Portrait of a girl Batawana. In the vicinity of Camp Eagle Island Camp by Orient Express, outside the Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana there is a camp where they live a hundred Batawana Indian tribe. You can canoe trips to visit their village. Baskets in Moremi. Each basket is unique, and it takes to perform on average between 4-6 weeks in the expert hands of women in rural areas of the Okavango Delta region. The main raw material used to produce baskets in Botswana is vegetable fiber extracted from the Palm called Mokola. The different colors are obtained from various barks and roots of trees and shrubs. The mild and pleasant natural aroma given off make us mentally move the African savannah. Approx.: 9 cm high and 31 cm in diameter. It belongs to the Fair Trade project and development of local communities Botswanacraft. FACT: traditional uses that have been giving to the baskets, which in Europe is already lost, but in Africa is still used, are varied. The lid closed, are used for the storage of grain and seeds, whereas the open baskets shaped bowl are used by women to carry items on their heads and more open baskets are used to throw the grain having been trite.