In Zapotec: Schiaa Ruavia, means "hill where the cloud is born." Inhabited by ancient cultures and located in the northern part of the state of Oaxaca, the Sierra Juarez stands out as one of the three richest areas of plant and animal species, as well as one of the best preserved nationally with a variety of ecosystems unprecedented holds for 7 of the 9 main types of terrestrial vegetation of the country where they are staying about 6,000 plant species. In no other part of Mexico you can find pristine rainforest from 200 feet above sea level (masl) to over 300 m Since forming about 65 million years has served as a bridge between the North American and South American subcontinent (United Nearctic and Neotropical) by enabling the exchange of plants and animals between the two kingdoms which together with its geological history and their environment variable will allows a unique richness in the world. On a tour of one hour is possible to pass the hot dry climate of the valley of the Rio Grande to the cold and damp summits of mountains over 300 meters where occasionally snow falls and ice forms on a good part of the year. The presence of places I have worked as Pleistocene refugia have led to a unique flora and fauna and unique (endemic): the third of the plant species that populate the low deciduous forests live only in a small area between the Sierra and Puebla state, or the breathtaking cloud forests of Mexico Oreomunnea considered one of the oldest forests in the world for its similarity to forests fossils dating back over 22 million years. The cloud forests (or cloud forests) above are also the richest in plant species nationwide and are part of the area's largest cloud forest in Central America (including the Caribbean). In contact with these cloud forests are forests of conifers and hardwoods world's richest and considered a priority globally by experts from around the world. • Pre-Hispanic Art Museum Rufino Tamayo - Oaxaca City (Av de Morelos, 503). It contains about a thousand pieces prehispanic times corresponding to early, middle and late periods neoclassical, classical and post-classical, (from 1600 BC to 1521 AD). In this museum are included the three periods of art: Pre-Hispanic, Colonial and Modern. Pre-Columbian art includes the entire collection, the exhibition, Colonial art, the building itself, and the museology Modern Art.