Visit El Nido and pay the conservation fee. Like most of the world's Protected Areas in developing countries, El Nido suffers from lack of funding to protect and manage its natural resources. The Philippine government does not have enough funds to allocate the estimated $180,000 needed annually to manage the Protected Area. By paying a mere $0.50 per day for the duration of your visit, you help augment the funds needed for patrolling the area and guarding against illegal fishing and logging. You could pay the conservation fee at your resort, the Municipal Tourism Office or the Protected Area Office, both of which are housed in the same building in the middle of town. Be an environment-friendly tourist. The adage, 'Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time' may be over-used, but the soundness of the advice certainly hasn't diminished. During your visit, try to do the least damage to the environment.