A leopard in search of prey near Camp Khwai River Lodge by Orient Express in Botswana, within the Moremi Game Reserve Wild. INTRODUCTION: The Leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of Felidae species. This species is assigned to the Panthers, subfamily Pantherinae in the Felidae. DISTRIBUTION: The distribution of the Leopard is the most extensive among the felines. It involves the entire African continent south of the Sahara desert and in parts of the desert north. Also present from Turkey to Mongolia, Indochina and the island of Java. It's a relatively continuous distribution, except for a few places where they are isolated populations which still remain. During the Pleistocene also lived in Europe for the time being, in certain places, animals larger than this. LIFT: A Panthera pardus is documented from sea level to higher elevations in the 5,000 meters. HABITAT: On the habitat, the Leopard is one of the Panthers more adaptable to the environment. Except inhabits deserts all types of habitat provided you have a place to hide and there is enough prey to survive: it is present in all types of forests and jungle, in the savannahs, in fields and in rocky places. In some habitats the Leopard develops other ways to evade larger or more numerous predators such as Lion and hyenas in Africa and the Tiger in Asia. Really, the only factor limiting the Leopard is people. HABITS: Panthera pardus is active 24 hours a day. Sure, an individual is awake 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but can be active at any time, whether day, night, at dusk or dawn. In studies that have used radio collars studied specimens have been kept in motion by about 50% of the time, while a mother with cubs proved to be active 75% of the time.