Portrait of a Boy with Simien Mountains. The beauties of the Simien mountains are genuine and universally admired, to them it only remains contemplation. One may wonder that supernatural forces and have created this park maravilla.El Simien Mountains National has many peaks above 4000 m, with Ras Dashen the highest peak in Ethiopia and the fourth in Africa with 4620 m. With at least three different botanical areas, the park is known for its diverse ecology, fauna and flora. Three of the seven major endemic mammals of Ethiopia - the goat Walia, the Gelada baboon and the Simien red fox, are here.The park is situated in a region of semi-arid climate, with less than 600 mm annual rainfall distributed from October to April. There are three types of vegetation as a function of altitude. On the lower level, between 3000 and 3300 meters, the original vegetation mañíos cedars and has been replaced by agricultural crops, except in the most inaccessible areas. The intermediate level, up to 4000 meters, is also very degraded and only in a few enclaves are preserved original clumps of heather and sage. The upper level is dominated by prairie semialpinas, dotted with rocky outcrops and groves of giant heather, reaching up to seven meters high. Known as the "roof of Africa" and situated 120 km from Gondar, the park Simien Mountains National was the first of the seven world heritage sites in the country to be designated as such by UNESCO. Park visitors should be prepared for the possibility of hot days and hot sun. The months of November and December are the coldest months.