003-CF0694: Marco Fidel Torres, with his face almost identical to John Baldez, this man promoted Colombian coffee in the Valley Cocora. Not only the geography and landscape of Salento are lovely. The people own the place have a true calling host.
His natural kindness, his language soft, undulating, the stories always willing to be counted and the tranquility of the population, are reason to always be in a magical place. The geography of Salento is full of relief, water, green, hummingbird and a cheerful landscape, where the sun is mixed with the mist coming down from the mountain by rainbow play of light and the leaves of the eucalyptus trees and trees nativos.Este is a place for rest and the full enjoyment of the activities around nature and ecotourism. In the Los Nevados National Natural Park and its buffer zone are: the Cerro Morrogacho, Nevado Paramillo of Quindio Cocora Valley, gaps Cover and El Encanto, waterfalls as the Pata de Cabra, the Intake and the the stream of blackbirds, the Biological Station Star Water Nature Reserve Acaime and the southern sector of Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados, which are privileged settings for contact with nature.
004-CF0643: The carrier Marco Fidel Torres with his mule and the typical sign "Faltona Farewell" in the Nature Valley Cocora. From the town of Salento you can see the imposing Cocora Valley, one of the most beautiful landscape of Quindio, which is nestled between the mountains of the Cordillera Central. A road traverse permie up to a point where there are restaurants that offer delicious trout fished in the area. This valley is crossed by the river Quindío and sets the stage for the practice of natural baths. Predominates in the majestic surroundings of Quindio wax palm, Colombia's national tree growing to 60 meters. Cocora Valley is the entrance to National Park of Los Nevados.

005-CF0826: A horse for the Nature Valley Cocora in Quindío. The valley is a natural Cocora located in a mountain valley of the Cordillera Central of the Colombian Andes, specifically in the department of Quindio, being part of Los Nevados National Park. It is the main home of Colombia's national tree, palm wax Quindío (Ceroxylon quindiuense) and a wide variety of flora and fauna, much of it endangered, protected under national park status naturally. The valley and the nearby town of Salento, are among the main tourist destinations in Colombia.
006-CF0793: Several horses ride through the center of the Valley Nature Park Cocora. The Cocora Valley National Park, just 50 kilometers from the city of Pereira, is where the wax palm, cooking with trout and eco-adventure come together to give travelers a unique place in the Triangle Café. Water, an element present when you venture into the paths of Cocora Valley. Through different paths, horseback riding or walking, not just the wax palms have their show. Cocora in quimbaya language, means "Star Water". Water, vegetation, spectacled bears, butterflies and yellow-eared parrots are the stars of a unique place for travelers and reaffirm why Quimbayas gave it its name. Because Star Valley Water is Cocora, Star of Life. Cocora quimbaya language, means Star of Water. And definitely not wrong, as water plays with the traveler

007-CF0548: Typical Willys jeeps travel the mere 10 kilometers from the town of Salento of Cocora Valley National Park. Jeep Salento - Cocora 3,000 COP
First you walk down a wide path, the landscape began to appear, then through a path surrounded by mountains, animals ... shocking!. There I saw cows and first Palmas de Cera in the distance. Then he changed the vegetation became more dense and moist, a mountain forest. The trail was a little mud, ran beside a stream that had to cross several times by bridges and logs, the sound of animals and the water was the perfect accompaniment to that walk ... wonderful!.
008-CF0532: Interior of the Willys Jeep that runs between Salento and Valle de Cocora. Salento is the Municipality "Quindío Father", has a topography and a lovely setting that makes it a unique destination for any visitor wishing to enjoy the benefits of green Quindiano. The paradise that offers Salento has two contradictory perspectives, one urban and one rural, but equally enigmatic and enchanting. The municipal seat offers a beautiful skyline with its colorful houses with large balconies adorned with flowers, in a clear demonstration of the inheritance left by settlers from Antioquia, who on horseback and mule captured these beautiful places. Within Salento main attraction is the so-called Calle Real, which extends from the main square of town to the stairs leading to the lookout. This street is beautiful by a series of typical buildings that enclose the mysterious air that has the architecture histórica.Por its part, the Mirador offers a wonderful panorama of what the Quindiano coffee landscape and the magnificent slopes that give entrance to National Park Nevados natural beauty and extensive Cocora Valley. Salento is a town to enjoy it in all its forms, both urban and rural, and in different ways, walking in their historical and traditional streets or on horseback, or if you prefer, one of the traditional Jeep Willys or Yipaos as they are known in the region.

009-CF0587: Willys Jeep Trail between Salento and Valle de Cocora. A 11 kilometers from the municipal capital of Salento is Cocora Valley. This area is considered an area of ??amortization of the National Park of Los Nevados. The valley lies between 800 thousand and 2 thousand 300 meters above sea level and lies within the nature reserve Acaime. Cocora is divided by the passage of Quindío River and its grounds begin to rise majestically the slopes are the cradle of the national tree, the wax palm of Quindio. At one end of the valley is the hill of Morrogacho that becomes another attraction in the area. But not only the landscape and the river are so striking Quindío Cocora, trout and fish reared in the area become a highly sought after culinary appeal. Hiking and horseback riding delight visitors to Cocora, tours that can take to deal with the charm of mountain scenery in the area and the beautiful spectacle of almost perpetual mist on the heights, is also in this magical place where the water sources supplying the Quindío. Salento and Cocora are two cryptic sites located on the hillsides of Quindio are the gateway to the coffee mountain paradise with majestic and dazzling green with which nature awarded this region leave their own brilliance and beauty.
010-CF0588: lush vegetation in the Nature Valley Cocora. One of the landscapes that impressed me most about this country is the Cocora Valley, in the town of Salento, one of the input buffer and the Parque de los Nevados in the coffee region of Colombia. It is also the preamble to the cloud forest, where the wax palm grows, Ceroxylon quindiuense, the "national tree" of the country. This colony of palms, which is already announced in the fall of the top of the line to the city of Armenia, form a unique landscape of giant silent witness to the passing of time, as these require a palm up to 200 years reach their average height, which is 60m. To describe the feelings that evokes this place is almost impossible, at least for me. It is a mixture of awe and deep respect for the beauty of the natural world, and is also the kind of "walk" I prefer, as it not only allows the distraction inherent in any trip, but also allows intimate contact with most of history and national tradition, and with its wealth of flora and fauna.
The palm wax is the yellow-eared parrot habitat, endangered species, as the palms were exploited for a long time to weave the popular classes used in Holy Week, for the celebration of Palm Sunday, a practice that until a couple years has begun to change. Since the plume is usable portion of the palm, they were lying to achieve causing serious havoc on the ecosystem of this beautiful bird.

011-CF0674: One of the activities that can be performed in the Valley of Cocora is planting a Palm wax, Ceroxylon quindiuense, the "national tree" of the country. This colony of palms, which is already announced in the fall of the top of the line to the city of Armenia, form a unique landscape of giant silent witness to the passing of time, as these require a palm up to 200 years reach their average height, which is 60m. The Wax Palm Quindío is National Tree of the Republic of Colombia. Its scientific name is "Ceroxylon Quindiuense". It is an impressive palm tree beauty, extraordinary strength and legendary longevity. Is unique to the Colombian Andes. It reaches heights of up to 70 meters.
Was chosen as the National Tree of Colombia by the preparatory commission of the Third South American Botanical Congress, held in Bogota in 1949. Later was officially adopted as a national symbol by law 61 of 1985.
Family: Arecaceae (Palmae).
Shape of the glass: Plume hemispherical, broad and thick.
Color: Dark green to gray.
Habit: Very high, reaching up to 70 meters high.
Growth: Very slow to form the base of the stalk, then slow moderately safe.
Trunk: Cylindrical, straight, smooth, covered with a layer of wax.
Foliage: Dense.
Bark: Smooth, whitish, with dark rings accented shaped scar left by the falling leaves.
Leaves: pinnate and large.
Flowers: in clusters, cream color.
Fruit: In drupe globose, arranged in clusters of reddish when ripe.
012-CF0662: The carrier Marco Fidel Torres is practically a copy of the advertising of Juan Valdez cafes. Marco Fidel Torres, a true exponent of the mule. You can find and chat with him in the Cocora Valley. Is an expert. Reaching this amazing place is easy. From Armenia can take a bus to the town of Salento, these are available all day, as the influx of tourists is very high, people who come to see the amazing forest comprised of palms, or groups of persons intending to reach the park of nearly 8 h snowy road. Back in Salento should take a Yipao or yipeto, very common and representative of all the coffee, which will transport you into the valley. The area, one of the most beautiful in Colombia for its exceptional coffee landscapes, with fifths of clear and colorful colonial architecture, has become one of the country's most suitable for ecotourism, so it's easy to find farms that can be rented or restaurants-farm which offers trout grown in the area, which is another of the predominant economic activities. From there begins the journey to the cloud forest, a huge valley, populated only by palm wax, which will guide the traveler, as a silent guardian, to the first hills that herald the arrival and cloud forest, and where the traveler, depending on your physical reserves and curiosity, has to decide whether to go or stay, as the topography becomes increasingly broken.
013-CF1215: Buenavista Coffee Plantation near the town. Quindío. CAFE DE COLOMBIA is the name that is given to the 100% Arabica coffee produced in the coffee regions of Colombia, bounded between North latitude 1 ° to 11 ° 15 West longitude 72 ° to 78 ° and specific ranges of altitude that can overcome 2,000 meters above sea level (masl). It arises from the particular combination of factors related to latitude and altitude of the land of coffee in Colombia, their soils, the botanical origin of the species and varieties of coffee produced, climate characterized by the double passage of the Intertropical Convergence Zone The changing topography, light, favorable range of temperatures, adequate quantity and distribution of rainfall during the year and common cultural practices that include selective harvesting processes and transformation of the fruit by its benefit, washing and drying. These factors, together, lead to the production of an outstanding coffee, soft, clean cup with relatively high acidity, balanced body, pronounced aroma and an excellent sensory profile.
Furthermore, the strong tradition of selective collection of Café de Colombia, the process of post harvest benefits or the wet, the drying process and subsequent classification by threshing, ensuring optimal product quality. The Café de Colombia coffee is certainly a remarkable, not only for its combination and balance of quality attributes, but by the union of the Colombian coffee growers around the National Federation of Coffee Growers, to carry out a consistent effort from that coffee arrived in Colombia as a nice story until the instruments were developed product support from tree to cup.
Behind the product Café de Colombia have joined not only producers but brand owners 100% Colombian who are aware of the importance of coffee origin not only from the standpoint of quality but from the standpoint of social and environment. For those who process, distribute and consume Colombian coffee is evident that the product must also have a guarantee of origin â "€ to ensure that actually come from the land of Cafea" € be produced and marketed under the values ??of honesty, hard work and welfare for the producer, who is immersed in sustainability programs in action.
Thus, consumers who appreciate coffee as much more than a drink, found that consuming 100% Colombian coffee not only allows them to access a world leader in the beverage world, but to share their values ??and interests in innovative communities that allow them to live their lives 100%.
014-CF1419: A farmer collects the coffee in the San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). San Alberto captures the work of a family for over 35 years has worked with passion and dedication to offer the world achieve the best fruits of a blessed land. In 1972 Gustavo Leyva Monroy buy the Hacienda La Alsace, and it acquires the name of St. Albert, in honor of his son Gustavo Alberto, who died in a plane crash. There is no absolute certainty about the conditions under which coffee came to Colombia. The historical evidence indicate that the Jesuits brought seeds of grain to New Granada in 1730, but there are different versions about it. Tradition says that the coffee beans arrived from the east, carried by a traveler from the Guianas and through Venezuela. The earliest written evidence of the presence of coffee in Colombia is attributed to the Jesuit priest José Gumilla. In his book The Orinoco Illustrated (1730) recorded its presence in the mission of St. Teresa of Tabajé, near the mouth of the Meta River in the Orinoco. The second written testimony belongs to the Archbishop-Viceroy Caballero y Gongora (1787) who in a report to the Spanish authorities recorded its cultivation in regions near Girón (Santander) and Muzo (Boyaca).
The first coffee crop grown in the east of the country. In 1835 came the first commercial production and the record shows that the first 2,560 bags were exported from the office of Cucuta, on the border with Venezuela. According to testimony at the time attributed to Francisco Romero, a priest during confession imposed by the parishioners of the population of Salazar de las Palmas penance to plant coffee, a big boost in spreading the cultivation of grain in this area of ??the country. These seeds have allowed the presence of coffee in the departments of Santander and Norte de Santander, in the northeast of the country, and their subsequent propagation, since 1850, toward the center and west through Cundinamarca, Antioquia and Old Caldas area (see map Arrival and expansion of coffee in Colombia).
015-CF1194: Coffee Plantation in the town of Bellavista, Quindío. A key factor in the quality of coffee is the balance between its various attributes and characteristics. The Café de Colombia is characterized as a beverage with a clean cup, acidity and body with medium / high, pronounced aroma and complete. These qualities can be obtained provided they are planted crop species and varieties suitable for a particular environment, characterized by a tropical high mountain soils and particular climatic and processes are carried out painstaking care in the process of crops, grain harvesting and post harvest processes. The processes of industrialization should be ideally in times not far from his collection.
The special features of quality starts with the selection of appropriate plant material and genetic. For this reason in Colombia coffee is grown only 100% Arabica, which produces a smoother drink. Different varieties of plants of that species that are adapted to specific environments Colombian geography, or a mixture thereof, constitute the raw material of Colombian coffee. The main varieties of arabica coffee is grown in Colombia are: Typica, Bourbon, Maragogipe, Tabi, and Variety Caturra Castillo, formerly known as Variety Colombia. The selection of plant material is the responsibility of Cenicafé, one of the coffee research centers in more developed world.

016-CF1232: Collection of coffee in the San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). Café San Alberto has a unique flavor and aroma, thanks to the excellent geographical and climatic qualities of his estate producer, located in Buenavista, Quindio, 1500 meters from sea level. Winds converge there Quindío hot and cold valley of the Cordillera Central of Colombia.
100% of production comes from St. Albert Coffee fruits of the land of the Treasury, which also runs the selection process of the Quintuple.
As you can see, coffee is grown in Colombia in the different aspects of the three branches of the Andes Mountains and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which run the entire country from the Caribbean coast, the north to the Colombia's border with Ecuador in the south. However, in practice, the growing and harvesting coffee extend in an area ranging between 850,000 and 900,000 acres. Other areas that could produce coffee are dedicated to the maintenance of natural forests and other agricultural activities. If you want to learn more about the regions and people who grow coffee in Colombia please visit the land of coffee.
Other environmental factors associated with the temperature at the growing crop are also critical to obtaining a high quality beverage. The proximity to the equator generates an exposure to solar radiation influences the average temperatures recorded in the mountainous slopes of Colombia. In these special conditions is recorded the existence of microclimates and conditions conducive to growing high quality coffee. High in the tropics are average temperatures, without extreme variations during the year.
017-CF1235: Different coffee beans, before and after roasting in the San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio).
Café San Alberto, in order to ensure great taste and distinctive, that capitalizes on the best features of terroir, is produced under the requirements of the Fivefold Selection. This process was designed in the San Alberto.
It is a manual process where each grain to be used for the preparation of roasted St. Albert goes through five stages of selection. Thus guarantees unbeatable tasting coffee, distinctive and consistent.
Step 1: Collect ripe fruit at its ripest.
Step 2: Manual selection and disposal of green fruits, overripe and defective.
Step 3: Manual selection of healthy almonds and top quality for drying
Step 4: Select green beans according to size
Step 5: Selecting the best lot by trial cup, in which the coffee taster test to ensure that indeed the item that will be roasted faithful representation of the characteristics and attributes of the Café San Alberto.
The thermal regime, governed by the altitude in Colombia associated with mountains rising over 5,000 meters high, allows the average temperature where coffee is grown in a favorable range vary from 18 ° to 24 ° C. Under these temperatures makes feasible the cultivation of coffee and prevents the occurrence of frost. Therefore, in the Colombian Coffee Region, temperatures are within the optimal range for growth of coffee, without actually experiencing extreme values ??(very hot or cold) to stop normal development functions. The contrasts in temperature during the day and temperature throughout the year also favor the generation of sugars and other compounds in coffee beans that develop during industrialization, valued attributes such as acidity and a balanced body.
018-CF1265: Coffee beans ground with others who have not yet been roasted in the coffee. The Coffee not only is the site where it produces half the exquisite Colombian coffee, but is also the second tourist destination in Colombia , after the Atlantic coast. The three departments that make it up-Caldas, Risaralda and Quindio ecoregion-up a beautiful wavy green mountains, where the coffee is just dotted with simple accommodations and exciting recreational places.
About 300 farms offer accommodation in the area. Many are in operation, and several have received an award from the Coffee Club Estates: one or two grains that double stars. Some retain the colonial facades and offer rides for their crops of coffee and nuts, which are then transformed into delicious dishes and refreshments.
Nature seems endless until one or other population obstructs the view. These obstacles are, respectively: Manizales, the center of academia and culture; Pereira, owner of the trade and nightly entertainment, and Quindio main target area for its tourism and environmental stress. For Quindío let's start, because there are theme parks and coffee farming culture, the infallible promise of fun.
019-CF1349: tasting coffee in the San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). At the meeting of Cupping coffees are tasted several following the industry standard methodology. In addition, learn about the fascinating world of coffee. You can enjoy in Bogota or directly at Hacienda San Alberto for about 50 euros per person.
The soil where coffee is produced in Colombia vary from rocky to sandy to clay reliefs from flat or slightly undulating to steep, with marked differences regarding the origin of the soils of most of the other coffee producing countries. The Coffee Zone Colombia, on the three Andean ranges: eastern, central and western soils are igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic ash. The main feature of the soils of the Colombian Coffee Zone is that most are derived from volcanic ash, which have a high organic content and good physical characteristics, reducing the need for fertilization.
The existence of these soils provides optimum conditions for growing coffee since their structure enables the organic material decomposes slowly, making possible a good aeration of the root system of coffee plants, and therefore, an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil. That is another common characteristic of these soils favor the cultivation of coffee, is that they are low acid and retain moisture. Regarding fertility, the soils of the Colombian Coffee Region, unlike other coffee producing countries like Brazil, do not require the application of minor elements such as zinc or boron, to maintain fertility. This high fertility is due to the high content of organic material, such volcanic soils.
020-CF1375: Restaurant at Hacienda San Alberto coffee. (Buenavista, Quindio).
The rainfall is also a determining factor for coffee production in Colombia. Colombia's geographic location makes it subject to the influences of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Amazon, the presence of valleys and the breathtaking diversity in coffee farms, there are different climates and microclimates mole that provide appropriate special conditions for coffee growing in terms of water availability, temperature, solar radiation and wind conditions.
One factor that distinguishes Colombia is the passage of the Intertropical Confluence Zone (ITCZ), where trade winds converge in the northern and southern hemispheres. The double movement within this zone generates Colombian two rainy seasons in the year in the center of the country, of which the months of heaviest rains are April to May and October to November. The double run of the ITCZ ??for the coffee combined with the varied topography allow an adequate amount and distribution of rainfall throughout the year with enough water to complete the entire production cycle of the crop. The general trend in the Colombian Coffee Zone is to present wet and dry periods interspersed throughout the year, allowing fresh coffee harvest regularly.

021-CF1313: coffee tasting coffee at Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). The climate in the coffee producing areas in Colombia not only characterized by high water availability, thus avoiding the use of irrigation, but rainfall cycles generated in the permanent planting and harvest cycles Consequently, the availability of fresh throughout the year.
Another key element in the quality of coffee is the human factor. Thanks to the presence of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia have developed a product support system that relies on the development of a quality coffee culture. This culture is based on the collective action of more than half a million farm families directly serving coffee crops, perform a selective harvesting of grain and a careful and patient work of post-harvest processing, in order to meet various quality control that is subject to the Colombian coffee from the farm to the centers global consumption. Coffee People is also essential to obtain a higher quality product.
022-CF1383: One of the coffee workers of Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). To appreciate at its true a cup of Colombian coffee, is very important to know the work and effort of many people that ensure product quality to consumers worldwide. The union of these efforts has allowed to build, over the decades, a product support system that has become a guarantee of quality, hard to replicate by any other source of coffee in the world.
The selection process starts from the research on crop varieties and forms of conducting the scientific research center Cenicafé, probably the most advanced of its kind in the world. People of coffee in Colombia, that is more than 500,000 coffee producing families in the country Cenicafé receive information and advice to ensure the quality of their crops through the extension service of the National Federation of Coffee Growers.
023-CF1386: Coffee Plantation coffee at Finca San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). To measure the importance of the work of Colombian coffee farmer and his family, well worth remembering that to produce one pound of roasted coffee from Café de Colombia of 500 g is first necessary to select about 1,900 cherries or coffee berries (at optimum maturity. Selection and profit (post harvest process including pulping, washing and drying) of the coffee cherries is without doubt one of the most arduous, detailed and personalized the whole production chain of coffee. It is in these processes is decided get a quality coffee. Just remember that to collect the necessary number of ripe fruits for a pound of roasted coffee to wait patiently for a coffee tree produces, for a year , the number of cherries required. In the case of less productive varieties that produce coffee in the shade, you need to get the fruits of more than 2 coffee trees during the same year for the same pound of roasted coffee. Art to produce a good Colombian coffee with selective collection and processing is certainly a craft and patient that few consumers know and value in their proper perspective.
024-CF1696: Some Germans sipping coffee at the Hacienda San Alberto coffee after doing a tasting. (Buenavista, Quindio). A coffee-producing family in Colombia has an average production of the equivalent of 1.400 kilos of green coffee per year, ie about 2.360 pounds of 500 g. To produce this amount of coffee you need to select in the collection process, the equivalent of about 5.2 million coffee cherries, which also should be washed and dried to obtain a quality product, discarding defective kernels in this process.
At the end of this initial work we obtain the so-called parchment coffee. It is here that many of the producers bring their product to the domestic marketing network in Colombia. The parchment dry grain is threshed to remove the yellow layer that covers and get the green coffee almond. After removing the parchment in the threshing, the grain is carefully selected and graded, taking into account its size, weight, color and physical appearance (defects). This coffee almond is the input for the preparation of roasted coffee, soluble coffee and coffee extracts of the industrialization of coffee, and is characterized by its green color, a characteristic smell of fresh coffee and an average humidity of 10 12%.
For this green coffee to be exported had to go through different points of sensory quality analysis, particle size and moisture in accordance with the regulations in force in Colombia (see national regulation). A Colombian coffee exported only if it meets the applicable minimum quality standards, which are reviewed in all the ports from where exports coffee in Colombia. This work is carried Almacafé.
025-CF1449: A collector collects shows how the coffee bean to coffee beans at Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). To ensure quality, the efforts of the Colombian coffee growers do not end in their territory. Through the program 100% Colombian roasters from all continents purchase their Colombian green coffee and sell it under their brand 100% Colombian consumers around the world. Each of these brands is made to monitor quality in laboratories, on different continents, to ensure that the product is consistent with the required quality standards and complying with the regulations of guarantee of origin for coffee roasting and packaged by others.
The Colombian Coffee can also reach your cup in a cafe or restaurant buys or uses Colombian roasted coffee. Coffee growers in Colombia, seeking to generate greater knowledge about their effort and their origin, have also developed their Juan Valdez coffee shops to promote your product and bring the consumer a friendly message associated with the effort, respect and dedication to drink . You could say that prior to export, a lot of Colombian coffee is to check at various points in which analyzes and evaluates the quality, from farm to port of export. Additionally, through specialized companies and contract laboratories sampling for this purpose, analyzes are performed on every continent of Colombian coffee brands processed and distributed by third parties on all continents. Are held annually around 1,200 a year quality analysis of this type.
Colombia has become a world leader in terms of coffee by his obsession to build a system of quality assurance for products ranging from the seed of the tree associated with the work of Cenicafé to cup Coffee 100% Colombian , which reaches millions of consumers around the world.

026-CF1146: Coffee plantations at Hacienda San Alberto coffee. (Buenavista, Quindio). Most of the brands that are bought in a supermarket or served in an office consisting of blends of various origins, with different levels of quality, whose true origin is unknown. A mark of 100% Café de Colombia is guaranteed because it contains only "the best coffee in the world" without coffees from other origins mixed in it. The Café de Colombia is thus a source found in numerous brands of coffee. Demanding consumers around the world are aware of the importance of the origin of coffee they consume. It is further known that coffee is more than a drink and the place of production of coffee is the main determinant of the quality of the coffee consumed. Roasters is how brands and customers 100% Colombian Coffee, not only are committed to providing its customers and consumers with Café de Colombia superior, but the Colombian coffee growers share their most cherished values: authenticity, the spirit of hard work and dedicated to producing top quality coffee from the land coffee. Share, in other words, values ??and personality of the character of Juan Valdez.
In the world of Colombian coffee is recognized as a superior product that has become a world leader. Behind the Café de Colombia is a producer organization unique in the world dedicated to improving the quality of life of coffee communities with ambitious sustainability programs in action, which seeks to guarantee the quality, authenticity and consistency of the tree to the cup, and strives to provide customers and consumers a guarantee of origin.
Millions of consumers, brand distributors and hundreds of thousands of producers share these values ??and interests, forming social networks dedicated to show that the values ??of the producers are 100% compatible with coffee people living in the Colombian Andes. Both the Colombian coffee growers and eaters Colombian coffee in the world, really are 100%.
027-CF1459: Cuttings silver coffee maker at the Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). In the process of getting a great cup of Colombian coffee to millions of consumers in the world is not easy. From tree to cup required the effort and dedication of hundreds of thousands of families producing coffee in Colombia whose plot sizes are smaller than two hectares. Additionally, the joint effort of the people who are dedicated to the work of threshing, transport and storage of coffee, as well as its industrialization and distribution of 100% Colombian brands, make the difference to bring consumers around the world an outstanding coffee .
Behind the Colombian coffee is however not only a continuing effort to support the quality, there is a little known story of how people of coffee in Colombia came together to overcome challenges and find common goals that could not achieve individually. The land of coffee in Colombia not only stands out for its extremely favorable conditions to produce a coffee of high quality mountain: and logistical challenges imposed also favored the need to seek strategies that benefited rural communities and their quality of life. Thus was born the union about the National Federation of Coffee Growers (FNC) and its various sustainability programs in action. Those who enjoy consuming 100% Colombian coffee know that behind a high quality product is a joint effort and values ??of sacrifice, honesty and collective action that make the product not only 100% from the viewpoint of the origin and quality, but make it ideal for people 100% that exists throughout the world.
028-CF1507: A Lock-up of the Hacienda San Alberto cares coffee plants in a common area where employees live. (Buenavista, Quindio). The quality of the coffee drink is directly related to the ability of the coach to make it a pleasurable product. To make the drink to be balanced with flavor and satisfies the tastes of a demanding consumer, it is necessary to consider not only the quality of the beans used and its origin, but also the practices of preparing coffee.
This section highlights the key factors that guarantee these attributes and the quality of the drink. Variables such as the conservation of coffee, different elements to take into account in the preparation of a good Colombian coffee, espresso or a good Colombian coffee. There are other opportunities to consume Colombian coffee, beverages made with coffee, or coffee recipes. There is always a good opportunity to consume Colombian coffee.
029-CF1562: dry coffee beans ready for roasting coffee at the Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). The Café de Colombia is a 100% Arabica coffee, soft washing, which grows in the mountainous Colombian Coffee and meets the requirements determined by the National Committee of Coffee Growers. Processed, the Café de Colombia is a soft drink, clean cup, acidity and body with medium / high, pronounced aroma and complete.
In different regions producing the Colombia Coffee cup with different profiles, the presence and intensity depends on factors such as average temperature, soil, and type of roast, among others. Through the tasting procedure used to find and assess all the sensory characteristics that define a coffee, you can identify the essential flavors and the degree of desired attributes that satisfy the tastes of discerning consumers. Always be a Colombian coffee that suits your tastes and needs. You just have to find it.
Considering that coffee is a 100% natural and meets consumer needs often hedonic, special care must be taken in its preparation and storage, being a highly sensitive to temperature, oxygen from air, moisture, and odors.
030-CF1520: Scales for weighing sacks of dried coffee beans ready for roasting coffee at the Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). A sophisticated consumer knows that coffee should be consumed freshly prepared. Thus, the drink retains many volatile aromas that tend to get lost in a short time. It is for this reason that the coffee tastes best when freshly prepared. Take it as soon as possible, the coffee deteriorates when stored for more than an hour and should never be reheated or cooked.
Maintain the freshness of coffee prepared is a function both of temperature and the conditions in which has the coffee after infusion. Maintain uniform temperature between 80 ° C to 85 ° C in a sealed container without the application of direct heat, keeps a pleasant tasting drink. Although the temperature used is a matter of taste, it is advisable to provide the beverage in the temperature range for hot drinks average of 70 ° C to 80 ° C, so that it is really pleasant.
On the issue of conservation, it is important to also consider the conservation of roasted coffee beverage is prepared. Roasted coffee is perishable because air, moisture, heat, oxidizes over time and also absorbs odors. It is therefore a delicate product. To preserve its quality is important to remember:
Buy your coffee in a facility that handles proper product rotation.
Keep the product tightly closed, avoiding contact with air. After opening the package, it is important to consume in the next few days. This will achieve the original taste.
It is better to keep roasted coffee, not ground.
Buy quantities consumed quickly. Do not store for long periods of time roasted and / or ground.
It is important to note that coffee roasted and packaged in bags normally be considered fresh, when ground, up to a month, and beans for two months, depending of course on the conditions where it is stored. Places with high humidity and high temperature affect negatively the quality and strong.
Also key is the quality of packaging. When using high-barrier packaging, with relief valve modified atmosphere can protect flavor and freshness for longer periods. The industrial process can also affect the freshness. Overall a vacuum-packed coffee could have a lifespan of about 18 months. A freeze-dried coffee with similar packaging conditions could have a life even more.
In short, always keep in mind that once you opened the package, it is important to store coffee in airtight containers in a cool, dry place. If using roasted coffee beans, grind only the amount you take

031-CF1589: bags full of dried coffee beans ready for roasting coffee at the Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). In addition to the freshness, the final quality of a good Colombian coffee depends on several factors. The following are the ones you necessarily have to take into account to obtain coffee as a beverage consumed in Colombia. As we have seen, coffee is a special product. Producing quality coffee demand many efforts of hundreds of thousands of producers in Colombia. So a quality drink depends on our quality coffee. The Café de Colombia is the heart of the drink.
Quality is a concept applied in many areas of human evolution that allows us to achieve excellence. Be sure to buy good coffee, you know what your source will ensure the opportunity for unique pleasures that could not otherwise lograse.
Today, the forms of coffee consumption can cause many different degrees of roasting coffee-roasting-. Since whites are consumed in some countries of Central Europe until very dark as can be obtained from the "French Roast" coffee preparations or Turkish type. A roast for espresso drinks can be intermediate. The different degrees of roast are associated in the way heat is applied to green coffee, the intensity of said application, and time thereof. For a deeper explanation of what happens in the roasting process, please click here.
The Café de Colombia meets minimum quality thanks to controls that are carried from tree to cup and the various efforts of brand marketers that allow 100% Colombian coffee ensure outstanding. So every Colombian coffee brand can have a degree of roast that meets the tastes of a market or consumer group. Thus there is enough variability within the Café de Colombia, to ensure the desired quality and taste.
It is therefore difficult to recommend a specific point of roasting. What I can mention is the need to perceive the different features that can offer us a coffee, and yes it can influence the form and degree of roasting. If you would like to enjoy a coffee acidity, I could not do with coffee at a high level of roasting. Conversely, if you like coffee with body, not to be found at low levels of roasting.
032-CF1637: Some workers at the Hacienda San Alberto coffee show dry coffee beans ready for roasting. (Buenavista, Quindio). The purpose of grinding is to reduce the toasted grain size to facilitate extraction of aromas and soluble compounds during preparation of the beverage. Thus, the water-contact time determines how much coffee coffee flavoring material is extracted from grounds.
To avoid excessive under development or extraction of flavor components is necessary to establish the correct size of particles of ground coffee. This is how it is necessary to adjust the mill to ensure this effect. As a rule, prolonged preparation must be supplemented with larger particles (coarser grind) and shorter times with smaller particles (finer grind). Of course, the water quality has a major impact on the final taste of the drink. Water should be transparent and free from patent taints, they should seek to be free of pollutants, or substances such as chlorine, and the mineral content of calcium and magnesium give hardness to the water, are in median proportion (less to 150 ppm expressed as calcium carbonate CaCO3). In this sense, do not use water drawn from deep wells, or chlorinated water â "€ aqueduct waters that have not been filtradasâ" €. In general, the best water (to prevent taste alterations) are bottled. Water temperature during the preparation of the beverage affects the degree of extraction of flavor components of coffee from Colombia. Usually water is used as soon reaches its boiling point. Water at these temperatures releases the aromatic materials more quickly and allows a correct extraction of other soluble in a reasonable time.
As a general rule, the temperature should be kept constant throughout the brewing cycle. The relationship between the amount of water per 500 grams of ground coffee used, will determine the density of the beverage and the ability to appreciate. Depending on the country can consume very diluted coffee or coffee concentrate. The following table details the suggested Colombia Coffee for typical consumption in countries like Colombia, northern Europe or North America.
033-CF1652: Barn at Hacienda San Alberto coffee which keep the sacks full of coffee that are sent to different countries to be roasted and packaged. (Buenavista, Quindio). For starters, remember that hygiene is vital. All equipment and utensils must be kept completely clean. Coffee is an important fat and debris goes rancid quickly. The equipment should be washed regularly. Any soap used to wash the equipment should be rinsed thoroughly.
Each preparation has special conditions. It is necessary to consider the selection of the type of roasting and grinding coffee in Colombia to be used must be consistent with the method of preparation. The coffee should be preheated hot water beforehand.
Add freshly boiled water over the coffee that has been deposited in the glass container, you can mix a little with a spoon to moisten all the coffee, and let stand about 6 minutes.
When the coffee is ready, slowly going down the plunger to the bottom to separate drinking. It is recommended for this type of preparation used Café de Colombia with a type of grinding medium and dark roast.
It is important to preheat hot water containers, place the filter in the basket and measure a teaspoon per cup to prepare, pour a small amount of freshly boiled water to moisten. It ends the pouring of water passing through the area coffee. Remove the filter and serve immediately. It is recommended for this type of preparation used Café de Colombia with a type of grinding media and half roasting. The brewer has a container of water with a resistance to heat, filter holder, carafe, and a hot plate. To make coffee, you must first fill the container with water to the extent of the cups to be prepared. Then post the filter medium ground coffee in the filter. Place the carafe under the filter holder and connects to the stream to begin extraction.
It is recommended that possesses anti-drip coffee maker to avoid the drop of drink in the hot plate when the pitcher is removed. Never remove the coffee before the entire period of extraction to ensure that the average dilution is expected.
It is recommended for this type of preparation used Café de Colombia with a type of grinding media and roasting medium / dark.
Unscrew the top of the coffee maker, of the base, the filter is removed and the base is filled with fresh water until the safety valve.
Completely fill the filter with ground coffee medium-fine and put it back on the base. Adjust top tightly to the base and place the pot over medium heat. Boiling the water pressure will push through the coffee, extracting flavor. Upon hearing the bubbling drink is ready. Remove from heat and serve.
It is recommended for this type of preparation used Café de Colombia with a type of fine grinding and dark roast. The preparation system is simple: you put a tablespoon full of coffee and a little over two cups of water. Coffee should be a grind very fine, almost powder - thinner than the preparations used for espresso. It is also common to add two teaspoons of sugar, but always ask before preparation. This is because the sugar should be added before infusion, since after all the sediment is removed. Once everything is ready, place the pan into the fire until it begins to boil, when it is removed from the fire for a few minutes and repeat this operation three times. Then poured everything into the bowl and let stand until the grounds have settled to drink coffee. If the coffee is well prepared to be poured into the cup should be a light cream on top. It is recommended for this type of preparation used Café de Colombia with a type of grinding very fine and dark roast.
034-CF1718: A tourist photographs the mountainous landscape of the National Park of Los Nevados. The Los Nevados National Natural Park is located in the Cordillera Central in the Andean region of the Andes in Colombia. Its surface is part of the departments of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio and Tolima, being divided between the municipalities of Villamaria, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Pereira, Salento, Villa Hermosa, Anzoategui, Santa Isabel, Murillo and Ibague.
The park includes thermal levels corresponding to those of cold paramo and perpetual snows superpáramo, so their main ecosystems are the Andean forests, deserts and glaciers. It also includes the watersheds of some rivers, such as the river Otún Totarito River, Mills River, river Azufrado, Lagunillas River, river and river Campoalegre Guali, among others.
Before entering the park you can see the black lagoon. In the park are located the snowy Ruiz, Tolima, Santa Isabel, the Swan, Quindio, Moon Valley, and gaps Otún and Green, among other attractions.
035-CF1706: Sunset by the National Park of Los Nevados. In Los Nevados National Park is the visitor center to the Swan, located to 4,050 meters above sea level, is one of the highest mountain refuges of Colombia. This park with tall, majestic Andean peaks is located in the jurisdiction of the departments of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio and Tolima. The snow peaks Quindio, Santa Isabel, El Cisne, El Ruiz and Tolima, all above 4,800 meters above sea level make up the National Park, home to unique species in the world, among which include the parrot the snowy wilderness and the hummingbird. The visitor center is located in a strategic sector of the Manizales - Brisas-Villamaría, whose landscape complex ecosystem of forest, moor, heath and super snow, through the moraines that resemble lunar landscapes. In addition, the lagoon offers a serene landscape Otún. In the park you can perform a wide variety of recreational and high mountain sports, which include hiking, biking, rock climbing and ice, and fishing.
Attention visitors to Parque Los Nevados is concentrated especially in the North, in the Brisas, Chalet Arenales and Refugio del Ruiz.

036-CF1724: Stunning scenery at sunset near the National Park of Los Nevados. In the central mountains of the Andes, above about 4,800 meters above sea level, a set of 3 snowy peaks of extraordinary beauty that attract thousands of visitors a year, for in these latitudes such as height, snows are perpetual, as is its appeal. They are the snowy Santa Isabel, El Ruiz or table Herveo and Nevado del Tolima
In soils is less steep moorland vegetation: barbs, fingers, cushions and frailejones, give the landscape its varied colors, which, even in sunny times, retains its pastel shades. This is often the haze that gives the place a mystery. When the snow-capped snow falls in the wilderness can be strong hailstorms that cover everything from ice during the brief space in which the sun takes to return.
037-CF1760: Spectacular mountain range in the National Park of Los Nevados. Sand, snow and legends that speak of ceremonies of the indigenous ancestors and fantastic visions of alien spaceships are stored in the National Park Los Nevados.Un desert landscape is interrupted by the bright white snow. Of wind gusts that seem to pass a howling noise, which lets you hear the heartbeat. This ecological reserve of 58,300 hectares is a true pantry water for 36 municipalities in the departments of Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda and Tolima. There you can see majestic and imposing volcano Nevado del Ruiz or Cumanday (Nose smoking), of 5,321 meters, with snow triples. If the day is suitable, you can spot the volcanoes Santa Isabel or Poleka Kasue (Maiden of the Mountain) of 5,100 meters or Dulima Tolima (Snow Country). Among the interesting places that are crossed in the promotion are Aguacerales, Pyramid, Valley of the Tombs, Canyon of the Eagles and the Chalet Arenales, among others. The Valley of the Tombs or Desert Solitude at 4,330 meters, has a look similar to the lunar surface. The story goes that it is a pilgrimage site and Puya Quimbayas Indians who inhabited the area. As he says, is an area full of energy, where some people speak of having seen UFOs. Hundreds of stones forming a huge circle that reflects the needs and requests of visitors. People tend to hold hands and form a circle, according to them, 'charged with positive energy. "

038-CF1761: Viewpoint near the road leading to Manila where you can see the National Park of Los Nevados. Located at the top of the Cordillera Central, is composed of five grand mountains that has the country: Quindio, at 4,750 meters, the Santa Isabel, with 4,950 meters high, the Swan, with a height of 4,700 meters, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, with 5,400 meters, the Nevado del Tolima 5,200 meters and the crater's Olleta to 4,850 meters. Access to this beautiful park can be done by road from three capital cities: Manizales, Pereira and Ibague, once you reach the park boundary, the journey must continue on foot or horseback. Among the many activities that can develop in this area are climbing, fishing, hiking, hot springs, camping and of course the observation of flora and fauna. Visitors are advised to take all the necessary equipment for cold weather, it can occur at temperatures between 14 and -3 degrees Celsius. FEATURES OF THE AREA: Area: 58,300 Hectares. Year established: 1974. Location: Located in the jurisdiction of 4 departments in the municipalities of Villamaría (Caldas), Pereira, Santa Rosa de Cabal (Department of Risaralda), Salento (Department of Quindio), Anzoategui, Casabianca, Villa Hermosa, Santa Isabel, Murillo and Ibague (Tolima Department). Weather: Cold, moor and perpetual snow. Temperature: Varies from 14 ° C and 3 ° C. Ecosystems: In the heart of this area is the Los Nevados National Park, a mountainous Andean forests, deserts and eternal snows. Fauna: The park's bird life is varied, and the parrot stand or goat paramo hummingbird endemic to the region of the park and its surroundings. Hydrography: On the east, from the snows of Park down several rivers in northern Tolima, these areas also depend on coffee to descend to the plains of the Magdalena River. That is, in this reserve waters are born indispensable for the production of more than 50% of Colombian coffee, and rice, sorghum, cotton and corn. Similarly, peaks arising from these streams that feed more than 37 municipalities and more than two million people living in the departments of Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda and Tolima. History of the Area / Background Nevados was initially populated by indigenous communities, this was an important place for trade and development of religious practices. Perhaps the two groups with greater control and presence in the area were on the side Quimbayas West and Pijaos, Panches and Putímaes in the East. There is little information about a tribe located in the basin of Quindio, called The Natural Quindíos.Ecoturismo National Park provides the service of ecotourism. There hosting service in the visitor center at 4050 Swan meters above sea level, making it one of the highest mountain huts of Colombia. It comfortably accommodates access to 49 personas.Se charged to the Park.
039-CF1785: Viewpoint near Manila where you can see the National Park of Los Nevados. The Los Nevados National Park is one of the most beautiful natural wonders and treasured by Colombians located in the Coffee. The Los Nevados National Park is composed of glacial peaks of El Ruiz, Santa Isabel, Tolima and the Swan and Paramillos Quindío of over 5,000 meters above sea level. Each of these peaks with a singularity to enjoy. In the Los Nevados National Park include species of birds like the hummingbird, golden eagle and the condor of the Andes. In mammals, cusumbos, spectacled bears, tapirs moor sabaneros rabbits, pumas, ocelots and deer. The flora appears as frailejones, mosses, lichens, which form the flora of the super moor, heath and high Andean forest. Orchids including the national flower of Colombia are in the landscape of the Nevados. The park offers several points of hot springs and travel to Lake Otún and Brisas sector. Similarly, different crystalline waterfalls cross the volcanic rocks. A unique and spectacular point is the Lunar Valley, a place where you can feel on the moon with its rocks, resulting from different volcanic eruptions.
040-CF1388: A flower next to the coffee plantations of coffee Hacienda San Alberto. (Buenavista, Quindio). Colombian coffee-growing 500,000 families in 588 municipalities in 20 departments of Colombia, is an extraordinary diversity of languages, cultures and races, people in the coffee. The country has a wide variety of climates from heat, cold, warm and cold depending on the altitude in our coffee areas. Has coastline on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Water sources are multiple and Colombia has bimodal rainfall that provide a competitive advantage in coffee production. The country is a paradise of biodiversity around the cafe where good things happen through the draft Sustainability In Action. Colombia is a country of contrasts. Contrasts not only geography, climate and natural but also cultural contrast, customs, traditions, beliefs and ways of life according to the region in which one lives. However, about coffee cultivation have forged a strong set of beliefs and values ??that have an impact not only on the final quality 100% Colombian coffee but on the passion and dedication associated with cultivation.
For starters we should remember that there are more than 500,000 coffee producing families live in our country from the provinces bordering with Ecuador in the south to those bordering the Caribbean Sea in the North. Over nearly 3,000 kilometers of valleys, from the extreme south to the northern tip of Colombia, facing producers in our coffee regions. As shown in the following map, ground coffee is grown in Colombia, a grain high mountains, with significant plantations in 16 departments of our country, where they operate Departmental Coffee Committees.
The great majority of Colombian coffee growers live on small farms or plots whose crops of coffee, on average, do not exceed 2 hectares. Only slightly more than 5% of the Colombian coffee growers are planting larger than 5 hectares. The small size of their crops has kept a family essentially calling the Colombian coffee industry. People of coffee in Colombia has the family as one of its priorities and values.

041-CF1779: A farmer keeps cattle under cover at sunset near Manizales. Manizales is the capital of Caldas. It is a city in central western Colombia, located in the Central Cordillera of the Andes, near the Nevado del Ruiz. It is part of the call and the call paisa region Golden Triangle, has a population of 430,389 inhabitants according to official population projections for 2011, its metropolitan area encompassing the municipalities of Manizales, Neira, Villamaria, Palestine and Chinchiná comes to a population of 768,200 inhabitants. It belongs, along with Risaralda, Quindio, the North Valley and southwestern Antioquia of Colombian coffee.
Founded in 1849 by settlers from Antioquia, today is a city with economic, industrial, cultural and turísticas.4 of cultural activity is to highlight the Manizales Fair and the International Theatre Festival of Manizales.
Manizales is called the "City of Doors Open" thanks to the friendly people. Also known as "Manizales of the Soul" because of a pasodoble bull that bears his name and as "The World Capital of Water" by its large water resources.
042-CF1787: Landscape by the National Park of Los Nevados. The National Natural Park encompasses one of the Nevados of the mountain complex of Colombia. Located in the Midwest, has five snow: the Nevado del Ruiz, Nevado del Cisne, Nevado de Santa Isabel, Nevado del Quindio and the Nevado del Tolima, making it one of the sites most tourists want to visit. The park is 58,300 hectares and its visitors can enjoy: the Nevado del Ruiz at 5,300 meters, the Nevado del Tolima at 5,200 meters, the Nevado Santa Isabel to 4,950 meters, the Nevado del Cisne at 4,800 m; Nevado del Quindío at 4,800 meters, the Laguna del Otún at 3,900 meters, the Hot Springs Ruiz at 3600 meters, the Hot Springs Ranch at 2600 m and the Cascade m.s.n.m. Gualí to 4000, among others. The park has two camping areas established, one located in Los Arenales del Ruiz and the other in the area of ??Lake Otún. Those wishing to visit should wear proper clothing for cold weather, waterproof, flashlight, hat, rubber boots, hat, scarf, wool gloves, sunglasses with UV filter and trash bags. In the park there is no provisioning site. Those who go camping, carry the whole team for high mountain and gas stove. To ascend to the peaks, plus a special permit required, bring the proper equipment. If there are people in the group who do not have enough experience is better to have a specialist guide in the mountains.
More information on the Special Administrative Unit of the National Park System, the Ministry of the Environment, located in Bogota (Carrera 10 No. 20-30 Floor 4. Phones: 2431634 to 2433095).
043-CF0696: Playing cards in the Cocora Valley. Salento and Valle de Cocora. Salento. Amid the stunning mountain landscape of Quindio, is called "Father of Quindío Municipality" Salento. Within 40 minutes of Armenia taking the road to Highway Café Pereira, and then a detour to the right at kilometer 16, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the superb landscape that frames the mountains of the department. The village appears in the midst of stunning mountain after climbing a rural area, with its colorful houses with large balconies adorned with flowers, this place falls immediately to its visitors. One of the main attractions in Salento is called Calle Real, which has a number of typical buildings that extend to the steps leading to the gazebo, which offers a wonderful panorama of what the coffee landscape and breathtaking beauty Quindiano enclosing the Cocora Valley.
Meanwhile Cocora Valley is an area of ??amortization of the National Park of Los Nevados, located 11 kilometers from the municipal capital of Salento. This valley is divided by the river Quindío and that is where the slopes begin to rise leading to Nevados National Park, and is also the birthplace of the national tree, the wax palm of Quindio.
Salento and Valle de Cocora are a natural paradise that no one can miss, this area can enjoy hiking, horseback riding or traveling in traditional Willys. In Agriturismo and Landscape help you choose the best destinations for your vacation, contact us now.
044-CF0843: Rio "Up" in the Valley of Cocora. This route is one of the most frequented by travelers who arrive at Quindío looking for one of the most beautiful towns in Colombia and the stunning valley of Cocora. Note that the basic plan is to reach the valley of Cocora, which can be easily done in one day, that if you choose to sleep in any of the inns and hostels in Salento, which is also a recommended plan. On the other hand, if you're planning an expedition to the National Park of Los Nevados know to have more than one day.
Turning Towards Salento
Many surprises and attractive point to the route, so that the output should be earlier in the day. Taking as starting point the city of Armenia, seeks Coffee Highway heading towards the city of Pereira. Initially there are 16 km dual carriageway by a first class transit between coffee plantations, farms and country condominiums, is a landscape that constantly shows the central mountain range to the right. M to 16 km as a reference, a restaurant called Mirador del Quindio, and as its name implies, is a good place to spot from a distance the town of Salento that stands on a small plateau. By the way, take the opportunity to take photos of the same Central Cordillera.
On the right side, at km 17, the deviation appears to Salento. Curved road is a paved path leading down to the river Boquía and Quindío. Precautions are driving slowly because the road is narrow and winding.
After 7 km, you reach the village Boquía, the largest of Salento, characterized by several inns and restaurants is just stop and enjoy a real breakfast paisa. When finished, walk the site and close to the historic bridge known or Amparo's Grading, a former railroad bridge national monument, any resident will tell you where that is. In Boquía many campers are several places to stay overnight, and small tourist lodges.
A few meters ahead, on the same road, are the clear waters of the river Quindío, as referred to in passing by the bridge that crosses it. This tranquil setting and pure is the preamble to the people of Salento welcomes the visitor, after it has weathered several curves on the rise.
045-CF0847: River Water "Up" in the Valley of Cocora. To reach Cocora take a road that is paved the first section, about 8 km from Salento, then they are about 4 km of unpaved road, but passable. The station must is the site called The trout, which comprised several star restaurants and their menu: trout. Either is very good option for lunch. Some have cafes, crafts, playground and camping area. Here we can see the famous wax palm, Colombia's national tree whose height exceeds 60 m.
The trout is where you choose between different paths for pleasant walks that ascend to the mountain, or demanding journeys like that makes Morrogacho. These routes also enjoy horseback riding through the direction of cloud forest reserves, Heritage Green or Water Star, the more eco-tourist attractions. The rides last from one to eight hours. We must be attentive detailing the environment, among other things, being a crucial corridor for bird watching. The landscapes and scenery seen on the trip are the same framework for the way back. In return you have to resolve issues left open in the outward journey: the consumption of an exclusive trout with mushroom sauce, a giant fried plantain, a aborrajado merengón or a banana and cheese sandwich.
Also the purchase of handicrafts on the streets of Salento Real or around town aboard a crowded Yipao or on horseback. With the best memories from this locality expect 25 km back to Armenia.

046-CF1065: Farmhouse El Delirio. Quindío. House built in masonry and wood with elegant style of colonization of Antioquia to the early twentieth century and restored in 1991. Equipped with an extensive collection of period furniture. It is surrounded by green areas and from it you watch the spectacular scenery of the central mountains, the valley of Quindío with several of its municipalities and on a clear day, the magnificence of the snow-capped Tolima, Ruiz and Quindío. The property retains its traditional crops of coffee, which can be accessed through an ecological trail down an guadual to the bottom of a ravine, amid crops of heliconias, and ascend along the trees shaded by more than three hundred walnut coffee. The classification of the villa in the select group of "club quality coffee farms," ??committed to their owners in the pursuit of excellence that will make your stay an unforgettable experience.
8 rooms with private bathrooms, swimming pool, playground, terrace with hammocks, a kiosk, pool table, dining room, mini soccer field, wide corridors, bbq, 2 social bathrooms pool area, library, internet phone.
047-CF1066: Gardens of the Villa El Delirio. Quindío. House built in masonry and wood with elegant style of colonization of Antioquia to the early twentieth century and restored in 1991. Equipped with an extensive collection of period furniture. It is surrounded by green areas and from it you watch the spectacular scenery of the central mountains, the valley of Quindío with several of its municipalities and on a clear day, the magnificence of the snow-capped Tolima, Ruiz and Quindío. The property retains its traditional crops of coffee, which can be accessed through an ecological trail down an guadual to the bottom of a ravine, amid crops of heliconias, and ascend along the trees shaded by more than three hundred walnut coffee.
048-CF1094: Farmhouse Hotel El Delirio. Quindío.
The House Delirium is a beautiful house in the settlement, located just 5 minutes from Park Cafe. It becomes one of the best options for a holiday. Surrounded by greenery and overlooking the entire municipality of Montenegro, Armenia and a beautiful panorama of the central mountains. The outdoor dining area is the usual place to sample the gastronomic delights offered at this house: traditional dishes and delicious bites made in an old and well equipped traditional wood kitchen. The gardens, large and well distributed, have areas for sports, numerous fruit trees and flowers. The property retains its coffee, alos can be accessed through a beautiful journey down an ecological bamboo field to the bottom of a ravine and climbs along the trees shaded by over three hundred walnut coffee.
049-CF1103: Some antique furniture from the Hotel Casa de campo El Delirio. Quindío. Delirium is a beautiful house in the settlement, located just 5 minutes from Park Cafe. Equipped with an extensive collection of period furniture. It is surrounded by green areas and from it you watch the spectacular scenery of the central mountains, the valley of Quindío with several of its municipalities and on a clear day, the magnificence of the snow-capped Tolima, Ruiz and Quindío.
050-CF1106: Antique furniture in the Hotel Casa de campo El Delirio. Quindío. It is surrounded by green areas and from it you watch the spectacular scenery of the central mountains, the valley of Quindío with several of its municipalities and on a clear day, the magnificence of the snow-capped Tolima, Ruiz and farm Quindío.La retained their traditional crops of coffee, which can be accessed through an ecological path down an guadual to the bottom of a ravine, amid crops heliconias, and climb the trees along more than three hundred shaded by walnut coffee .

051-CF1113: Some pictures of bulls in the Field House Hotel El Delirio. Quindío. House built in masonry and wood with elegant style of colonization of Antioquia to the early twentieth century and restored in 1991. Equipped with an extensive collection of period furniture. It is surrounded by green areas and from it you watch the spectacular scenery of the central mountains, the valley of Quindío with several of its municipalities and on a clear day, the magnificence of the snow-capped Tolima, Ruiz and Quindío.
052-CF0104: Breakfast in the Garden of the Hacienda San Jose is pleased to offer one of the oldest plantation house on the outskirts of Pereira, where you can see the antiquity of the old colonial Caldas with rammed earth walls.
Consists of eight comfortable rooms with a capacity of 25 people, ideal place for meetings, seminars, conference with ample space for the realization of their projections, with a wonderful landscape that invites visitors to enjoy a pleasant ride, walk along the path green, pool, jacuzzi and for lovers of fine cuisine and international cuisine, highlighting the Spanish suckling pig dish for 8 people as characteristic of this wonderful place.
053-CF0058: A waiter brings breakfast to the rooms at the Hacienda San Jose. Pereira. The Hacienda San Jose was built in 1888, is one of the oldest farms located around the city of Pereira, capital of Risaralda department, with over one hundred years of history that can be recognized both in the details of its construction and the particularity of its furniture. The walls of rammed earth on the first floor connecting visitors with houses typical of the era of colonization Caucana, and its strong Spanish influence, while building on the second floor adobe puts it in line with the architecture of colonization Antioquia. Hacienda San Jose facade. The surrounding countryside with its ancient Hacienda samanes, kapok trees and gourds invites visitors and guests to reconnect with nature through the area horseback riding, hiking nature trails in one of the largest reserves of Colombian bamboo, or to enjoy of fine weather. San Jose offers visitors and guests an extensive international menu, wine list of different houses and regional dishes that continue the tradition of the area.
054-CF0163: Customers in the pool at La Hacienda San Jose. Pereira. THE HACIENDA SAN JOSE, provides a peaceful guest house, now restored and equipped as a boutique hotel, adapting the IXX century mansion all the amenities and demands of the XXI century. His physiognomy external balconies with beautiful bougainvillea surrounded by lush rescues lines of colonial architecture and its interior through its furniture, embroidered linens, decor and excellent personal service summarizes the best of this land. We have 8 bedroom suites, each with its own characteristics and decoration, equipped with safety box, cable TV, and new entertainment centers. Up to 30 people in multiple accommodation. We offer our guests free of charge: Wetland, ecological path, Business Center, Beautiful gardens enlightened attention in 6 languages.
055-CF0097: A waiter serves breakfast in the garden of La Hacienda San Jose. Pereira. The San Jose is pleased to offer one of the oldest plantation house on the outskirts of Pereira, where you can see the old colonial antiquity Caldas with rammed earth walls. Consists of eight comfortable rooms with a capacity of 25 people, ideal place for meetings, seminars, conference with ample space for the realization of their projections, with a wonderful landscape that invites visitors to enjoy a pleasant ride, walk along the path green, pool, jacuzzi and for lovers of fine cuisine and international cuisine, highlighting the Spanish suckling pig dish for 8 people as characteristic of this wonderful place. The Hacienda San Jose is located in the city of Pereira, a major shopping center and the coffee business. From La Hacienda, you will have at its disposal all the beauty and attractions of the coffee to visitors.

056-CF0111: A plane flies over the garden of La Hacienda San Jose. Pereira. The San Jose built in 1888, is one of the oldest estates located around Pereira, with over one hundred years of history that can be recognized both in the details of its construction and in the particularity of their furniture .
057-CF1062: The Burrowing is a very colorful and beautiful bird that has a wide distribution in America and in Colombia mainly inhabits the sub-Andean forests and dry forests, is an elegant long-tailed bird and the color is very bright, the most highlighted blue, black and green, its name comes from the customary to make nests in the cliffs, by the position of these two examples we can see it in color on front and back.
image taken in a wooded area near a river in the south west of Colombia. The motmot (Momotus momota) is a species of bird coraciiforme Momotidae family that inhabits the tropical regions of Mexico, Central America, Trinidad and Tobago and South America to northwestern Argentina. It is a large bird about 48 cm, is recognized by its bulky head with a light blue band around its crown becomes black and purple in the neck, its beak is thick and strong, slightly curved edges of the Timber upper beak, the tail is long, black below, with the rectrices gradually, ending in a power racquet, sometimes with pendulum wagging.
058-CF0132: One of the toilets in the rooms of the Hacienda San Jose. Room Elizabeth Room suite located on the second floor of the Hacienda offers a spectacular bathroom with tub from which you can see the area of ??the gardens of a beautiful window THROUGH colonial decor items from the era and a beautiful view of the pool area has a particularly double bed and a sofa bed.
059-CF0151. One room of the Hacienda San Jose. Doña Elvira Room, Master Suite. Located on the second floor of the house, offers a spectacular landscape of much of the estate, since it has 180 degrees in wood windows and generous living spaces that allow a real taste of the age of 1,888, with all the comforts of today.
060-CF1013: One of the areas of the Hotel Casa de campo El Delirio. Quindío. Quindio is in the west-central part of the country and the coffee and the paisa region, is known for its beautiful scenery of green mountains and endless coffee plantations, lush plants and adorned villages adorned with a shower of colors. The cradle is proudly Quindio national tree, the palm of Wax Quindio.
Capital: Armenia
Height (m): 1,480 meters (Armenia)
Temperature: 24 to 8 degrees Celsius (the snow park)
Population: 534,552 inhabitants
Department Area: 1,845 km ²
Economy: Trade, agriculture, coffee, citrus, pineapple, cassava, beans, tomato, banana, banana, agrotourism.
Telephone Prefix: 6 (096)
Getting there: By air or land.
Distance and time to Bogota:
Land: 265 km
Air: 25 minutes
History: In pre-Columbian times was inhabited by the Quimbayas, an indigenous group known for its artistic and cultural wealth. For its strategic location became a compulsory trade route, nineteenth-century colonization of Antioquia, reached what is termed the old Caldas and other sectors such as the north of Tolima and Valle, establishing villages with the passage of years became cities, such was the case in the city of Armenia, founded on October 14, 1889. Quindio department was part of the Caldas department until July 1, 1966 date that was separated officially.
Ethnography: Mestizos & Whites (97.92%), Black, Mulatto (2.46%), Indian (0.41%)
Municipalities: Armenia, Buenavista, Calarcá, Circassia, Córdoba, Filandia, Genoa, The Thebaid, Montenegro, Pijao, Quimbaya, Salento

061-CF0182: Image Otún River as it passes through the outskirts of the city of Pereira. Pereira's climate ranges from the following topics: Weather warm 9.9%, 60.7% average weather, cold weather 11.5%, 17.7% wasteland, its average annual rainfall is 2,750 mm.
This feature shaping climate and soils, also offers a variety in the vegetation and landscape, enhancing the city of Pereira with one of the richest biodiversity in the nation. However, the city appears as a zone of high seismic vulnerability of the type of soil that form and geological faults running through it. Its average temperature is 22 degrees Celsius.
The municipal area is 702 km ², bordered on the north by the municipalities of La Virginia, Marseille and Dosquebradas, northeast to Santa Rosa de Cabal and east by the department of Tolima, on the south by the departments of Quindio and Valle del Cauca, the west by the municipality of Balboa and the department of Valle del Cauca.
Pereira is on the central mountain range, on the river valley Otún, and part of the Cauca River valley, like Pereira Colombian cities, has high areas of difficult access or flat spots or little steep streets of the city made pursuant to the relief of the area, as if the River Avenue crosses the river valley Otún, so it has little elevation but several lateral undulations.
Most of the municipal territory corresponds to the steep relief of the Cordillera Central. Among the highlights orographic snow Quindio of Ruiz and Santa Isabel, on the borders by the departments of Quindio, Caldas and Tolima respectively. Also has other accidents as Santa Barbara, also known as the Alto del Nudo. The hydrographic system of the municipality includes the rivers Cauca, Barbas, Old, and Consota Otún with its many tributaries. It's broken relief, enjoys variety of climates, presenting the following climatic zones: hot, 60 km ²; average 367 km ², cold, 70 km ² and moor, with 107 km ².
062-CF0174: Trees along the River Otún as it passes through the outskirts of the city of Pereira. The river is a short river Otún Colombia, located in the department of Risaralda, born in Lake Otún, and empties into the Cauca River. Go through the city of Pereira.
Takes in different protected areas like Los Nevados National Park, the Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora and Ucumarí Park. It is the only source of drinking water for the city of Pereira. Unfortunately this river has a high pollution in the section that is located in the city of Pereira because of the dumping of sewage and industrial.
063-CF2024: Groves and gardens inside the hotel Sazagua. Sazagua Boutique Hotel has two levels which are distributed 10 rooms comfortable and cozy. Each room has a perfect blend of classicism and modernity, meeting the highest standards of hospitality. Rooms feature LCD TV, cable system and wireless Internet. In the rooms and rest areas, all details are prepared with care and good taste to your stay.
Thinking about all the needs of its customers, the Boutique Hotel Sazagua has three Junior Suite, created for executives on business into the region and want to combine work and care tranquility lodging. The master suite is lovely, with spacious living area, and has a beautiful bathroom surrounded by candles. Also, this hotel is the ideal venue for conferences, meetings and special celebrations, family or corporate.
064-CF0210: Views of people from the viewpoint Filandia. Filandia, the municipality of the Coffee coffee, full of balconies, places to take a good Colombian coffee has a privileged place for travelers: your viewpoint. The viewpoint of Filandia, located in a privileged place in the soft rolling hills of this town, can see the cities of Armenia and Pereira, a huge amount of people scattered throughout the departments of Valle del Cauca, Quindio and Risaralda and in the days more clear, the Los Nevados National Natural Park. The viewpoint of Filandia offers unforgettable landscapes, accompanied by a delicious Colombian coffee.
065-CF0209: Some farms located next to the Mirador de Filandia. The viewpoint is in the midst of Ecopark Illuminated Hill, with a height of 19 meters, was built in mangrove and Zapan Chanu. At its base there is a body of water made butterfly shaped stained glass as a tribute to the hundreds of species that inhabit this area. This imposing building, which opened in 2008, offers the public the Gull Café, a place to find the best recipes for this grain, making coffee tasting and eating an organic product which only produced 2000 kilos per month.

066-CF0235: Two tourists on the lookout Filandia. The small town of Filandia be seen behind them. Circassia, Pereira, Salento, Quimbaya, Armenia and the municipalities of Caicedonia, Carthage, and Saudi Ulloa, Valle del Cauca are some of the places that tourists and residents can see Filandia climbing about 19 meters high is the viewpoint ecopark of Illuminated Hill. With only 3 thousand dollars and a willingness to climb stairs, visitors will enjoy varied and beautiful landscapes, one of the wonders that make up Quindio ecotourism. From the top of the structure that was developed in mangrove Zapan Chanu and there is a body of water produced butterfly-shaped and stained glass as a tribute to the thousands of species of this type that are evident in the zone. Also, since there is not only territorially but also allows the option of distinguishing detail the wildlife on a scale of great height, as well as giving visitors the opportunity to observe the boundaries with neighboring municipalities. Those wishing to know this new attraction, and traveling from Armenia should go on the road to Pereira on the highway Coffee tour that lasts about 20 minutes. From there he turns in the area known as Las Cruces to make entry into the rural part of the municipality. After passing the main park is sought Quimbaya road leading to and within five minutes you can glimpse a stunning work of architecture that is open daily from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm .
Echo park project
The initiative that was conceived the lookout ecopark Illuminated Hill was the realization of a large tourism project with representative aspects of the region. Although so far only the first phase is ready for a future is thinking about running eight cores there. Parking, concierge with box office, cubicle for monitoring, flag plaza, office building, shops, restrooms and an auditorium or outdoor theater for the presentation of cultural events and the Stay of the Horsemen, the botanical garden in jungle fog, lecture halls, a nursery, were growing, bamboo and wood greenhouse with glass cover, shade house, shed-roofed zâram to protect the flora of the weather-and botanical trail with bridges, farms, gardens, native and other aspects are first presented in this park. Archaeological ramps will also be taken that show the rich culture of ancient peoples such as the Quimbayas and Pijaos, social recreation building with cafeteria, additional services, games room, playground and infrastructure directly related to the topic archaeological Square the culture of music that is made of bamboo, bamboo and tropical woods, sky, raised in the same species and vine moorings. Also, an artificial lake with recreational moving sculptures powered by alternative energy sources like solar, wind, gas or water.
067-CF0275: Shops roadside baskets in Filandia. One of the most important traditions of this land are typical of basket weaving factories that have become one of the most important cultural heritage of the area. In the same way leading to the viewpoint is the San Jose or artisans where you can live the experience of knitting and know the different types of baskets by usage: catcher or collector, tanker, seed or planter; scrubber bagacero, pineapple, or Cerecero Cascarero and the Wardrobe, and other crafts in the same material. These spectacular works of the craft are made in different varieties of vines that are at the confluence of the Bun, The Oak and the area of ??Manzano as the droll, tripaperro, atacorral, cucharo, basket, chagualo, Rosewood, three edges, yule, sortijo, Chipalo, green, black, among others. In honor of these artisans every two years running the Basket celebrations as a tribute to all those who weave in addition to these elements, tradition and customs to their land.
068-CF0269: One of the craftsmen of Filandia prepares a basket. Filandia Township is located in the department of Quindio, which together with Caldas and Risaralda belongs to the Andean region in particular to the coffee. Basketry in Filandia has been one of the most representative expressions of the region, hence the importance of preserving the tradition that besides being a way to financially support groups, represents a legacy of knowledge handed down from generation to generation. In addition to its traditional wealth, Filandia is characterized as a source of water and environmental resources, has a great variety of flora and fauna. Along with gubernamentalescomoelIAvH intituciones and entities, laCRQ ylaalcaldíadeFilandialosartesanoshanparticipado of co-management plan where the use of plant material forests as the vines is done in a sustainable way, this to ensure the survival of several species.
The vines made natural material have, ties that bind and composition with its natural origin, are characterized as a feedstock flexible and strong, very pliable for weaving; The different shades communicate and test a particular feature, each vine is a distinct entity when used in basketry generates unique products.
069-CF0247: Sellers of flowers next to the Mirador de Filandia. Filandia is located north of Quindio to 04 º 40 '48.7 "north latitude and 75 º 39'48 .5" W, in the branches of the western central mountains, is at a height of + / - 1,910 meters above sea level (taken in the main square, beside the bust of Bolivar, with GPS-Global Positioning System: Navigation System with Satellite location-) and an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. Average annual rainfall: 2,829 mm. The name appears Filandia village in El Cerrito, Valle del Cauca, a ravine in San Vicente, Caquetá, a place in Chaparral, Tolima, a place in Ituango, Antioquia, and a place in Neiva, Huila. Its population of 12,377 inhabitants (according Sisben to March 2010).
070-CF0281: Filandia is known for its typical architecture balconies Antioquia colony, full of colorful flowers. Today, tourism has become a potential alternative for the development of the Department, which is why today is a tourist destination par excellence and abroad. The economy of Quindío revolves around the cultivation and marketing of coffee, historical ground of the departmental and national economy. This activity is followed by the provision of services, farming and industry. The major agricultural activity in the economy of this Department, its main crop is coffee. Other crops in recent years have increased their production, are: banana, cassava, sorghum, soybeans, beans, corn and cocoa. Livestock occupy a prominent place in his economy, focuses on the breeding and fattening of cattle cattle, pigs, goats and sheep. Exploited gold mineral found in small mines located on the western slopes of the Cordillera Central are also exploited to a lesser extent silver, lead and zinc, in terms of non-metallic minerals are exploited clay, limestone and dolomite. Industrial activity is most important agro-food, as well as apparel, toiletries, while the right road and service structure has enabled the development of trade.

071-CF0852: Put fruit in the central square of Filandia. Quindío.
The Department has libraries, a newspaper, broadcasting on AM and FM, theaters and various sporting venues. Among the tourist sites representative of the region, include the Gold Museum Quimbaya in Armenia, the National Museum of coffee, in Montenegro, and the coffee basket museum and lookout tower Filandia. Quindio has scenes of great natural beauty, as the Los Nevados National Park, the caves in Genoa, Cocora Valley, where you can see the wax palm, the cascade of Santo Domingo, the forest reserve Navarro, farms coffee that present beautiful contrasts the variety of crops and the design of houses. As for mammals is the spectacled bear, a species in danger of extinction, the howler monkey, sloth bear, wild dog, the agouti black, páramo tapir, rabbit savanna, the cunt, squirrels, among other.
CRAFTS TO BUILD AND WEAVING Watermarks: There are immense wealth in the cultural, from the heritage of our indigenous goldsmith, through the architecture of the settlement reflected in the windows and doors of their peoples, to the craftsmanship that has been developed according the origin of the colonizers. Thus as found in Armenia, Salento and the Thebaid, delicate lace on fine woods and beautiful baskets made with Finlandia wild vines, much used in collecting and transporting the coffee cherry. has been in increase the use of the bamboo not only in l housing construction and furniture making, but also on different objects with novel designs and creativity that are traded each day more, especially in Cordoba. also produces silver-Columbian replicas, objects in seeds, beads, beads, clay, ceramic, and a special development is the development of banana guasca objects, to form a wide variety of crafts.
To promote this cultural heritage in the Department there are two international exhibitions of handicrafts, in the months of April and October in the city of Armenia.
072-CF0339: Claudia Café Bar Restaurant One of the cafes located in the central square of Filandia. DINING: punchy beans, served with meat, rice, plantains, avocado, egg, sausage, pork and sweet plantain create this wonder of Bin Huang called kitchen.
The trout with fried plantain in Salento is one of the dishes desired by tourists. Maize porridge sweetened with panela cheese or aguapanelita are typical drinks, donuts with custard, the solteritas, wafers with cream and figs with cheese. The traditional local liquor is aguardiente.
TRADITIONAL HOSPITALITY: Simultaneously quantitative and qualitative growth of the service of lodgings, hotels Quindío traditional in recent years has greatly increased. Capacity, estimated at 3,148 beds, is a potential that allows, aside from attending a high flow of tourists at all times, to celebrate major events in the department of economic, cultural and sport, whether at the national and international levels. Similarly the quality of customer service has become, for their efficiency and kindness, a factor that strengthens the development of tourism in the region.
In Quindío find hotels for all tastes and all financial possibilities, from simple and austere to those that offer large and beautiful building, sustaining, in its design and its conveniences - and stars to rate their performance - the outstanding service and hospitality.
073-CF0363: Central Square Filandia population. Quindío. RURAL TOURISM TO REST Returning to the Field: As a result of the coffee crisis, many grain growers began looking for alternatives to the difficult economic situation and the declining quality of life so, as some farms in the region were adapted to provide tourist services with great success. The activity has grown in providing quality services, to improve the sector, entrepreneurs requested technical assistance to national and departmental governments, attitude generated by the project Strategic Tourism Development Plan in the coffee. These programs have identified a need to classify the different types of lodgings, according to its offer; farm hotel, traditional farm and country house.
074-CF0361: Three grandparents talk in the central square of the population of Filandia. Quindío. Finlandia is one of the prettiest towns of Quindio, called by many "Hill Illuminated" welcomes you and invites you to visit all the tourist stronghold, environmental, landscape, history and architecture with which account. Filandia and is considered a cultural and environmental heritage of Colombia, covering a diverse range of goods such as landscapes, historic sites and urban centers, with their ancestors past and present. It also reflects and expresses the long processes of cultural development and provides the essence of the various regional and national identities continue in the balance of who we are as we go through times when local cultures should be strengthened from the reflection, contextualizarnos so firmly in the contemporary world and defend, cherish, save and preserve our heritage, in this case, considered one of the biggest attractions of the municipality. Moreover, it is worth noting that Filandia has established itself as tourist spot visited by people who are in this town Quindiano a really beautiful place to enjoy, where its rich heritage is also the warmth of its people, beauty landscape, the architectural urban corners, platforms, balconies traditional color, texture, playgrounds, crafts, history, tradition ... and many other things that only after knowing them and appreciate their magnitude, can be displayed, value, protect and restore our pride and heritage for our children. Come then and know the place that keeps the charm of earlier times, visit Filandia in Quindio and fall in love with her, remember that Filandia is architecture, ecotourism, crafts, landscape, history and tradition ... and has beautiful places to visit and tourist attractions that you'll love.
075-CF0354: Rhythm calm in the central square of the population of Filandia. Quindío. Finlandia is another favorite towns for visitors because of its tranquility and the beautiful architecture of the colonization of Antioquia. The story goes that Philip Melendez, an old settler, founded the town in company with several friends and baptized with the mixture of Latin row (daughter) and English landia (Andes). Filandia: daughter of the Andes.
It is located north on Highway Department Coffee, which must turn left at the km 20 and then take a narrow paved road and about 7 km. This last stretch is between farms and nature reserves in Bremen and Barbas, which in turn create a striking landscape for its verdure and fertility. The place is set on a plateau, location from where there are several of the neighboring municipalities.
This destination also offers friendly and charming character of the inhabitants, many workers in the coffee, the first product of the municipality and cause the creator of culture that exists in every corner. Many of these farmers, to end their days, gather in the square and in public to share experiences with commentators inside and outside.

076-CF0368: Two girls take ice cream in the central square of the population of Filandia. Quindío. The territory that now constitutes the town of Filandia was inhabited before it was founded by some of the Indian tribe of the Quimbayas. They lived in northern Quindío, his territory extended to the river Chinchiná. Filandia was part of the "province QUIMBAYA", named after the conquering invaders who came in search of gold in the colonial period in 1540. The first settlers penetrated by "THE WAY OF QUINDÍO" from the center east of the country and its transit through this pathway, little by little they settled on the banks of the way. Initially devoted to the establishment of dairy farms (which were places where travelers spent the night and later became roadside eateries) and contaderos (places where travelers stopped to have their cattle and beasts of burden and is not known whether they had lost). The counter where he later founded Filandia is described by several travelers and chroniclers with the name of heifers and nudilleros novilleros. The foundation of Filandia known years ago as a hamlet or village of Carthage, under the name of Nudilleros, took place on August 20, 1878. The founders of Filandia Felipe Melendez, Elisha Buitrago, Jose Leon, Carlos Franco, Jose Maria and Dolores Garcia, Ignacio Londoño, Peter Londono, Andres Cardona, Jose Ramon Lopez Sanz, Severo Gallego, Gabriel Montaño, José María Osorio, Laureano Sanchez Eleuterio Aguirre, and Lolo Morales found the ideal place to raise a city. Gave it the name of Filandia. Filandia was the second borough that make up the region Quindio; municipality is erected in 1892 and ratified in 1894. Its first mayor was Don Rafael Ramirez, the first Mass was celebrated in 1880 by Father Jose Joaquin Baena. The Filandia name comes from "Filia" Child, "Andia" Andes, "FILANDIA" Child of the Andes, was village of Salento and was the second municipality Quindiano formed after Salento. Filandia Township had the township to Quimbaya.
077-CF0409: Young people spend their time chatting in the central square of Filandia. Quindío. Malted Beer is unique to the beautiful city of Filandia, Quindio, as the owner of Finlandia Fruit and Coffee, John Francisco Cardenas came ideándose this shake for over 4 months for your business, where he wondered if "there was coffee milkshake , tangerine and banana smoothie, why not make a Beer Shake? "was how he shaped his secret, pleasant and colorful recipe in two months and managed to give the final touch to the idea. Mr. John Francisco Cardenas says his business takes more than a year working in the town of Filandia Quindío favorite, and what attracts most tourists when they Filandia is this distinguished and exquisite Beer Shake also mixtures thereof such as ice cream, beer and secret ingredients, is accompanied by a colorful presentation of fruit (kiwi, cerezas.etc).
078-CF0381: Three men take a delicious coffee in the central square of Filandia. Quindío. The ancient land of the Quimbayas opens to a geography of gently rolling hills, which are a permanent enjoyment for travelers who want coffee infinite landscapes. The architecture paisa of the population, with its balconies, its CASING contrasting colors, is one of its most beautiful features. The Spanish court's main square, is surrounded all the elements that make you feel is in the Coffee. The viewpoint of this town, festivals, friendly people, good coffee, are some reasons to always go and return to this wonderful town, it has had on several occasions the title of the most beautiful in Colombia.
079-CF0522: Several men play carom billiards in a room located in the central square of Filandia. Quindío. The Beer Shake Filandia Quindío can take two forms with either straw or cup itself, because what makes the difference is that the cup has a border of salt, which makes the flavors are totally delicious combination. Not to say the price! Well not exceed the amount of $ 5000.
Fruit and Coffee Filandia is a setting that aside from the Beer Milkshake, highlighted by the kindness, the complete and excellent care by the owner to customers, making you feel a familiar and pleasant enough for the visitor.
Another aspect of the business is the letter, because the presentation is a convenient way for tourists from abroad as this both in Spanish and English.
So do not think more, shake pasadita by Filandia Quindío and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy such a pleasant combination of tap beer, the delight of ice cream and fruits that accompany this shake.
080-CF0309: A man in the poncho typical of the area in the central square of Filandia. Quindío. The mule has its origin in the need for transport, whether of persons, goods or simply chécheres coroteo of the house when migrating from one region to another to colonize land.
First you had to open roads to trails through the jungle.
Inóspitas jungles full of wild animals, tame or naughty and there were plenty of ghosts mitolólogicos, helpful or evil
It was planned out one morning with anticipacióny undertook the Odyssey.
The children were carried in saddles on their backs by the laborers. Bituallas Clutter and loaded onto mules or oxen. These were later to be threshing stubble and then behind the man with his machete or cutting twigs and vines comb bulky.
On his way to the new territory had chickens, pigs, cows and one or more dogs that may lack the peasant paisa.
After a long day, near a creek made a clearing in the dense jungle.
Unloaded animals and lit the fire to prepare food and scare the vermin.
This was the task of women, while men armed themselves a shelter for the night.
This was a journey of many days and nights. Everything became a routine to the point indicated, was virtually a ritual.
Awakening at dawn, eat breakfast, collect, scrub and accommodate cooking utensils, oxen and mules to gather, load, prepare the saddles where they loaded the children, the elderly and pregnant women, get ready and go on.
But yeah, the day before had to make a good breakfast and prepare Trancão deli for lunch.
Was a good ball totumada chocolate, made from ground cocoa with cornstarch Tostao.
This was accompanied by corn bread corn and beans sancohado outdated with a piece of smoked meat.
Was packed for lunch and fried potatoes cooked with a bit of it recalentao beans, fried egg and corn bread more, all packed in banana leaves or biao.
These carriers capesinos were too religious to the Christian faith, Apostolic and Roman.
Before acostarsen prayed the Rosary, a prayer to the holy souls in purgatory, an Our Father for the families who stayed, another to the guardian angel.
They gathered around the fire and told tales of ghosts, animals, horns or scares, the slips of the neighbor and they did until the grab sleep.
Before any food, sang a prayer thanking God for them to eat without merit.
Chest always wore a scapular of the Virgin del Carmen or a rosary made of metal achirillas and Christ.
Met all the dogmas and acts of Faith inculcated by the catechism of Father Astete.
One of the sufferings of these drovers and settlers were acquired diseases and parasites in their nomadic life.
Diarrhea, fever, fevers, the cases of malaria, gout and other they called evil eye.
Horsemen for respect could not miss, lice, fleas, Carangas, carranchil, chiggers and the famous catkins or porridges between toes.
Worms was solitary and heritage of children and pets.
Many of these diseases are cured or at least lessened with home remedies, natural herbs and prayers it into account.
Their peculiar costume consisted of ponchos, poncho, straw hat and white Aguada wide brim. They wore denim clothing, both for its wide boot pants, and rolled up the sleeves.
They had machetes or comb his belt, a good leather carriel otter, capadora razor, barber to shave, soap land, methylene blue for the sores of mules, red dust for naibí of beasts, or to kill manetos, some Piojillo who lives in the pubic mop acquired when visiting the areas of tolerance for people, better known as "ass narrow niguateral, ass wet or mona lisa", well, where it was to take a few spirits and pamper your horn.
In carriel could not miss a mirror, tobacco, tinder for fire enceder, capotera needles for sewing, needles arria to fix saddles, cabuyas, money, love letters from the bride or the neighbor, the rosary, novena the Holy Souls, nail pliers to boot, a pair of dice to set up a booth at any gauge, a candle to light at night, the quack powder to love old mustard to hunt witches, well, a lot of güevonadas that any time served him to leave the crossroads.

081-CF0452: Two men chatting in the central square of Filandia. Quindío. One of the peculiarities of the carriers were his exaggerations for comment or criticism of his countrymen. Here are some of the most common:
More boring than a monkey on a bonsai.
More boring than a horse on a balcony.
Uglier than a car underneath.
Ugliest tie patched.
Tirale uglier than the mother.
More tiring than a roller pedal.
More tiresome than a victory under his arm.
Not able to sell a tamale in a landslide.
Not convince a dog with a pound of flesh.
It's so garetas that fits a train with straw tied.
It's so garetas that fits a drunk voliando a poncho.
In this town is so cold that use poncho toads.
He gets drunk voliando a poncho.
Not hold a Mass with gunpowder.
Overnight soaping a tiger.
He stands on a lid of beer and is drunk.
Hinders rather than a pig in the kitchen.
It is such a liar who tells the truth and put colorao.
More lost that dog in a procession.
It is so viscous that cries and wets the back.
You have ears so large that if you move flies.
The house did not speak or the radio.
So they cut down the dog's tail so that it is not volley.
More down to tit tight.
It's so bad it does not make a goal to the rainbow.
I should clarify that as Paisa, is included not only the department of Antioquia, but also the inhabitants of Caldas, Risaralda, Quindio, part of Tolima, and North and West Valley, all of which retain the spirit and language bequeathed to them by the Antioquia in the last century.
Exaggeration is a natural way of expression of Antioquia, which ended up being one of the most delights folk Colombia.
The hype is building paisa every day with a wealth of imagination and grace imponderables.
They are all very short sentences, full of mischief and fantasy mostly relate to defects or negative aspects of being human.
So let us look to exaggerate paise.
Man in his physical appearance.
As high.
Is so high that they feed with boladores.
Is so high that has clouds in her eyes.
Is so high that they throw the food comes with slingshot and vinegar.
Is so high that reaches guamas shitting.
Wrinkled at:
More crumpled silver gambler.
More wrinkled than an accordion.
More wrinkled than a thermos.
More myopic wrinkled front.
More crumpled than a pound of raisins.
More crumpled taleguito freshly bathed child.
So it does not get crumpled hat, but screw it.
The weak:
Watchmaker has muscles.
Not break an egg to the hammer.
Not hold a Mass with boladores.
Peyendo Tires.
Do not strip the farts but they fall off.
The ugly:
It's so ugly they call to ease hiccups.
It's so ugly that they rent for horror.
It's so ugly that God did and sat laughing.
It's so ugly that she's afraid to sleep alone.
It's so ugly that does not inspire or venial.
Throw is uglier than the mother.
It's so ugly and it gives it back.
It's so ugly she does not eat even a blind tiger.
Is uglier than a return pelao cinnamon ass.
The skinny:
More skinny cat hardware.
Thinner than Indian dog.
Skinnier than six o'clock.
It is so thin that lies on needle and the thread blanket.
It is so thin that, to get the rest is just undressing.
It is so thin that the X-ray is taken out with a candle.
It is so thin that you can motilar with a pencil sharpener.
It is so thin that he swallows a chicken without shaking.
It has more fat a clock.
It has more meat in a sausage knot.
The fat:
Is so fat that looks like a donut on a leash.
Is so fat that the Guardian Angel has to sleep in separate beds.
So fat you have to ask him which side you sit.
Which stinks:
It has a smell that burns a cane with the steam.
He was hired to break up demonstrations.
More shit that stick house.
Do not snuff smoking snuggles a buzzard.
It smells like gorilla laugh.
Smells like underpants in jail.
Huayuco smells of India.
It smells like freshly descobijado marriage.
Smells like missionary cassock.
It smells bad gypsy sitting.
Of hair:
Saludes sent him a bottle.
He has no hair or for an arepa.
You can shave with erasers.
The beard looks like a vented rain.
The beard looks like a football game.
You do not hear a cry of hair by hair.
Of defective or badly in the foot:
It is more badly than a canvas cot.
The fresh stopped.
Between the legs will be crossed a railway carriage.
Will be a mad volleying a sack.
Walk like a parrot in tile.
Walk like a duck in pear.
Walk like buzzard on a Hot Tin Roof.
The short man:
Littlest patimocho that dwarf.
It's so small you feel in one currency and dangling her feet.
So small sitting on a box of matches and calls to be put down.
It's so small you throw a fart and raise the Polvero.
Littlest where the whores who drink.
It is so small that you leave calluses on the hundred.
It is so small that his head smells pecueca.
From an old person:
Older than a lot in Carthage.
Is older than the stew.
Is older than the use of walking stopped.
Is older than a song by Pedro Vargas.
It is so old that is greater than the father.
No longer can he have but to move the tongue.
Born when the rainbow was still in black and white.
Born when the snakes went stops.
Born as the heart of Jesus was in short pants.
Born when the Dead Sea was just sick.
Medellin was born when the river just came by the star.
It is so old that he had to pay for military service launches.
For the physical features of the body:
Is so bald you can see his brains.
It is more Indian than a flower knob.
It's cuter than a cayubra.
It is so myopic that you have to put glasses to hear a serenade.
It is so dull that the mother lied and said thank you.
It is not for the family.
It seems more myopic than Chinese with styes.
Nosed is so you can take water on a disk.
It can bite nosed as a mirror.
Her mouth is so big that it puts copper earrings and poisons.
A little bird has more teeth in his stomach.
It's so mueco we have to give ground beef.
It's so Paton who sleeps standing and not stay up late.
More fragrant than the Holy Sepulchre.
More ass scorched pot.
Is so powerful in the lungs, blowing a bull in the ass and he straighten the horns.
It's as diabetic urine and ants will go up by the jet.
The head looks like a bad hairdresser sweep.
Stay as the tiger left.
Has Cumbamba shark.
He is so shaky that pours a banana.
A pulse for salting meat.
Has more teeth than a dog fight.
The living man, resourceful, clever:
He pulls out a skull caput.
They glean more than a rooster in a landfill.
Feel breathing ants.
Hear the grass grow.
It takes a musician.
082-CF0919: Children play with your bike in the central square of Salento. Quindío. Salento in the afternoon, even with its gleam of dawn, the feast of bright colors smeared in the houses and the slow parade of yipaos to be parked in the central square. Some of them have already made their trips to the villages and their drivers are ready to gorge again coffee, passengers, and clutter stories, because that seems to hold cart that will be a sigh of everything and will always be a space for those who want installed on board the anecdotes of a coffee town. First thing is few people, but will not miss the gentle carrier or loved inhabitant willing to chat with the newcomer or returning magnetized by those features rural, urban and cultural. The reasons begin with the kindly interest afloat good-natured characters that come out to step on that first tour of the main park.
083-CF0899: Fonda de los compadres. Some bars of Salento. Quindío. Salento is tucked between mountains coffee, palm wax, clear rivers and fog at the top expel the snowy peaks. It is a harmonious place for the journey without haste and with the certainty that everything that makes up what is a reason and reason, that talking about the houses, church and all the buildings of the town, the natural attractions, are gifts of life not explained, and have started a few miles below where the access road off the Highway Café.
This deviation to the right internal curvilinear path lush valley formed by the river Quindío and sides where this is discovered yet clear, it appears the village of Boquía, a foretaste of what lies ahead. In this village on the roadside, the first Gentile parishioners and some typical tourist lodges, simple but wrapped with greenery. These sites are there because room is needed, and the guard station to commune with the environment, people and let her warm voice, tinged with fruit trees, stays quiet reverie that raise. Salento is beginning to live with all the ingredients of a life as natural as green emanating from the earth and the waters coming down the hills.
And again the traveler is on the roads of the township, there for the Calle Real and others are other tourist lodges. The emulated frame colonization of Antioquia, whose corners of adobe, bamboo and flowers are accomplices of butterflies and birds that come to cheer rout day. This show is to appreciate the moments of rest or at the first moments of the morning, because outside there is plenty to do: in the central square, including local crafts and cuisine of the Calle Real, in the gazebo at the end of the long stairs or in the majestic valley of Cocora.
084-CF0881: Where my fond. Fonda. Some bars and accommodations of Salento. Quindío. Salento is a Colombian municipality in the department of Quindio. Called the father of Quindío for being the oldest municipality of the department, is known as the National Tree township Cradle "The Palma de Cera" has a wide variety of tourist attractions including Cocora Valley where you can find a landscape full of nature and ecological walks and enjoy the beautiful scenery of this town. Under an agreement by the Honorable City Council, was taken as the founding date of January 5, 1851 Every year they celebrate the traditional festival of its founding aniversarias between two and 12 January. The average temperature is 15 degrees Celsius and has an approximate population in the urban than 3000 residents and 5500 rural inhabitants.
Salento is located north of the city of Armenia to nine miles along the right bank (Posada German) of the road that leads to Armenia Pereira, after leaving the highway for a stretch of road in very good condition in a way other nine kilometers.
Architecture is distinguished by its square, and its old houses in adobe and clay walls, for the kindness and gentleness of its people, its beautiful scenery and excellent climate.
Navarco: A path that has 23 tributaries of Water, 2 rivers called Navarco of which the village derives its name and Boqueron delimiting the sidewalk in its northern part. It has a very extensive nature reserve wildlife in it will be built soon Quindío the water reserve. It has a school called Children of hope built on an Indian cemetery. The average temperature is 6 to 18 degrees Celsius.
085-CF0954: Salento central square at dusk. Quindío.
Ecotourism attractions
Located north of Salento between 1,800 and 2,400 meters., Its name means Star Water is the natural habitat of the wax palm, where the environment is MORROGACHO HILL: Ecological Centre of diverse habitats, as well as its surroundings Some cemeteries have been discovered tombs shaped by indigenous cancel, which is also found in the Acaime Nature Reserve, on the road leading to the biological station Star Water, which offers the course called "Path of the Tombs."
The river rises in the Quindío Romerales moor at an altitude of 4,000 meters, covers a stretch of 71.3 km Crossing the department in the northeast and the bridge is located in the village Boquía under its structure are Boquía the river, which is taxed at Quindío River, built in 1948, was part of a large project, which sought to communicate via Buenaventura with Bogota and Armenia to Ibague.
At an altitude of 3,880 meters, between the Paramillo Quindio and Nevado del Tolima, is an ideal place to camp and rest before embarking on the journey to the nearby snow capped mountains.
National Tree of Colombia, Law 61 of 1,985 lives in the high Andean forest or cloud forest, is the highest in the world and it grows at higher altitudes.
Salento offers an interesting route that allows the observation of birds. Contact: Phone (6) 7592252 Cel 311 3122566 - 311 7699190.
FESTIVALS OF SALENTO ANIVERSARIAS - 1 to 8 January: its main events are: Coroteo peasant rajaleñas contest, mule contest, parade of classic bicycles, riding, popular festivals, kingdoms, others.
NATIONAL TREE DAY - 16 September: Quindio wax palm. Reforestation with Wax Palms, protocalerio event in the Plaza de Bolivar, complete with recreation sports and culture.
EASTER: proceiones and religious acts, tinged with an appropriate cutural programming.
LIVESTOCK SHOW: Held in October, with exhibits of cattle, striking competitions and sale.
CRAFT SHOW: year-round in the Salento ROYAL STREET.
OTHER ACTIVITIES: every Friday throughout the program deporteando Bolivar Park and Wednesday is celebrated cinema park.
CRAFTS: there are in the main square and along the Calle Real, a large and varied range of colorful and attractive handicraft stores and workshops, highlighting work in wood, bamboo, natural fibers, textiles, jewelry, candles and painting among others.
HORSEBACK RIDING: aniversarias and festivities during the weekends throughout the year. Salento is one of the most important deals Quindío for nice rides in its nature trails and beautiful scenery. There are several companies specializing in the area that offer affordable, rental of horses with expert guides.

086-CF0984: Church of Salento located in the central square of Salento at sunset. Quindío. The church of Salento, built by the year 1850, is a unique building, then from the base to the roof is made of wood Ceroxylon andicola, so scrape enough columns in the nave of this modest building required to collect the wax candles on the altar. Poor is inside, but under his roof encouraged the faithful gather a living faith and sincere. That very day I had a proof. The priest said Mass, and inasmuch as the church was unable to hold to all the parishioners who came from the vicinity, many of these remained in the square talking loudly with vendors installed there, but when touched to raise, All were silent and bowed to the ground, without missing one, taking off their hats. With the latest bells ringing all rose, those who spoke before the interrupted conversation resumed, and the crowd regained the animation and movement, as if they were schoolchildren in the absence of the teacher. "(Taken at face value the book Picturesque America)
But Isaac Holton describes us to the year 1853 "At two o'clock we Barcinal, the first house we found since we left Toche and sixth there in seventy-two hours away. There lived a family that gave us porridge Antioquia . By a steep path descended to Boquía bad on the banks of the river Quindío. Salento is a newly formed village which has at most two hundred inhabitants. only twelve years ago that has the name it bears, it was formerly called Boquía. His district has about two thousand inhabitants scattered, occupying several thousand acres of land and live off the proceeds of the raising of any livestock, and crops of wheat and corn, the grains are going to sell the Cauca or consumed in the the country. The Cauca River, which passes through the bottom of the village, a windmill motion to print, rare in those regions. A little further takes its current name Boquia river and its waves are mixed towards the west to join the Old River, a tributary of the Cauca.
087-CF0999: Crafts Llillos located in the central square of Salento. Quindío. Salento has a particular attraction, its multicultural atmosphere makes this place a charm. The artisans who live in their village made crafts on Calle Real. About the Green Mountain, a few kilometers from town, you can visit one of the most beautiful places in Latin America, Cocora Valley and Palma de Cera. Prepare for an ecological walk and close to nature. Crafts, landscape and wildlife is what you will live in Salento. Salento is located in the northeastern department of Quindio heart of the coffee belt of Colombia, has an area of ??375.63 square kilometers and a population of 8,903 inhabitants. The climate has an average temperature of 15 ° C and its urban area is located at an altitude of 1,895 meters above sea level. Its main economic activities include livestock, agriculture and ecotourism.
088-CF0476: A woman is photographed with his daughter in the central square of Salento. Quindío. The tour in Salento is complemented by the pleasure of enjoying the traditional cuisine. Thanks to the existence of many farms, trout in the various presentations is the town's most famous dish.
Start in one corner of the plaza heading north to the Alto de la Cruz lookout. This is the best preserved street with the role of traditional houses and happy that you have deserved to be among the Salento most beautiful towns in Colombia. It gives the confluence of a large craft market, restaurants, cafes and inns with their products and services are the commercial heart of the municipality. These sites are conducive to acquire very good memories, bamboo crafts, and generally lots of items like ponchos, hats, bracelets and necklaces. It's called Real Street because that was where the richest people lived and influential people.
089-CF1793: Hotel Thermal Autumn. Autumn Springs Hotel and Convention Center is located ten minutes from La Nubia and 20 of the city of Manizales, in the old road to the Nevado.
The hotel has 20 cottages with one or two rooms, each equipped with a Jacuzzi spa, fireplace, mini-bar, lounge, color TV, telephone, safe and heating. In addition to these, we have 23 rooms and 10 rooms in rustic main building. In our Restaurant - bar, guests can enjoy delicious cuisine in a calm, cozy and rustic. In our facilities surrounded by beautiful gardens, guests can enjoy three swimming pools with thermal water with temperatures averaging 41 º C, which are great for relaxation, also have a massage room, Turkish bath and jacuzzi.
Now with the most modern convention center in the country. Auditorium for 600 people, six multiple rooms for 100 people each, lounge, three dressing rooms, two press rooms, simultaneous translation room and all the technology, so you and your company make your corporate events successfully. A different option in a landscape that no other place can offer. Additionally, we have four rooms with a capacity for 7, 14, 120 and 150 people, equipped with audiovisual aids, wireless and broadband Internet, fax and copier, which makes our Hotel the ideal place for your events. To take the snack and lunch services we offer at no additional cost, auditorium theater style for 120, 80, 15 and 7 people, overhead projector and slides, flip chart, markers, TV, VHS, water, red station and aromatic permanent. Transport in hotel vans with seating for 14, 24 and 27 people in previously established schedules.

090-CF1796: Autumn Springs Hotel and Convention Center, located on the old road to the Nevado del Ruiz, 10 minutes from La Nubia Airport and 20 minutes from the city of Manizales. Autumn Springs is a beautiful set cabins with characteristics of the coffee region, which speak for themselves of what the coffee culture in Colombia and the world. the cabins are furnished with a cozy decoration suitable for cold CLMA this area, the cottages have jacuzzi natural water springs, which have a good quality in concentrations of sulfur, which makes them nice to have a pleasant break ma . The food is very good and the prices to be as good quality are very good, very good fruit and juices can get. The pools have sizes for adults and children. The water is very relaxing and if you are a partner, is perfect to have a good romantic moments.
The accseso is good and is an urban bus route into the transport terminal that goes to the hotel. Is relatively close to the city of Manizales, but transportation is good. Very good to enjoy a natural landscape of cold weather, some walking nature trails and learn about the coffee culture.
091-CF1801: Hot Springs Fall, on the Coffee, 20 minutes from Manila, is a resort and events, with hot springs, renowned worldwide for its exceptional infrastructure. With a design model based on respect for biodiversity, environment and quality of its thermal waters, just 20 minutes from the city of Manizales, in the way that it leads to the Magdalena, or the old road to the Nevado del Ruiz, spas lovers can find one of the most beautiful and comfortable springs of the Coffee: The Fall Springs. Surrounded by stunning green landscapes, close to cloud forests, mountains and gardens, stands the resort that offers visitors 20 luxurious cabins with 1 and 2 bedrooms, each provided with Jacuzzi spa, fireplace and other additional hotel services. Also offers 23 rustic and 10 rooms in its main building, bar and restaurant and a convention center.
092-CF1812: Hot Springs Fall, Hotel and Convention Center: Located in the beautiful city of Manizales, the hotel and convention center Autumn Springs offers visitors the chance to enjoy a beautiful view and a very comfortable accommodation in a hotel surrounded by mountains and cloud forests where you can have direct contact with nature, repirar clean air and enjoy the hot springs that make your stay even more relaxing experience.
Autumn Springs location
The hotel is located just outside the city of Manizales, capital of the department of Caldas, Colombia. From Manila is a journey that takes about 15 minutes and 10 minutes from the Airport La Nubia.
093-CF1820: Autumn Springs is a relaxing experience amidst mountains and cloud forests. In contact with nature and fresh air, you can enjoy the comfort and tranquility of relaxing and therapeutic benefits of thermal water. Leave the city of Manizales to the Hot Springs Fall, located just 20 minutes drive from the town of Manizales or 50 minutes from National Park of Los Nevados, is an approximate height of 2,500 meters. This place has the services of a private pool, a public swimming pool, restaurant, and green areas. Back to Manizales.
094-CF1878: For the more adventurous, El Bosque del Saman offers the unique opportunity to practice Canopy, flying two thousand meters of coffee in harness by steel cables and overlooking from the dizzying heights the natural wonders of the region and localities that populate. For those who never tire of the adventure, El Bosque del Saman has climbing wall, horseback riding, rappelling, Tibetan bridge, zip lines, Chaplin and many bridges. The Coffee of Colombia is an attractive proposition for visitors to agrotourism this multifaceted country. Among the lodging options in this destination, the hotel Finca El Bosque del Saman, near Alcalá, notable for the excellence of its services, the picturesque tone of its facilities and the wide range of attractions on offer for the whole family .
The environment of vast coffee plantations that spread to the countryside around their facilities forms a distinctive landscape of the Triangle Coffee, Colombia's flagship product. Rural tourism, serene nature and combines period charm in El Bosque del Saman de Alcalá. For its qualified facilities, the facility has been certified Coffee Club Estates.
Comfort rural El Bosque del Saman
The interiors of the Villa, installed on old farm buildings are fitted with excellent decor, details of which are inspired by traditional environments in the region. The housing infrastructure of the farm consists of three buildings, each with its peculiarities: Typical House, Colonial House and Casa Rural.
The broad Typical House, with its colorful ceiling, takes us back to the old buildings coffeemakers. Surrounded by guaduales and leafy lanes, this construction has ten standard rooms.
The accommodation features spacious colonial superior rooms equipped with living room and terrace with hammock, from which departments are sighted Quindio and Risaralda valley.
In Rustic rooms with private balcony, is experienced as directly as the charm of the coffee landscape.
For a luxurious stay, exclusive of the Villa Apartment has three bedrooms with private bath, living room, kitchen and bar, all decorated with fine furniture and traditional decoration.
095-CF1921: Canopy flying over coffee at the Hotel El Bosque del Saman. Activities in touch with nature is the great attraction for Forest of Saman, with the focus your cover letter: coffee. In the House are conducted and interactive educational tours to learn about the craft of coffee. The guest can experience the same stages of cultivation, harvesting and processing of the most famous product of Colombia, as well as taste.
It also may know how experiential typical tasks Farm Forest of Saman, in close contact with the earth and animals. The Eco Walk the Path is a splendid opportunity for ecotourism enthusiasts, knowing the natural beauty surrounding the coffee flowers, waterfalls, guaduales, creeks and streams. Entertainment and relaxation are assured in the many proposals of leisure Forest of Saman: the beautiful, century-old Hacienda El Eden, two pools, Jacuzzi, sauna, Turkish bath, typical inn, board games, field games, playground , guided tour of the farm and a restaurant and bar with tasty delicacies indigenous to the region and special menus.
For the realization of social events and conventions, the Farm consists of a lounge with capacity for 100 people, and offers outdoor group activities and outdoor training for groups.

096-CF1835: A jeep willys used commonly in these lands for transportation of persons or things. The word Yipao not exist in the real dictionary of the Spanish Academy. It is a barbarism that comes from the word jeep, a specific type of vehicle.
They are very common yipaos coffee, banana, cassava, clutter.
The Willys jeep is a jeep-type vehicle, produced in E. U. bound for the war, culminating WWII and Korea, Americans were inundated with these cars and began to sell very cheap to third world countries including COLOMBIA, light vehicles body are small, made to cross uncovered areas, unpaved. In Colombia were imported by Mr. Leonidas Lara and children destined for the army especially since they came equipped with sufficient evidence to war. At Quindio were brought by Mr. ANTONIO JARAMILLO AND JOAQUIN LONDOÑO who had driver's services MARIO JARAMILLO ARANGO. First man who entered the city of willys jeep driving (in the forties), where all that was paved in Armenia was part of the street off and a piece of real street. The Willys Jeep was manufactured in Toledo, Ohio, E.U. in June 1943 built 600,000 for the second world war. Original engine "GODEVIL" 4-cylinder, 65 horse power, transfer case "SPICER"
WILLYS GP stands for "general purpose" which in Spanish means "general purpose". The parade takes place in Armenia Yipao (quindio) from 1988 on the initiative of Luis Fernando Ramirez and John JARAMILLO VELEZ ECHEVERRY in categories coroteo, human transport, agricultural and chop. Today there are four categories of the parade and contest so Yipao: Transportation of agricultural products
This category Willys loaded with agricultural products from the region: coffee, banana, banana, cassava, wood, citrus and coffee plants (suckers).
Traditional fiddling:
It is a very picturesque category, in which participants carry their Willys with the most traditional elements of fret used in coffee farms. The Willys appears full of furniture (beds, chairs, tables, cabinets), plants, paintings, pets (dogs, cats, birds), farm animals (pigs, ducks), sewing machine, mattresses, blankets, clothes, pots , cages of chickens, lamps, health, portraits of grandparents and even some family members.
Free category:
It is a category that requires creativity. The Willys appear in her costume and loaded everything a participant you can think of: animals, dolls, soccer equipment, shoes.
Competition "the bounce":
This is the most attractive and acclaimed event that is astonishing, because of the ability and strength that has the Willys Jeep and skill of the driver of the car. The competition consists of loading the Willys with 1800 kgs with products of the region (usually coffee). The weight should be evenly distributed in the back of the Willys for, then, in accelerating the car to tilt, rolling on the two rear wheels. The aim of the strike is to keep the car tilted forward as many meters in a straight line and only two tires.
The Yipao is one of the most iconic cultural events Quindío is a tradition and a means of transport that identifies the culture of the Coffee.
097-CF1940: Sazagua Hotel swimming pool. Pereira. Pool view Sazagua Boutique Hotel, a few miles from Pereira in Colombia's Coffee Region. The gardens are a delight for the senses, with a beautiful collection of palms and tropical plants that attract a wide diversity of birds in the region. The Prana Spa supports all processes on the inherent importance of water as a balancing factor of the working fluid of the living.
Aware of current levels of stress to which we submitted in our homes, jobs and cities, states the urgent need to restore the imbalance caused by daily stress on the delicate balance of man. For that we have the most modern technology available today but also with an excellent team, certified and aware of the importance of providing a service of the highest quality, this combined with friendly installation makes each user feel comfortable and at ease.
098-CF1958: Area adjacent to the garden, at the Hotel Sazagua.
THE CONCEPT OF SMALL CHARMING HOTELS IN YOUR BEST EXPRESSION: DESIGN, FINE DETAILS AND CARE SERVICE. The place comes in the heart of Coffee in the Central Andes of Colombia, as an exquisite expression of hospitality and culinary culture. With your name pays homage to Quimbaya civilization that inhabited the region. With an exceptional climate and beautiful natural environment of the temperate coffee Sazagua Boutique Hotel is a special visitor. Its spaces evoke the old coffee houses of fiefs and recreate their environments with wooden structures, wide corridors, floors colonial , clay tiles, vivid colors, light and nature. The eclectic decor with furnishings from different eras and places in the world, plus a select collection of art, generate a captivating home, comfort, refinement, friendly service and a personal touch every detail, allowing you to enjoy new and contemporary cuisine that highlights Sazagua. Inside a spectacular garden with beautiful collections of palms and tropical plants that attract a large variety of birds in the region, we discovered a beautiful and unique spa built with large river rocks, making it a pleasure for the senses. Also, this hotel is ideal for conferences, meetings and special celebrations, family or corporate.
099-CF1979: Inside a Hotel Room Sazagua. Pereira. Sazagua Boutique Hotel offers the perfect place for social gatherings, family and work. Different areas of the hostel may be appropriate to achieve the goal you want in your meeting. Has a large kiosk that can become a conference room, bar, gathering or any other social event for up to 90 people depending on accommodation. It is equipped with projection screen and audiovisual equipment. Similarly the restaurant area provides adequate space for meetings and reunions.
100-CF1989: Delicious dining at the Hotel Sazagua. Pereira. The Boutique Hotel Sazagua is framed in a true dining experience, with an offer that has its own unique stamp. Building workshop for the senses, Sazagua cuisine is eclectic, innovative and contemporary, focusing on regional and rescue elements that incorporate family recipes to international dishes to present an exquisite and tempting menu is constantly evolving. Similarly, for social events are offered alternatives that break the mold keeping gastronomical rigor in the protocol.

Colombia Children
Colombia for children: the coffee is also open for the kids.
Colombian Coffee
Coffee is the third most consumed beverage in the world after water and tea. Coffee trees are shrubs recognizable by its leaves simple, opposite and often well-developed stipules .
Its flowers are small , tubular and white . The fruit is a drupe with two nuts and sugary pulp.
The bush of the tropical region , belonging to the family Rubiaceae covering 500 genera and 8,000 species known as coffee or coffee producing plant.
One such genre is the Coffea , consisting of trees , shrubs and vines , comprising about 10 species civilized , ie cultivated by man , and 50 wild species.
Colombian coffee beans
The fruit of the coffee plant in the state of maturity take a reddish color and is known as cherry and toasted and ground seeds are used for human consumption , is composed of :
An outer red or yellow pulp called
A sugary gelatinous substance called mucilage or slime
A hard cover or shell called parchment
A thinner cover and thin film called
and finally grain or kernel which is the result of the hard , greenish once roasted and ground is used for producing coffee beverage .
A byproduct of coffee is the alkaloid stimulant known as caffeine, chemically very similar to the protein , which is also present in tea , to mateína of yerba mate , consumed in countries Argentina , Brazil , Chile and Uruguay and theobromine cocoa .
There are several versions regarding the arrival of coffee in Colombia . Some historical evidence indicate that the Jesuits brought the grain to New Granada in 1730 . On the other hand say this product arrived thanks to a traveler coming from the Guianas through Venezuela .
The oldest written testimony about coffee in Colombia is attributed to José Gumilla Jesuit priest , who in his book The Orinoco Illustrated ( 1730 ) recorded the presence of the product in the mission of St. Teresa of Tabaje , carried out in the vicinity of the Meta river mouth in the Orinoco .
The second written statement was prepared by Archbishop - Viceroy Caballero y Góngora ( 1787 ) , who in his report to the Spanish authorities recorded cultivation in regions near Girón ( Santander ) and Muzo ( Boyaca ) .
From 1835 he began to commercially grow coffee beans in Colombia12 in Salazar de las Palmas , Norte de Santander. Much of the production incentive is attributed to Francisco Romero , a priest of the time imposed by the parishioners of the population, during confession , penance for growing coffee . This was a major impetus for the spread of the cultivation of grain in that area of the country. With these seeds was achieved further expansion and growing presence in the departments of Santander , Norte de Santander , Cundinamarca, Antioquia, the center of the country and later in the south.
During the twentieth century was the primary product in commercial activities Colombian exports recorded up to 2560 bags. In 1999 represented 3.7% of gross domestic product and 37% of agricultural employment . The main coffee producing districts are: Nariño , Norte de Santander , Antioquia , Valle del Cauca and Cundinamarca, Huila , Tolima , Caldas , Risaralda, Quindio , knowing the last three as the coffee .
The consolidation of coffee as an export in Colombia only occurred from the second half of the nineteenth century . The expansion that took the world economy in that period made ??the Colombian landowners east of the country find attractive opportunities in the international market . Over time, America was establishing itself as the largest consumer of coffee in the world . Likewise, Germany and France became the most interesting markets in Europe.
Coffee plantations in Quimbaya , Quindio.
Years later , in the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century , there was a drop in prices in the international market having an impact on the profitability and economics of large haciendas. Added to this, the outbreak of the War of a Thousand Days , prevented proper maintenance of the plantations , a fact which ends up ruining crops indebted abroad leaving the farmers of the country who entered the crisis with their farms in different coffee departments at that time.
This crisis of large haciendas produced one of the most significant changes in Colombian coffee . Since 1875 he had begun to expand the number of small coffee growers in Santander and Antioquia .. In the first decade of the twentieth century had managed to consolidate a new coffee export development model driven by colonization of new lands, mainly in the departments of Antioquia , Caldas , Valle del Cauca and Tolima . This in addition to the crisis of the large estates , made ??in the early twentieth century the central- western Colombia to take the lead with respect to coffee development in the country.
This was favorable to owners of small plots that just raided the sector. Coffee growing has become a very attractive option for farmers , as it offered the possibility of continuous and intensive use of land, as it allowed others toggle coffee trees with food crops , basic subsistence. He then forged a peasant economy of rural smallholders optimizing their family labor and still survive . In the period between 1905 and 1935 the coffee industry in Colombia grew from a dynamic . The creation of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in 192713 allowed producers to establish a dialogue mechanism with the government and the promotion of policies for the development of the sector. The union of peasants and small producers around the Federation allowed to address common challenges of logistics and marketing since then.
Over time, and through the National Research Center Café - Cenicafé founded in 1938.14 and Extension Service Rural15 of Coffee Departmental Committees have developed farming systems and traceability allowing to differentiate the product and ensure its quality. Café de Colombia currently occurs in all ranges and mountainous areas of the country , generating revenues of more than 500,000 grain farming families .
In 2005 the government of Colombia recognized the Designation of Origin status to the product. In June of that year, the application for Protected Geographical Indication to the European Union for the Café de Colombia . This recognition was awarded September 27, 2007.

Coffee in Colombia: The Awakening of a chance
Every day , more than 500,000 farmers who grow coffee in Colombia fulfill a family tradition passed down from generation to generation. The cultivation of coffee beans High quality nearly 2.2 million acres of Colombian highlands is an important part of their heritage. For Colombians , coffee is not only a grain , but part of their national identity. In fact, the cultivation of coffee is the largest source of employment in rural areas of the country. An example of the critical importance of coffee to Colombian society and to its international image is the country's president , Juan Manuel Santos, who for some time was a representative of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia ( FNC ) in the International Café.
The Colombians are proud of the reputation we have coffee beans of the highest quality in the country, thanks to its rich volcanic soil and cultivation predominantly made ??in the shade. In addition , the alternation between wet and dry seasons enables growing two crops : September 1 to December and April to June. Coffee is grown in the plains of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the slopes of three sections of the Andes that cross the country . The grain can be planted at altitudes of 1,950 meters, where the climate favoring higher grain creates acidity increase . As the ground prevents the possibility of excessive mechanization , Colombian coffee is harvested by hand when it reaches the ideal maturation , and cleaned immediately to prevent mucilage soak the beans. This process differs coffee Colombian coffee from other countries, such as Brazil , where coffee is produced on a large scale at altitudes below 975 meters and not usually immediately clear . In addition, the Brazilian coffee harvest mechanically , resulting in a product that many consider inferior .
The handmade crop in Colombia has resulted not only top quality products , but also the greater involvement of farmers dedicated to growing coffee industry , which , by necessity, employs a large number of small producers . About 95 % of Colombian families who work in coffee plantations have small tracts of land of five acres each on average . This feature distinguishes the production of Colombian coffee and becomes basically a family activity that the whole process of harvesting and post - harvest coffee run themselves .
In 2010 , Colombia produced 8.9 million bags of 60 kg of green coffee, which is the first stage of production . That harvest was worth U.S. $ 2,300 million. In economic terms, this means that coffee production represents 16 % of national agricultural GDP . The green coffee beans are sent to different companies around the world that will roast , packed and distributed under different brands. According to FNC , in the last five years at least 37% of Colombia 's coffee exports went to the U.S. , while Germany received more than 10% of production.
FNC : a unique model
FNC is the largest organization nonprofit rural world . It was created in 1927 to represent and defend the interests of the growers . Its members, elected by the coffee producers interact with their members and meet annually for important activities , including budgeting . The institution also creates and implements various social programs requested by the families of the coffee . According Alejandra Londoño , vice president of international business Juan Valdez , one of the current priorities of FNC is the development of strategies for adaptation to global climate change . This phenomenon has led to more intense periods of rainfall, which is substantial impact on coffee production .
The distribution of benefits is one way to promote a minimum standard of living for the coffee , but that's not easy in Colombia , because most of the value added of coffee you get in retail . To deal with this difficulty , FNC created the National Coffee Fund in the early 40s. This fund supports Shopping Guarantee Policy , which offers farmers a minimum price for their product transparent according to a formula that takes into account the current price in the international market and the exchange rate , among other factors. But the growers can get higher prices for products with special characteristics , such as organic coffee .
Producers have the option , but not the obligation , to sell what they want from their production to the minimum price , and can do so at any time in one of the more than 500 stores across the country . Therefore, any producer may, on average, about 95 % of the coffee it produces. According to Marcela Jaramillo Asmar , coordinator of marketing and advertising of FNC , " this structure ensures that the coffee has always the best option - or he receives the price guaranteed by FNC , or receives more . In many countries , the producer receives much less because it is subject to market. " Through FNC , the coffee knows the price of coffee at the time of the crop, allowing you to more efficiently plan their production and cash flow.
FNC exports about 30% of Colombian coffee , which makes it the world's largest exporter . The National Coffee Fund is financed through a contribution of U.S. $ 0.06 per pound of green coffee exported . Asmar Jaramillo said " FNC 's work , among others , is to manage these resources to ensure the welfare of coffee growers ." Through the fund , FNC provides technical assistance to coffee growers , to scientific research , the quality control programs , improves the condition of local life and serves international advertising Colombian coffee . Only in 2011 , the fund invested a total of U.S. $ 365 million in such efforts.
Responding to a changing market
In an effort to increase the value perennial coffee for Colombian coffee , FNC works to differentiate the Colombian product for its superior quality . According to Jaramillo Asmar, was necessary to create marketing strategies to ensure that the consumer "recognize and specifically look for Colombian coffee ." For that, established in 1959 FNC international marketing campaign personified in the figure of the character Juan Valdez . Furthermore, the triangular logo representing the Colombian coffee was introduced in 1982 and since then , has been used in marketing campaigns as a synonym for 100% Colombian coffee . Following these efforts , the consumer began picking coffee by geographical origin , and not simply for the brand.
According Londoño, the Starbucks phenomenon of the 90s caused rapid and significant changes in the retail of coffee. Previously, the majority of consumers buying coffee in the supermarket, where the differentiation process of Colombian coffee was relatively objective. But with the rise of Starbucks , the coffee originating in various countries , including Costa Rica , Nicaragua , Honduras and Ethiopia , gained notoriety for the consumer. Asmar Jaramillo added that "the consumer began to meet more options , not only with respect to the origin, but also the experience of drinking coffee ." As premium drinks such as cappuccino and espresso are going popularizing , consumers began to appreciate the coffee differently. The Colombian brand positioning became a burden , because it was closely associated with brands like Folgers , Maxwell House and others found in supermarkets , trade marks Asmar Jaramillo referred to as " safe choice " .
To access the higher value premium segment , FNC, in 2002 , created the company Procafecol , which manages the Juan Valdez stores , paying about 5% of its sales in royalties to FNC . Procafecol sought to position itself in the most sophisticated segment of the value chain marketing and selling Colombian coffee at Juan Valdez stores . Asmar Jaramillo said that , unlike the coffee sold in other stores , FNC controls the entire production chain of coffee sold in its stores , ensuring tracking patterns of the highest quality "of the farm to cup " . The intention is for the public to see in stores Procafecol staff support character Juan Valdez .
FNC owns 83 % of Procafecol ; independent smallholders have 4% and the International Finance Corporation (IFC ) owns the rest. The fact that currently hold 18,000 shares coffee Procafecol signals its confidence in the brand and the feeling that they have ownership over it. Colombia also continue to sell coffee to other segments of the value chain , as the large volume of production required beyond the premium segment to access a large enough market for their production. Consequently , despite the recent changes in the coffee industry , Colombia is still the country that consumers more intimately associated with the production of coffee.
Currently , both in Colombia and abroad , Juan Valdez brand holds a leading position in the competitive market of selling coffee at retail. In Colombia , Oma and Dunkin Donuts are your main competitors , although niche brands are beginning to emerge . Juan Valdez looks to compete not only offering a high quality product but also investing heavily in training their sales forces . They must be able to effectively represent the brand to the consumer , explaining the value proposition of a company that allows small coffee reap the reward of market access coffee retailer . Juan Valdez thinks a clientele of modern people who have a social conscience , so they are willing to buy high- quality companies whose brands are in tune with their personal values ??.
The coffee shops run by Procafecol have spread across three different countries by using the popularity of Juan Valdez , the character known internationally . They are testing several new and innovative models under the brand name of Juan Valdez , while the consumer is constantly emphasizes the connection with the origin of the product and high quality . The overall objective of each marketing campaign is to remind consumers that , behind the coffee shop , there are over half a million coffee growers who exploit small family businesses. Procafecol expects to end fiscal 2012 with balanced finances . At that time , we will analyze the possibility of dividend distribution.
Using coffee to build a better tomorrow
The system Colombian coffee production and sale is not focused exclusively on profit , so is in creating a positive social impact . Through research and training , community , personal development and environmental protection , FNC creates a virtuous cycle of sustainability and continuous between all involved. The strategy to improve the quality of Colombian coffee is driven by the idea that if families are able to get higher prices for their coffee , they also improve the quality of coffee produced . To achieve this goal , FNC, in 1938 , founded Cenicafé , its research center for the development and innovation of competitive and sustainable technologies . With 65 researchers , Cenicafé prioritizes projects ranging from optimizing quality environmental protection practices and agricultural disease control .
But the discoveries made by research would not be so important if there were a system that shares the knowledge gained in Cenicafé and offers a training method that comes to small coffee growers in remote regions of Colombia . To address this challenge , FNC founded the Extension Service , the arm of communications and training . With over 1,500 technicians, the agency communicates with more than 500,000 Colombian producers regularly. The contact is facilitated through numerous methods , including face meetings individual or group , the media and the Internet.
FNC offers a wide range of programs that support its goal of improving the welfare and social development of the coffee producers . These programs vary according to their purpose : education , health, infrastructure . In the past five years , FNC has invested over U.S. $ 38 million in education for Colombian coffee . For example, in 1996, launched the School and Coffee with the aim of incorporating coffee related topics into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools in order to educate the next generation of coffee . FNC also invests in education through training programs that give priority to the analysis of coffee production , as well as issues related to business administration, which aims to increase profit margins .
To address the lack of health care who have those little coffee families , FNC joined other institutions to create the Social Security program Through Health , whereby families receive medical care through a Government subsidized system . Since 2004 , this program has already helped more than 110,000 people . In addition , infrastructure is a major challenge in Colombia due to the mountainous terrain of the country and its historical lack of investment . Infrastructure improvements help connect rural households to the social network and also provide transport the harvested coffee . FNC continues to promote projects in various sectors including power sector , roads and housing.
Finally , environmental protection and sustainability are vital to the success of the coffee industry. Therefore, much of the work of FNC , Cenicafé and Extension Service is dedicated to understanding the relationship between coffee cultivation , the environment and the discovery of techniques that minimize environmental impact in all production practices coffee . This includes active participation in the conservation of water, soil and forests , and biodiversity projects and waste management practices .
Future challenges and opportunities
With the evolution of the international coffee market , FNC will play an increasingly important role ensuring a positive future for Colombian coffee growers and their families. Due to the emergence of premium coffee culture and the evolution of consumer tastes , coffee has become a highly competitive industry with huge potential returns and added value. For Colombian coffee continue to be appreciated by the consumer, thus improving the quality of life of more than 500,000 coffee growers , FNC must keep reinventing and strengthening the brand Juan Valdez.