Beach bars with local beer advertising beachside Bourbon Saint Leu. This beer comes from the island of Reunion. The Meeting as you know is an island in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. The capital is Saint Denis and this territory is a French Overseas Department. It is therefore over France. To know as Indian Island is French territory must ask again to history. Imperialism, discussed in the previous post about the origins of IPA beer, is the historical process that makes people citizens Meeting of the French Republic. The historical explanation of how the meeting was French is: La Brasserie de Bourbon owes its name to Reunion in 1642 was claimed by France. The king of the time, Louis XIII named it Ile de Bourbon, referring to his Royal House of Bourbon. The current name of the island was put on in the eighteenth century with the Convention Jacobina who changed his name to "Meeting". Soon after, Napoleon Bonaparte returned to change the name, calling it, of course, "island Bonaparte". With the Bourbon Restoration in France, relocated him, "Bourbon Island". And finally, go roll with the final fall of the Bourbons in France during the revolution of 1848, guess, Reunion Island, until today.