Views from the Hotel Dragon Inn in Semporna. It occupies most of the SOCT, and hosts several log cabins, apparently simple, but they are very well built and their VIP rooms, bungalow-style round, are a delight. Jacques Cousteau Sipadan placed among the top 10 dive spots in the world. This triggered the popularity of Sipadan, a small island that could not absorb the plethora of divers who had come to verify what he said Cousteau. Its main attractions is just 10 meters from the beach, the reef falls with a vertical drop of 700 meters that afflicts any diver, by an expert that is, overlooking its immensity. The Malaysian government decided in 2005 that could only dive at Sipadan, but closed all accommodations on the island, where they now reside solely military. The main reason is its proximity to the Philippines, where it departed on April 23, 2000 a group of heavily armed rebels who abducted 21 people who were quietly housed in Sipadan. Abu Sayaff, faced with the Philippine authorities and seeking international fame and money, remained tense months for 5 abducted tourists and workers from Sipadan, hidden among thousands of islands that are in the area.