Ships laden with timber travel the waters of Sungai Kinabatangan. Sukau. This statement attests to the magnitude of the logging carried out in Borneo for the past 20 years. The island has experienced pressure of the most intensive logging in tropical forests registered, extracting sometimes more than 240 cubic meters of wood per hectare (the average in the Amazon is 23 cubic meters / ha). This intensity eventually became the bane of the industry: the timber market collapsed in Malaysia and Indonesia in the last 15 years. Today forestry remains important on the island, especially in the regions of Kalimantan and Sarawak, where many people continue to work in the logging companies, which generated hundreds of millions dollars for the local economy. Below is a brief overview of logging in Borneo. The first dawned logging in Borneo, Malaysia and then in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Both countries had similar cycles of expansion and collapse brought about by government subsidies, and ease in lending for construction of roads and sawmills. Illegal logging was widespread in both countries. early 90s at least one third of Malaysia's timber exports were illegally obtained, including 40% of the timber shipped to Japan. Illegal logging remains a problem in Malaysia, although not as severe as in Indonesia. Currently, Malaysia is involved in the illegal timber trade largely through smuggling and illegal operations in other countries, particularly Indonesia. Malaysian companies are complicit in illegal logging in Kalimantan. Sometimes timber smuggled across the border and then shipped as timber was "Malay."