Shadows film city
A photographer portrays the six-month life of the "homeless" in Ca l'Aranyó, an old factory called to be a significant part of the new technological district of Poblenou

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A photographer portrays the six-month life of the "homeless" in Ca l'Aranyó, an old factory called to be a significant part of the new technological district of Poblenou
I went into the factory looking for somewhere to take pictures for a school work . We were asked to ilustrásemos a poem by Gil de Viedma . ' Albada ' is called . I thought there within - contrary backlight -ba interests me . It was then that I met Fer - min. " Fermin is an alcoholic and is sick . Until a few weeks ago - aunt shared the ruins of Ca l' Aranyó with the group of ten people who live stably in this abandoned building Poblenou in industrial , municipal property . was host Re - boredo Sergi , a young man from Sant Adrià , student of the Institut d' Estudis photographic Catalunya fics . Le guided by its mise -ras stays and helped to know the answers to their inhabitants. Han six months elapsed since then and during all this time Sergi has spent his free time with them , portraying their vi - das . the fruits of their labor are the pictures that illustrate these pages .
"I readily agreed that I take a camera. Not want you to know how to live . " Mary and Joseph , the names are called , were particularly reluctant .
The story of this marriage who lives at Ca l' Aranyó is , perhaps because of its proximity , the more terrifying. Joseph worked until last year in a play. Scaffold fell and broke a rib that punctured the pleura . He was unemployed. At the hospital discovered that the builder had not quoted by him for a single day . Endured in his apartment until they could . Ca l' Aranyó reached five months ago. They first lived in the reeds that have grown in one end of the farm. Then they settled in one of the ships , under the old water tank factory. Live there , hoping to find soon a rented apartment .
Joseph, since January, back to work but has not explained to his colleagues the situation. Poblenou is full of buildings under construction . Ca l' Aranyó - factory old - Drillo , easily recognizable from the knot of the Glories , also is on the list of sensational urban projects of the mu - nicipality for that area who want to turn on the rich technological district of the city . A
Just a few yards away has begun to build the skyscrapers of the Corporation Agbar. A building 142 meters high , and in front of the City Council promotes another great tower. The municipal team wants Aranyó Ca l' welcome film-related businesses and the audiovisual world. The idea is unlikely to prosper.
But for now , evidenced by its inhabitants , one of the City has been there . " From time to time I visit the police said Sergi - ; when they steal some market portfolio Glories passed by and ask Said and the other men of the group that sell in the market if you have seen someone . sometimes chat a while. the truth is that there are no wrong to anyone , not even siquie - ra to the police. that was one of the things that attracted me to this place . generally people are very open. Different . "
When Sergi and wearing a visit - time idols , managed to sit at your table. The day of Christ-mas was the guest of Mary and Joseph , Fermin and Sevilla . Godoy - a silent man who spends hours reading in his bed all
trapping , also was left out this holiday.
" Fermin, who is now in a charity hospital , is another type of person . Until I entered all she cared about was drinking. 've Ever drunk wine -gether . He wants nothing to a normal life
Joseph and Mary came to Ca l ' Aranyó depues five months ago , after an accident, he was left without employment or subsidy. The company I worked for did not pay the insurance
wrong. Want to live in freedom and for the freedom it is this life . But that does not make you happy. I once tried to convince him to change the bed because the ceiling site had ENCI - ma was about to fall. He said he did not care if that happened . "
In the most precarious Factory immigrants live . Said is perhaps the one that is installed in the best position in the house probably occupied the Ca l' Aranyó guard for years. But the rest - an Arab named Musla illegally entered Spain in a truck and others that Ser- gi - known yet meager living room where there full of dirt.
" No light in factory - tells all . When night the only way to be seen here are the flames of bonfires . Thing curio -so that the factory is there still a powerful Enher transformer that gives light to the neighborhood . works and occasionally come to check - it . " Said recalled that a few months ago saw the light vol - Ca l' Aranyó . For two days , while rolling a film in this excellent set of urban ruin . Then they went off. Definitely .
In the spirit of the young Sergi is visited Tando follow the inhabitants of Ca l' Aranyó . We pre - occupied that post their pictures when ha- gan a thorough cleaning of the factory. Down but not out . "I want to be there. "
Under the asphalt of New York
Is the other side of the big city , not a very common story in the press , which always runs the risk of falling into the easy tear or penetrate the fine line that sometimes separates the complaint of demagoguery .
Photographer Sergi Reboredo ( 29 years ) , has spent six months working to build a graphic account of great intensity. Perhaps the closest antecedent is the " Cincuanta - quatre Relats of Immigration " by Jaume Botey , an outstanding book published in 1986 by the Centre d' Estudis de l' Hospitalet .
Outside Spain , the genre , the new trend encuadrable civic journalism , May enjoys predicament . Last year the publisher Gutenberg Galaxy published a translation of "The mole people" - here titled "Under the asphalt " - an excellent story of journalist Jennifer Toth on the lives of men and women who live inside the tunnels New York
Ca l'Aranyó will Hollywood

The plan to convert the factory in film city is already public information
The Cinema City Ca l' Aranyó already face and eyes, and they are precisely those of the 10 people who saw - see in this space left for more than six months , just
as this newspaper yesterday published . The project to create an audiovisual campus -ja la vie textile factory , municipal ownership , is on public display from the pa - sado March and it seems that satisfies neither the promoters of the initiative and to groups of the opposition.
The municipal group leader and Union convergence , Joan Puigdollers , lamented the situation in which people are living in the ruins of this building in industrial and claimed yesterday that the real problem is that the Hall "does not know what happens in the city." And what is worse , " if you know, does not act until the communication media report it ."
Puigdollers also decried the way it acts urbanistically in internal reform plan ( Peri ) that - in the technological district 22 @ - includes Ca l' Aranyó . " The municipal government conducts a
large urban operation that has over a citizen economic , "says Puigdollers . For this reason his group will present various allegations by 11 -yo ma , the day of expiry of the period of public exposure of the plan.
The future of the old factory began to take shape after the approval of Peri Diago -nal- Poblenou , which became the Town Halls to the owner of Ca l' Aranyó . In a thought principle devote this space to al- bergar a museum of the bike, but the initiative did not materialize goes . That was when the company offered to MediaPro transform the old factory into a large production center capable of grouping visual tobacco companies operating in Barcelo - na , and as and imitation of " cinema city " exists in Madrid.
Jaume Roures , president of the product - ra MediaPro yesterday told this newspaper that the City is moving from the project, and that for four months have not maintained any contact with the commission to oversee the audiovisual campus . Roures still unknown yesterday reactivation of this initiative by the Con- consistory and lamented that " the idea is atra -
sado for two years without knowing why . " Criticisms of the opposition to the project ur - banístico including " cinema city " are deep. Puigdollers says to lift blocks of 7 to 17 floors and ground in an area as expensive as the Diagonal , and do - it building them perpendicular to the ca - lle , rather than parallel (see graph) , is " a ploy speculative " and de- ja former factory boxed . Due to
excessive height , break the profile properties of Diagonal, that from Glories to the sea loses morphology has on the rest of the city . Puigdollers also regrets that the municipal government repeatedly abused Article 66.5 of the City Charter to redistribute green areas as best suited to developers . Thus, the small green space between Diagonal and Llacuna , which the Metropolitan General Plan is green , is reclassified to build homes. The City ac - Tua so -mercial criteria : built in the most va- lorada , first Diago - nal line , and moved ver- des spaces within the block. "The City Council acts as avidly than private business ," complains Puigdollers . He adds : " Then , to compensate , considered green football field - that is existing equipment , and the islands of the Diagonal , which are paved ."
The promoter of entrepreneurship that wants to make the Ca l' Aranyó a city
To make the project viable audiovisual city of 78.000m2 needed elbow room and 16,000 million
tion of audiovisual , Jaume Rou - res, explains that to make the project viable needed buildable area 78,000 m2 and an investment of 16,000 million pesetas. The project involves , in addition to Media- Pro , other companies like In Effect , The Union , Elias Querejeta Productions and Bassat Ogilvy . The project includes the creation of an audiovisual museum has the support of Television of Catalonia and the Centre for Contem - porània Culture of Barcelona ( CCCB ) . It also wants to promote a training center linked to business , which ac-count with the support of the UPF .
To this must be added the construction of offices - the - Liaria inmobi Layetana showed their interest , and other complementary spaces required for audiovisual production , as a tea- tro , parking and auditorio.c
The entourage the day after and municipal Social workers are stunned upon entering Ca l' Aranyó
THE VISIT . Urban , social workers and technicians went yesterday to Ca l' Aranyó to speak to the occupants
that the future of the factory not to follow pa -sa welcoming persons whose income is not enough to pay rent , food and clothing - is , but work to achieve - what . A situation similar to the ba - rraquistas who still occupy one of the slopes of Montjuïc .
The head of the district said that "three educators con- tinue to contact work to go down " . It will not be very easy. Yesterday , none of the query -
In the district of Sant Martí admitted yesterday they did not know the true situation of the dozen factory occupants
them wanted to go to a shelter , forcing them to change their customs and, above all , to let her gender - unattended clothes sold in Glories , for example , or their few belongings . Some, just do not want the help of social workers : " I'm going out of this situation soon
This is like a circus , just what we needed now . "It's what mused Mary, one of the ten tenants left the factory yesterday to be one of the most unknown of the city to con-
vertirse a continuous visitor center . In po -ing hours , social workers, agents of the Guardia Urbana, responsible for the area of the City Personal Services , technical and opera-tors of Enher paraded in a long co - mitiva carrying a long line of questions that left gaping Mary , Sevilla , Said and the rest of the inhabitants that ran through the factory noon skinned and full of debris.
His surprise was great in this hard , but not less than that of several officials who yesterday
first discovered the harsh conditions in which they live all occupants of the future site of the city 's visual .
To the extent that in the district of Sant Martí himself completely unaware what the situation was uncovered this newspaper yesterday that existing aunt a stone's throw from its headquarters. " I did not know we do not," admitted yesterday the responsible in Services Personal district Torégano Carmen , who visited the factory. Shortly before his arrival , five social workers placement service and walked through the rubble and normal household waste asking for the personal situation of each of the tenants. " None of them have a stable relationship with social services although some have had sporadic contact " confirmed Torégano , which in turn ensured that the people " will not suffer any expulsion or forceful action " . clearly
tion and do not want them back all day when that happens. " A city spokesman said yesterday that one of the occupants of Ca l' Aranyó has passed integration programs of treatment of alcoholism , but that has run abandoning .
A visit from social services and the Guardia Urbana was added the technicians from the power company Enher who came to the site to check it in a pint of the factory still exists a generator of over 25,000 volts to few meter group 's sleeping with the doors wide open , with the danger that he knew - ne . Yesterday decided if disconnected or not.
The avalanche of visits Said opened his eyes and com -pany , who believed they would be there all the time they wanted , ignoring what is the fate of the old mill . Now do not hide their fear that their lives take a turn even harder.
"Barcelona thought filled skyscrapers while poor"

"Barcelona thought filled skyscrapers while poor"
"Barcelona thought filled skyscrapers while poor"
Narvaez not been answered, "says Sergi. A municipal charge and admitted last week that he was unaware the harsh reality of life in the old factory. Jo-see The photographer believes that Ca l'Aranyó is the symbol of a double Barcelo-na, "which projected skyscrapers and that, in turn, is full of homeless people who should receive more attentional-tions. That is basic. "Reboredo certi-fied that since the day they came urban, technicians, officers, et cetera to the factory," Ca l'Aranyó the situation is like the first day. "" If most of them - jig-rejects apos shelters and social aid measures that offer, then you are not fit their real needs. "c
BARCELONA. - He lived six months with the homeless who subsist in Ca l'Aranyó and has photo-graphing their harsh reality through the rubble of the future site of the City of Cinema. Sergi Reboredo (Sant Adrià, 1972) left the camera a few hours and went yesterday to the full
City to hear the debate caused by the publication in "La Vanguardia" of their shocking photos. Sergi listened intently Jaume Ciurana dialogue (CiU) and Francesc Narváez (council of Sant Martí, PSC). And drew their conclusions. "Questions about whether the City knew the situation I find successful, pity
Photographer Sergi Reboredo, yesterday in the corridors of City Hall
Half a dozen people are still living in Ca evil l'Aranyó

Half a dozen people still in Ca l'malviven Araño
LUIS Benvenuty
The old walls of the factory red Ca l' clawed , together with the works of the to- rre Agbar near the Glories shopping center , draw-
jan the last throes of what was Manchester Catalan. "Do not , you 've already told you -so do not plan to let him go or take pictures if you do not have permission. " Although the Annexes ta vetus - nineteenth century textile industry to crumble co - menzaron three weeks ago , and the whole place is fenced perimeter since then , some still living , so to speak about living - inside.
"We are fed up with people we strain at night - prosi - gue the watchman , come to sleep, jump fences , sometimes we find the locks resale - two ... In the morning we wake-up and I say that you have to go. they have everything filled waste and scrap , I think the sold out there , but there is also a marriage that duer - me here and every morning up smarter than you and I together, with tie and everything. "
The shadows that dwell in Ca l' Arañó came to light three years ha- ce . Then the ta Sergi Reboredo journalists in this newspaper published a photo essay onto the ten people who made ??this abandoned factory since the eighties home : An alco - holic nihilist , a couple who lost everything after accident I work and he still had hopes of returning to his former life conventional ...
"We now live in the factory six people , marriage , two ru - hands in there ... but no na - da to do , it's all disgusting, lle - not scrap , garbage, used condoms , to magazines - us ... Some people do not live , it only comes a time, and once we in - contramos one 'spam ' with a syringe in his arm ... it also sneak behind a window that has no bars . " We must be
A 125-year history
n The history of Ca l' clawed back to 1878, when the British firm Smith Prince raised a textile center inspired by the factories
Manchester. Despite its British origin, takes the name of which was his own , industrialist Claudi Spaniard clawed . He was part of Poblenou landscape for a century, until in the eighties ceased trading and moved to Santa Maria de Palautordera , accelerating their degradation and shelter his ships became indigent. The first recovery attempt occurred in 1998 , when the City Council gave the building to the Foundation for the History of the Motorcycle for 50 years for a museum of motorcycle ride . Two years later. Clos revoked the concession after the project failed to consider
a cat to climb around. A young French woman sunbathing with her baby. " I do not know if people live here, but there sometimes comes off people looking techno- add another rickety warehouse left behind . Not long ago there were parties ' rave' , but not anymore.
Now it's quiet . " A young couple, I saw the look on floors - newly -te near construction, ensures that not - nian idea that someone could liv-ing in the factory. " No I have no complaints, knew about the parties to -do , but , you sure peo-ple living there ? If that is not housing , is an abandoned factory ... " Poblenou reform , its conversion into technological ward , located under the gunas of the stone - lifting, to-do a world of shadows . And not to -
das come to light
Ca l'Aranyó gets the nod to be a visual campus

Ca l'Aranyó gets the nod to be a visual campus
The facilities will be built next to the old textile factory where he lived a few weeks ago a group of homeless
BARCELONA . - The commission of Infrastructure and Planning of the City of Barcelona yesterday ap-proved definitively the Special Plan for Reform ( PERI ) of the fu -ture audiovisual campus - vantará is in the grounds of Ca l' Aranyó . This is an old textile factory are municipally owned where until recently only a few weeks malvivía a group of indigent in subhuman conditions
The city's image is delimited by the streets Diagonal and Llacuna . Almogavers and Ciutat de Granada and contains factory singular element that will be reformed . The project, part of the technological district 22 @ - come next Friday and expects full municipal buildings with facades facing the Avenida Diagonal having a height of ground floor and seven floors, while those in - cuentren second line with ground floor plus 17 floors. Altogether
The old factory was occupied by a group of homeless
will go 27,909 meters square two technological equipment , 7,998 to local facilities , 2634 meters square housing, 27,714 meters square and two gardens.
The spokesman for the municipal CiU, Jaume Ciurana , said yesterday that the final plan contains " important modifications regarding the exhibition was presented in pub-lic ." Yet showed his dis - CiU accordance with defined project tive , " which has not collected the allega-tions submitted by the municipal group ," explained Siurana .
Can Fargues
Ca l' Aranyó hosted for more than six months to a group of " without you -cho " that anti -guages ??transformed these facilities at home. Ha- ce less than a month excavators entered a factory and drove out its inhabitants .
The City Commission also approved a special plan protection of the farmhouse of Can Fargues , between the promenade and Avenue Maragall Frederic Rahola . Dene -go commission the project submitted by the firm Unicompta to locate a ge - private riátrico in this building . Neighbors have claimed in nu - merous occasions public use of the farm and gardens . Yesterday Ca - sas explained that they had main-tained contact with the Farmers Union to install in the building the museum of agriculture.
Terrassa Barcelona team up to attract the audiovisual sector

Terrassa Barcelona team up to attract the audiovisual sector
The two municipalities want to coordinate their projects to accommodate the burgeoning audiovisual industry
BARCELONA . ( Redacción. ) - Barcelona and Terrassa join its strategy to gain a place in the world of the audiovisual industry . Both municipalities promote in its territory a space to house companies in this sector in recent years , has proven to be one of the most solid bo - Yantes and call new economy . The modest and incipient Catalan industry turnover in 2000 more than 20,000 million pesetas.
This is the first time that Barcelona coordinates its land policy to accommodate new economic activities with a municipality in the metropolitan area . With the exception of the Fira- sharing and l' Hospitalet Barcelona , the local councils so far competed with each other to attract businesses interested in settling in the area.
In the audiovisual sector , for example, the Baix Llobregat , in special , l' Hospitalet and Sant Joan Despi have grabbed much of the activity radioactive audiovisual market in Catalonia .
Barcelona has established the dis-trict 22 @ - old reform - industrial neighborhood of Poble Nou this type
Ca l' Aranyó , the municipal building to house the city 's film
activity . Specifically , the City wants to bring the old concession Ca l' Aranyó factory to house companies in this sector and boosting in an area des - environment specifically tinada film industry . The Barcelona urban proposal totals more than 116,000 square feet of roof .
For its part, the City of Terrace project promotes the like in the old building of the Hospi -tal of Thorax . A building of 50,000 square meters elevation on the outskirts of the city to which we should add another 150,000 square meters
two of soil in the environment that the mu - nicipality proposes to devote to such activities.
Last week , the City Council treatment of Terrassa and Barcelona signed a collaboration agreement to coordinate their proposals . " We have come to ac-count - explained yesterday Ramon Garcia Bragado , area manager of Barcelona Urba - agency - that -mas my companies who came to see us going to see them, and vice versa. We can offer Terrassa one thing and another. "
The Generalitat and the Town Halls to Barcelona agree -car qualified "strategic" audio - visual sector . This has been stated in the con - ller cap, Artur Mas, and the Mayor of Barcelona , Joan Clos , who has called for the installation of a " Spanish -wide television channel in Catalonia" . In the background, Madrid , with its proposed film city moved by the Community , is also the leader in this field.
New Year's Eve in the city of film

The homeless who continue to live in the ruins of Ca l'Aranyó celebrate New Year in the heat of the fires
On the night of December 31 , the in- overwhelming majority of citizens shared the last minute of the year on TV, with grapes prepared and earrings
twelve. At that time, almost no one -not to tell anyone - not even crossed his mind that in affluent Barcelona twenty-first century , not everyone has TV and she manages as can - if you can - ce - lebrar for the New Year . In Ca l' Aranyó , an old abandoned industrial building next to Glories and still occupied by a dozen indigent , no TV and Nochevie - ha was very different from any other . As it was years ago, shortly before the mid - che , Sevilla , José Godoy and the other occupants had the radio on and were to- two preparations , with grapes in hand.
Only missing John and Anne, a couple who also lives in the future "City of ci - ne" 22 @ , but that night they were invited in the house of a friend, to -man they call godmother. In a small flat - rum meets seven people , including relatives and friends, who shared the evening with grapes , champagne and cola . " I make a toast with Coca -Cola because I like wine , but what counts
ta is providing , "said John with the hope that the coming year will go better.
Juan and Ana bring together eleven years and ten who were left without floor. Since then share their lives in a field or in a vacant house that clean , fix and become housing . Ca l' Aranyó reached in early summer and were installed in " the stable in Bethlehem " , which is how so- man occupying the corner . An opening with no door is the entrance to his home. "Come to- máis you a coffee and a chat " teach- guida says John. A beady blue eyes hidden behind his glasses, his -ing by dust are everywhere . a
same space serves as a kitchen , dining room and sa - lon , with a round table covered with a flowered tablecloth . Next , two chairs at that quickly and rocking chair adds another blue, " it does at least two years with us ," said Anne with a smile . In her skirt accommodates the cat who lives with them. As they talk, "King of the Road" sue- na in the small radio on the table . " I love Elvis ," says John leaving ha- blar to hear the song .
This couple lives collecting things and sell - the trading days in the Glories , but do not do very well . " If you find antiquities explains Anne - des - have more possibilities
to sell but if not sold little. " His last work was on the subway in Barcelona and John worked at a cleaning service company . now her godmother 's help, but really would like the couple to live with her . " but everybody need such a little bit of privacy and the floor is very small for all three, " explains John.
They heard the chimes for the first channel of TVE , but John could not finish the twelve grapes . " I never get to eat grapes at par ," he admits with resignation. Meanwhile, at Ca l' Aranyó , the smoke from the ho - hoses could be seen from the lower part of the Diagonal. At three in the morning re-ceived a visit from John and Ana that although the night sleeping on the floor , his teammates did not forget each day.
For some of those living in Ca l' Aranyó , this old textile factory is home for some time. Seville is the case , which immediately makes it clear he does not speak , " to me leave me alone , I 'm fine as I am now ." It is one of the oldest and pre - occupied by those who take less time there. Although he , and more , says convinced not want to change their way of living , John and Anne, do have hope that things will not continue as before. "The other day , says Ana convinced - saw in the sky a star fu -gaz and we know that everything will go well
Instead of help, drastic and evictions
In June, shortly before defining the future plans for the old textile factory, which will host the film city in the technological district 22 @ -, responsible for Social Welfare municipal area threw your shelter to people then living in Ca l'Aranyó. The eviction came after the newspaper published a story about the harsh reality of the "homeless"
seekers junk, which they then sell for little money. Although the promised technical assistance and drastic measures, carried out the eviction without solving the problem. Actually, they recognized that they had no mechanisms to facilitate help. Currently, many of those who were evacuated or returned to the factory or other spaces have occupied abandoned