In the market town of Indiana you can buy colored eggs. The eggs of birds get their color from pigments that adhere to the shell while inside the mother. The eggs that are stopped in the oviduct of the mother while the pigments are deposited have spots and moving the eggs while the process occurs out rayados.Las birds that nest in cup shape in the trees, lay eggs pale blue color and long thought that this was to simulate the reflection of sunlight on the leaves and thus throw off predators. Recent studies indicate that the color of these eggs is of little use because, in general, predators find the nest before huevos.Las see the birds that nest in holes and those that remain still when they sense that danger lurks, lay white eggs or discreet color, like ducks and geese, they hide their eggs from pens and covered with vegetation when they leave the nest in search of alimento.El camouflage eggs is much more sophisticated in birds as the common cold bird. Their eggs have spots of colors to match the surroundings, making them difficult to localizar.Para cuckoos, design (spots or figures of shell) egg is very important, because they have to lay eggs similar to those of bird hosts. Although eggs of cuckoos may be very different from each other, a female can lay eggs only with the same design. She probably inherited her mother's design capacity to produce that egg, and then choose the nest of the host bird species in whose nest was born.