Lush vegetation in the Nature Valley Cocora. One of the landscapes that impressed me most about this country is the Cocora Valley, in the town of Salento, one of the input buffer and the Parque de los Nevados in the coffee region of Colombia. It is also the preamble to the cloud forest, where the wax palm grows, Ceroxylon quindiuense, the "national tree" of the country. This colony of palms, which is already announced in the fall of the top of the line to the city of Armenia, form a unique landscape of giant silent witness to the passing of time, as these require a palm up to 200 years reach their average height, which is 60m. To describe the feelings that evokes this place is almost impossible, at least for me. It is a mixture of awe and deep respect for the beauty of the natural world, and is also the kind of "walk" I prefer, as it not only allows the distraction inherent in any trip, but also allows intimate contact with most of history and national tradition, and with its wealth of flora and fauna. The palm wax is the yellow-eared parrot habitat, endangered species, as the palms were exploited for a long time to weave the popular classes used in Holy Week, for the celebration of Palm Sunday, a practice that until a couple years has begun to change. Since the plume is usable portion of the palm, they were lying to achieve causing serious havoc on the ecosystem of this beautiful bird.