewing and giving caladitas the cigarette. The police chief of the expedition , was a city map in hand. Would fear of getting lost ? . That more than a summit in Barcelona , seemed a summit against Barcelona.
Was in the engine room , in the "holy santorum " , high staff, the kitchen where they cook the " campaign against the Europe of Capital " . This was the headquarters of the antiglobarizadores , and it was true that not all antiglobarizaodres were squatters , the opposite might well say without blushing , but this game at home , I came a little uphill after the eviction of El Palomar , had the body and unkempt . What was missing in almost all paint a thousand colors , Castilian translators of the English , empty plastic bottles , megaphones , brushes of all sizes , trucks , sound technicians , mimes , banners .... less desire , lacking virtually everything else .
This was an assembly , there were over fifty , on the steps of the hall of the University. Mrs. Genma took the floor and explained that is about to die of success, overwhelmed. Only two thousand people and has reached many people without registration. "We are all very hippie , very cool , but we hit a lot of care gigs . What about people who have not booked ? " . That's a real dilemma , and not what happened to the poor Hamlet in Denmark , with his skull . In these comes a gentleman with hair as lettuce, pants rolled up to his knees and skateboard under arm . Mrs. Ada is in the use of the word, and I was like sweet potato paste to see it . He has hazel eyes , smokes with the same distinction of Grace Kelly , has a seductive grin and goes slightly makeup. I was left slightly damaged waterline . Nothing matted or flea market costume is glamorous . I presented to the audience as " the companion of La Vanguardia " and I verily red I wear red as a teenager.
But has clear ideas . " The Social 's Forum to get their act together . We have our own service, we must strengthen in hot spots, especially in the two police stations of Via laietana . And emphasizes: " This is a s ? ? ? " Ervice of order, we do not police , to be sure . " Is the Pasioanria the invention , when turned on is when I like .
It looks Krisma Hare demonstration in London's Hyde Park . The difference is that here the police gives a locally termed sticks to the guys in the press that we have gone to meet the " Caçadors lobbies " , a festive and horny replica of the famous Hollywood films dedicated to ghost hunting . Once suitably beaten by the security forces we set off with the hot body and the mind as more detached . Come with drums behind a cart where you can read an invitation to cannibalism . "Eat a rich bread and onion " from the balconies of the Plaza de la Sagrada Familia, hanging banners premonitory " Ciutat ` per veure BCN -la . No per viure - hi " .
Brita is a German been here four days , living in a social center of Sants , has twenty years studying law " and the sun is good." We go to our first objective entourage : an office of La Caixa . One protester , causing white eyes of the damsels of the audience, asking if the financial institution complies with its social purpose built golf courses. The gathered respond in unison that no, no , and representing La Caixa , is flipped into the air like a puppet on a painting by Goya . It's a show entrantildeable .
Cecile is 23, has a degree in Polñiticas and cycling. " This league much ?" He asked in a sudden attack of imagination. " Not at all, ' I answered the creature without hiding his own anger at such occurrence of an old green - this is a serious movement " . Faced with Telefónica office and I repeated the ritual and Sergi we will take a reed to give us a break.
We continued walking. He is 20 years old and social educator , going with friends. " From this small thing we can not do . Politicians are doing there . " Before FECSA Ednsea headquarters , a police officer unceremoniously taken - ie without any courtesy - the video camera and watch a protester recorded images. Meanwhile a colleague is filming me . I turn toward him. " Excuse me Mr. Officer . Is it legal what you are doing ? " " ' Yes it is,' replied the man in blue - , and if you can not the judges. " " Could you give me your badge number ." " No, I'm not going to give ," says the lawman . My young friend asks me " How about this? " And I shrug my shoulders so in a vague gesture .
In heaven, is still the croaker police helicopter , which like the eye of Ddios searches the wills . Beneath the altar is worshiped the golden calf of money that has become Plaza Catalunya. In between March cold air , window wooden armored Passeig de Gràcia , the model neckerchiefs Yasser Arafat and same-sex couples holding hands . This event , the fat , the closure , it's like paella : fits all. From a cacerolada by Argentina to banner which recommends "Make love , not war" , from Free Tibet supporters to those who ask "less operation triumph and education " , from whom demands the withdrawal of the immigration law to those who give support the guerrillas from Colombia or give ETA alive . One incredulous even discovers that the Puuc still exists. Is the anti-globalization thing is one pupurri to families with strollers attending and children, and boys dragging of trouser amorrados to Xibeca and joint. And Mr. French, that looks like a exact replica of Asterix the Gaul , who became famous burning Mc.Donald ' s .
By way Laietana as it gets dark down reviled spirit of May 68, anti-racist demonstrations of Martin Luther King, and against the Vietnam War . The Police Headquarters is closed up tight and causes the same enthusiasm in the presence demonstrators Mr. Figo at the Nou Camp . A bread? ? ? " Letter , one recalls that " We are all Carlo " , the young man died in Genoa .
Eventually he begins dancing and shattered glasses jump . Tomorrow will be only the remains of the battle , samples from the news, but now here has started something new . They may not know very well what they want , but they know exactly what they do not like . That day , I saw the future paraded before me , I swear I saw. I heard from the car radio . It could have been different , different, but it was so prosaic . I received no call announcing the news , no breath , no nothing . I knew as I am , a simple sucker , no one took the trouble to communicate it , why ? . The city is full of real journalist and spare the good ragamuffin like me, so the first thing I did was call Sergi , mostly to see if still alive . I was, but it just seemed to wake up and get out of bed so I asked , I think I ordered more imperative tone that knocked on our source, our guardian angel , ie the good of Albert , acting press officer unpayable squatter movement . And exactly how it started , I had not heard in life can Dèu But , I had absolutely no fucking idea where the hell it was. But it was in alguacuten Collserola site , and apparently , or rather heard it on the car radio via a newsletter , Mr. Judge was presented with the security forces to carry out their deshalojo . It was a busy household . I knew enough , but did not know almost nothing , as usual.
I had no idea I Can Masdeu dating from the seventeenth century, is located on a river of the same name, in the neighborhood of Canyelles 500 meters short of the Ronda de Dalt . The site occupies about 400,000 square meters of forest and municipal plans for the area foresee that a portion of this area is devoted to green when it seeks a new access to the Collserola Park, the rest will be sold to private for which it is intended to or geriatric training equipment , a euphemism for sell to the College of Physicians who thought building a house is a hotel in vulgar latin . Can Masdeu hosted a leper colony until 1950 depended Sant Pau Hospital and since then remained uninhabited until last December settled there squatters .
I did not know , for example that the March 28 had been published that " Yes we try to take , so resist strong , original and non-violent " after receiving a court order. He had no idea that was held on 30 festive breakfast . The driver did not know where he was going , or where I had the taxi driver had no fucking idea and evidently more we missed . Mine was like a book, manual of how not never be a journalist puñetra prestige or we need it .
The place car at the entrance had the look of a city park , those attending the mothers with children , and while they discourse on how to become one liposución , increased the size of the breasts or the latest events of " The Big Brother " , the children concerned by swings tumble and break your neck so richly . It was a forest -like terrain , than to need some time walking along a track in the middle of a forest and godliness , near of the city , and I for such an occasion was newly released loafers .
It was a good day , it almost never is , but that was a worse day than any other. The Infanta Cristina was about to give birth to a new child , another grandson of His Majesty the King , and newspapers were not for these trifles , but these minor issues , the subgenre called " human interest " . Upon arrival was the look was downright surreal. The number of journalists concentrate was meager , and consisted of a few fellows , and trainees with the usual double pulls the shirt and bra , which had been sent , and who refers them to either side , mostly by having them busy and distracted , to hang out , mostly to not interfere , as far as possible from the respective newsrooms , but the possible outcome of their work , you know in advance that in the best case , will go directly to the Trash. It seemed a congress of the good and the best of journalism in Barcelona , so we charged together we could not even pay us for coffee.
The situation was at best sketchy . Police had attempted eviction at 9:30 am, by order of the court number 4 of Barcelona , but eleven were little people so richly hung from the facade most unlikely positions . Mr. Judge had required the firefighters to come down from their positions, but firefighters had said that the Paraguay Nanai , who intervene only in the event that jeopardized their lives .
And there we were , so richly , with an impenetrable wall of riot police , who formed an impassable barrier , equal, just like that in good years the Berlin wall . Simply could not pass . On one side were the besieged , firefighters , police , and plainclothes gentlemen , who had all the appearance of being a gravediggers , some auctioneers , or those from a family evictions , while children cry caught on the slopes their mothers loose their mucus, and they possessed the sacred duty of law enforcement , they take the mattresses and box springs. An endearing scene , a group of people from which protruded the silhouette of two boys dressed in burgundy maroon jackets , dresses and ushers in cinemas before. Hernandez and Fernandez looked like the adventures of Tin -Tin . Nobody just explained the reason for his presence there in the middle , dressed in such wise , disguised as Lagartera . The riddle was solved very soon, when we found out that they were mere employees, we each curritos , a janitorial company , - I had no idea that there were similar types of businesses , whose main mission was once desaholajada the house set in it , because in case of a new job , given that it was already inhabited , the legal concept of serving occupation would , to usurpation or something. Anyway, we were there a few starving journalists with nothing better to do, a group of supporters of the cause, and a staunch defenders of the law , while a few , kids were playing the hide hanging above him . In these it is now Mr. Justice , and commits a meeting between the judge , the security forces and firefighters. The guys and girls continue to theirs . Strange things have happened , or at least relatively rare , such that there has been no eviction order, the procedure has been declared secret and Councillor Mrs. Veciana Human Rights or so of the City Council has made an appearance. This means that while the city hall in cunato Excellency the board of trustees of the Hospital de Sant Pau , eviction calls a councilor of that council is sympathetic to the homeless . Barcelona Is there anything else that this schizophrenia , as are the gutters of San Esteve day ? .
Mr. Justice had left word that no food no water, no visits , ie already get tired and was going weekend . Towards the left incommunicado heat stifling heat . A model type girl Rubens , is naked to the police line , showing a Rubens model body , and a companion seconded despelotarse the event , then painted accordingly. Another lady had the idea of ??pee just meters from the police force , looking directly at them , while they put poker face , and a third played Bach cello . It was a priceless scene .
I case I went to have a snack with tortilla chips, - foretold that the day would be long - the only bar that was in the vicinity , and certainly was full of guards of the club , replacing forces . The business was complete, had overwoking , and quickly sent the charge to own a for bread , for what more wood than is war. But before the day I heard the phrase spoken by a dislodged from the exhibition . "You have to call the police because the police are stealing our stuff " . Ingenious ? Truth ? .
The boys had the idea to call a meeting to discuss how to organize resistance , and instead of going to a remote and hidden it only came up with some few meters from the police line , very nearly in the same place where the girl had peed . Deliberated , we must recognize that deliberation is what they do best . Sergi and I have taken a safe distance , and I have sent to recuperate. The thing promises to be long . And weird things happen as two individuals with cages and birds inside Franks who were passing , and a gentleman aboard a bicycle who also opens the barrier of that border. This means that life continues . By the way I communicate who have called the Red Cross to bring them food to the besieged, but apparently as emeritus entity has declined the offer .
Also coming Ada , the girl who had the idea of qualifying as " the companion of La Vanguardia " in the lobby of the University, during the party that the European Summit . Will suit jacket to attend a cocktail , not the slightest illusion makes me , let neither bursts into applause and wave me . I ? ? ? " Will repeat the phrase that smokes like Jace Kelly and I tip in just reward , a look of those who kill . Nevertheless I'm dying for a deal it love bites on his neck bare . Just my question me there and in a fit of imagination I reply that I am trying to pay the mortgage. based there screaming " resist squatters " , and everything has a certain air mixture siege scenes Alcazar of Toledo during the war civilm , and hippy festival and Woostokd .
Cops go with bags full of snacks, and receive a sound blast . Appears in this a neighbor lady , dressed it, ie dressed in a loose robe that just serves to a broken and for stitching , which so richly smokes a cigarette beside us. " They did not hurt anyone , I saw them as cultivated gardens and how they were going about their business . He had been visiting the house , no problem " , and hits another drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke face of circumstances, satisfied by the pleasure of snuff and worried about the course of events . " When there's nobody here are going to stick the shit up in ID, they will be beaten up ." The good lady exercised wisdom , a bad thing.
There are more visits , as some representatives of the Social Forum , who were assembled in Barcelona and have come up there. An Indian lady with black braid to her waist and prettiest eyes has tried to pass . The lords and ladies of the police have been drawn an ace of the club and give a review . The good woman has persisted in its efforts . It also comes a 061 ambulance . The head is the perfect city official can not do anything . He 's there in case something happens , " and when it happens, when any despeñe , you thinking to do, put a Band-Aid? " , I answer myself. He looks at me in disbelief , as if he could not believe what is happening , someone is scolding , to him, a gentleman doctor an official. Vague nods and walks away. Comes also the lawyer for the squatters. It is a pretty boy that has seen many American movies on TV lawyers . Make a press conference and launched a slogan , pointing to the hanging , " tots els ens individus interpellate " and launches a negotiating proposal : " If the foundation of the Hospital de Sant Pau , ensures public use, and presents abandon a project closure . " Could devised a solution like Bonica Torre san Cugat , that gave squatters in their efforts to change it to have a social use .
At sunset, the image is pathetic . Trapeze seem caught between the wires and swings, as crucified in Calvary, beside me, right beside me a girl gets to mourn , with tears as scrofula , quietly sobbing to herself. Miss Bach plays the cello , with brio and enthusiasm, hear in these circumstances , amid outrage size of such abuse of the concept of authority in such barbaric defintiiva gives me goosebumps. I have a fit and call the newspaper , will be an irretrievable lost time, but something will . Jordi Juan was the head of society , is a journalist , but a friend . The answer is usual in these cases , in the afternoon with the newspaper for doing , the writing boiling like a pot , snorting phones and just need me on that beach landscape fully Oklahoma Allied landings in Normandy.
" You know you said ? . You really want to know what you said ? . Hey, but good vibes , really good vibes ... well look at this very moment you, and squats, - took time there is no other to think what he would say , or just to catch air and continue , you and the squatters of the balls, chupais me , that chupais me , do you understand uncle ? , chupaís me , okay ? ... " . Jordi is a good journalist and a good friend. I stayed with mobile phone in hand , listening to the hum that occurs when someone has hung . I had nothing else to do there , I had nothing else to do perhaps anywhere. Let Sergi guard and I went home . Shortly before getting e? ? ? " No bed I call the great Jordi Juan , was the head of society " La Vanguardia " , a great journalist , and a good friend : " How are you "? . I think atine to answer if I asked or really wanted to know. " Hey man , you're a journalist , you're not an NGO , goes." " Okay " , I replied , and drank more than one wkysky that night .
The city woke up to some kids hanging walls of a tower , because they wanted to stop speculation in Collserola , a green to be eating the developments with his teeth , a little today , a little tomorrow , so richly . I also had a time when I wanted to change the world, but now simply took a strong coffee and read the newspaper with bare feet .
" The Masdeu Can desolojo has become Barcelona 's longest . Started yesterday morning and the last two in the morning today was not yet over : once squatters remained hanging from the facades of the house ( ... ) The difficulties of youth talk led police to disregard the operation the firefighters ye judge not intervened suspended the eviction ( ... ) Other squatters tried to reach their peers blankets, water and food, but the police stopped him. ( ... ) " They have symptoms of hypothermia ," said the first , " Well down ," retorted the latter " .
When Can reach more Deu , who seemed to have spent the night hanging was Sergi . It had rained and towards a colder than freezing . In the atmosphere began to chew the tragedy. " We have said that we do not go down ," said the firefighter while leered that the police seeing him talk to me. "Yesterday I gave a sandwich to one and beat me an earful of care. But we do not go down , I say we are servants and we have to obey court orders , but the other day I took a guy with a water pistol in a bar, and they did not dare to take a single step ? 'll mess with some kids unarmed , go go .. ? " . The firefighter assesses the situation . " Yes , they can withstand a lot, are prepared."
The morning was a leaden gray and the situation began to threaten tragedy. The lord of the 061 remained firm in their beliefs , apparently locked health offered no danger. I was about to pounce for the jugular against such an act of cynicism , and ran the serious danger that provide me some potion to calm down. That was nonsense , without any sense , could not stay there without doing anything, without trying, perhaps not my work , but it certainly was my feeling. He had to do something , even ? ? " That was festive
I started by the Government Office . Any luck . The operator on duty was kind enough to read me , gave me his word of honor that would locate to Jarreño , a guardian angel clad press officer . I called the Councillor in Cap . Bad luck , Artur Mas was in London . Call Xavier Trias , it gave him , call Batlle , Councillor for Sports City , call all God I could. It was frustrating to see how the time passed, as the mothers tried to send you some food , such as police pushed dispatched them , and as the situation was deteriorating .
The first answer was good Jarreno . " The thing has cojones, because the farm is the Town Hall and the Generalitat and happen to us brown. The police acting on a warrant, and that male is sacred. You do not know how the thing is even claimed that they were the GEOS . - The special police body acting under extreme circumstances , such as to rescue the passengers of a plane hijacked by a terrorist group ) . But think that if we do something we can enchirronar judge everyone, for less than a rooster crows , you do not know how the spend " . I made a summary of what the situation was and promised to talk to the judge. " Hey you know I do it for you and only for you, not do it for anything else. But men also mobilized , but the result was the same , everything depended on the judge. I would not think that would happen if there was some personal misfortune , if any of those kids are descalabraba . Perhaps only was she was having an attack of paternalism.
They were going the brawl between police and concentrates . Attempts to reach them were food again and again to blow fustrados sticks. Since the Government Office called me " The judge already informed of the situation as you 've told me . I did what I could, now I do not depend on me " , you could just give thanks with a small voice . And send a case of wine in thanks then called Jordi Juan . After caring for my health , for my daughters studies , for the time to , for the future of Reixach as Barca coach by the crisis in the Middle East and the lady mother enrolled us all , I drop and who does not like things that " Hey , by the way if you want and you have any interest , you can write something about the squatters , right? " . That translated into everyday language meant, " listening piece of shit , fucking do get to write for a miserable time you do that shit , that shit and so fail to give me pain in the ass " . Anyway, I went home to write with such bad luck that I ran out a traffic cop , whom I met and who greet for having been kind enough to have acquired a book of mine and haberselo dedicated last day of Sant Jordi . The gesture was interpreted by some member of the squatters , as I was more or less a confidant of the police. And he nearly bundling of God is Christ . Certainly a bad century can be anyone.
But I did an article , I almost always end up doing an article was entitled " Ramallah in Collserola " , and was in the following guise . "I've been 33 long hours watching them as crucified on Calvary. So seven of the eleven remaining inhabitants of Can Masdeu , which are hung on the most unlikely positions of the facade of the old farmhouse , that after 50 years of neglect, the patronage of Sant Pau Hospital , has fallen right now, now that he was inhabited precisely the account that was inhabited by a squatter , it was his property .
" They're there because they want " , I blurted out a hardened riot police lady who is not only his duty , but makes up proselitisimo and laughs cheekily circumstances of my face . They are surrounded by police in a democratic country and, according to the court order , can not receive or blankets , no water, no food . This means that the citizens of Barcelona has witnessed the siege of a fortress which medieval dinner show , with the difference that this time would seriously expect them to surrender by sheer exhaustion , starvation or sleep. His teammates try to pass them food but the police , they can send them to the soil, it focuses them with powerful flashlights at night so they can not sleep. Who said abuse ? .
This does not happen in the headquarters of the president of the Palestinian authority in Ramallah , surrounded by troops israelistas , but Collserola , Spain , a country , which incidentally has signed all the conventions on human rights and for having . If instead of being mere squatters had been prisoners of war or criminals condemned to death for a murder had enjoyed certain rights , which are now quite simply omitted.
061 Messrs. displaced up here, just a misfortune occurs , have been limited to his duty , who apparently is that if someone falls and breaks their necks will put a Band-Aid . The other thing bring food or water exceeds its functions and I just ask the Lord to never fall into the hands of health professionals alike .
This happens in Barcelona's Bruce Campbell , on 1 May , alongside Karl Marx Square . I called everyone , to the Delegation of the Government , politicians awake I've found , I've done everything that I could foot avoid disaster . But I'm just a journalist. "
I was not there to see it, but at dawn and as I read my article explained them that were hanged, to give them encouragement. My name was chanted , and when a member of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations - authorized by the judge went to the locked - police officer article I take my hands , in a fit of anger. The news that banter was to " win the battle Squatters Can Masdeu " read the headline as "La Vanguardia " . The text explained that " The judge has made ??a decision , after receiving the coroner's report this afternoon visited the six squats, believes that" the right to life prevails against property " ( ... ) The doctor coroner believes " imperative " that the squatters receive " nutrition " and "medical treatment " , so that the judge has ruled that it is " void" the eviction order .
The rest was like in the movies . We went to the press conference in the house and released the police cordon . I met Albert on a narrow staircase . We hugged , we hardly said anything , but I thought I heard a whisper barely audible as I said " thank you" , but maybe I just dreamed , and were imagining things . After already ? ? ? " The way back to the car , a girl asked me if I was Trallero , and impulsively gave me two kisses. Later rang mobile homes and Jordi Juan good journalist but friend, then society chief " La Vanguardia " , was on the other side to ask if I was happy. " you win again ." only managed to say something stupid in plan that I had not won but reason or so. " Guess what ? , the end result until you're a good person. "
Much later , long on Friday September 27 the story had an ending, even if much would you ask me that had a happy ending . Catalunya 's edition of " The Country " , was picked up as well , with significant headline : "Justice endorses the " squatters " Can Masdeu and rejects the eviction " . The content stated that " The Court of Barcelona yesterday rejected the forcible eviction of squatters thirty for a year living in the area of Canyelles , considering that it is an unnecessary , disproportionate and the most damaging . The judges believe that before sending the police to the scene, as demanded by the owner of the house must be a final judgment , whether criminal or civil ( ... )
Judge Daniel Alfonso , car speaker , said : "Our state is not only a rule of law, but also democratic , and above all should be a social state " . So he adds, " the need to contribute to social peace , altered in this case , recommended the adoption of this measure for not being at this stage of the proceedings in which we are , necessary." The judge also believes that the " imbalance " that would police eviction "violates the spirit and letter of the Constitution." ( ... )
The decision of the Hearing yesterday is not foreign to squat movement and a section dedicated unusual reflection . Yes, in leguaje court . " The current procedural rules in this area - squatting - is demanding adequate urgently needed reform to these social demands generated amongst others , the remarkable growth experienced in recent years for crimes against property ... While this coveted reformed arrives will always go to the Constitution must "say the judges. And that's what they did . " A city spokesman yesterday declined to make any comment on the ruling . They had won , we won maybe even all citizens.
Text: Manuel Trallero.
Nearly a hundred squatters'''' protesting the demolition of'' The Palomar'' in Barcelona
Barcelona. (EFE). - Almost a hundred young people have focused this morning in front of the former home of "El Palomar" in the Sant Andreu district of Barcelona, to protest the police eviction and subsequent demolition of property by order of Hall.
The concentrates were collected debris from the demolition of the building and have moved in shopping carts until the district headquarters of the district, where they have been left in the center of the square in front of a group of members of the local police.
A member of the assembly of "squatters", Albert Martinez, explained that this act of protest intended to "symbolize our protest against the demolition" because "the interest of the municipality came from the builder speculative project."
For the "squatters", economic interests have prevailed over corporate interests, since, according to the same spokesperson, "the council has said this is a performance to benefit a public good, expanding the road, and just look at the poster promoting floors are put on the same site. "
Martinez has warned that "alternative spaces as El Palomar, organized activities have no place in the institutional spaces, will continue to exist despite the intention of the administration to kick us off we are taking." "The answers to new occupations and evictions are for both is a fish that eats the tail", he added.
This old factory now owned by the city council had been "squatted" and exactly five years ago this weekend the young "squatters" were planning to celebrate the fifth anniversary of his arrival in the building.

Barcelona, capital 'squat'
The Catalan capital is one of the European cities with more presence of this movement , along with Amsterdam or Milan squatter movement in Barcelona and its metropolitan area is in a great form . Neither the police pressure , reflected in an increase in the number of evictions -150 so far this year - and the hardening of political discourse have reversed the momentum of the group, well established in the Catalan capital since the early eighties. So much so that , next to Amsterdam or Milan , Barcelona is considered one of the European capitals for young squatters .
Today marks one week of the occupation of the former industrial site of Can Ricart , in the neighborhood of Poblenou . This new exhibit collective strength squat on an emblematic of the city has brought to the fore two issues : the ability of the authorities to curb the phenomenon , and the responses of youth to the lack of affordable housing .
In Barcelona there are 300 homes occupied , and for every other occupation eviction occurs that handle data Mossos d' Esquadra and city police agree: Barcelona are about 200 buildings occupied . The figure rises to 300 if you include the metropolitan area , especially the populous municipalities of the Baix Llobregat.
Most buildings are used as housing . Only a small portion is occupied social centers (also called " self-managed "), where the squatters organized workshops and activities varied. Albert Martinez, a member of the Assembly of squatters in Barcelona , says that the figures are " inflated " and stands at 150 the number of houses that have usurped their owners . The districts of Gràcia and Sants , with deep roots counterculture and leftist , are the traditional strongholds of the squatters . The City Council also concedes that there are a dozen publicly owned buildings occupied .
Figures aside, the fact is that the movement is constant. And one of the slogans of the group - "for every eviction , a new occupation " - seems to be fulfilled by heart , as claimed by the squatters and police recognized . Most evictions are peaceful and just beyond . But sometimes there have been violent incidents that have tarnished the image of a group in which young hide behind anti violent ideologies .
The cost of housing , which hinders the emancipation of youth , only partly explains the success of the collective squat . Each square meter of a new apartment in Barcelona costs 4,160 euros , according to the Ministry of Housing. In Madrid, the figure is slightly lower ( 3,976 euros). In the case of second-hand properties , the trend is reversed and Madrid is somewhat more expensive . Differences in any case , are minimal.
The squatters criticize speculation , or " mobbing " in his terminology - and therefore as legitimate occupy abandoned buildings . The municipal indicates that in the Catalan capital between 70,000 and 80,000 empty flats , although other fieldwork indicate that the real figure is between 20,000 and 25,000 .
" The transformation of the city , conceived as a huge window, is at the base of the boom squatter . AND urban operations like the one that accompanied the Forum of Cultures should make us reflect ," says Antoni Luchetti , street performers lawyer community center the Makabra recently evicted by the Mossos d' Esquadra . These same young people , from the world of circus and performing arts are those who , last week , were installed on ships of Can Ricart .
Jaume Funes , a psychologist specializing in social movements , believes the Barcelona factory nineteenth century "is no more space available than in other big cities like Madrid," thus susceptible of being busy. But the boom of the squatters in Barcelona has roots in historical and political sign , as Funes : " Here , the European alternative movements have come before and have always been more powerful ." In the same vein , Martinez sees anarchist and libertarian tradition a mirror to the young radicals today : " In a way , we are heirs of the revolution of 1936 the CNT and the Athenians workers of the century " .
Far from monolithic appearance , the group is heterogeneous and squat , like a chameleon , has been changing the sound of the times. In 2000 and 2001 , appeared linked to the protests against globalization. In 2003 , huddled around the demonstrations against the Iraq war . And today more than ever linked to the claim of property speculation.
However, the squatters have lost the exclusive- or at least , too much prominence , which until now had held on the housing problem . The People's Assembly for Decent Housing , an initiative that emerged outside the squat group has managed to channel the mobilization of many social sectors to become effective claim a constitutional right to have a decent home .
The goal is the same. Means distinct. Faced with the demonstrations organized by the Assembly, the squatters claim direct action to " bring out the contradictions of the system ," says Funes . In craft of Can Ricart , now remain occupied , someone has placed a cardboard house and pen has painted a slogan that makes clear the idea that defend : "Housing is not begged , they squat " .
However, most residents of Barcelona occupied houses do not have the slightest intention of transforming society . In the jargon squat , " not claimed " . On the front of these homes are not the circle and arrow symbols of the collective. And their " tenants " do not advertise to the four winds that are there. Rather try to go unnoticed . These poor families and immigrant groups that are installed in enclosures abandoned because they have nowhere else to go.
Until a few days , a dozen African immigrants and undocumented Algerians malvivían another Poblenou derelict . They had no water or electricity. The City Police evicted for lack of campus security . Police recognize that it is a growing phenomenon . And Martinez says that some immigrants have been directed to the Office for Okupación to seek advice on how to install , without anyone knowing , in an empty apartment .
The level of organization of squatters from Barcelona is quite high. They have two bodies acting on a general scale (the Assembly and the Office ) and have developed two useful documents for the collective: a sort of "manual of good squat " with all kinds of tips for that occupation is made with guarantees legal , and his Bible particular the Charter of measures against mobbing .
The constant evictions - in some cases, higher centers to the category of myth have failed to curb the squatters . " They have to realize that the solution is not police " dares to say Martinez. Facing the new pulse that arises in Can Ricart , mayor of Barcelona , Jordi Hereu , has already said it will not negotiate with a " fait accompli " . That is, it will not make concessions to the squatters , as artists continue to occupy the factory site . Currently , there are.
The Mossos evict the building ' squatted ' La Carboneria. (El Pais 20/02/2014)
The chains shattered by a blue balloon fantasy painting facade of building squatted La Carboneria in Esquerra Eixample of Barcelona, ??reassembled imperative court yesterday . The Mossos evacuated at noon on landmark building since 2008 housed a self-managed social center for the squatters themselves.
"As people become unemployed and homeless, you dedicate yourselves to vacate a house that does good things for others ," reproached them a woman, in tears , to mossos deployed to La Carboneria . In a vast police operation in which tens of riot , fire , and even a police helicopter , officers executed in just over three hours to vacate the court order that had asked the building owner , Barcklays Bank.
In addition to identifying 15 people who barricaded themselves inside the building to prevent entry of agents, the police had to use a crane to pick two squatters who stayed more than an hour on ropes suspended in the facade.
A spokesperson said the Mossos eviction took place without incident. " The squatters resisted passive resistance and not confronted the agents at any time. After identifying them, went out on their own feet Property " materialized.
While the evacuation was executed at the foot of La Carboneria , at the confluence of Comte d' Urgell with Floridablanca , five hundred people showed their support for the squatters under the watchful eye lace riot . Agents mossos cut passing vehicles and people around the dial and personally escorted to their website to passersby who lived in one of the blocks cordoned corner.
A La Caborneria , Marcel , described as " disproportionate " and denounced the police presence that the eviction is because the building is in a " very greedy speculators for " crossing next to Sant Antoni market . The vice president of the Neighborhood Association of San Antonio, Toni Sanchez, stated that , while not supporting the occupation itself , do not want " empty buildings when there are people on the street" without work. "We have always supported the Carboneria because they offer an open neighborhood and have always adhered to the standards space ," he added .
The street protests intensified when some demonstrators threw firecrackers into the air, shouting " who sows misery , collects rage" . Young an impromptu march continued cutting the Gran Via , escorted by a dozen riot vans . At the entrance to Plaza Catalunya by Pelai , protesters poured tens of containers and caused some damage to an ATM. Concentration ended at the gates of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona, ??in the neighborhood of El Raval , with an assembly.
At night , -600 2,500 people , according to the police , mostly young , concentrated in University Square to cover the distance to the Carboneria . When traveling , many dumpsters burned , stoned headquarters of banks and threw objects at officers members strong riot that accompanied the device launched with numerous vans. An attempt to load the Mossos concentration divided and some young neighbor Raval , where they again burn containers before the astonished gaze of tourists wandered around in those moments that moved maze of narrow streets.
With the windows boarded up facade , private security and mossos roaming the surroundings, the building that once housed a housing block working families and later a coal -hence the name of the social center - back to close down . This time , the doors of a library , and a meeting room where workshops were held , soup kitchens and dance classes are closed.
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