Interior of the Willys Jeep that runs between Salento and Valle de Cocora. Salento is the Municipality "Quindío Father", has a topography and a lovely setting that makes it a unique destination for any visitor wishing to enjoy the benefits of green Quindiano. The paradise that offers Salento has two contradictory perspectives, one urban and one rural, but equally enigmatic and enchanting. The municipal seat offers a beautiful skyline with its colorful houses with large balconies adorned with flowers, in a clear demonstration of the inheritance left by settlers from Antioquia, who on horseback and mule captured these beautiful places. Within Salento main attraction is the so-called Calle Real, which extends from the main square of town to the stairs leading to the lookout. This street is beautiful by a series of typical buildings that enclose the mysterious air that has the architecture histórica.Por its part, the Mirador offers a wonderful panorama of what the Quindiano coffee landscape and the magnificent slopes that give entrance to National Park Nevados natural beauty and extensive Cocora Valley. Salento is a town to enjoy it in all its forms, both urban and rural, and in different ways, walking in their historical and traditional streets or on horseback, or if you prefer, one of the traditional Jeep Willys or Yipaos as they are known in the region.