Yagua Iquitos is the capital of the Department of Loreto TRIBE OF THE PERUVIAN AMAZON Yagua  

The Peruvian Amazon, home of the Yaguas. The Infinite Green Jungle. Hundreds and hundreds of miles with a common denominator, the omnipresence of a green horizon, interrupted only occasionally by the ocher snaking rivers running through it.
Text and Photos: Sergi Reboredo


A century and a half ago this city was counted as a welcoming and discreet, but its privileged location, near the rivers Napo, Marañón and Ucayali, earned him to become a major river port on the Peruvian Amazon, then came back in the 1870s the heyday of the rubber, which lasted twenty years and totally transformed the city. The fruit of this boom period can still be seen in the streets, The Palace Hotel, for example, it took 104 to be built belongs to the Catalan Modernist style of the time, or the Iron House, designed by Gustave Eiffel who was the first building assembled in the Americas: metal parts were built in France and were carried by hundreds of men through the jungle. At that time, the mixture of styles was amazing, the faucet could be English, Portuguese tiles, slabs and balconies come directly from Spain.
In the Plaza de Armas, the children run up and down. All is quiet, and the locals have come to this second fever, in which tourists have replaced the rubber barons.

Llegamos a puerto principal de Iquitos para abordar el Amazon Queen, el barco insignia de la empresa Explorama, con que surcaremos las aguas del río más largo del mundo con sus 6800 kilómetros. Nuestra meta es llegar río abajo hasta el Ceiba Tops ubicado a unos cuarenta kilómetros.

We arrived at the main port of Iquitos to board the Amazon Queen, the flagship of the company Explorama, that will cross the longest river in the world with 6800 miles. Our goal is downriver to the Ceiba Tops located about forty kilometers.
The Amazon River originates more than 5000 meters above sea level in Nevado Mismi in Arequipa. It has more than 500 rivers that are navigable tributaries, an average depth of 50 meters and a width that varies between 4 and 6 miles. Much of its route does not have a defined course, but is formed by a set of small channels that form a network of channels with numerous islands. It is also the world's largest river, and was discovered in 1542 by Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana.
By the way you can see the many mills that flood the shores of gigantic trunks. It is a Dantesque vision and with which one can get an idea of ??how it is destroying the Amazon rainforest. The mahogany and cedar are paid very well in USA and Canada and imports are constant. We arrived at the fork in the Amazon River with the Rio Nanay. It is fascinating to see how the waters are mixed with coppery Amazon Nanay almost black. Some huddle straw huts on the shore, looking at some of them in the last election propaganda elected mayor.

Ceiba Tops, the base of operations.
By mid-morning the ship arrives at Ceiba Tops, a sort of hotel-resort located on the banks of the Amazon River. Walking through the jungle is constantly amazed. You can see many of the trees hanging heliconias, a nest of orioles, several squirrel monkeys, a large male iguana and several toads emit guttural sounds to find females. In a short boat ride reaches giant Victoria Regia water lilies. Besides these, several native fish piranhas try putting pieces of meat on a hook.
An extensive green carpet covers aquatic plants and river water gives a feeling that will engulf the boats sailing downstream. They constantly engage the propellers forcing boaters to stop for unhooking. Victoria Regia water lilies are the largest of all water lilies. Its leaves can reach three meters in diameter on stems of seven to eight feet long. The contemplation of these plants huddled one after another is a sight to behold. Plants near a sloth sleeps peacefully three claws hanging from a tree. A group of tanagers silver peak following our tour flies over us as if to lead us to somewhere inside the jungle.

En el poblado de Indiana vive una tribu de yaguas. Van vestidos con gorros y faldas de paja y bailan en círculo sin cesar. En uno de los bailes incluyen una serpiente que refriegan por el cuerpo de una mujer yagua tendida en el suelo que de repente resucita como si el reptil hubiese colaborado en su repentino saneamiento.

Yaguas, a tribe almost forgotten
In the town of Indiana lives a tribe of palm fronds. They wear hats and grass skirts and dance in a circle endlessly. In one of the dances include a snake scrub for the body of a woman lying on the floor yagua suddenly resurrected as if the reptile had contributed to his sudden sanitation. The peak of the representation comes when three of the girls do a demonstration of how they made the masato, an alcoholic beverage that is made chewing and fermenting cassava root. They prepare the women, who in their mouths and spit repeatedly concoction in a bowl elongated wood is mixed with water and let stand for cassava starch becomes sugar by the action of enzymes in saliva and finally become fermented to alcohol. This drink is consumed by Yaguas during festivals (masatiadas) lasting four days. The traditional dances (atunas) are interpreted as the music plays created with native instruments like the flute and the drum. Yagua community comprises approximately four thousand natives living in the province of Loreto. They have a historical past as expert hunters, and they use a special blowgun to hunt monkeys, porcupines, birds and other animals. These calls pucunas blowguns are greatly elongated and handcrafted. The darts, which stored in a folded palm leaf, are made of sharp stones and kapok fiber. The components of each village community inhabiting a single cabin and oval. The villages are independent and are governed by a chief and council. Every man has married a woman and her father works for a number of years in exchange for the wife.
I love to dance, and every dance symbolizes an aspect of everyday life, such as bujurqui, a ceremonial dance in which they dance around the fire. They live with their pets, which are usually caimans, anacondas or small pygmy marmosets (the world's smallest monkey).
Most elderly yagua speak only the language, but the younger generations are already bilingual, thanks to the schools that have been established for indigenous and which also imparts Castilian. The Yaguas, besides being hunters, also engage in traditional activities such as slash and burn agriculture, fishing and gathering, are involved in the fur trade, timber, meat and berries, as well as rice and cassava for sale in local markets.

The Explorama Lodge is a bed and ventured into the forest, about 80 km from Iquitos. It's the place to access the Canopy Walkway famous suspension bridge from which one can see the forest as the crow flies. Actually there are several bridges joined together with a length of over 500 meters, over 37 meters high and extending through the 14 tallest trees in the area. The view from here is wonderful but what really spectacular is to first or last hour, when the animals are most active. For lovers of ornithology in the world very few places like this.
The area is also home to the shamans, explaining how they try to cure different diseases ojé's milk, ginger, cloves, and many other natural products reaching ayahuasca rituals performed even if necessary.

In this small tributary of the Amazon River, in a corner not too deep, where the lush vegetation prevents the movement of huge barges, the pink dolphin camping at ease. This pink dolphin, also known as the Amazon dolphin or boto and is one of five extant species of freshwater dolphins. It measures almost three feet long and weighs 125 kilos. Its uniqueness among freshwater dolphins, is to have greater mobility than the rest, allowing you to more easily maneuver between obstacles River. They can be seen in shallow water during the flood season, when their habitat which is full of trees and plants that formed part of the forest floor, creating an interesting obstacle course through which the dolphin should move when you in search of prey. They are virtually blind, and that vision is not much use to them in the murky waters of the Amazon, so they use echolocation, like a sonar, to locate prey and avoid obstacles. These dams are usually crabs and small fish after capturing lead to the surface. Its color varies from light brown to pink and bluish gray, being darker at the top and as the years pass.
Almost never swim alone, but prefer to do it next to your partner, but you can also see them herded up to 20 copies.
Its snout is long and thin and has 25-28 pairs of teeth on each side of both jaws. Strikers are sharp, however the later ones are more flat and cupped. This grab the prey and get crush. Breathe at intervals of 30 to 110 seconds, releasing a stream of air through the blowhole, which in turn drives the surrounding water reaching up to 2 meters high. Their pregnancies last 315 days, after which a baby born two years remaining beside the mother, until she decides to go it alone. While pregnant, the female swims upside down, with the belly facing towards the water surface.
Several companies offer tours settled in Iquitos on the Amazon River to see the freshwater dolphins, and of course, exploring the jungle, bird watching, piranha fishing, visit the Yaguas and walk the hanging bridges. Explorama www.explorama.com.pe is one of the most reputable companies offering a package of three two nights / three days to visit all of the above for $ 385 U.S., including airport transfers, breakfast and food. For those who know little, for U.S. $ 995 offer another package of six nights, which juts far inside the jungle.
Amazon Tours and Cruises www.amazontours.net the opportunity to see the river and freshwater dolphins through a boat trip, sleeping in the same cabin. The price revolves around the 2000 U.S. $ to 3800 U.S. $, depending on the type of boat, the cabin and nights we decide to spend the night (between 3 or 4).

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas y fabricadas artesanalmente. Los YAGUAS, además de las actividades tradicionales de horticultura de roza y quema, también se dedican a la caza, pesca y recolección, se encuentran involucrados en la comercialización de pieles, madera, carne y frutas silvestres , así como en el arroz y yuca para su venta en el mercado. Según el censo de 1993, la población de 5 años y más arroja un 40% de analfabetismo, elevándose a 44% en la población femenina, el 30% no cuenta con instrucción alguna y sólo el 7% estudios superiores.Poblado yagua.

Yagua Poblado. The blowguns, pucunas calls are greatly elongated and handcrafted. The palm fronds, in addition to traditional activities swidden horticulture, also engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering, are involved in the fur trade, timber, meat and berries, as well as rice and cassava sale in the market. According to the 1993 census, the population 5 years and over throws a 40% illiteracy, rising to 44% in women, 30% do not have any instructions and only 7% yagua superiores.Poblado studies.
A traditionally painted teen poses for the camera. The palm fronds are used to foreigners, so they are not hostile, to the contrary, either generally receive visitors. On occasion, even held a ceremony or dance in all participate in honor of the guests.
Yagua Poblado. Portrait of some of the teenagers living in the town with his pet pygmy marmoset a small (the smallest monkey in the world). Most elderly yagua speak only the language, but the younger generations are already bilingual, thanks to the schools that have been created for the Indians and taught in both languages??.
Yagua Poblado. The blowguns, pucunas calls are greatly elongated and handcrafted components are used for each village cazar.Los inhabit the same community and oval hut. The villages are independent and are governed by a chief and council. Every man has married a woman and her father works for a number of years in exchange for the wife.

Best links in Peru.

About Arequipa

Arequipa: Known also as ¨ The White City ¨ for it its numerous and magnificent white constructions and architecture, this is a picturesque place that combines the beauty of the green countryside with the overwhelming presence of volcanoes and snowfalls. Despite some of mother nature´s handlings of this city, Arequipa poses an excellent climate, with almost 300 days of bright sunshine and stunning blue skies throughout the year.





Arequipa, known as the White City for its beautiful white walls of sillar, a volcanic stone, lies at the feet of the mighty volcanos of Mount Chachani, Mount Misti, and the snow covered peak of Mount Pichu Pichu. The downtown of the city, placed on the World Cultural Heritage list by UNESCO, features Mixed Baroque churches and mansions from the Colonial Period like the Monastery of Santa Catalina, a Spanish city in miniature with stone streets, beautiful patios, and plazas.




Arequipa Festival

Fiesta time, time to celebrate the birthday of this town. Impressive page with lots of information here to keep you busy - in Spanish.




Arequipa Gastronomy Festival

The most renowned professionals in the field of food and drinks, musicians and performers, will all be brought together in one fairground, some presenting us with culinary wonders within everyone's budget while others create a festive atmosphere with their music and entertainment.





General info on this region in Spanish. Ayacucho is known as the town of churches, so immerse yourself in religious feeling...




Cerro de Pasco

This is an important mining town and the capital of Pasco province and presents itself well here.





Simple site for the first of a string of Northern Peruvian cities by the Pacific coast. Basic information on the sites and on where to eat and stay.





Known as the gateway to the Machu Pichu, this historical city is worth a deep visit. Get out of the touristic traps and get the Peruvian culture in there!




One of the most popular sites in Peru, there is plenty to do at this site in Ica province. Dune Buggies, Desert Tours or the Ica Winery Tour are but some of the great options if you are coming here.




Also known as the town that cannot be conquered, nestled in the mountains with a good website in Spanish.





In the centre of the Andes, this site sets out to prove that Huanuco has all a visitor may need.





Basic page with some info on this region of the country, mainly famous for the Nazca lines...




Simple but adequate website covering Loreto and the general area of the Peruvian amazon. Good information and decent photographs complement an amiable style.



Juliaca Carnaval

Lots of colour in the website, that is for sure. Not particularly illuminating, and the photo section was under construction, but nice enough.





Decent presentation of Junin in Spanish with lots of facts and information and many photo galleries.





General portal for the Lambayeque region including the major city of Chiclayo. Colourful and rather overloaded with information, this is also a useful source of tourist information.




Larco Museum

Founded in 1926, the Larco Museum showcases remarkable chronological galleries providing an excellent overview on 3000 years of development of Peruvian pre-Columbian history. Located in a unique vice-royal mansion of the 18th century built over a 7th century pre-Columbian pyramid, is surrounded by beautiful gardens.





Lima, one of the highlights of Peru, is known as the capital of gastronomy. In this website you can get information about Lima itself, but also Restaurantes and Hotels. Do take note of the many advice and tours recommended in this website to explore the city by yourself.




Lima Andres del Castillo Museum

We have built this beautiful Museum as a contribution to the development and knowledge of Peru. In the Mining Room, we display the most important crystallized mineral collection of the country.  The Chancay Ceramics were present until a few years ago only in gardens, now they appear in a preferential place, where its great variety stands out. We have an exhibit for the first time of the way of life and clothing of old Peruvians.




Lima Cinema Festival

A pleasant website for the annual cinema Fest in the capital of Peru. Worth exploring, in Spanish only.




PERU Peruvian Amazon tribe Yaguas Iquitos is the capital of the Dept of Loreto, the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon, on the banks of the mighty Amazon, the longest river, wide river in the world, on the river flow and Itaya Nany.

Yagua town. Blowguns, blowgun calls are greatly elongated and handcrafted. Yagua, besides the traditional activities of slash and burn horticulture, is also engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering, are involved in the marketing of leather, wood, meat and wild fruits as well as rice and cassava sale in the market. According to the 1993 census, the population 5 years and shows a 40% illiteracy, rising to 44% in women, 30% do not have any instructions and only 7% yagua superiores.Poblado studies.
A traditionally painted teen poses for the camera. The palm fronds are used to foreigners, so they are not hostile, in contrast, generally well received visitors. On occasion, even held a ceremony or dance at all participate in honor of the guests.
Yagua town. Portrait of some teens who live in the village with her pet, a pygmy marmoset small (the smallest monkey in the world). Most of the elders only speak the language and water, but new generations are already bilingual, thanks to the schools that have been created for the Indians and taught in both languages.
Yagua town. Blowguns, blowgun calls are greatly elongated, hand-crafted and are used for components of each village cazar.Los inhabit the same community and oval cabin. The villages are independent and governed by a chief and council. Each man has a wife and marry her father works for a number of years in exchange for the wife.
Yagua town. Two women breastfeed their children. One of them posing with their pets, a little pygmy marmoset (the smallest monkey in the world). The yaguas live in northern Peru, fishing and planting only occasionally since the foundation of their livelihood is hunting, which is still practiced in the traditional way, with the deadly poison curare. Also introduced in communities yaguas trade, so the beads, hammocks and hunting supplies are made for exchange for food.


Yagua town. Village women show off their pets: an alligator, an anaconda and a tiny pygmy marmoset (the smallest monkey in the world). For 56% of the population aged five years and school education is taught in 19 centers of which only one is of secondary education. There is also an agricultural institute. There are 37 teachers who teach in these schools, of which only 16 are indigenous. It is interesting to note that all secondary school teachers are indigenous.
Yagua town. Pet a yaguas adolescent girls, a little pygmy marmoset (the smallest monkey in the world). Levels of schooling attained are low: 30% do not have any instructions and only 7% entering high school.
Yagua town. A teen shows one of the masks sold as local crafts. Besides the traditional activities of slash and burn horticulture, hunting, fishing and gathering, the palm fronds are involved in the marketing of leather, wood, meat and wild fruits as well as rice and jute for sale in the market.
Yagua town. Some girls are painted with traditional paints. For the population yagua five years and the 1993 census showed 40% of illiteracy, the percentage rising to 44% in the case of the female population.
Yagua town. One of the hobbies of this tribe is to sing and dance. Among the musical instruments have flutes, drums and maracas. Given the frequency of contact with the mestizo society, the cronyism yaguas taken as a form of fictive kinship.
Yagua town. A traditionally painted teen poses for the camera. Following the same criteria of moieties, clans in the category of birds are divided into "two sub-species" clan, differentiated by size or color criteria, so for example, there is a clan of Chico Paucar women with swapping paucar the largest macaw and a clan of black.
Yagua town. One of the hobbies of this tribe is to sing and dance. Among the musical instruments have flutes, drums and maracas. Finally, the families of the plant can swap wives with the families of terrestrial animals. The alliance between two clans for two halves defined in this way, following the model of prescriptive alliance with bilateral cross-cousin (real or classificatory).
Yagua town. Blowguns, blowgun calls are greatly elongated, hand-crafted and used for hunting. A prepared yagua darts, which stored in a folded palm leaf, and are made of sharp stones and kapok fiber. During the seventh decade, there was a further regrouping and settling of palm fronds in "indigenous communities" as a result of new state legislation. Thus began a slow integration of palm fronds in the regional economy in the process of peasantization. Around the same time, however, many were drawn into the Messianic movement of Santa Cruz.
Yagua town. Blowguns, blowgun calls are greatly elongated, hand-crafted and used for hunting. Peruvian troops are stationed in Pebas, occurring between yaguas a measles epidemic that wiped out a third of the local population. Between 1930 and 1940, the palm fronds were forced by employers to migrate to areas south of the Amazon, extending its territory to the Rio Yavari and conflicting with Mayorunas. In 1945 the Franciscans arrived shortly after Canadian and SIL missionaries who translated the Bible into the language yagua.
Yagua town. One of the leaders of the group poses for the camera. According Chaumeil yagua society is divided into patrilineal clans. The rule of post-marital residence is patrilocal. The different clans are associated with the names of birds, plants or land animals. These three natural categories in which the clans are grouped, in turn, organized as exogamous halves model. This exchange may be among the clans of the birds by hand and plants and other terrestrial animals.


Yagua town. Group leaders pose with the central hut used to perform different acts and shows. After the rubber boom, the patterns became producers of fine woods, mullein, milk and skins caspi, according to successive boom, always using the palm fronds as labor. In 1930, the first Protestant missionaries arrived. Soon after fighting broke out between Peru and Colombia (1932-1933).
Yagua town. Snapshot of some of the people that make up this coastal settlement. During the nineteenth century, the Franciscans left the area because of the wars of independence and returned in 1840. Meanwhile, palm fronds and Pebas were used by the civil authorities of the town of Pebas as labor in the collection of sarsaparilla. A second wave of colonization came to the area in mid-nineteenth century, meaning new forms of slavery to the palm fronds. Shortly before the start of the "rubber boom would occur between the wars and Mayorunas Yahuas, and between them and the Huitotos.
Yagua town. Central hut used to perform different acts and shows. Rubber during the period when the Augustinians Pebas Spanish arrived (1902), found established in country estates yagua many rubber trees. To raids and exactions of the rubber, especially the House, the palm fronds Arana conducted a counter-offensive, but were defeated when the mission of Jericho was attacked in 1911, a year after the founding. The missionaries withdrew to Iquitos in 1916.
Yagua town. Interior of a cabin to attend a kind of ceremonial dance called bujurqui, where they dance with fire in a circle. With the expulsion of the Jesuits and the decline of the missions, which passed into the hands of the diocesan clergy and then the Franciscans, the majority of its inhabitants fell into the hands of settlers from the first wave of immigration, then shaping up the system of serfdom pattern that would become the dominant figure in the region.
Yagua town. Interior of a cabin to attend a kind of ceremonial dance called bujurqui, where they dance with fire in a circle. At the time of European contact, according Chaumeil, the asymmetrical relations maintained yaguas Omaguas (Tupi) of whom were domestic servants and slaves. Upon arrival of the Jesuits, the missions become places of refuge for Indians pursued by the "Bandeirantes" slave. Initially hostile to the missions, mostly populated by omahuas, the threat of the "Bandeirantes" yaguas finally sought the protection of the missionaries. However, the epidemics that periodically erupted in reductions led to accusations of witchcraft among the groups that inhabited these wars occur.
Yagua town. Portrait of twenty people that make up this coastal settlement. The kinetics of tourists arriving every week they take pictures (the charge po yaguas not be photographed or filmed), but more and buy fewer souvenirs craft that makes this tribe to earn money for living. The government has abandoned them and do not work nearly rewarded "for art's sake" and of great service to the country that offers this community. They go in all the tourist brochures and posters, which benefits the Peruvian turismmo, but to earn some see nothing. And live, with that humility that caractriza and that innocence that remains to this land.


Yagua town. A painted girls pose for the camera. To reach the town of Yaguas you have to go by boat from Iquitos touring the Amazon River for an hour and a half. Then you need to enter the river Yanayacu calm waters. This tribe very hospitable offers a kind of show to all tourists who visit which is a typical dance of them, and the demonstration of the shot with the "blow-gun." You can talk to them, although not all speak Spanish.
Yagua town. Snapshot of some of the people that make up this coastal settlement. They are one of the main attractions of tourism in Peru, but in turn are one of the great forgotten in this country which has tourism as a princpales sources of foreign exchange earnings. They are the Yaguas, an Indian tribe after living in the virgin forests of the Amazon, Peru, were relocated near the city of Iquitos. Latino reporter visited the village in this community who are the living legacy of this great cultural wealth that lies in Peru.
Yagua town. Some girls pose for the camera. Finally, the families of the plant can swap wives with the families of terrestrial animals. The alliance between two clans for two halves defined in this way, following the model of prescriptive alliance with bilateral cross-cousin (real or classificatory).Yaguas the people of Indiana in a kind of show-dance that symbolizes their day to day. According Chaumeil yagua society is divided into patrilineal clans. The rule of post-marital residence is patrilocal. The different clans are associated with the names of birds, plants or land animals. These three natural categories in which the clans are grouped, in turn, organized as exogamous halves model. This exchange may be among the clans of the birds by hand and plants and other terrestrial animals.
Yaguas the people of Indiana in a kind of show-dance that symbolizes their day to day. At the time of European contact, according Chaumeil, the asymmetrical relations maintained yaguas Omaguas (Tupi) of whom were domestic servants and slaves. Upon arrival of the Jesuits, the missions become places of refuge for Indians pursued by the "Bandeirantes" slave. Initially hostile to the missions, mostly populated by omahuas, the threat of the "Bandeirantes" yaguas finally sought the protection of the missionaries. However, the epidemics that periodically erupted in reductions led to accusations of witchcraft among the groups that inhabited these wars occur.
Yaguas the people of Indiana in a kind of show-dance that symbolizes their day to day. Approximately 50% of the population is under 15 years, clear indicator of a young population and growth process. 2.3% has more than 64 years of age. The crude mortality rate of 13.48 per 1000 inhabitants
Yaguas the people of Indiana in a kind of show-dance that symbolizes their day to day. As noted Chaumeil, the first global estimates of the population yagua missionary sources from earlier this century. The Spanish Augustinians considered a population from 3000 to 4000 in 1903 (Chaumeil, 1994:199). According to the author, missionary sources themselves considered the existence of 5000 yaguas in 1943 and 3700 in 1959. Powlinson Flornoy in 1950 and a decade later, they considered the existence of yaguas 2170 and 3000, respectively (Wise and Ribeiro, 1978).


Women Yaguas of the people of Indiana are a demonstration of how it is made masato, an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting chewing and cassava root. Soon after fighting broke out between Peru and Colombia (1932-1933), troops were stationed in Pebas, resulting in a measles epidemic that wiped out one third of the population. Currently YAGUAR found in rural communities, initiating the slow integration of YAGUAR within the regional economy
One of the many varieties of frogs that can be sighted in the forests of the Amazon rainforest. Scientists worldwide are discovering new therapeutic uses venom of toads and frogs. Some applications that were already known by various tribes of the Amazon, and are now being studied by such prestigious institutions as the National Institute of Health, U.S. and Natural History museums in Paris and New York, who are investigating the properties analgesic and antibacterial substances secreted by some of these frogs. Herpes, heart disease, sclerosis, Alzheimer's or Down syndrome are some of the diseases that poison frogs and toads can help treat. While in the West frogs have only been appreciated for who could offer their succulent legs, in China or the Amazon, these animals are captured, even pampered, to exploit the properties of their skin glands. In the case of Indian tribes, to poison their arrows and soothe the pain. The liquid exude common toads (Bufo bufo) for hundreds of years used in China to contain bleeding and stimulate vegetative functions. But it was above all thanks to one man, the researcher John Daly, the National Institute of Health, United States, as science has known of the existence of the therapeutic properties that secrete toxins toads and frogs. Daly has identified over 300 chemicals from frogs pharmacological interest and has even "baptized" many of them captured in his travels through South America. This is the case of Phyllobates terribilis, a small green frog whose name stems from the fact of being the world's most poisonous frog. A single copy can kill fifty people.
General map of the Amazon forest and primary forest. The word trail is an Americanism to describe a narrow path opened through the forest or bush. It distinguishes itself in the way that no trees are felled its banks or invested in expanding the road work or building bridges and permanent. The existence of the trail depends on traffic, for travelers cleared vegetation with machetes and mark the line with his own tracks, so if a trail is little used ends up eaten away by the advance of the plants. During the rubber groves really true paths were very few, dominated the short-lived trails whose existence is only known today by plotting on maps of the time. A path was right to exist only in places as busy as between San José del Guaviare and squid in the river Unilla (High Vaupés); Mocoa and the Banana River (Alto Putumayo) and Lime Mocoa (Alto Caquetá), the step Tagua to Caucaya (Putumayo Caquetá) or House (River Caraparana) La Chorrera (river lgaraparaná). For the rest, but strategically it knew of the need to build roads, socio-economic reality only allowed to keep the trails. For them occasionally spent a few travelers or hunters and then the rain ere it closed.
General map of the Amazon jungle and forest with a closeup of a heliconia. Scientific or Latin name: Heliconia bihai - The time of flowering depends on varieties and cultivars. There are many cultivars for cut flowers, since they have a long-term conservation (20 days). Inflorescence stem formed by long bracts. Their inflorescences are hermaphrodites because they have a male part (stamen) and female (pistil).
Blue and Yellow Macaw. Ara ararauna. It is perhaps the best known of all parrots. The Amazon Parrot is native to Latin America and has a green plumage that covers almost the entire body. It adapts easily to a life of captivity and in contact with other specimens of their species. Care is a pet for life. They are very long-lived birds, which have been extreme cases of animals that have survived to age 70 or 90 years. The Amazon Parrot or Blue-fronted Parrot was already described in 1758 by Linnaeus. This is the most imported rider class. The Amazon Parrot can be found from Brazil to Paraguay, Bolivia and northern Argentina. In nature lives in primary and secondary forests, wetlands or forests of palm trees. They live in groups with a leader, and establish social bonds between them. At dawn large flocks of these birds leave the security of the thick jungle, which have been used as protection during the night and move in search of food. During the flight we can distinguish couples flock already formed, because fly together within the group. Moreover, although there are always exceptions, are thought to be monogamous.


A squirrel monkey (saimiri) one of the primary forests of the Amazon rainforest. Images like the flight of a group of macaws or pink dolphins swim will be recorded in your memory forever. The beauty of the Meeting of the Waters, where the waters of the Rio Solimões are creamy dark waters of the Black River, keeping them separated by miles, is a spectacle of nature. Bathing in the warm waters of the waterfall of "Furada Stone", located in the middle of the Amazon Rain Forest is an explosion of sensations: the moist air into the jungle, the sound of birds and monkeys, the smell wood and leaves.
One of the many birds that can be sighted in the forests of the Amazon rainforest. From its source in Iquitos, Peru, to its mouth on the island of Marajo, Brazil, all comments on the Amazon River and Amazon Forest to be made using superlatives. The largest, longest, widest, are very common words. The magnificence of the rivers and trees, the incredible diversity of nature, simplicity and hospitality of the people, form a unique scenario where you can have contact and learn about the last frontier of untouched life.
A squirrel monkey (saimiri) one of the primary forests of the Amazon rainforest. A few decades ago the squirrel monkey was widespread in the lowlands of the Pacific coast, but debibo to deforestation and the capture of specimens for sale as pets today can only be found on the Osa Peninsula, in the Manuel Antonio National Park in Quepos and patches of forest near the area. The squirrel monkey is part of the Costa Rican species in danger of extinction.
Navigating one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. Explorama Lodge is surrounded by primary forest. Its wooden construction with thatched roofs are a perfect harmony with nature. His romantic lighting based on light kerosene lamps not only rooms but also the passages that connect the dining room, bar The Tahuampa, houses of sunbeds and sunbathing platform. Type toilets showers and toilets are attached to each home. You can perform a variety of walking tours in the hostel, including the 7 Bridges Trail.
Whirlpool of Ceiba Tops Luxury Lodge Explorama. Hiking early in the morning birding. Morning walk along the "Bushmaster Trail" where scientists from the Missouri Botanical Gardens have found the highest biodiversity per square hectare. Then continue with a visit to a community of Yagua Indians where your guide will explain their culture and how it has been affected by the passage of time. There will be an opportunity to trade or buy some local crafts and for a demonstration of the use of the blowgun which some of the old Yaguas still use hunting chores. During the afternoon there will be a new tour boat in search of sloth, found in Cecropia trees at the water's edge, as well as two species of freshwater dolphins, pink and gray, found in the waters Amazonia.
Navigating one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The most common piranhas in aquariums usually measure between 30 and 35 centimeters. It is best to buy small specimens to see them grow. They are social animals, so it is good to have five or six copies, but not many as they can have aggressive behavior. Be careful because if there are times that piranhas are hungry, they often satisfy their hunger by devouring the weaker individuals.
Navigating one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. In the Amazon region are several ethnic groups (Amazonian Kichwa, Siona-Sequoia, Cofan, Huaorani, Shuar, Shiwiar, Andoas Sapar and Achuar) with common characteristics derived from its millennial existence in the Amazon Region. Where developed techniques for exploiting resources (horticulture itinerant slash and burn agriculture, hunting, fishing and gathering) that provided them with a balanced diet, maintaining a perfect balance with the environment.
Piranha fishing in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The types of pacu or piranha can hardly be differentiated. The color and length are the guidelines that we follow in order to distinguish them. The red pacu is the 'small' family (reaching two feet no less) and the orange color of its abdomen is what gives it its name.
Piranha fishing in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. Piranhas form five genera within the subfamily Serrasalminae. Measured, usually between 15 and 25 cm in length, although specimens have been found in excess of 40 cm. They are popularly known for their sharp teeth and insatiable and aggressive appetite for meat.
A sloth bear up a tree in a primary forest of the Amazon rainforest. The characteristics of the sloth does not seem to me most suitable to survive in this ecosystem. With an average height normally not exceeding one meter, prevented from moving more than 2 miles per hour, usually quiet, sleeping upside down in trees, it seems to be a delicious feast for the ravenous emperors of the region.


Huge Victoria Regia water lilies in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The Amazon lily is a peculiar pollination cycle. The giant flowers open at dusk at a rate easily detectable. The flowers produce a strong smell of candy, and trigger a stimulus that raises the temperature of the central flowering 11 above ambient. The fragrance combined with the heat, attracts beetles gather in the center of the flower. As the evening progresses, the flower closes, trapping inside the insects. At dawn, the flowers change to pink and beetles feed on the internal structures of the flower. At dusk, the flowers have become a dark reddish-purple color, open and covered with pollen beetles fly off to find another water lily. In doing so, carry pollen from flower and pollinate the first to the second.
Huge Victoria Regia water lilies in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The giant water lilies are distributed in the Amazon and other tropical aquatic regions. When grouped together, form a kind of floating miniature prairie. The most wonderful is Victoria amazonica, Amazon water lily. Measure up to four feet in diameter and is capable of supporting the weight of a small child. The Amazon lily is a peculiar pollination cycle. The giant flowers open at dusk at a rate easily detectable. The flowers produce a strong smell of candy, and trigger a stimulus that raises the temperature of the central flowering 11 above ambient. The fragrance combined with the heat, attracts beetles gather in the center of the flower. As the evening progresses, the flower closes, trapping inside the insects. At dawn, the flowers change to pink and beetles feed on the internal structures of the flower. At dusk, the flowers have become a dark reddish-purple color, open and covered with pollen beetles fly off to find another water lily. In doing so, carry pollen from flower and pollinate the first to the second.
Small huts lined up at the margin of one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The remote Yanomami tribe lives in a forest about the size of France, in northern Brazil and southern Venezuela. The Yanomami lived virtually isolated after they were documented for the first time in the decade of the 20 and even 70's, when a large number of gold miners invaded their territory sought. These miners brought diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, influenza and malaria to the Yanomami who were less resistant to these diseases, which resulted in a significant reduction in the population. An estimated 20,000 Yanomami living in Brazil in the late 70's, while in 1997 there were fewer than 9,000. Violence between armed garimpeiros Yanomami and has resulted in many deaths. The prospectors have interfered in the traditional way of life of the Yanomami, using mercury pollution in local rivers, wildlife and the Yanomami themselves. Mining projects drive away the animals from which the tribe depends on for food. Garimpeiros also introduced weapons to the Yanomami groups, which means that disputes between villages usually end at tiros.Brasil has allocated large areas of forest, about 12.5% of Brazil's total area and 26.4% of the Amazon basin, for the indigenous population, which consists of about 450,000 people (0.25% of total population). These indigenous reserves "established in the Constitution of Brazil in 1988 - helped to increase the indigenous population after centuries have been declining. According to The Economist [February 2, 2006], 60% of Brazil's indigenous population lives in Amazonía.Estas protected areas are not very popular among poor farmers, landowners and builders, who have fought against establishment of parks and indigenous reserves, and those who illegally exploit forest resources, especially mahogany and other valuable hardwood trees within the boundaries of protected areas. However, a study conducted in 2006 by researchers at the Woods Hole Research Center and Institute of Environmental Research of Amazonia, found that parks and indigenous reserves in the Amazon help slow the rate of deforestation. The researchers concluded, by analyzing satellite data, deforestation and fire frequency was significantly lower inside perimeter of reserves and indigenous lands demarcated.


Small huts lined up at the margin of one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana.En today, despite the declining population, the natives still living in the American rainforests, although virtually all have been affected by the outside world. Instead of using traditional dress in loincloths, most Native Americans used western clothes and many use metal pots, pans and other utensils in their daily lives. Some groups make handicrafts to sell to tourists who arrive with the boats, while others make routine trips to the city to bring food and merchandise to sell. Almost no native group depends entirely on traditional nomadic hunting, or collecting wild plants. Crops, along with hunting, collecting wild vegetables and fish, serve as a supplementary food source. Usually a family has two gardens: a small one with various types of plants and a larger crop, which may comprise an area of one hectare planted with banana, cassava and rice. These plantations have been planted with the traditional practice of slash and burn method to clear the forest that is not entirely detrimental to the habitat, if carried out as Traditional. Today, hardly any of the Amerindian forest lives in a completely traditional. Perhaps only a few small groups in the Amazon basin can. One of them, Tageri (part of the Huaorani), is severely threatened by oil development in Ecuador. Their situation has become an international battle between environmentalists, human rights defenders, government and industry petrolera.Los social movements of Native Americans have reached the highest level of organization that exists in any rain forest. The formation of ethnic organizations is one way that indigenous people have to protect themselves, as well as its culture and natural resources. The Amerindians have faced a long and bitter battle against land-use change on their land, and today these organizations monitor the incursions of outsiders to their land. The Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), reported that invasions by loggers and miners to the Brazilian indigenous reserves have increased since the mid 90's. Loggers erupt every day in Indian lands in search of mahogany, whose extraction is currently banned in Brazil. In the late 90's and early 2000, the clash between the Indians, loggers, miners and oil were attended by the Western press. The current struggle between the Yanomami (Brazil and Venezuela) and thousands of small-scale miners known as "prospectors" (Brazil), received special attention.
A native holds a snake in one of the primary forests of the Amazon rainforest. Whether huge giant anacondas and boas, stories about the existence of giant snakes in the huge "green hell" of the Amazon basin are repeated since shortly after the arrival of the conquistadors and Spanish and Portuguese explorers, but it was not until twentieth century that were the first collections rigorous encounters with these beasts. In the late forties, the director of the zoo in Hamburg, Lorenz Hagenbeck was the first to study thoroughly the mystery, to understand the extraordinary events that took Victor Heinz priest while visiting the Amazon River in a canoe. The first one took place on May 22, 1922, near a town called Obidos, when only thirty feet away was a huge snake that was carried away by the current. The crew stopped rowing, trembling with fear at the enormity of the animal: twenty-five meters long and thick speech recovered, they said, still frightened that we would have crushed the serpent as an ordinary matchbox unless by the happy coincidence that at the time he was quietly doing the heavy digestion of some good fish dinner. " A few years later, on October 29, 1929, he met the priest again with a giant snake in the same river. It was near midnight when he saw their oars in terror, rowed toward the shore shouting that there was a huge animal. "At that moment I saw that the waters were removed as if it were happening on our side a large steamer and watched a few feet above the water, two blue-green light lights like a riverboat position." When he tried to reassure his men telling them that it was a ship to depart the boat of his career, they replied that it was a giant snake.
Morning mist in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. Seasonal rains give rise to severe flooding along the river and its tributaries. The average depth at the peak of the rainy season is about 40 m and average width is about 40 km (see: Barzee). This starts in November and runs through June, then decreases in late October. The rise of the Black River is partially asynchronous: the rainy season does not start in this valley until February or March. For June is at its peak, and the descent of the water itself now in line with the Amazon. The Madeira River has a gap of two months, beginning to grow in September and starting the withdrawal in abril.La abundance of water in the Amazon system is due to the fact that much of the territory is located in the intertropical convergence zone, where the rainfall is highest. Also, the region is in the area of trade winds of the Atlantic where the moisture is pushed to the west and eventually forced to climb over the Andes. This rising air mass cools, creating heavy rains that are precipitated over a huge area, process mundial.La unparalleled level soft alluvial plain (called Vargem) constituting most of the territory through which flows the river, is covered with up to 15 m of water. The level at Iquitos is 6 m, Teff, 15 m, in Óbidos, Pará 11 m and 4 m above the river level at least that characterizes the dry season.


A boat sailing through one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. The first European to sail near the Amazon River estuary was Amerigo Vespucci in 1499.3 After the Spanish Vicente Yanez Pinzon and Diego de Lope explored the islands that are part of the huge estuary. The first descent of the Amazon from the Andes by Europeans was made by Francisco de Orellana in 1541. The first ascent of the river by a European was in 1638 by Pedro Teixeira, Portuguese, who reversed the route of Orellana and reached Quito via the Napo River. He returned in 1639 with the Jesuit fathers Acuna and Artieda, delegates from the viceroy of Peru to accompany Teixeira.Francisco de Orellana Guayaquil left the February 4, 1541, reached Quito and reorganizes his caravan consisted of 23 men. Orellana and his men held several battles with warring tribes that came in its path, thereby suffering several setbacks. Over time, every day of the expedition were dying, supplies were being depleted, until you have nothing to eat. It was now December and most of the explorers realized that the issue would not reach the place you wanted, so they began to rise. But such was the faith and perseverance that on February 12, 1542, we discover the immense river sea.The name "Amazon River" was placed by Francisco de Orellana after having a fight with a bold and women warriors, with whom he fought on 24 June 1542.El Amazon River originates in the foothills of Mount Misti in Arequipa, Peru. Among the various names given to the Amazon River along its course, stand out on the following: Lloqueta, Apurimac, Ene, Tambo, Ucayali, Marañón and Amazon. When the river enters Brazil Solimões River was renamed for a long stretch. Then come back to take the name of the Amazon River at its confluence with the Black River.
A boat sailing through one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. Amazon traditionally assigned to second place in total length, behind the Nile, though there has never been a general consensus on what the acceptable measurement points. The latest research, adding some 740 km to the channel, which would place him definitely in the top of the ranking of largest rivers in the more conservative mundo.Según measurements, the river is about 6,762 km long. However, a Peruvian-Brazilian expedition has completed its work in June 2007 has been estimated Km.1 6800 this section of great variability in the channel. At the mouth of the distance of a bank to the other is about 330 km, measured from Cabo do Norte to Punto Patijoca and including the island of Marajo (pronounced: Mara), the size of Denmark and the Pará River Delta (section Tocantins river's end), about 60 km wide. The distance from the mouth of the Amazon, made up a kind of delta masked by the action of tides and currents, is about 100 km aproximadamente.Actualmente, by recent research reports, Lima Geographical Society, supported by entities of the international scientific community, ended the controversy over the origin of the Amazon River to determine which rises in the Andes of southern Peru and is the longest in the world, exceeding the Nile River in more than forty kilómetros.Desde birth in the gorge Apacheta, on the slopes of Nevado Quehuisha in the department of Arequipa, 5,170 meters of altitude, until it empties into the Atlantic after visiting Peru and Brazil, reaching a length of 7,062 kilómetros.Esto 391 kilometers makes it longer the Nile in Africa, which stretches 6,671 km, they said the expert Zaniel Novoa, Lima Geographical Society, and Polish journalist and explorer Jacek Palkiewicz, who in 1996 led a multinational expedition to the headwaters of the Amazon. It was established that measurement, which after 12 years was validated by major entities of the international scientific community. These include the Geographical Society of London, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Brazilian Institute for Space Research.
Amazon Canopy Walkway, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, which will allow the primary forest animals from a height of 37 meters and is suspended over the 14 tallest trees in the area. Cable rolls were packed with boxes of parts and bags of bolts. Soon, his first suspension bridges prefabricated America as lightly breathed air bridge near Parc des Buttes-Chaumont ..."( In fact, the suspension bridge that was haunted Eiffel Ironbridge on the Severn in England the oldest in Europe (1779). This marked the beginning of the use of metal in construction, with the English (and not the French) were the true pioneers) .3. Tercera "The engineering works are a kind secret or infrarquitectura architecture is revealed, being ultimately a meta-architecture. Proof of this is how for many years in Venezuela were known as "works of art." Not because of the symbolic decoration on the functional structure, say, of Nereids bolted to vertical or alternating garlands crosses of St. Andrew ... They were called works of art because that's what eran.Los Venezuelan engineers (architects ahead of a century in its operations in the country), seemed to have taken over from early Eiffel words: "Because we are engineers, Are we to believe that beauty does not worry us in our buildings, and while we make solid and durable, do not we strive to make them smart? Or is that the true functions of the force does not always agree with the conditions secret of harmony? "The task of opening the roads and railroads that began starting almost from scratch the last century, took the midst of difficulties, but with something else, with lots of art. While it is true that many imported foreign structures, as the case historically true of the iron bridge across the river Guarapiche in Maturin brought Glasgow, via Trinidad, the truth is that these humble engineers projected eiffelianos many more. Just opened to make an archaeological expedition to find the railroad Caracas-La Guaira, and nine bridges, also listed as works of art, of which four were of iron ... or to recount the saga of the iron suspension bridges, with some legendary as the road from Agua Caliente, Alberto Lutowski, or who would go on Guaire from 1873, structurally divided into three sections Luciano Urdaneta, the first of that magnitude in Venezuela, and others built as a roof over the Quinimarí, in San Cristobal, or the one about the Yuruari in seductive Dorado.El Cuyuni River bridge can only be part of that goal or proto-architecture was engineered bridges and roads ... and left the project just a Venezuelan engineer. "4.Cuarta" The lucrative contract to design and build the fifteen metal door locks of the Panama Canal in 1882 had yielded great benefits.


Amazon Canopy Walkway, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, which will allow the primary forest animals from a height of 37 meters and is suspended over the 14 tallest trees in the area. Bridges / streets, bridges / railway bridges, war, bridges, wharves, churches and all kinds of prefabricated structures ... each cut into its different members of cast iron, with an instruction manual for assembly and a sack of thousands of bolts. Because the rivets would stay in France. "We can not rely on the workforce in place", wrote the faithful Lelièvre. "There is no construction engineers like ours." The old agent, as always, had it all planned. "What does it matter that these works are far away ..." wrote Eiffel 16 March 1869, a typical hero of the century XIX, absurdly trusting in his own powers "... if we can discount a strong benefit with great caution? Indochina, Senegal, Java, the Reunion Islands were also distant. In South America, and Lelièvre, we will repeat our success .'ll take the monopoly of the English. The business will pass into our hands, and soon will cover the entire continent ... "(And so would have been, for sure. Only Lelièvre died on November 23, 1873, taking him abruptly with all plans ) .2. II "Gustave Eiffel had a passion for innovation and risk. Never mind that he was not an architect. Each of his projects was a sophisticated, minimalist technical feat that dramatically ended up being more formal than any of the great contemporary architects. That was how he became the top figure of aesthetics ingenieros.Eiffel was spontaneous, like any genius, his obsessions. Amid the constant innovation, always repeating his love for the functional, the aerodynamics, the tectonic rigor light pieces tightly bound, by subjecting the symbolic to the functional. "The important thing," he said, "is that the outlines of a monument as determined by the perfect adaptation to its function. This happened in the tower, and it did when it wanted to build suspension bridges to export to colonias.Quizás because only suspension bridge that was commissioned in his career was a small wooden bridge, almost toy for the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, in Paris in 1867, which Eiffel had become obsessed with the typology. So the bridge had asked scenic values to be added to the romantic focus of the park, in neoclassical gazebo, to his cave, a waterfall ... No more antithetical request for an industrial engineer as he is. And yet, in the structure of modest bridge Buttes-Chaumont, is the set of forty-three tons of mass load-bearing, which becomes the ornament. Cables lined steel ropes holding the wooden platform of sixty-five meters of light between the two rocky outcrops, holds as perhaps no other bridge endorse the kind of beauty that always aspired Eiffel: the one that comes from the simplicity of a structure autodeclara.A in 1880, the French engineering in Europe declined and business began to be more active in abroad, particularly in South America, sharing the market with English as the areas of political influence. It was the second opportunity for Eiffel. This time was to find a new strategy in producing prefabricated distinguish the French for his own, by that sort of simplicity and lightness Gothic, based on Technical Performance ... It was then he remembered his little bridge, dropping a stroke on the treillis.Nada Poutre is astounding that a suspension bridge. The apparent lightness of the huge mass determined by dynamic balance, was the kind of boldness that Eiffel needed enthusiasm to constructive genius. Against the rough framework of a wild place, this production of the industrial age pure domination would cry shocking français de l'homme on Amazonian nature ...Amner The guide walks through the Amazon Canopy Walkway, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, which will allow the primary forest animals from a height of 37 meters and is suspended over the 14 tallest trees in the area. lli where matter and the truth are redundantes.En the road to the Gran Sabana, on the Cuyuni river, an old iron bridge pendant. Local guides proudly present it to tourists as the design of Gustave Eiffel. According to legend, once a cargo ship ran aground in the delta and the prefabricated bridge that had other destinations, it was finally finished, coming to arm where least expected. Where can we take the paths of this legend ...? Gustave Eiffel, born in Dijon in 1832, was an expert on bridges. The Eiffel Tower itself, the top of their searches, it is not structurally "more than a pile of bridge led to the madness of greatness: a bridge that does not hold anything." The bridges were the great specialty of the house "factory in the outskirts of Paris made bridges for almost all the rivers of France, to the Garonne, in the Lot, the Dordogne, the Marne, the Cher, Indre, the Truyère the evenings, the Saone, Seine, all made scientifically calculated to tenths of a millimeter. But it was also normal for Eiffel to build bridges in places far from their homeland unspeakably. Names such as Cochin, Arica, Manila and Saigon, were on regular contracts and purchase orders the company ... Cuyuni Yuruari, Essequibo, Guyana or Venezuela, why would not having sounded especially more sobrecogedores.Ninguna legend should, as implausible as it seems, be disregarded by our imagination. If it is not really anything else, at least we learned from this that in Guyana round the ghost of Eiffel. Which already seem to be enough. Now comes the Carnival and am sure many of our readers will fly to El Callao, we would suggest, therefore, a stop on the road. And going to pass this bridge, which stick out and search the old prefabricated iron ... to find the company stamp. Remember: the words we seek are: SOCIETE DE CONSTRUCTION LEVALLOIS-PERRET, or simplementeGUSTAVE EIFFEL ET CIE.A us we can only venture how history.1 could have gone. First "Lelièvre was his most trusted man. A year after landing in the Bay of Callao, wrote informing his desire to stay and settle in Peru for at least five years. The market for prefabricated bridges were opened Pereira brothers with their businesses in the area, looked immense. In addition, Chile and Mexico needed spring and churches. "And that still does not come into my calculations," he said, "orders that come from Bolivia, Brazil and French Guiana. " Cayenne could be the seat of operations. The company's South American adventure seemed assured. Eiffel sighed save the bumps in the war 1870.Las Lelièvre figures were written in tiny numbers, but promising. Needless to say, in Levallois-Perret immediately began to make and packed with hundreds of structures renewed strength of iron. Full steam ahead ... because soon they would by boat. First, across the ocean, and then the Essequibo, the Orinoco, the Amazon.


The local shaman to cure different diseases ojé's milk, ginger, cloves, and many other natural products coming to perform rituals with ayahuasca even if necessary. In 1999, three molecular biologists traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to try to get biomolecular data in sessions organized by an Indian shaman. Canadian anthropologist Jeremy Narby presents the hechos.Los three molecular biologists had no prior knowledge of ayahuasca shamanism or the Amazon, although they were interested in alternative medicine and traditional shamanism in general. Their ages were between thirty and sixty years: the first was a scientist of a U.S. company of genetics, the second was a French university professor and researcher at the Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) and third was a teacher at a Swiss university and director of a laboratory investigación.Ninguno of the three scientists spoke Castilian and indigenous ayahuasca spoke neither English nor French, so I served them as an interpreter. The first thing worth highlighting is that scientists and the shaman held long conversations. The shaman had studied plants and ayahuasca for thirty-seven, and for several days and responded to questions of the biologists. I also do evening sessions with ayahuasca, with the participation of the three researchers, who had numerous visions, such as DNA molecules and cromosomas.La American biologist who worked regularly in deciphering the human genome, said he had seen a chromosome from the perspective of a protein flying a long strand of DNA. Vio DNA sequences, known as CpG islands, which had brought him headlong into his work, and who are in more than 60% of all human genes. He saw that they had a structure different from the surrounding DNA, and that this particular structure allowed them to be easily accessible and, thus, can serve as "landing pads" for transcription proteins, that bind to DNA molecules and make precise copies of gene sequences. He said the idea that the structure of the CpG islands allow them to act as landing pads had not ever happened before in the head, and that genetic research may soon verify this hipótesis.El French teacher had studied the spermatic cord animals for several years, first in lizards and then in mice. When a sperm from the testicles and the spermatic cord enters is still unable to fertilize an egg, since it only becomes fertile after having toured the cord, where they serve about 50 different types of proteins. He and his team had spent years trying to find out what makes fertile sperm protein, which could have implications for developing a male contraceptive. Thus, in one session with ayahuasca posed three questions. First: Is there a particular protein that makes fertile sperm? Second, why was not possible to find the answer to that question after years of research? And third: was the mouse the appropriate model for studying male fertility? The answers will come through a voice that appeared in his visions. In response to the first question, the voice said: "No, not a particular protein. In this body are proteins more important than others, but that the various proteins must interact together to achieve fertility. " To the second question answered, "I answered the first question." And the third question he said: "This question is not important enough to respond to it. The answer can be found without the help of ayahuasca. Try to work in another direction. "Swiss scientist wanted to ask about the ethical nature of the modification of plant genomes. I actually wanted to know whether it was appropriate to add genes to plants to make them resistant to disease. As it happens, that snuff is important for plant genetic researchers to the shamans of the Amazon. Shamans of many Indian tribes claim to speak on their visions with the "mother of snuff," that is the essence of the plant. Thus, the biologist said that in the course of a session induced by ayahuasca talk to an entity that the shaman later identified as the mother of snuff. This entity was informed that the fundamental role of snuff is to serve all living beings. He also said that manipulation of the genome of snuff was not a problem while the plant itself could develop its role in an appropriate environment while the plant and agree with this environment. The biologist also said that he had displayed a dazzling plant growing in a desert thanks to an extra gene that made it resistant to drought. Emerged from this experience having learned that genetic manipulation should be assessed case by case basis, so as to take into account the will of the scientist as the way in which GM plants would be used in society.
In the market town of Indiana you can buy alligator meat. The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) is native to northern South America. Its distribution includes the Amazon basin from the mouth to Ecuador and Bolivia. There are reports of having been seen in Paraguay.Melanosuchus niger inhabits all types of fresh water course. Shows a preference for lakes, rivers running low, flooded fields, etc. A selected time where going to nest, which can be on one side next to a lake, the mother in the process of building a nest for several days which is a small town dry land vegetation. After the rear legs make a hole on the mound and that's where it deposits eggs. After the start, this species is from 21 to 75 eggs, cover eggs and transferred to water. Apparently some mothers remain near the nest and defend it fiercely, but there is documentation that some remains in the area but not as well developed maternal instincts show and still others ignore finished putting the nest completo.La Incubation takes about 12 to 13 weeks , although it is possible that in some places take less time and that reports of five to six weeks. At least some mothers remove the earth on the eggs when the young alligators cascarón.El going to leave the eggshells is hard. The eggs measure from 86 to 97 50 to 56 mm and weigh 90 to 155 grams. Some eggs are irregular, smaller, but they are the exception. Newborns weigh about 90 grams and measuring 20 to 30 cm. A few days after birth are seen among the aquatic vegetation in the lake or other water tank next to which the mother anidó.Entre the reasons why the nests are lost document the flooding. If the mother does not help the young to leave the nest some may die asfixiados.La niger Melanosuchus power is based on fish, being supplemented with medium to large mammals, deer, capybaras, pigs and dogs. Due to its large size, pose a threat to people, which ataca.Este alligator can grow to 6 meters in length, although the usual size is 2.4 to 3 meters and this is rare in those exceed 4 metros.El nature name derived from the color of the skin of adults. Juveniles have yellow spots and stripes.


In the market town of Indiana you can buy colored eggs. The eggs of birds get their color from pigments that adhere to the shell while inside the mother. The eggs that are stopped in the oviduct of the mother while the pigments are deposited have spots and moving the eggs while the process occurs out rayados.Las birds that nest in cup shape in the trees, lay eggs pale blue color and long thought that this was to simulate the reflection of sunlight on the leaves and thus throw off predators. Recent studies indicate that the color of these eggs is of little use because, in general, predators find the nest before huevos.Las see the birds that nest in holes and those that remain still when they sense that danger lurks, lay white eggs or discreet color, like ducks and geese, they hide their eggs from pens and covered with vegetation when they leave the nest in search of alimento.El camouflage eggs is much more sophisticated in birds as the common cold bird. Their eggs have spots of colors to match the surroundings, making them difficult to localizar.Para cuckoos, design (spots or figures of shell) egg is very important, because they have to lay eggs similar to those of bird hosts. Although eggs of cuckoos may be very different from each other, a female can lay eggs only with the same design. She probably inherited her mother's design capacity to produce that egg, and then choose the nest of the host bird species in whose nest was born.
A boat in a flooded area near the Explorama Explorama Lodge about 80 miles from Iquitos near the town of Indiana. Built in 1964, 80 km (50 mi) downstream from the city of Iquitos navigating the Amazon River, Explorama Lodge is surrounded by primary forest. Its wooden construction with thatched roofs are a perfect harmony with nature. His romantic lighting based on light kerosene lamps not only rooms but also the passages that connect the dining room, bar The Tahuampa, houses of sunbeds and sunbathing platform. Type toilets showers and toilets are attached to each home. You can perform a variety of walking tours in the hostel, including the 7 Bridges Trail.
A coastal village of Timicuro I sharpen a knife outside his home. Living community of 16 185 children, most do go to school, unlike other indigenous children in the Amazon. However, most suffer from stomach and respiratory infections, largely because they do not have water and sewer services.
Some children coastal town of Timicuro I smile at the camera. In Peru, about 80% of indigenous children lack access to some of the most basic rights, such as education and health. They are the most vulnerable sector of Lima sociedad.Un study presented Thursday by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) and the National Statistics Institute (INEI) said that in this country of 30 million inhabitants, there are large inequalities among children according to their origin étnico.El document indicates that 78% of indigenous children and adolescents living in poverty, compared with 40% of those who speak Castilian, and that the disparity is even greater in ethnic groups Amazon, where the number of poverty among indigenous children reaches 86%. The research recognized as indigenous to those who learned to speak in a language other than Castilian and that the country needs them more than four million, "the which one million are children and adolescents, "says the report.
A woman riverside village of Timicuro I rest in the hammock with your child. Legend has it that an epidemic was killing people in a native community. The mother of two children, feeling the first symptoms of the disease, wanted to save the bad for the kids and then took the mountain, far away and left them there. Close to a beautiful valley, rich in fish and fruit trees. With great sorrow left them, knowing that not see her again. They played, ate fruit and bathed in the ravine, but by evening felt the absence of his mother and left in their search but were lost in the bush.
Some children coastal town of Timicuro I smile at the camera. The Mythology of the Peruvian Amazon is part of the magical universe of man Amazonian Peru, popular culture, rich in myths and legends that are part of the tradition. In the evenings, on the banks of rivers or within communal housing. In towns, villages or indigenous communities, where the man is inspired, form part of the topic conversación.Allí, enough for someone to touch the subject, for older men or women, stories about incredible beasts, ghosts, witchcraft, magic and incantations that these respeto.Pero listen avidly and, like many of the riches of this blessed land, also stories, myths and legends may disappear in time, if not the preserve for the future with their importance. That is why I publish these riches narrative with the main objective is known about our reality that future generations know how to preserve intact, in the collective memory, memories, myths and legends so that they can count on to their descendants.
Landscape with flowers in the coastal town of Timicuro I smile at the camera. The Amazon rainforest has over 2,000 species of trees and more than 3,000 plants, many of these species are not yet known.
A woman riverside village of Timicuro juanes I prepared some rice and chicken. John, as the Tacacho with avocado jerky is another traditional Peruvian Amazon, are wrapped and packaged in banana leaves to keep rice with egg and chicken meat seasoned with spices regional and magical secrets of the Amazon. It is a dish typical of the s celebrations of Saint John "The Baptist", on 24 June in Iquitos, Peru, the saint is the patron of the Amazon peruana.Existen several ways to prepare and his name is linked to its ingredients, region where they prepare, customs and traditions, we find: juane rice and chicken with rice, wasp juane with minced meat, nina juane, chicken and eggs, chuchulli juane, with chicken giblets and rice, Juan uchu fish, pepper and egg, sara juane with peanuts, maize, guinea pig meat and Mt.
Freshwater pink dolphins in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. In his youth, these dolphins are gray. The Amazonian pink river dolphin is the most romantic aquatic animal imaginable. Even we can say that sexual behavior can be likened somewhat to that of apes and humanos.Al beings as well as some men use flowers to attract women, the male of this South American species collected pieces of wood, rocks or piles of mud to capture the attention of the ritual is to offer hembras.El female offerings, bringing them closer to the peak and upright, very near the surface, then immersed rotating on its own aims eje.El impress the female and show his qualities, showing that it can be a great father. If other dolphins around, it will show strong aggressive against them, but never enter into a fight in the presence of male pink dolphins hembra.Los have that color characteristic for the healing of their wounds from fighting with other males. To have a deeper color means it has faced more opportunities and greater intensity to other dolphins, a sign of prestige and distinction.


Explorama few tourists on a boat to observe the freshwater pink dolphins in one of the tributaries of the Amazon to Iquitos about 40 miles near the town of Indiana. It seems that the luxury travel in South America is gaining more followers. If I commented a few days ago a new luxury train in Brazil, today I find a ship-class hotel that ply the waters of the Amazon River in Perú.MV Aqua is the name of the boat with 12 suites estate of about 240 square meters of which 4 have a privileged view of 180 degrees. All are carefully decorated with attention to detail as possible. It also has a restaurant by chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino Lima and if the consumerist urge attacks in the Amazon, also has a boutique bordo.El penetrating boat from Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon. Enters the Pacaya-Samiria, the largest of Peru and a jewel of biological richness that only a lucky few travelers have had the opportunity to conocer.El price of 1,200 euros per person for a 3 night itinerary . Interesting for those who can afford to be an unusual destination for luxury tourism.
A woman riverside village of Timicuro I juanes selling some rice and chicken. John is one of the dishes up Peruvian cuisine, in this case or its vast Amazon jungle, where presumably it is consumed since ancient times for its many native communities, and currently in its major cities such as Iquitos, Pucallpa and Tarapoto . It is therefore common Juane enjoy a delicious all year round in almost all Peru's Amazonian cities, and some typical restaurants in Lima and other cities on the Peruvian coast and highlands, although it is particularly used in most important part of the regional celebration: the feast of San Juan, on June 24 of each year.
One of the streets of Iquitos. Today, Iquitos is the largest city along the Amazon in Peru. Has several attractions, but for many, the special interest to reach Iquitos is focused on its proximity to wilderness areas to explore and enjoy ecotourism. The forest can not only visit but also, at first in person live in shelters or lodges near nature reserves. It is possible to deep into the Amazon excursion boats, or hire guides to explore areas inaccessible. Iquitos is a city of little development, and even very poor in many of their areas. However, it is one of the most desirable to know one of the many faces and the lush Amazon jungle.
Passenger bus runs between the airport and downtown Iquitos. Iquitos is also the ideal place for tourists and travelers are encouraged to go into sheltered areas such as parks and forest reserves where there are still places to discover and have never been explored. The city is a curiosity in itself: isolated by impenetrable density of the jungle, Iquitos is reachable only by river or air, being outside the Amazon River in the region of Loreto. The appearance of the city, for the most part, is that of a village, populated by the tribe of Iquitos, from whom the city finally took the name to be established in line with the gold rush and porteriormente and the passion of rubber .Yagua Stadt. Blasrohre sind Blasrohr Anrufe stark verlängert und handgefertigt. Yagua, neben den traditionellen Aktivitäten der Brandrodung Gartenbau, gibt es auch in Fischen, Jagen und Sammeln beschäftigt, sind bei der Vermarktung von Leder, Holz, Fleisch und wilden Früchten sowie Reis und Maniok beteiligt Verkauf auf dem Markt. Laut Volkszählung von 1993, die Bevölkerung von 5 Jahren und zeigt eine 40% Analphabetismus und stieg auf 44% bei Frauen, wollen 30% keine Anweisungen und nur 7% Yagua superiores.Poblado Studien.
Ein traditionell bemalte teen posiert für die Kamera. Die Palmwedel an Ausländer eingesetzt werden, so dass sie nicht feindselig dagegen im Allgemeinen gut Besucher empfangen. Gelegentlich einmal eine Preisverleihung oder Tanz überhaupt teilnehmen zu Ehren der Gäste statt.
Yagua Stadt. Porträt von einigen Jugendlichen, die in dem Dorf mit ihrem Haustier, ein Zwergseidenäffchen klein (die kleinsten Affen der Welt) leben. Die meisten der Älteren nur die Sprache sprechen und Wasser, aber neue Generationen sind bereits zweisprachig, dank der Schulen, die für die Indianer angelegt wurden und lehrte in beiden Sprachen.
Yagua Stadt. Blasrohre, Blasrohr Anrufe sind stark verlängert, handgefertigte und sind für Komponenten jedes Dorf cazar.Los verwendet bewohnen ein und derselben Gemeinschaft und ovale Kabine. Die Dörfer sind unabhängig und regiert von einem Häuptling und des Rates. Jeder Mann hat eine Frau heiraten und ihr Vater arbeitet für eine Reihe von Jahren im Austausch für die Frau.
Yagua Stadt. Zwei Frauen stillen ihre Kinder. Einer von ihnen posiert mit ihren Haustieren, ein wenig Zwergseidenäffchen (der kleinste Affe der Welt). Die yaguas leben im Norden von Peru, Fischen und Pflanzen nur gelegentlich seit der Gründung der Jagd ihren Lebensunterhalt, die noch auf traditionelle Weise praktiziert wird, mit dem tödlichen Gift Curare ist. Auch in Gemeinden yaguas Handel eingeführt, so dass die Perlen, Hängematten und Jagdbedarf zum Austausch für Lebensmittel gemacht werden.
Yagua Stadt. Village Frauen zeigen ihre Haustiere: einen Alligator, eine Anakonda und ein winziges Zwergseidenäffchen (der kleinste Affe der Welt). Für 56% der Bevölkerung im Alter von fünf Jahren und Schulbildung ist in 19 Zentren, von denen nur einer der weiterführenden Schulen unterrichtet. Es gibt auch ein landwirtschaftliches Institut. Es gibt 37 Lehrer in diesen Schulen unterrichten, von denen nur 16 indigene sind. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass alle Lehrer der Sekundarstufe indigenen sind.
Yagua Stadt. Pet einen yaguas heranwachsende Mädchen, ein wenig Zwergseidenäffchen (der kleinste Affe der Welt). Ebenen des Schulsystems zu erreichen sind gering: 30% haben noch keine Anweisungen und nur 7% der Eingabe der High School.
Yagua Stadt. Ein Teenager zeigt eine der Masken als lokales Kunsthandwerk verkauft. Neben den traditionellen Aktivitäten der Brandrodung Gartenbau, Jagen, Fischen und Sammeln, sind die Palmwedel in der Vermarktung von Leder, Holz, Fleisch und wilden Früchten sowie Reis und Jute zum Verkauf auf dem Markt beteiligt.
Yagua Stadt. Einige Mädchen sind mit traditionellen Farben gemalt. Für die Bevölkerung Yagua fünf Jahren und von 1993 Volkszählung ergab 40% des Analphabetismus, der Anteil steigt auf 44% im Falle der weiblichen Bevölkerung.
Yagua Stadt. Eines der Hobbys von diesem Stamm ist zu singen und zu tanzen. Unter den Musikinstrumenten haben Flöten, Trommeln und Rasseln. Angesichts der Häufigkeit des Kontaktes mit den Mestizen Gesellschaft yaguas der Vetternwirtschaft als eine Form der fiktiven Verwandtschaft übernommen.
Yagua Stadt. Ein traditionell bemalte teen posiert für die Kamera. Nach den gleichen Kriterien von Einheiten, sind Clans in der Kategorie der Vögel in "zwei Unterarten" Clan, differenziert nach Größe oder Farbe Kriterien unterteilt, so zum Beispiel gibt es einen Clan von Chico Paucar Frauen mit Swapping Paucar der größte Ara und ein Clan von Schwarz.
Yagua Stadt. Eines der Hobbys von diesem Stamm ist zu singen und zu tanzen. Unter den Musikinstrumenten haben Flöten, Trommeln und Rasseln. Schließlich können die Familien der Anlage Ehefrauen mit den Familien von Landtieren tauschen. Die Allianz zwischen zwei Clans für zwei Hälften auf diese Weise definiert, nach dem Vorbild der präskriptiven Bündnis mit bilateralen Cross-Cousin (realen oder klassifikatorischen).
Yagua Stadt. Blasrohre sind Blasrohr Anrufe stark verlängert, handgefertigte und zur Jagd eingesetzt. Eine vorbereitete Yagua Darts, die in einem gefalteten Palmblättern gespeichert und sind von spitzen Steinen und Kapok-Faser. Während der siebten Jahrzehnt gab es eine weitere Bündelung und Abwicklung von Palmwedeln in "indigenen Gemeinschaften" als Ergebnis von neuen staatlichen Rechtsvorschriften. So begann eine langsame Integration der Palmwedel in der regionalen Wirtschaft in den Prozess der peasantization. Etwa zur gleichen Zeit wurden jedoch viele gezeichnet in die messianische Bewegung von Santa Cruz.


Yagua Stadt. Blasrohre sind Blasrohr Anrufe stark verlängert, handgefertigte und zur Jagd eingesetzt. Peruanischen Truppen sind in Pebas stationiert, die zwischen yaguas einer Masern-Epidemie, die ausgelöscht ein Drittel der Bevölkerung. Zwischen 1930 und 1940 wurden die Palmwedel von den Arbeitgebern gezwungen, in Gebiete südlich des Amazonas zu migrieren, erweitert sein Gebiet bis zum Rio Yavari und in Konflikt mit Mayorunas. Im Jahre 1945 die Franziskaner kamen kurz nach kanadischen und SIL Missionare, die die Bibel in die Sprache übersetzt Yagua.
Yagua Stadt. Einer der Führer der Gruppe stellt für die Kamera. Nach Chaumeil Yagua Gesellschaft in Clans aufgeteilt patrilineare. Die Herrschaft des nachehelichen Residenz ist patrilokalen. Die verschiedenen Clans sind mit den Namen der Vögel, Pflanzen oder Tiere Land verbunden. Diese drei natürlichen Kategorien, in denen die Clans eingeteilt, die wiederum als exogame Hälften Modell organisiert. Dieser Austausch kann bei den Clans der Vögel von Hand und Pflanzen und anderen Landtieren werden.
Yagua Stadt. Gruppenleiter Pose mit dem zentralen Hütte verwendet, um verschiedene Handlungen und zeigt durchzuführen. Nach der Kautschuk-Booms, wurden die Muster Hersteller von edlen Hölzern, Königskerze, Milch und Felle Caspi, nach aufeinanderfolgenden Boom, immer mit dem Palmwedel als Arbeit. Im Jahr 1930 kamen die ersten protestantischen Missionare. Bald nach Kämpfe zwischen Peru und Kolumbien (1932-1933) brach.
Yagua Stadt. Snapshot von einigen der Menschen, aus denen diese Küstenstadt. Während des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts verließen die Franziskaner das Gebiet wegen der Kriege und der Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 1840 zurück. Unterdessen wurden Palmwedeln und Pebas von den zivilen Behörden der Stadt Pebas als Arbeitskraft in der Sammlung des Sarsaparille verwendet. Eine zweite Welle der Kolonialisierung kam zu dem Gebiet, in Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, also neue Formen der Sklaverei auf den Palmwedeln. Kurz vor dem Start der "Gummi-Boom würde zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen und Mayorunas Yahuas auftreten, und zwischen ihnen und den Huitotos.
Yagua Stadt. Central Hütte verwendet, um verschiedene Handlungen und zeigt durchzuführen. Gummi während des Zeitraums, der Augustiner Pebas Spanier kamen (1902), Immobilien gefunden im Land etabliert Yagua viele Gummibäume. Um Überfälle und Erpressungen des Gummis, besonders das Haus, die Palmwedel Arana führte eine Gegenoffensive, wurden aber geschlagen, wenn die Mission von Jericho im Jahr 1911 angegriffen wurde, ein Jahr nach der Gründung. Die Missionare zogen nach Iquitos im Jahre 1916.
Yagua Stadt. Innenansicht einer Kabine zu besuchen eine Art zeremonieller Tanz genannt Bujurqui, wo sie Tanz mit dem Feuer in einem Kreis. Mit der Vertreibung der Jesuiten und der Niedergang der Missionen, die in die Hände der diözesanen Klerus geleitet und dann die Franziskaner, fiel die Mehrheit der Bewohner in die Hände der Siedler aus der ersten Welle der Einwanderung, dann die Gestaltung des Systems der Leibeigenschaft Muster, das die dominante Figur in der Region werden würde.
Yagua Stadt. Innenansicht einer Kabine zu besuchen eine Art zeremonieller Tanz genannt Bujurqui, wo sie Tanz mit dem Feuer in einem Kreis. Zum Zeitpunkt der Europäischen Kontakt nach Chaumeil hielt der asymmetrischen Beziehungen yaguas Omaguas (Tupi), von denen Hausangestellte und Sklaven waren. Nach der Ankunft der Jesuiten, werden die Missionen Notliegeplätze für Indianer durch die "Bandeirantes" Slave betrieben. Zunächst ablehnend auf die Missionen, vor allem durch omahuas besiedelt, yaguas die Bedrohung der "Bandeirantes" endlich den Schutz der Missionare gesucht. Doch die Epidemien, die in regelmäßigen Abständen im Kürzungen führte zu Anklagen wegen Hexerei unter den Gruppen ausgebrochen, bewohnt diese Kriege auftreten.
Yagua Stadt. Porträt von zwanzig Personen, aus denen diese Küstenstadt. Die Kinetik der ankommenden Touristen jede Woche nehmen sie Bilder (die Ladung po yaguas nicht fotografiert oder gefilmt werden), sondern mehr und kaufen weniger Souvenirs Handwerk, dieses Stammes, um Geld für ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen lässt. Die Regierung hat sie verlassen und nicht arbeiten fast belohnt "um der Kunst willen" und der großen Verdienste um das Land, dass diese Gemeinschaft bietet. Sie gehen in alle touristischen Broschüren und Plakate, die die peruanische turismmo Vorteile, aber einige sehen nichts verdienen. Und leben, mit Demut, dass caractriza und Unschuld, die diesem Land bleibt.
Yagua Stadt. Eine gemalte Mädchen posieren für die Kamera. So erreichen Sie die Stadt Yaguas müssen Sie mit dem Boot von Iquitos Besichtigung der Amazonas-Fluss für eine Stunde und eine Hälfte. Dann müssen Sie den Fluss Yanayacu ruhigen Gewässer gelangen. Dieser Stamm sehr gastfreundlich bietet eine Art von Show für alle Touristen, die ist ein typischer Tanz von ihnen, und die Demonstration der Schuss mit dem Besuch "Blow-Gewehr." Sie können mit ihnen zu sprechen, obwohl nicht alle Spanisch sprechen.
Yagua Stadt. Snapshot von einigen der Menschen, aus denen diese Küstenstadt. Sie sind eine der Hauptattraktionen des Tourismus in Peru, aber wiederum sind eine der großen in diesem Land, das den Tourismus als princpales Quellen der Deviseneinnahmen vergessen hat. Sie sind die Yaguas, einem Indianerstamm, nachdem das Leben in den Urwäldern des Amazonas, Peru, wurden nahe der Stadt Iquitos verlegt. Latino-Reporter besuchten das Dorf in dieser Gemeinschaft, die lebendiges Vermächtnis dieses großen kulturellen Reichtum, der in Peru Lügen sind.


Yagua Stadt. Einige Mädchen posieren für die Kamera. Schließlich können die Familien der Anlage Ehefrauen mit den Familien von Landtieren tauschen. Die Allianz zwischen zwei Clans für zwei Hälften auf diese Weise definiert, nach dem Vorbild der präskriptiven Bündnis mit bilateralen Cross-Cousin (realen oder klassifikatorischen).
Yaguas die Menschen in Indiana, in einer Art Show-Tanz, ihren Tag zu Tag symbolisiert. Nach Chaumeil Yagua Gesellschaft in Clans aufgeteilt patrilineare. Die Herrschaft des nachehelichen Residenz ist patrilokalen. Die verschiedenen Clans sind mit den Namen der Vögel, Pflanzen oder Tiere Land verbunden. Diese drei natürlichen Kategorien, in denen die Clans eingeteilt, die wiederum als exogame Hälften Modell organisiert. Dieser Austausch kann bei den Clans der Vögel von Hand und Pflanzen und anderen Landtieren werden.
Yaguas die Menschen in Indiana, in einer Art Show-Tanz, ihren Tag zu Tag symbolisiert. Zum Zeitpunkt der Europäischen Kontakt nach Chaumeil hielt der asymmetrischen Beziehungen yaguas Omaguas (Tupi), von denen Hausangestellte und Sklaven waren. Nach der Ankunft der Jesuiten, werden die Missionen Notliegeplätze für Indianer durch die "Bandeirantes" Slave betrieben. Zunächst ablehnend auf die Missionen, vor allem durch omahuas besiedelt, yaguas die Bedrohung der "Bandeirantes" endlich den Schutz der Missionare gesucht. Doch die Epidemien, die in regelmäßigen Abständen im Kürzungen führte zu Anklagen wegen Hexerei unter den Gruppen ausgebrochen, bewohnt diese Kriege auftreten.
Yaguas die Menschen in Indiana, in einer Art Show-Tanz, ihren Tag zu Tag symbolisiert. Etwa 50% der Bevölkerung ist unter 15 Jahren, klarer Indikator für eine junge Bevölkerung und Wachstum. 2,3% mehr als 64 Jahren. Die rohe Sterberate von 13,48 pro 1000 Einwohner.Yaguas die Menschen in Indiana, in einer Art Show-Tanz, ihren Tag zu Tag symbolisiert. Wie bereits Chaumeil, dem ersten globalen Schätzungen der Bevölkerung Yagua Missionar Quellen von Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts. Die spanische Augustiner als eine Bevölkerung von 3000 bis 4000 in 1903 (Chaumeil, 1994:199). Nach Ansicht des Autors, Missionar Quellen selbst betrachtet das Vorhandensein von 5000 yaguas im Jahr 1943 und 3700 im Jahr 1959. Powlinson Flornoy im Jahr 1950 und ein Jahrzehnt später, als sie die Existenz von yaguas 2170 und 3000, jeweils (Wise und Ribeiro, 1978).
Frauen Yaguas der Menschen in Indiana sind eine Demonstration, wie es ist Masato, ein alkoholisches Getränk, das durch Gärung Kauen und Maniok-Wurzel hergestellt. Bald nach Kämpfe zwischen Peru und Kolumbien (1932-1933) brach, wurden Truppen in Pebas stationiert, was zu einer Masern-Epidemie, die ausgelöscht ein Drittel der Bevölkerung. Derzeit YAGUAR in ländlichen Gemeinden zu finden, die Einleitung des langsamen Integration von YAGUAR innerhalb der regionalen Wirtschaft
Einer der vielen Sorten der Frösche, die in den Wäldern des Amazonas-Regenwaldes gesichtet werden können. Weltweit arbeiten Wissenschaftler entdecken neue therapeutische Verwendungen Gift der Kröten und Frösche. Einige Anwendungen, die bereits von verschiedenen Stämme des Amazonas bekannt waren, und werden nun von solchen renommierten Institutionen wie der National Institutes of Health, USA und naturhistorischen Museen in Paris und New York, die Untersuchung der Eigenschaften werden untersucht analgetischen und antibakteriellen Substanzen durch einige dieser Frösche abgesondert. Herpes, Herzkrankheiten, Sklerose, Alzheimer oder sind das Down-Syndrom einige der Krankheiten, Gift Frösche und Kröten behandeln helfen kann. Während im Westen nur Frösche haben denn wer könnte ihre saftigen Beine bieten, in China oder den Amazonas geschätzt, sind diese Tiere gefangen, selbst verwöhnen, um die Eigenschaften ihrer Hautdrüsen auszunutzen. Im Falle von Indianerstämmen, zu vergiften ihre Pfeile und beruhigen die Schmerzen. Die Flüssigkeit versprühen Erdkröten (Bufo bufo) seit Hunderten von Jahren in China verwendet, um Blutungen enthalten und vegetativen Funktionen anregen. Aber es war vor allem dank eines Mannes, der Forscher John Daly, der National Institutes of Health, USA, als Wissenschaft von der Existenz des therapeutischen Eigenschaften ist bekannt, dass Giftstoffe absondern Kröten und Frösche. Daly hat über 300 Chemikalien aus Fröschen identifiziert pharmakologischen Interesse und hat sogar "getauft" viele von ihnen gefangen in seinen Reisen durch Südamerika. Dies ist der Fall von Phyllobates terribilis, einem kleinen grünen Frosch, dessen Name rührt von der Tatsache, dass der weltweit giftigsten Frosch. Ein einziges Exemplar kann töten fünfzig Personen.
Allgemeine Karte des Amazonas-Regenwaldes und Primärwald. Das Wort ist ein Weg Amerikanismus auf einen schmalen Pfad durch den Wald oder Busch eröffnet beschreiben. Es zeichnet sich in der Weise, dass keine Bäume gefällt oder seine Banken investiert in den Ausbau der Straße arbeiten oder Brücken zu bauen und dauerhaft. Die Existenz der Strecke abhängig vom Verkehr, für die Reisenden gelöscht Vegetation mit Macheten und markieren Sie die Zeile mit seinen eigenen Tracks, so dass, wenn eine Spur kleiner wird landet weg durch das Vordringen der Pflanzen gefressen. Während der Gummi Haine wirklich wahr Wege nur sehr wenige waren, dominierte der kurzlebigen Pfade, deren Existenz ist nur bekannt, heute durch Auftragen auf den Karten der damaligen Zeit. Ein Weg war richtig, gibt es nur stellenweise so beschäftigt wie zwischen San José del Guaviare und Tintenfisch im Fluss Unilla (High Vaupés); Mocoa und der Banana River (Alto Putumayo) und Lime Mocoa (Alto Caquetá), der Schritt Tagua zu Caucaya (Putumayo Caquetá) oder Haus (River Caraparana) La Chorrera (Fluss lgaraparaná). Für den Rest, aber strategisch es wusste von der Notwendigkeit, Straßen bauen, sozio-ökonomische Wirklichkeit nur erlaubt, die Wege zu halten. Für sie gelegentlich für ein paar Reisende oder Jägern und dann den regen, ehe es geschlossen.
Allgemeine Karte des Amazonas-Dschungel und Wald mit einem Nahaufnahme eines heliconia. Wissenschaftliche oder lateinischer Name: Heliconia Bihai - Der Zeitpunkt der Blüte hängt von Arten und Sorten. Es gibt viele Sorten für Schnittblumen, da sie eine langfristige Erhaltung (20 Tage) zu haben. Blütenstand mit langen Kelchblättern Stiel. Ihre Blütenstände sind Zwitter, weil sie einen männlichen Teil (Staubblatt) und weibliche (Stempel) haben.


Blau und Gelb Ara. Ara ararauna. Es ist vielleicht das beste aller Papageien bekannt. Der Amazonas-Papagei stammt aus Lateinamerika und hat ein grünes Gefieder, die fast den ganzen Körper bedeckt. Es passt einfach zu einem Leben in Gefangenschaft und in Kontakt mit anderen Exemplaren ihrer Gattung. Care ist ein Haustier für das Leben. Sie sind sehr langlebig Vögel, die extremen Fällen wurden von Tieren, die zum Alter von 70 oder 90 Jahre überlebt haben. Der Amazonas-Papagei oder Blue-fronted Parrot wurde bereits 1758 durch Carl von Linné beschrieben. Dies ist die importierte Fahrer Klasse. Der Amazonas-Papagei aus Brasilien nach Paraguay, Bolivien und Nord-Argentinien gefunden werden. In der Natur lebt in primäre und sekundäre Wälder, Feuchtgebiete und Wälder von Palmen. Sie leben in Gruppen mit einem Führer, und schaffen soziale Bindungen zwischen ihnen. Im Morgengrauen große Schwärme dieser Vögel verlassen die Sicherheit der dichten Dschungel, die als Schutz wurden in der Nacht und bewegen sich in der Suche nach Nahrung verwendet. Während des Fluges können wir unterscheiden Paare Herde bereits gebildet, denn gemeinsam fliegen innerhalb der Gruppe. Darüber hinaus sind auch wenn es immer Ausnahmen, dachte sich monogam.
Ein Totenkopfäffchen (saimiri) eine der Urwälder des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Bilder wie der Flug von einer Gruppe von Aras oder rosa Delphinen schwimmen wird immer in guter Erinnerung festgehalten werden. Die Schönheit des Meeting of the Waters, wo das Wasser des Rio Solimões sind cremig dunklen Wassern des Black River, halten sie von Meilen voneinander entfernt, ist ein Schauspiel der Natur. Baden im warmen Wasser des Wasserfalls von "Furada Stone", in der Mitte des Amazonas Regen-Wald befindet sich eine Explosion der Gefühle: die feuchte Luft in den Dschungel, der Klang der Vögel und Affen, der Geruch Holz und Blätter.
Einer der vielen Vögel, die in den Wäldern des Amazonas-Regenwaldes gesichtet werden können. Von seiner Quelle in Iquitos, Peru, bis zu seiner Mündung auf der Insel Marajo, Brasilien, alle Kommentare auf dem Amazonas und Amazonas-Regenwald auf unter Verwendung Superlative werden. Der größte, längste, breiteste, sind sehr häufig vorkommende Wörter. Die Pracht der Flüsse und Bäume, die unglaubliche Vielfalt der Natur, Einfachheit und Gastfreundschaft der Menschen, bilden ein einzigartiges Szenario, in dem Sie Kontakt haben können und mehr über die letzte Grenze der unberührten Leben.
Ein Totenkopfäffchen (saimiri) eine der Urwälder des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Vor ein paar Jahrzehnten die Totenkopfäffchen in die Niederungen der Pazifikküste, sondern debibo zur Entwaldung und die Gefangennahme von Exemplaren zum Verkauf verbreitet als Haustiere heute nur auf der Halbinsel Osa gefunden werden, in den Nationalpark Manuel Antonio in Quepos und Patches von Wald in der Nähe der Gegend. Die Totenkopfäffchen ist Teil des costaricanischen Arten vom Aussterben bedroht.
Navigieren eines der Zuflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Explorama Lodge wird von Primärwald umgeben. Seine Holzkonstruktion mit Strohdächern sind eine perfekte Harmonie mit der Natur. Seine romantische Beleuchtung Licht Petroleumlampen basiert nicht nur Räume, sondern auch die Passagen, die den Speisesaal, Bar Die Tahuampa, Häuser Liegen und Sonnen-Plattform in Verbindung zu treten. Geben Toiletten Duschen und Toiletten sind auf jedem Haus angebracht. Sie können eine Vielzahl von Wanderungen in der Herberge, einschließlich der 7 Brücken Trail.
Whirlpool von Ceiba Tops Lodge Luxus Explorama. Wandern in den frühen Morgenstunden Vogelbeobachtung. Morgens entlang der "Bushmaster Trail", wo Wissenschaftler aus den Missouri Botanical Gardens die höchste Artenvielfalt pro Quadratmeter Hektar gefunden haben gehen. Dann mit einem Besuch in einer Gemeinschaft von Yagua Indianer dort fortsetzen, wo Ihr Guide wird ihre Kultur erklären und wie es durch den Lauf der Zeit beeinflusst. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Handel oder Kauf einige lokale Handwerk und für eine Demonstration der Verwendung des Blasrohr, die einige der alten Yaguas immer noch Jagd Hausarbeiten werden. Im Laufe des Nachmittags wird es eine neue Tour Boot auf der Suche nach Faultier, in Cecropia Bäume am Rand des Wassers gefunden, sowie zwei Arten von Süßwasser-Delfine, rosa und grau, in den Gewässern gefunden werden Amazonien.
Navigieren eines der Zuflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Die häufigste Piranhas im Aquarium messen meist zwischen 30 und 35 Zentimetern. Am besten ist es, kleine Proben zu sehen, sie wachsen zu kaufen. Sie sind gesellige Tiere, so ist es gut, fünf oder sechs Exemplare haben, aber nicht viele, da sie aggressives Verhalten haben. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn es Zeiten gibt, dass Piranhas sind hungrig, sie oft zu befriedigen ihren Hunger durch verschlingt die schwächeren Individuen.
Navigieren eines der Zuflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. In der Amazonas-Region sind mehrere ethnische Gruppen (Amazonas Kichwa, Siona-Sequoia, Cofán, Huaorani, Shuar, Shiwiar, Andoas Sapar und Achuar) mit gemeinsamen Merkmalen aus seiner tausendjährigen Bestehen im Amazonas Region abgeleitet. Wo entwickelten Techniken für die Nutzung Ressourcen (Gartenbau ambulante Brandrodung, Jagd, Angeln und Sammeln), dass sie mit einer ausgewogenen Ernährung vorgesehen ist, die Beibehaltung einer perfekten Gleichgewicht mit der Umwelt.
Piranha Fischen in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Die Arten der Pacu oder Piranha kann kaum unterschieden werden. Die Farbe und Länge sind die Richtlinien, die wir verfolgen, um sie zu unterscheiden. Die rote Pacu ist der "kleine" Familie (zwei Fuß erreichen nicht weniger) und die orange Farbe des Bauches ist es, was ihr den Namen.
Piranha Fischen in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Piranhas bilden fünf Gattungen innerhalb der Unterfamilie Serrasalminae. Gemessen in der Regel zwischen 15 und 25 cm Länge, obwohl Exemplare von über 40 cm gefunden worden. Sie sind allgemein für ihre scharfen Zähne und unersättlich und aggressive Appetit auf Fleisch bekannt.
Ein Faultiere auf einen Baum in einem Primärwald des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Die Eigenschaften der Trägheit nicht zu mir am besten geeignet, um in diesem Ökosystem überleben scheinen. Mit einer durchschnittlichen Höhe der Regel nicht mehr als einen Meter, von bewegten mehr als 2 Meilen pro Stunde verhinderte, in der Regel ruhig, schläft kopfüber in den Bäumen, scheint es ein leckeres Festessen für die gefräßigen Kaiser der Region sein.
Riesige Victoria Regia Seerosen in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Der Amazonas-Lilie ist eine eigentümliche Bestäubung Zyklus. Der Riese Blüten öffnen sich in der Abenddämmerung mit einer Rate leicht nachweisbar. Die Blüten produzieren einen starken Geruch von Süßigkeiten und lösen einen Reiz, der die Temperatur des zentralen Blüte 11 oberhalb Umgebungsdruck erhöht. Der Duft der Wärme kombiniert, zieht Käfer in der Mitte der Blüte zu sammeln. Als der Abend fortschreitet, schließt die Blume, Trapping innerhalb der Insekten. Im Morgengrauen Unter den Blumen auf rosa und Käfer ernähren sich von den internen Strukturen der Blume. In der Dämmerung sind die Blumen zu einem dunklen rot-violette Farbe, offen und mit Pollen Käfer fliegen zu einem anderen Seerose finden. Dabei tragen Pollen und bestäuben die Blüte ersten auf den zweiten.


Riesige Victoria Regia Seerosen in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Der Riese Seerosen sind im Amazonas und anderen tropischen Gewässern Regionen verteilt. Wenn gruppiert, bilden eine Art Miniatur schwimmenden Wiese. Der schönste ist Victoria amazonica, Amazon Seerose. Messen bis zu vier Meter im Durchmesser und ist in der Lage, das Gewicht eines kleinen Kindes. Der Amazonas-Lilie ist eine eigentümliche Bestäubung Zyklus. Der Riese Blüten öffnen sich in der Abenddämmerung mit einer Rate leicht nachweisbar. Die Blüten produzieren einen starken Geruch von Süßigkeiten und lösen einen Reiz, der die Temperatur des zentralen Blüte 11 oberhalb Umgebungsdruck erhöht. Der Duft der Wärme kombiniert, zieht Käfer in der Mitte der Blüte zu sammeln. Als der Abend fortschreitet, schließt die Blume, Trapping innerhalb der Insekten. Im Morgengrauen Unter den Blumen auf rosa und Käfer ernähren sich von den internen Strukturen der Blume. In der Dämmerung sind die Blumen zu einem dunklen rot-violette Farbe, offen und mit Pollen Käfer fliegen zu einem anderen Seerose finden. Dabei tragen Pollen und bestäuben die Blüte ersten auf den zweiten.
Kleine Hütten bis am Rand eines der Zuflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana ausgekleidet. Der Remote-Stamm der Yanomami lebt in einem Wald in der Größe von Frankreich, im Norden Brasiliens und im südlichen Venezuela. Die Yanomami leben praktisch isoliert, nachdem sie zum ersten Mal in der Dekade der 20 dokumentiert und sogar 70 Jahren, als eine große Zahl von Goldsuchern in ihrem Hoheitsgebiet eingedrungen gesucht. Diese Bergleute brachten Krankheiten wie Masern, Tuberkulose, Influenza und Malaria für die Yanomami, die weniger resistent gegen diese Krankheiten, die zu einer signifikanten Abnahme der Bevölkerung geführt wurden. Schätzungsweise 20.000 Yanomami leben in Brasilien in den späten 70er Jahren, während im Jahr 1997 gab es weniger als 9.000. Gewalt zwischen bewaffneten Garimpeiros Yanomami und hat in vielen Todesfällen geführt. Die Goldsucher haben mischte sich in die traditionelle Lebensweise der Yanomami mit Quecksilberbelastung in lokale Flüsse, Tiere und die Yanomami sich. Mining Projekte vertreibe die Tiere, von denen der Stamm hängt nach Nahrung. Garimpeiros führte auch Waffen an die Yanomami-Gruppen, die die Streitigkeiten zwischen Dörfern in der Regel am Ende tiros.Brasil Mittel zugewiesen hat grosse Waldflächen, etwa 12,5% der Gesamtfläche Brasiliens und 26,4% der Amazonas-Becken, für die indigene Bevölkerung, die von etwa 450.000 Menschen (0,25% der Gesamtbevölkerung) besteht. Diese einheimischen Reserven "in der Verfassung von Brasilien im Jahr 1988 gegründet - dazu beigetragen, die indigene Bevölkerung nach Jahrhunderten wurden rückläufige erhöhen. Laut The Economist [2. Februar 2006], 60% der indigenen Bevölkerung Brasiliens lebt in Amazonía.Estas Schutzgebiete sind nicht sehr beliebt bei den armen Landwirten, Grundeigentümern und Bauherren, die sich gegen gekämpft haben Anlage von Parks und indigene Reserven, und diejenigen, die illegal ausnutzen Waldressourcen, vor allem Mahagoni und andere wertvolle Harthölzer innerhalb der Grenzen der Schutzgebiete. Jedoch fand eine Studie im Jahr 2006 von Forschern durchgeführt an der Woods Hole Research Center und Institut für Umweltforschung in Amazonien, dass Parks und indigene Reserven im Amazonas zu einer Verlangsamung der Rate der Abholzung. Die Forscher stellten fest, durch die Analyse von Satellitendaten, Abholzung und Feuer Frequenz war signifikant niedriger Innenumfang der Reserven und indigenen Gebieten abgegrenzt.


Kleine Hütten bis am Rand eines der Zuflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana.En heute gesäumt, trotz der rückläufigen Bevölkerung, die Eingeborenen leben noch immer in den amerikanischen Regenwäldern, obwohl praktisch alle wurden von der Außenwelt beeinflusst. Anstelle der Verwendung traditioneller Kleidung in Lendenschurz verwendeten die meisten Indianer westliche Kleidung und viele nutzen Metall Töpfe, Pfannen und andere Utensilien in ihrem täglichen Leben. Einige Gruppen machen Handarbeiten an Touristen, die mit den Booten zu gelangen verkaufen, während andere Routine Ausflüge in die Stadt machen, um Lebensmittel und Waren zu bringen, zu verkaufen. Fast keine native Gruppe hängt ganz von traditionellen nomadischen Jagd oder das Sammeln von Wildpflanzen. Crops, zusammen mit der Jagd, das Sammeln wilder Gemüse und Fisch, als zusätzliche Nahrungsquelle dienen. Normalerweise wird eine Familie hat zwei Gärten: ein kleiner mit verschiedenen Arten von Pflanzen und eine größere Ernte, die eine Fläche von einem Hektar mit Bananen, Maniok und Reis gepflanzt umfassen kann. Diese Plantagen wurden mit der traditionellen Praxis gepflanzt Brandrodung Methode, um den Wald, der nicht ganz zum Nachteil der Lebensraum, wenn als traditionelle durchgeführt klar. Heute, kaum einer der indianischen Wald lebt in einer völlig traditionell. Vielleicht nur ein paar kleine Gruppen im Amazonasbecken kann. Einer von ihnen, Tageri (Teil der Huaorani), ist stark vom Öl Entwicklung in Ecuador bedroht. Ihre Situation hat sich zu einem internationalen Kampf zwischen Umweltschützern, haben Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Regierung und Industrie petrolera.Los sozialen Bewegungen der Indianer das größte Maß an Organisation, die in irgendeiner regen Wald existiert erreicht. Die Bildung von ethnischen Organisationen ist eine Möglichkeit, dass indigene Völker haben sich selbst zu schützen, sowie ihre Kultur und natürliche Ressourcen. Die Indianer haben eine lange und bittere Kampf gegen Landnutzungsänderungen auf ihrem Land, und heute diese Organisationen überwachen die Einfälle der Außenseiter, ihr Land konfrontiert. Die indigenen Missionary Council (CIMI), berichtete, dass Invasionen von Holzfällern und Bergleuten der brasilianischen indigenen Reserven sind seit Mitte der 90er Jahre zugenommen. Holzfäller ausbrechen jeden Tag im Indianerland auf der Suche nach Mahagoni, deren Gewinnung ist derzeit in Brasilien verboten. In den späten 90-er und Anfang 2000 der Konflikt zwischen den Indianern, waren Holzfäller, Bergarbeiter und Öl von der westlichen Presse teil. Der aktuelle Kampf zwischen den Yanomami (Brasilien und Venezuela) und Tausende von kleinen Bergleute als "Goldsucher" (Brasilien) bekannt ist, erhielt besondere Aufmerksamkeit.
Der gebürtige hält eine Schlange in einem der Urwälder des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. Ob riesige riesige Anakondas und Boas, sind Geschichten über die Existenz von Riesenschlangen in den riesigen "grüne Hölle" des Amazonas-Beckens seit wiederholt kurz nach der Ankunft der Konquistadoren und spanischen und portugiesischen Entdecker, aber es war nicht bis zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, dass die ersten Sammlungen wurden strenge Begegnungen mit diesen Tieren. In den späten vierziger Jahren, der Direktor des Zoos in Hamburg, war Lorenz Hagenbeck den ersten gründlich zu studieren, das Geheimnis, auf der außerordentlichen Ereignisse, die Victor Heinz Priester, nahm beim Besuch des Amazonas-Fluss mit dem Kanu zu verstehen. Die erste fand am 22. Mai 1922, in der Nähe einer Stadt namens Obidos, wenn nur zehn Meter entfernt war eine riesige Schlange, die von der Strömung getragen wurde. Die Besatzung blieb Rudern, zitternd vor Angst auf die Ungeheuerlichkeit des Tieres: 25 Meter lang und dick Rede wieder, sagten sie, immer noch Angst, dass wir die Schlange als eine gewöhnliche Streichholzschachtel es sei denn, zerdrückt haben durch den glücklichen Zufall, dass zu der Zeit war er ruhig tun das schwere Verdauung von einigen guten Fisch-Dinner. " Ein paar Jahre später, am 29. Oktober 1929, traf er den Priester erneut mit einer Riesenschlange in denselben Fluss steigen. Es war fast Mitternacht, als er die Ruder sah mit Schrecken, ruderte zum Ufer schreien, dass es ein riesiges Tier. "In diesem Augenblick sah ich, dass das Wasser entfernt waren, als ob es auf unserer Seite geschah ein großer Dampfer und sah ein paar Meter über dem Wasser, zwei blau-grünes Licht leuchtet wie ein Riverboat Position." Als er zu seinen Leuten sagte ihnen, dass es ein Schiff, das Boot seiner Karriere verlassen wurde beruhigen versuchte, antwortete sie, dass es eine riesige Schlange war.


Morgennebel in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Saisonale Regenfälle führen zu schweren Überschwemmungen entlang des Flusses und seiner Nebenflüsse. Die durchschnittliche Tiefe auf dem Höhepunkt der Regenzeit ist etwa 40 m und die durchschnittliche Breite beträgt ca. 40 km (siehe: Barzee). Dies beginnt im November und läuft bis Juni, dann ab Ende Oktober. Der Aufstieg der Black River ist teilweise asynchron: die Regenzeit nicht in diesem Tal beginnen erst im Februar oder März. Für Juni ist auf ihrem Höhepunkt, und der Abstieg des Wassers selbst jetzt im Einklang mit dem Amazonas. Der Rio Madeira hat eine Lücke von zwei Monaten, beginnend im September beginnen zu wachsen und den Rückzug in abril.La Reichtum an Wasser in der Amazonas-System beruht auf der Tatsache, dass viel von dem Gebiet in der intertropischen Konvergenzzone liegt, wo die Niederschläge am höchsten ist. Auch ist die Region im Bereich der Passatwinde des Atlantiks, wo die Feuchtigkeit in den Westen geschoben wird und schließlich gezwungen, klettern über die Anden. Diese aufsteigende Luft kühlt Masse, wodurch schwere Regenfälle, die ausgefallene über ein riesiges Gebiet sind, beispiellose Prozess mundial.La Ebene weich Schwemmebene (genannt Vargem) bilden die meisten der Gegend, durch die der Fluss fließt, ist mit bis zu 15 m von Wasser bedeckt. Die Ebene, auf Iquitos ist 6 m, Teff, 15 m, in Óbidos, Pará 11 m und 4 m über dem Fluss Ebene zumindest, dass der Trockenzeit charakterisiert.
Ein Boot segeln durch einen der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Der erste Europäer in der Nähe des Amazonas-Mündung Segel war Amerigo Vespucci in 1499,3 Nach der spanischen Vicente Yanez Pinzon und Diego de Lope erkundeten die Inseln, die Teil des riesigen Mündung sind. Der erste Abstieg des Amazonas von den Anden durch die Europäer wurde von Francisco de Orellana im Jahr 1541 gemacht. Die Erstbesteigung des Flusses durch ein europäisches wurde 1638 von Pedro Teixeira, Portugiesen, die den Weg des Orellana rückgängig gemacht und erreicht Quito über den Río Napo. Er kehrte im Jahre 1639 mit dem Jesuitenpater Acuna und Artieda, Delegierte aus den Vizekönig von Peru zu begleiten Teixeira.Francisco de Orellana Guayaquil links der 4. Februar 1541 erreichte Quito und reorganisiert seine Karawane bestand aus 23 Männern. Orellana und seine Männer hielten mehrere Kämpfe mit verfeindeten Stämme, die in den Weg kam, dadurch leiden mehrere Rückschläge. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden an jedem Tag der Expedition sterben, Betriebsstoffe wurden abgeholzt, bis du nichts zu essen haben. Es war nun Dezember und die meisten der Forscher klar, dass das Problem nicht erreichen würde den Platz wollte, so fingen sie an zu steigen. Aber wie war der Glaube und Beharrlichkeit, die auf 12. Februar 1542 haben wir den immensen Fluss Storstrøm Namen "Amazonas" zu entdecken wurde von Francisco de Orellana, nachdem ein Kampf mit einem kühnen platziert und Frauen Krieger, mit denen er kämpfte am 24. Juni 1542.El Amazon River entspringt in den Ausläufern des Berges Misti in Arequipa, Peru. Unter den verschiedenen Bezeichnungen für den Amazonas-Fluss entlang ihrem Verlauf, zeichnen sich auf folgende Themen: Lloqueta, Apurimac Ene, Tambo, Ucayali, Marañón und Amazonas. Wenn der Fluss tritt Brasilien Solimões war für eine lange Strecke "umbenannt. Dann kommen Sie zurück, um den Namen des Amazonas-Flusses bei seiner Mündung in den Black River statt.
Ein Boot segeln durch einen der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Amazon traditionell auf den zweiten Platz in der Gesamtlänge, hinter dem Nil zugeordnet, obwohl es nie einen allgemeinen Konsens darüber, was die zulässige Messpunkte wurden. Die neueste Forschung, indem einige 740 km auf den Kanal, die ihm Platz würde auf jeden Fall in der Spitze der Rangliste der größten Flüsse in den eher konservativen mundo.Según Messungen ist der Fluss etwa 6.762 km lang. Allerdings, eine peruanisch-brasilianischen Expedition hat ihre Arbeit im Juni 2007 abgeschlossen wurde Km.1 6800 diesem Abschnitt der großen Variabilität in den Kanal geschätzt. An der Mündung des Abstandes einer Bank zur anderen ist etwa 330 km, gemessen von Cabo do Norte bis Punto Patijoca einschließlich der Insel Marajo (sprich: Mara), die Größe von Dänemark und der Pará River Delta (Abschnitt Tocantins River's End), ca. 60 km breit. Die Entfernung von der Mündung des Amazonas, der sich aus einer Art Dreieck durch die Wirkung der Gezeiten und Strömungen maskiert, liegt etwa 100 km aproximadamente.Actualmente, durch die jüngsten Forschungsberichte, Lima Geographischen Gesellschaft, unterstützt durch Einheiten der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft, beendete die Kontroverse über die Herkunft des Amazonas-Flusses zu bestimmen, welche in den Anden im Süden Perus steigt an und ist die längste der Welt, größer als der Nil in mehr als vierzig kilómetros.Desde Geburt in der Schlucht Apacheta, an den Hängen des Nevado Quehuisha im Departement Arequipa, 5.170 Höhenmeter, bis sie mündet in den Atlantik nach einem Besuch in Peru und Brasilien, mit einer Länge von 7.062 km gehört kilómetros.Esto 391 länger der Nil in Afrika, die 6.671 km erstreckt, sagte sie dem Fachmann Zaniel Novoa, Lima Geographical Society und polnische Journalist und Entdecker Jacek Palkiewicz, die im Jahr 1996 führte ein multinationales Expedition zum Oberlauf des Amazonas. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Messung, die nach 12 Jahren von den großen Unternehmen der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft bestätigt wurde. Dazu gehören die Geographical Society of London, der Russischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und des Brasilianischen Instituts für Weltraumforschung.


Amazon Canopy Walkway, eine der längsten Hängebrücken der Welt, die den Urwald Tiere aus einer Höhe von 37 Metern ermöglichen und ist über die 14 größten Bäume in der Umgebung ausgesetzt. Kabelrollen mit Kisten und Taschen von Teilen der Schrauben verpackt. Bald seinem ersten Hängebrücken Amerika vorgefertigten so leicht Atemluft Brücke in der Nähe von Parc des Buttes-Chaumont ..."( In der Tat, die Hängebrücke, die Eiffel Ironbridge spukt auf der Severn in England der ältesten in Europa (1779). Dies markierte den Beginn der Verwendung von Metall im Bauwesen, mit der englischen (und nicht die Französisch) waren die wahren Pioniere) .3. Tercera "Die Bauarbeiten sind eine Art Geheimnis oder infrarquitectura Architektur offenbart, wobei letztlich eine Meta-Architektur. Ein Beweis dafür ist, wie seit vielen Jahren in Venezuela waren bekannt als "Kunstwerke". Nicht wegen der symbolischen Dekoration auf der funktionalen Struktur, sagen wir, der Nereiden verschraubt vertikale oder abwechselnd Girlanden Kreuzungen der St. Andreas ... Sie waren Kunstwerke genannt, weil das ist, was eran.Los venezolanische Ingenieure (Architekten vor einem Jahrhundert in seiner Arbeit auf dem Lande), schien über vom frühen Eiffel Worte getroffen haben: "Weil wir Ingenieure sind, Sollen wir, dass Schönheit keine Sorgen machen uns in unseren Gebäuden zu glauben, und während wir solide und dauerhafte machen, nicht wir uns bemühen, damit sie schlau? Oder ist das die wahre Funktion der Kraft nicht immer mit den Bedingungen einverstanden Geheimnis der Harmonie? "Die Aufgabe der Öffnung der Straßen und Eisenbahnen, dass ausgehend fast aus dem Nichts des letzten Jahrhunderts begann, nahm inmitten der Schwierigkeiten, aber mit etwas anderem, mit viel Kunst. Es ist zwar richtig, dass viele importierte fremde Strukturen, wie der Fall historisch wahr von der eisernen Brücke über den Fluss Guarapiche in Maturin Glasgow gebracht, über Trinidad, die Wahrheit ist, dass diese bescheidenen Ingenieure eiffelianos viele mehr. Just geöffnet, um eine archäologische Expedition machen, um herauszufinden, projiziert die Eisenbahn Caracas-La Guaira und neun Brücken, auch als Kunstwerke, von denen vier aus Eisen waren ... oder die Sage von der Eisen-Hängebrücken erzählen, mit einigen legendären wie angegeben. Amner Die Führung geht durch den Amazonas Canopy Walkway, eine der längsten Hängebrücken der Welt, die den Urwald Tiere aus einer Höhe von 37 Metern ermöglicht und über die 14 größten Bäume in der Umgebung ausgesetzt. lli, wo Materie und der Wahrheit den Weg redundantes.En sind in die Gran Sabana, auf der Cuyuni Fluss, Anhänger einer alten Eisenbrücke. Einheimische Führer präsentieren sie den Touristen die Gestaltung von Gustave Eiffel. Der Legende nach einst ein Frachtschiff auf Grund lief im Delta und der vorgefertigten Brücke, die andere Ziele hatten, war es endlich fertig, kommen zu bewaffnen, wo am wenigsten erwartet. Wo können wir die Wege dieser Legende nehmen ...? Gustave Eiffel, in Dijon im Jahre 1832 geboren, war ein Experte auf Brücken. Der Eiffelturm selbst, die oben auf ihrer Suche, es ist nicht strukturell "mehr als ein Haufen von Brücke geführt, um den Wahnsinn der Größe. Eine Brücke, die nicht im Besitz nichts" Die Brücken waren die großen Spezialität des Hauses "Fabrik am Stadtrand von Paris gemacht Brücken für fast alle Flüsse von Frankreich, auf der Garonne, im Lot, der Dordogne, der Marne, der Cher, Indre, dieTruyère die Abende, die Saone, Seine, alles gemacht zu wissenschaftlich Zehntel Millimeter berechnet. Aber es war auch für Eiffel, Brücken zu bauen an Orten fern von ihrer Heimat unsagbar normal. Namen wie Cochin, Arica, Manila und Saigon, wurden auf regelmäßige Aufträge und Bestellungen für das Unternehmen ... Cuyuni Yuruari, Essequibo, Guyana und Venezuela, warum sollte nicht mehr mit besonders sobrecogedores.Ninguna Legende klang sollte, wie unglaubwürdig wie es scheint, vernachlässigt werden durch unsere Vorstellungskraft. Wenn es nicht wirklich etwas anderes, zumindest wir daraus, dass in Guyana gelernt runden das Gespenst der Eiffel.Welche offenbar bereits genug. Jetzt kommt der Karneval und bin sicher, viele unserer Leser werden nach El Callao fliegen, empfehlen wir daher, einen Anschlag auf die Straße. Und werde diese Brücke, die herausragen passieren und suchen Sie die alte vorgefertigten Eisen ... der Firmenstempel zu finden. Denken Sie daran: die Worte, die wir suchen sind: SOCIETE DE CONSTRUCTION Levallois-Perret, oder simplementeGUSTAVE Eiffel et CIE.A uns können wir nur wagen, wie history.1 weg haben könnte. Erste "Lelièvre wurde seiner vertrautesten Menschen. Ein Jahr nach der Landung in der Bucht von Callao, schrieb informiert sein Wunsch, zu bleiben und sich in Peru mindestens fünf Jahre. Der Markt für vorgefertigte Brücken wurden geöffnetPereira Brüder mit ihren Unternehmen in der Umgebung, sah immens. Darüber hinaus, Chile und Mexiko Frühjahr und Kirchen benötigt. "Und das immer noch nicht in meine Berechnungen kommen", sagte er, "Aufträge, die kommen aus Bolivien, Brasilien undFranzösisch-Guayana. " Cayenne könnte der Sitz der Operationen. Das Unternehmen südamerikanische Abenteuer schien gesichert. Eiffel seufzte speichern Sie die Beulen in den Krieg 1870.Las Lelièvre Zahlen wurden in winzigen Zahlen geschrieben, aber vielversprechend. Unnötig zu sagen, in Levallois-Perret begann sofort zu machen und vollgepackt mit hunderten von Strukturen gestärkt aus Eisen. Volle Kraft voraus ... denn bald würden sie mit dem Boot. Zuerst über den Ozean, und dann die Essequibo, der Orinoco, Amazonas. 


Die örtlichen Schamanen zur Heilung verschiedener Krankheiten oje Milch, Ingwer, Nelken und viele andere Naturprodukte kommen zu Ritualen mit Ayahuasca durchführen, selbst wenn notwendig. Im Jahr 1999 reisten drei molekularen Biologen des peruanischen Amazonas zu versuchen, Daten in biomolekularen Sitzungen von einem indischen Schamanen organisieren. Kanadische Anthropologe Jeremy Narby präsentiert die hechos.Los drei molekularen Biologen hatten keine Vorkenntnisse von Ayahuasca Schamanismus oder Amazon, obwohl sie in der alternativen Medizin und der traditionellen Schamanismus im Allgemeinen interessiert waren. Ihr Alter wurde zwischen dreißig und sechzig Jahren: die erste war ein Wissenschaftler von einem US-Unternehmen der Genetik, der zweite war ein Französisch Universitätsprofessor und Forscher am Centre National des Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) und dritte war ein Lehrer an einer Schweizer Universität und Direktor des Labors investigación.Ninguno der drei Wissenschaftler sprechen Kastilisch und indigenen Ayahuasca sprach weder Englisch noch Französisch, so dass ich diente ihnen als Dolmetscher. Das erste, was hervorzuheben ist, dass Wissenschaftler und der Schamane lange Gespräche statt. Der Schamane hatte Pflanzen und Ayahuasca für siebenunddreißig studiert und für mehrere Tage und beantwortet Fragen der Biologen. Ich mache auch Abend-Sessions mit Ayahuasca, mit der Teilnahme der drei Forscher, der zahlreiche Visionen, wie etwa DNA-Moleküle und cromosomas.La amerikanische Biologe, die regelmäßig bei der Entschlüsselung des menschlichen Genoms gearbeitet hatte, sagte, er habe ein Chromosom aus der Perspektive gesehen eines Proteins unter einer langen DNA-Strang. Vio DNA-Sequenzen, wie CpG-Inseln bekannt, die ihm gebracht hatte kopfüber in seine Arbeit, und die in mehr als 60% aller menschlichen Gene. Er sah, daß sie eine Struktur unterscheidet sich von der umgebenden DNA hatte, und dass diese besondere Struktur sie leicht zugänglich sein darf und kann somit als "Landeplätze" für die Transkription Proteinen, die Bindung an DNA-Moleküle dienen und machen eine genaue Kopien von Gensequenzen. Er sagte, die Idee, dass die Struktur der CpG-Inseln damit sie wirken als Landeplätze hatte nie vor im Kopf passiert, und dass die Genforschung bald dies zu überprüfen hipótesis.El Französisch-Lehrerin hatte den Samenstrang studierte Tiere seit einigen Jahren, zuerst in Eidechsen und dann bei Mäusen. Wenn ein Spermium aus dem Hoden und Samenstrang eintritt, ist noch nicht zur Befruchtung von Eizellen, da wird es erst, nachdem tourte die Schnur, wo sie dienen etwa 50 verschiedene Arten von Proteinen fruchtbar. Er und sein Team hatten jahrelang versucht, herauszufinden, was macht fruchtbaren Spermien Protein, das Implikationen für die Entwicklung eines männlichen Kontrazeptivums haben könnte. So in einer Sitzung mit Ayahuasca stellte drei Fragen. Erstens: Gibt es ein bestimmtes Protein, das fruchtbare Spermien macht? Zweitens wurde deshalb nicht möglich, die Antwort auf diese Frage finden nach Jahren der Forschung? Und drittens: war die Maus das entsprechende Modell für das Studium männliche Fruchtbarkeit? Die Antworten werden durch eine Stimme, die in seinen Visionen erschienen kommen. Als Reaktion auf die erste Frage, sagte die Stimme: "Nein, nicht ein bestimmtes Protein. In diesem Gremium sind Proteine wichtiger als andere, sondern daß die verschiedenen Proteine interagieren müssen zusammenarbeiten, um die Fruchtbarkeit zu erreichen. " Um die zweite Frage beantwortet, "antwortete ich die erste Frage." Und die dritte Frage sagte er: "Diese Frage ist nicht wichtig genug, um darauf zu reagieren. Die Antwort kann ohne die Hilfe von Ayahuasca gefunden werden. Versuchen Sie, in eine andere Richtung zu arbeiten. "Schweizer Wissenschaftler wollten über die ethische Natur der Modifikation pflanzlicher Genome fragen. Eigentlich wollte ich wissen, ob es angemessen Gene auf Pflanzen hinzufügen, um sie widerstandsfähiger gegen Krankheiten war. Wie es passiert, ist, dass Schnupftabak wichtig für pflanzengenetische Forscher die Schamanen des Amazonas. Schamanen vieler Indianerstämme Anspruch auf ihre Visionen mit der "Mutter der Schnupftabak," dass das Wesen der Pflanze zu sprechen.So sagte der Biologe, dass im Verlauf einer Sitzung, die von Ayahuasca sprechen eine Einheit induziert, dass der Schamane später als Mutter von Schnupftabak identifiziert.Diese Gesellschaft wurde mitgeteilt, dass die grundlegende Rolle der Schnupftabak zu allen lebenden Wesen zu dienen. Er sagte auch, dass eine Manipulation des Genoms von Schnupftabak war kein Problem, während die Pflanze selbst könnte seine Rolle in einer angemessenen Umgebung zu entwickeln, während die Pflanze und erkläre mich mit diesem Umfeld. Der Biologe sagte auch, er habe ein umwerfendes Pflanzenzucht in der Wüste durch ein zusätzliches Gen, dass sie resistent gegen Trockenheit machte angezeigt. Hervorgegangen aus dieser Erfahrung gelernt, dass genetische Manipulation sollte von Fall zu Fall beurteilt werden, so zu berücksichtigen, den Willen der Wissenschaftler wie der Weg in die gv-Pflanzen in der Gesellschaft verwendet werden würde. 


In der Marktgemeinde Indiana können Sie kaufen Alligatorfleisch. The Black Caiman (Melanosuchus niger) ist heimisch im nördlichen Südamerika. Die Verteilung umfasst das Amazonasbecken von der Mündung bis Ecuador und Bolivien. Es gibt Berichte über mit in Paraguay.Melanosuchus niger gesehen worden bewohnt alle Arten von frischem Wasser natürlich. Zeigt eine Vorliebe für Seen, Flüsse Neige, überflutete Felder, etc. eine bestimmte Zeit, wo werde Nest, die auf einer Seite neben einem See, die Mutter in den Prozess des Aufbaus ein Nest für mehrere Tage sein können die ist eine kleine Stadt Trockenen Vegetation. Nach der Hinterbeine ein Loch auf dem Hügel zu machen und das ist, wo es Lagerstätten Eier. Nach dem Start ist diese Art 21 bis 75 Eier, Eier abdecken und an Wasser. Offenbar einige Mütter bleiben in der Nähe des Nestes und verteidigen es heftig, aber es ist die Dokumentation, dass einige in der Gegend bleibt, aber nicht so gut entwickelt mütterlichen Instinkte zeigen und wieder andere ignorieren fertig setzen das Nest completo.La Inkubation dauert etwa 12 bis 13 Wochen , obwohl es möglich ist, dass an manchen Stellen weniger Zeit und dass Berichte über fünf Minuten vor sechs Wochen. Zumindest einige Mütter entfernen Sie die Erde auf die Eier, wenn die jungen Alligatoren werde die Eierschalen lassen cascarón.El ist hart. Die Eier messen 86 bis 97 50 bis 56 mm und wiegen 90 bis 155 Gramm. Einige Eier sind unregelmäßig, kleiner, aber sie sind die Ausnahme.Neugeborene wiegen rund 90 Gramm und messen 20 bis 30 cm. Ein paar Tage nach der Geburt gehören zu den Wasserpflanzen im See oder andere Wasserbehälter neben dem die Mutter der Gründe, warum die Nester anidó.Entre Dokument verloren die Überschwemmungen gesehen. Wenn die Mutter nicht hilft den jungen ins Nest einige Macht Melanosuchus asfixiados.La niger auf Fische können sterben lassen, wobei mit mittlerer bis großer Säugetiere, Hirsche, Wasserschweine, Schweinen und Hunden ergänzt. Aufgrund ihrer Größe eine Bedrohung für Menschen, die Alligator kann bis 6 Meter Länge wachsen ataca.Este, obwohl die übliche Größe ist 2,4 bis 3 Meter und das ist in den seltenen mehr als 4 metros.El Natur Namen von der Farbe der Haut von Erwachsenen abgeleitet. Jugendliche haben gelbe Flecken und Streifen. 
In der Marktgemeinde Indiana können Sie kaufen gefärbte Eier. Die Eier der Vögel erhalten ihre Farbe aus Pigmenten, die auf der Schale haften, während im Inneren der Mutter. Die Eier, die im Eileiter der Mutter angehalten werden, während die Pigmente abgelagert haben Flecken und Bewegen der Eier während des Prozesses tritt aus rayados.Las Vögel nisten in Schalenfigur in den Bäumen, Eier zu legen hellblaue Farbe und lange dachte, dass dies zu simulieren die Reflexion von Sonnenlicht auf die Blätter und damit abzuwerfen Raubtiere. Aktuelle Studien zeigen, dass die Farbe der Eier von geringem Nutzen ist, weil im allgemeinen Raubtiere finden das Nest vor huevos.Las die Vögel sehen, dass nisten in Löchern und diejenigen, die noch bleiben, wenn sie die Gefahr lauert Sinn, legen weiße Eier oder dezent Farbe, wie Enten und Gänsen, sie verstecken ihre Eier aus Buchten und mit Vegetation bedeckt, wenn sie das Nest verlassen auf der Suche nach alimento.El Tarnung Eier ist viel anspruchsvoller bei Vögeln wie die allgemeine Kälte Vogel. Ihre Eier haben Flecken von Farben auf die Umgebung anzupassen, wodurch sie schwer zu localizar.Para Kuckucke, Design (Punkte oder Zahlen der Schale) Ei ist sehr wichtig weil sie Eier ähnlich denen von Laien haben Vogel-Hosts. Obwohl Eier Kuckucke können sehr verschieden voneinander, kann ein Weibchen Eier nur mit dem gleichen Design legen.Wahrscheinlich hat sie von ihrer Mutter geerbt Design Fähigkeit, die Eizelle zu produzieren, und wählen Sie dann das Nest des Wirtes Vogelarten in deren Nest geboren wurde. 
Ein Boot in einem überschwemmten Gebiet in der Nähe des Explorama Explorama Lodge etwa 80 Meilen von Iquitos in der Nähe von Indiana. Das 1964 erbaute, 80 km (50 Meilen) stromabwärts von der Stadt Iquitos Navigation des Amazonas Flusses, ist Explorama Lodge durch Primärwald umgeben. Seine Holzkonstruktion mit Strohdächern sind eine perfekte Harmonie mit der Natur. Seine romantische Beleuchtung Licht Petroleumlampen basiert nicht nur Räume, sondern auch die Passagen, die den Speisesaal, Bar Die Tahuampa, Häuser Liegen und Sonnen-Plattform in Verbindung zu treten. Geben Toiletten Duschen und Toiletten sind auf jedem Haus angebracht. Sie können eine Vielzahl von Wanderungen in der Herberge, einschließlich der 7 Brücken Trail. 
Ein Küstenort Timicuro ich ein Messer schärfen außerhalb seiner Heimat. Lebendige Gemeinschaft von 16 185 Kindern, die meisten zur Schule gehen, im Gegensatz zu anderen indigenen Kinder in den Amazonas. Allerdings leiden die meisten von Magen und Infektionen der Atemwege, vor allem weil sie nicht über Wasser und Abwasserbeseitigung. 


Einige Kinder Küstenstadt Timicuro Ich lächle in die Kamera. In Peru Mangel etwa 80% der einheimischen Kinder Zugang zu einigen der Grundrechte wie Bildung und Gesundheit. Sie sind die am stärksten gefährdeten Bereich von Lima sociedad.Un Studie präsentiert am Donnerstag von der United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) und das Nationale Institut für Statistik (INEI) sagte, dass in diesem Land von 30 Millionen Einwohnern gibt es große Ungleichheiten bei Kindern nach ihrer Herkunft étnico.El Dokument zeigt, dass 78% der einheimischen Kinder und Jugendliche in Armut leben, verglichen mit 40% derjenigen, die kastilischen sprechen, und dass die Unterschiede noch größer ethnische Gruppen Amazon, wo die Zahl der in Armut lebenden indigenen Kinder erreicht 86%. Die Forschung als indigene für diejenigen, die in einer anderen Sprache als Kastilisch sprechen gelernt und das Land braucht sie mehr als vier Millionen ", die die eine Million Kinder und Jugendliche ", so der Bericht. 
Eine Frau am Fluss Dorf Timicuro ich Ruhe in der Hängematte mit Ihrem Kind. Die Legende besagt, dass eine Epidemie war das Töten von Menschen in einer nativen Gemeinschaft. Die Mutter von zwei Kindern, das Gefühl der ersten Symptome der Krankheit, wollte das schlecht für die Kinder zu retten und nahm dann den Berg, weit weg und ließ sie dort. In der Nähe eines schönen Tal, reich an Fischen und Obstbäumen. Mit großer Trauer ließ sie wissen, dass sie nicht wieder. Sie spielten, aßen Obst und badete in der Schlucht, aber am Abend fühlte die Abwesenheit seiner Mutter und ließ bei ihrer Suche wurden aber im Busch verloren. 
Einige Kinder Küstenstadt Timicuro Ich lächle in die Kamera. Die Mythologie der peruanischen Amazonas ist Teil der magischen Welt des Amazonas in Peru Mann, der populären Kultur, reich an Mythen und Legenden, die Teil der Tradition sind. An den Abenden, an den Ufern von Flüssen oder im kommunalen Wohnbau. In Städten, Dörfern oder indigenen Gemeinden, wo der Mann inspiriert, ist Teil des Themas conversación.Allí, genug für jemanden, der das Thema zu berühren, für ältere Männer oder Frauen, Geschichten über unglaubliche Tiere, Geister, Hexerei, Magie und Beschwörungen, dass diese respeto.Pero begierig zu hören und wie viele von den Reichtümern dieses gesegnete Land, auch Geschichten, Mythen und Legenden können in der Zeit verschwinden, wenn nicht die für die Zukunft mit ihrer Bedeutung zu bewahren. Deshalb habe ich diese Reichtümer Erzählung veröffentlichen, mit dem Hauptziel ist über unsere Realität bekannt, dass künftige Generationen zu bewahren, wie intakt, im kollektiven Gedächtnis, Erinnerungen, Mythen und Legenden, so dass sie damit rechnen können, um ihre Nachkommen wissen. 
Landschaft mit Blumen in der Küstenstadt Timicuro Ich lächle in die Kamera. Der Amazonas-Regenwald hat über 2.000 Arten von Bäumen und mehr als 3.000 Pflanzen, viele dieser Arten sind noch nicht bekannt. 
Eine Frau am Fluss Dorf Timicuro Juanes habe ich ein Reis und Huhn. John, wie die Tacacho mit Avocado ruckartige ist eine weitere traditionelle peruanische Amazonas, gewickelt und verpackt in Bananenblätter zu Reis mit Ei halten und Hühnerfleisch mit Gewürzen regionalen und magischen Geheimnisse des Amazonas. Es ist ein Gericht, die typisch für die s Feiern des Heiligen Johannes "der Täufer", am 24. Juni in Iquitos, Peru, der Heilige ist der Patron des Amazonas peruana.Existen verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Vorbereitung und sein Name ist auf seine Bestandteile stehen,Region, wo sie vorbereiten, Bräuche und Traditionen, so finden wir: Juane Reis und Hühnchen mit Reis, Wespe Juane mit Hackfleisch, Nina Juane, Hühner und Eier, chuchulli Juane mit Hühnerklein und Reis, Juan uchu Fisch, Pfeffer und Ei, Sara Juane mit Erdnüssen, Mais, Fleisch und Meerschweinchen Mt. 
Süßwasser rosa Delphine in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. In seiner Jugend sind diese Delfine grau. Der Amazonas-rosa Flussdelfin ist der romantischste aquatischen vorstellbar. Auch wir können sagen, dass sexuelles Verhalten etwas kann mit der von Affen und humanos.Al Wesen sowie einige Männer nutzen Blumen um Frauen anzuziehen verglichen werden, sammelten die Männchen dieser südamerikanischen Arten Holzstücke, Steine oder Stapel von Schlamm auf die Aufmerksamkeit des Rituals ist es, weibliche hembras.El Angebote bieten, um sie näher an die Spitze und aufrecht, sehr nahe der Oberfläche, dann auf seine eigenen Ziele eje.El getaucht rotierenden beeindrucken die weibliche und zeigen seine Qualitäten zeigen, dass es ein großartiger Vater sein. Wenn andere Delfine um, wird es zeigen starke aggressiv gegen sie, aber nie in einen Kampf geben in Anwesenheit des männlichen rosa Delphine hembra.Los haben diese Farbe charakteristisch für die Heilung ihrer Wunden vom Kampf mit anderen Männchen. Um eine intensivere Farbe bedeutet, es hat mehr Möglichkeiten und größerer Intensität zu anderen Delfinen, ein Zeichen von Prestige und Unterscheidung gegenüber. 


Explorama wenige Touristen auf einem Boot auf die Süßwasser-rosa Delphine in einem der Nebenflüsse des Amazonas nach Iquitos beobachten etwa 40 Meilen in der Nähe von Indiana. Es scheint, dass der Luxus-Reisen in Südamerika gewinnt mehr Anhänger.Wenn ich vor ein paar Tagen ein neues Luxus-Zug in Brasilien kommentierte heute finde ich ein Schiff-Class-Hotels, die Lage der Gewässer des Amazonas-Flusses in Perú.MV Aqua den Namen des Bootes mit 12 Suiten ist Nachlass von etwa 240 Quadratmetern, von denen 4 haben einen privilegierten Blick auf 180 Grad. Alle sind sorgfältig dekoriert mit viel Liebe zum Detail wie möglich. Es hat auch ein Restaurant mit Küchenchef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino Lima und wenn der Konsum drängen Anschläge in den Amazonas, hat auch eine Boutique bordo.El durchdringenden Boot von Iquitos im peruanischen Amazonasgebiet. Gibt die Pacaya-Samiria, die größte von Peru und ein Juwel der biologischen Vielfalt, die nur einige wenige Glückliche Reisende haben die Möglichkeit, Preis von 1.200 Euro pro Person für 3 Nächte Route conocer.El hatte .Interessant für diejenigen, die es sich leisten, ein ungewöhnliches Ziel für Luxustourismus werden können. 
Eine Frau am Fluss Dorf Timicuro ich Juanes Verkauf etwas Reis und Huhn. John ist einer der Gerichte bis peruanische Küche, in diesem Fall oder seinen riesigen Amazonas-Dschungel, wo es vermutlich seit der Antike für seine vielen einheimischen Bevölkerung verbraucht wird, und zur Zeit in seiner großen Städten wie Iquitos, Pucallpa und Tarapoto . Es steht also fest Juane genießen Sie ein köstliches ganzjährig in fast allen Städten Amazonas in Peru, und einige typische Restaurants in Lima und anderen Städten an der peruanischen Küste und im Hochland, obwohl es vor allem verwendet wird, in wichtigste Teil der regionalen Feiern: das Fest des San Juan, am 24. Juni eines jeden Jahres. 
Eine der Straßen von Iquitos. Heute Iquitos ist die größte Stadt entlang des Amazonas in Peru. Hat mehrere Sehenswürdigkeiten, sondern auch für viele, die besonderes Interesse zu erreichen Iquitos auf seine Nähe zu Wildnisgebiete zu erkunden und zu genießen Ökotourismus spezialisiert ist. Der Wald kann nicht nur besichtigen, sondern auch, zunächst in Person leben in Notunterkünften oder Lodges in der Nähe von Naturschutzgebieten. Es ist möglich, tief in den Amazonas Ausflugsschiffe oder mieten Führer zu erkunden Gebiete unzugänglich. Iquitos ist eine Stadt der wenig Entwicklung, und auch sehr schlecht in vielen ihrer Bereiche. Allerdings ist es eines der begehrtesten eines der vielen Gesichter und die üppigen Dschungel des Amazonas kennen. 
Passenger Bus verkehrt zwischen dem Flughafen und der Innenstadt von Iquitos. Iquitos ist auch der ideale Ort für Touristen und Reisende werden aufgefordert, in geschützte Bereiche gehen wie Parks und Waldreservate, wo es noch freie Plätze zu entdecken und noch nie untersucht worden. Die Stadt ist ein Kuriosum in sich: durch undurchdringliche Dichte des Dschungels isoliert ist Iquitos nur durch Fluss-oder Luftweg erreichbar, außerhalb der Amazonas-Fluss in der Region Loreto. Das Erscheinungsbild der Stadt, zum größten Teil, dass von einem Dorf, von dem Stamm von Iquitos, von denen die Stadt schließlich nahm den Namen besiedelten im Einklang mit dem Goldrausch und porteriormente und die Leidenschaft von Gummi hergestellt werden .


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Tribe of Yaguas "We are the forgotten of Peru"

They are one of the main attractions of tourism in Peru, but in turn is one of the forgotten of this country with tourism one of princpales sources of foreign exchange earnings. They are the Yaguas, an Indian tribe that after living in the virgin forests of the Amazon, Peru, were relocated near to the city of Iquitos. Latino reporter visited the village in this community who are the living legacy of this great cultural wealth that lies in Peru.

To reach the town of Yaguas you have to go by boat from Iquitos touring the Amazon River for an hour and a half. Then you need to enter the calm waters Yanayacu. This very hospitable tribe offers a kind of show to all tourists who visit which is a typical dance of them, and shot in the proof of the "Blowgun". You can talk to them, but not all speak Spanish.

The cinetos of tourists arriving weekly photos make them (the yaguas not charge po being photographed or filmed), but increasingly less souvenir shop craft that makes this tribe to win something for a living. The government has abandoned them and the work pays almost no "labor of love" and of great service to the country that provides this community. They come in all the tourist brochures and posters, which benefits the Peruvian turismmo, but to win something they see nothing. And so they live: with that humility that caractriza and that innocence that remains in these parts.

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Of all the Indian tribes inhabiting the Peruvian Amazon, the Yaguas are the most unique in the entire region. Indeed, it was by Yaguas who gave his name to the Amazon. According to legend, when the Spanish first arrived in the Amazon, they saw the palm fronds with their blowguns above the trees, wearing grass skirts, so they thought that they were women. Then, they named the Amazon River based on the Greek myth of the Amazons who talks about women warriors.

Yagua community is made up of about 4,000 natives who live in the province of Loreto in Peru. The Yaguas have a historic past as expert hunters, which employ a special blowgun to hunt monkeys, porcupines, birds and other small animals of the forest. Darts are made of palm leaves and stones porozoas kapok fiber, are stored in a quiver made of palm leaves folded.

The Yaguas are famous for using blowguns or pucunas. These weapons are highly effective for hunting, so use them often. Although firearms are obviously much better than blowguns, the natives still used for economic reasons. Genuine yagua blowgun (one not made for tourists) is a work of art.

Fortunately, Yaguas have not fallen into alcoholism, as has happened with so many other Amazonian tribes. However, they have their own tradition called masato alcoholic, which makes chewing and fermenting the root of the yucca plant. Masato is sometimes consumed by Yaguas during festivals (masatiadas) lasting four days. The dance traditions (atunas) are interpreted as the music plays created with native instruments like the flute (sutendiu) and hype (chinu).

Yagua community near Iquitos in river Momo is small (less than 30 people) in which there is no bilingual education. Consequently, Yaguas youth are losing their ability to speak their own language.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

The Yaguas: Men of balms and Poisons

Fortune has been kind to the Yaguas, because geography has allowed an existence full of placidity. 3,900 in number and scattered in 30 communities, the tribe of the Yaguas is located north of the area of ??the Shipibo in the department of Loreto, on the outskirts of the city of Iquitos and in sharp contrast to their southern cousins ??Amazon. The Yaguas have escaped the scourge of terrorism, drug trafficking and, why not, to oil drilling. Yagua community on which this report is not a specific name. Locals call it simply: the community and water, and is located right on the Peruvian-Colombian border, just a few kilometers upstream of the Brazilian port of Tabatinga. During the rainy season, and even when they begin to dwell, these upper reaches of the Amazon are still easily navigable in a motor boat and you can reach where palm fronds, in just an hour away from Leticia.
30 years ago the founders of this town moved to this place. It was barely six people today are no less than 160. When asked how they managed to grow so quickly, we were very solemn, unobjectionable response: "We are like rabbits."

Proximity to Leticia has brought considerable benefits. Medical help is readily available and the school community in which the language is spoken and water, is very well equipped, both technically and professionally. And while the adults only speak the native language, most young people are already bilingual.

Jewelry, hammocks, musical instruments and even bows and arrows handmade, are sold to tourists daily, providing the necessary cash natives that will serve to stock staples. But tourism has its downside. Much of the money left by travelers is invested in buying dry foods such as flour and sugar. And that makes people stop planting wheat, corn and sugarcane. And, unfortunately, instead of using all this free time on other tasks, the Yaguas are inclined to relax. His favorite drink, as we know, is the masato, cassava fermented with saliva and chewed it with relish drink during the holidays in many parts of the jungle. Much of yagua inheritance remained in the daily life of the present inhabitants of the community. Still using hooks, spears and tridents pulse to fish on the banks of rivers. And adults still dedicated to hunt monkeys, sloths, wild chickens and capybaras, the latter regarded as the world's largest rodent. And continue to use traditional bows and arrows and blowguns, though the latter weapon management has gradually lost over the years.

The ancestral knowledge of curare, the deadly poison that was used in Amazon's blowgun darts for hunting, still cultivated by some elderly community experts. The recipe is the same for centuries. Curare is obtained by boiling a dozen different leaves and bark until a dense, velvety dark liquid. Death is immediate. Within a couple of minutes, the lungs become useless and the prey dies suffocated.

The jungle is still the main source of funds for extracting it Yagua your clothing, housing, especially food, because the fruit is an essential part of your diet. Women, flirty, flashy red skirts are procured bought in the markets of nearby towns. Men, however, wear skirts made of grass and adorn their heads with palm leaves. The only dye at hand is the achiote bright carmine which is applied either on clothing or directly on the skin, giving the mysterious appearance that has characterized over time.?


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

The Amazon Basin is a haven for tourism, ecotourism and adventure tourism.

The jungles of the Amazon in the south eastern Peru are home to the largest concentration of biodiversity with a spectacular number of species of flora and fauna.
The Tambopata Reserve and National Park Bahuaja-Sonene are one of the few unspoiled places most biodiverse in the world.
The Reserve and Tambopata National Park with more than 700 species of birds, 1,200 species of butterflies, 90 species of mammals, 120 species of reptiles and amphibians and countless species of insects. Over 400 species of birds have been recorded only in the areas of ecological tours and programs Wasai. There are places where you can see more than 100 different species in just a few hours.

We organize visits to places of greater appeal; virgin forests, bamboo forests, rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, palm swamps and areas cultivated by the natives.
With our specialized tours took them to several "licks" (place where animals congregate to eat mineral salts), revealing different types of macaws, parrots and parakeets feeding on mud on the shore of mammals such as the tapir río.Tambien , capybaras, deer, wild pigs, monkeys and others who come to eat. The base of operations of our expeditions is Wasai Peru Tambopata Lodge and Wildlife Centre which maintains 20 miles of trails through the forest, it is also possible to camp in tents.

The Amazon region covers an area of ??7.5 million square kilometers, within the territories of nine countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana. The Amazon has 3.54 million square kilometers of continuous dense forests, the largest in the world. However, paradoxically, their soils are infertile because they have 78% of acidity making it difficult to agricultural use. While in North America, there are 4 to 25 species of trees per hectare, in our Amazonian forests have between 40 and 300 different species per hectare árbles. In total there are in the Amazon around 5,000 species. It is truly amazing the amount of rain that falls in the Amazon River basin: more than 5 trillion cubic meters per year. In the pouring rain, 48% evaporates, 52% load rivers, finally to the sea. In the Amazon forest ecosystem these percentages vary significantly: in this environment only 25% evaporates and 25% load rivers, most of it is retained by the forest itself.

The Amazon forest should be considered the best ecological filters for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, this forest because plants absorb more than they release. Unfortunately accelerated human occupation of the Amazon is causing a number of environmental problems due to the great destruction of the original ecosystem. It is estimated that 12.5% ??of the forest cover has been destroyed and burned, the effect of the miners, farmers and oil. The rate of destruction continues, we need humanity with urgent action to remedy this disturbing situation.

The Amazon forest is extraordinarily rich in all forms of animal life, from insects to mammals. A cubic meter of land has 100 times more insects than in the northern hemisphere.
Thanks to the large volume of water and a mild climate, rivers are an ideal place where more than 3,000 species of fish, accounting for 85% of all South American species, and 15% of species in the world. However, only 40% of these species have been studied by scientists, and only about 36 species of these fish are economically exploited.

This region has many records in the variety of fauna, such as: has over 100 species of New World monkeys (where smaller is no bigger than a pencil and the largest is comparable to a chimpanzee); thousands of species of birds, such as macaws and toucans, also dozens of exotic animals such as capybaras (the largest rodent in the world), alligators, the feared jaguar (jaguar), varieties of turtles and giant anacondas or yacumamma (which may measure up to 12 meters long).

Tourism: Our guides residents specialists and biologists will show the natural wonders of the Amazon and will teach you about the different ecosystems.

As wild are intimately familiar with the region, its environment, and its people, we will take care of all your travel needs.

The upper reaches of the Amazon is the place that has one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity in the world and has a spectacular record of flora and fauna.

We can arrange tours ranging from one day to several weeks expeditions to the heart of the Tambopata - Candamo or Manu National Park, or an afternoon trip to beautiful Lake Sandoval later. We can also make available special expeditions, student accommodation details and workshops.

Accommodation: In addition to the expeditions, we offer accommodation in bungalows in Puerto Maldonado, the gateway to tourism in the tropical forest. Wasai Puerto Maldonado Eco Lodge is located on the banks of the Madre de Dios River and just a block from the main square.

Wasai Tambopata Lodge and Research Centre, is strategically located in the Tambopata River, offers an intimate experience of the forest and conveniently located near a variety of attractions such as lakes, waterfalls, "licks" and local communities.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


It is a city in the heart of the Amazon jungle where you will find beautiful ponds or lakes, parks and nature reserves, and you can browse its rivers. Be sure to interact with amazing Amazonian ethnic groups like Boras, yahuas, among others. It's all an experience for all ages.

Iquitos and surrounding hotels and hostels have that allow you to enjoy the comfortable facilities in the jungle, which will offer hiking, canoeing and community visits. It also has delicious meals like inchicucho (corn, peanuts and chili), or paiche dishes with traditional gold or timbuche (fish broth and cilantro), among others. Cocona sodas or aguajina be inevitable to ease the heat. You can also enjoy exotic drinks like chuchuhuasi and seven roots, to mention just two of a variety.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


Air Transport:
From Lima to Iquitos (1 h. 45 min).
River access:
From Pucallpa (Puerto La Hoyada, 2.5 km. Town), via the Ucayali River, with stops at ports and Contamana Requena. From Yurimaguas, via Huallaga and Marañón rivers, with a stop at the port of Nauta.

Cost range: 401 to 700 soles

Average temperature: 26.80 °
Maximum temperature: 31.70 °
Minimum temperature: 21.80 °

Getting there:

Description Classification Category Contact Data
Lan Peru SA Airlines - Domestic flights --- Tel: (065) 23-2421 / 22-4177 / 080111234 (Provinces) / 2138200 (Lima)
Fax: (065) 24-8286

oficina.iquitos @ lan.com
Star Peru SA Airlines - Domestic flights --- Tel: (065) 23 6208/23 4173
Fax: Monday to Friday 08:30 - 18:30 hrs. Saturday 08:30 - 17:00 hrs. Sunday 9:00 to 12:00
Peruvian Air Lines Inc. Airlines - Domestic flights --- Tel: (065) 231074 / (065) 232673


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Where to sleep:

Explorama Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 /
Explorama Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 /
A & E Tours Tahuayo Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-2792 / Fax: (065) 24-2792
www.perujungle.com / www.peruandes.com
A & E Tours Tahuayo Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-2792 / Fax: (065) 24-2792
www.perujungle.com / www.peruandes.com
Heliconia Amazon River Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23-1983 / 765174 / Fax: (065) 23-1983
Heliconia Amazon River Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23-1983 / 765174 / Fax: (065) 23-1983
Amazon Rainforest Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-1628 / (065) / Reservas Lima (01) 266-3388 /
Amazon Rainforest Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-1628 / (065) / Reservas Lima (01) 266-3388 /
Yarapa River Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 22-3320 /
Yarapa River Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 22-3320 /
Ceiba Tops Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 /
Ceiba Tops Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 /
Explornapo Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
Explornapo Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
Tambo Yanayacu Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 231 618 / 241 7576 / 241 7614 / Fax: (01) 446 7946
Tambo Yanayacu Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 231 618 / 241 7576 / 241 7614 / Fax: (01) 446 7946
Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23-4128 / Fax: (01) 446-5776
Pacaya Samiria Amazon Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23-4128 / Fax: (01) 446-5776
Muyuna Amazon Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-2858, /
Muyuna Amazon Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 24-2858, /

ExplorTambos Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
ExplorTambos Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2526 / 25-2530 / 25-2533 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
Amazon Explorama Lodges Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2530 / 25-2526 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
Amazon Explorama Lodges Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 25-2530 / 25-2526 / Fax: (065) 25-2533
Amazonian Trips: El Chullachaqui Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 225569 /
Amazonian Trips: El Chullachaqui Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 225569 /
Albergue El Espíritu de Anaconda Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: 9619142 9613581 /
Albergue El Espíritu de Anaconda Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: 9619142 9613581 /
Amazon Camp Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 965925560 / 769090 /
Amazon Camp Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 965925560 / 769090 /
Flor del Amazonas S.R.L. Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 242600 /
Flor del Amazonas S.R.L. Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 242600 /
LemonTree Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (056) 78-4589, 965-986465 /
LemonTree Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (056) 78-4589, 965-986465 /
San Pedro Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges /
San Pedro Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges /
Amazonas Botánical Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 232229/221456/ Lima: (01) 445-0236/446-2602 /
Amazonas Botánical Lodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 232229/221456/ Lima: (01) 445-0236/446-2602 /
Tahuampa Lodge Amazon Expedition Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 225333 / 250901 /
Tahuampa Lodge Amazon Expedition Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 225333 / 250901 /

Samiria Ecolodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23- 2646 /
samiriaecolodge.com; ventas@samiriaecolodge.com
Samiria Ecolodge Albergues y Lodges Albergues y Lodges Telf: (065) 23- 2646 /
samiriaecolodge.com; ventas@samiriaecolodge.com

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

DOs and visit

Quistococha Resort
A 11 km. from the Plaza de Armas to the lake (15 min. taxi, 20 min. motorcycle taxi)
A 12.5 km from the jetty the Huequito (30 min.)

It is a recreation center in a natural forest. Has a small zoo where you can see jaguars, pumas, paiche impressive, as well as a wide variety of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects. On its banks has been fitted a beach known as "beach Tunchi" high demand by visitors.


Playa Santa Clara
A 12 km. south of Iquitos (30 min. by car)

During the dry season, when river flow falls Nanay, form beautiful white sandy beaches ideal for swimming and sunbathing. It is one of the most attractive places around Iquitos.


4.5km from the city of Iquitos to the pier Bellavista Nanay (8 min. In motorcar)

From the port of Bellavista Nanay to the island Padre Cocha. (20 min. Collective Boat). Then walk for 10 minutes.
It is a center for breeding and reproduction of butterflies and also home to other wildlife species that have been rescued from trafficking. You can watch a tapir, parrots, an anteater, several species of monkeys and a jaguar.

Mishana Allpahuayo National Reserve - Research Center

26.5 km. from the Iquitos (30 min.)

It has a lot of forests varillales (a type of tall tree) on white sand of the Peruvian Amazon. It has an ecosystem rich in flora and fauna, with many species that have not yet been fully identified by science. There is a diversity of plants and birds, then you can appreciate exotic species such as bromeliads and orchids that grow naturally.

Hostels in the Amazon

Shelters offer facilities and hiking through the jungle where it is possible, hiking, fishing and bird watching and even nighttime boat rides.

Visit the Aquatic Ecosystems Project
40 minutes from the city
Surprise yourself with wonderful animals. Space recovery manatees group. You can be in direct contact with these noble river mammals and learn of this species in the care of volunteers.


The Rural Community of St. Thomas
5.6 km. checkpoint from the airport (20 min. by car)
It is located southwest of the city of Iquitos on the banks of Lake Mapacocha. The place is located the community is one of the resorts with which the city of Iquitos. Its population is principally engaged in the craft, there is a tradition and status in the production of ceramics decorated with traditional motifs.

Boras of San Andrés
4.5km from the city of Iquitos to the pier Bellavista Nanay (8 min. In motorcar) From Bellavista Nanay port to the island Padre Cocha. (20 min. Collective Boat). Then walk for 30 minutes ..

Native community located north of the island. Currently incorporated in tourism. Receive tourist groups showing their traditional dances and crafts memories preparing. They have a pilot project where experiential tourism offer room and board.

Island Padre Cocha
Located on the banks of the Nanay River, northwest of Iquitos.
It is one of the most important islands around Iquitos. Part of the population is engaged in handicrafts, agriculture and fishing. There you can visit the Pilpintuhuasi that beyond being a breeding center and butterfly reproduction, is also home to other wildlife species that have been rescued from trafficking, some of them endangered. You can also interact with Boras of San Andrés, a native community located north of the island, about 30 minutes walk. Currently incorporated in tourism. Receive tourist groups showing their traditional dances and crafts memories preparing. They have a pilot project where experiential tourism offer room and board

As good destination Amazonian regional cuisine is one of the most important characteristics of Iquitos, the restaurants you will enjoy exotic foods like inchicucho (corn, peanuts and chili), or paiche dishes with traditional gold or timbuche (fish broth and coriander), among others. You can also enjoy drinks to quench the heat in soft or aguajina cocona.


The nights are very famous Iquitos, the Boulevard and around the Plaza de Armas is the center of nightlife in the city. There are several nightclubs and traditional longhouses quite cozy with palm roofs. You can have fun with live music and modern folk.
You can not leave without trying the exotic drinks like chuchuhuasi and seven roots, to mention just two of a variety.
In Iquitos fun is guaranteed!

Malecón Tarapacá
A few blocks from the Plaza de Armas, you'll find cafes, bars and restaurants, is the main entertainment center of the city and meeting point for travelers from all over the world.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Where eat

Ivalú Juguería Cafés Cafés Telf: (065) 23-3576

Maria's Cafe Cafés Cafés Telf: (065) 23-1388

Dawn on the Amazon Cafe Cafés Cafés Telf: (065) 234921


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


Ferran Adria, considered the best chef in the world, says the next big culinary revolution could occur in the Amazon. And it's not free. This region holds the largest and tastiest treasures of this part of the planet. Join us on a journey into the heart of the jungle pots.
Behind the Green Wall of the Amazon, under its murky rivers, and among his seething cities lies a polendas cuisine, able to change entirely the idea of ??cooking any unwary traveler-and hungry. With more than 2,500 species of fish, and the highest concentration of wildlife in the world, the jungle is a real pantry of textures and flavors.
Start your journey by the most representative, a juane, a sort of King-size tamal made from rice and stick it in your heart gives a tasty chicken leg well seasoned. Plato inevitable during celebrations of San Juan in the region, this is the signature dish of the Amazon.
Close to juanes find the tacacho with jerky, a happy marriage between green plantain mashed with butter and salt, and dried meat and marinated pork, served a delight throughout the region.
Amazonian fish are also a real surprise for the traveler. If not ask the paiche, whose firm white flesh is ideal for all kind of preparations, either fresh or dried and salted. The patarascha is a famous dish made of fish sachaculantro seasoned with salt and sweet pepper, then wrapped in banana leaves and placed on the grill. This juicy dish is served with boiled bananas and chili cocona. Maidens, cops, gamitanas, brackets, piranhas, or golden shiruis complete a vast array of fish that are cooked in many different ways, one of them very curious, is inside a bale or bamboo and since the fire.
Other inputs are unique Amazonian sweet pepper, essential for sauces, aromatic sachaculantro, powerful charapitas peppers, tomato Sacha, stick or seasoning, sweet cassava grown on farms that mimic the forest and protect it, and bananas, although not native, grow everywhere.
Now close your eyes and listen: ceviche paiche grilled maiden tiradito cocona sauce, smoked maparate jerky sauce, aguaje Semifredo macambo with praline. These are some of the cutting-edge dishes renowned chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino has developed with inputs jungle and having started a real boom culinary products of the 'forest'. Amazing recipes that blend the most sophisticated techniques of international cuisine with the most representative of the Peruvian jungle. Just dare to sink your fork.

The princesses of the forest
Ungurahui, camu camu, watering, cupuaçu, arazá or cocona. Yet these seem dictionary entries in some strange language, these are the names of the most delicious wild fruits that Amazon offers travelers.
When installing its riverfront real do not ever ask for a chicha morada, a bubbly carbonated drink, or something as trivial as an apple, that would just be a mortal sin. The Peruvian jungle has plenty of fruit, which more tasty and nutritious, with which local people prepare the most refreshing juices, ice cream and desserts. Moreover, the taste of fruits such as camu camu and watering is going around the world by the hand of the most prestigious chefs.
Take the case of camu camu is now easily found in markets and supermarkets in major cities. This waterfront fruit, round and red skin, has thirty times more vitamin C than oranges, and is currently very popular in places as far away as Japan. The same fate has run the water hole, the fruit of a tall palm tree that grows forming large forests that remain flooded for several months a year. After his rough shell garnet discovered a tasty bright yellow pulp. In cities like Iquitos, the watering is found in almost every corner in the form of juice or 'aguajina' or as 'curichis' pacifiers are sold mainly by women and children.
Another curious fruit is usually consumed macambo, a close relative of the cocoa-another emblematic of the Amazon fruit that moves a business of $ 500 billion per year-which seeds or 'seeds' are roasted on a grill and sold as a sort of 'pop corn' charapa.
But the list does not end there, for example, consumed only in Iquitos 193 species of wild fruits, of which 139 are collected by villagers in natural stands, that is so 'organic' because plants have not been human intervention for their growth. Some Amazonian fruits are surprisingly high in vitamins A and C, as well as oils, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. For example, the water hole has five times more vitamin A than carrots.
Currently, many Amazonian communities are involved in sustainable development projects and are harvesting wild fruits without cutting down the trees and palms while increasing revenue significantly. Thus earning the forest and its people, as well as travelers who work to savor the fruit harvested without harming the Amazon.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente



Behind the rugged Andes mountains, after crossing the icy peaks and cold highlands where just grows and yareta ichu, find one of the largest and most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet: the Amazon rainforest, which serves a large territory Home to millions of species of flora and fauna as well as ebullient and warm cities that serve as a base to discover some of the most beautiful places on Earth. These forests are also home to many native ethnic groups, a huge repository of knowledge of plants and animals that live there.
For the traveler, the Amazon is a great opportunity to meet the biological and cultural richness of our country. Today, the region has a great variety of tourism services for all types of travelers, from exclusive lodges in the jungle, to successful rural community tourism experiences while in major cities you can find excellent accommodation, food and logistics appropriate for the holidays with family or friends, a comfortable and unique experience.
Precautions for the trip
Many believe that travel to the jungle is risky due to insects, tropical diseases, lack of adequate facilities, food-strange for a coastal or Andean, or the presence of wildlife. However, none of this is true, if you take the proper precautions before and during your trip.
While no longer a legal requirement, it is recommended before traveling to the jungle Getting vaccinated against yellow fever, which can be applied in the vaccination centers in major hospitals or private clinics. Similarly, malaria medication is recommended if you are going to visit remote areas of cities (although I repeat, if you are not going to spend some time in the jungle, which Tarzan did not need). Once in the forest, especially when you go hiking, do not drink tap water, use bottled water. As for mosquitoes, they are not a nuisance in cities (most hotels have adequate protection during the night), and field use repellent and does not rise with short-sleeved shirts or shorts. As for the food, nothing will fall ill if they eat in a toilet, and in appropriate portions. As for the meeting with a dangerous animal, it is almost impossible, and yet, the forest animals we fear and avoid having close contact, the meeting-probably with a snake will not put at risk if you keep your distance and not disturb the animal.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


Hostels in the jungle
One of the best ways to experience the jungle and its inhabitants is staying at a lodge on the shore of a river Amazon. Many of them even feature up observation towers and bridges among the trees (canopy walkway) to over thirty meters to observe the wildlife that takes refuge in the forest canopy. Despite its remoteness of cities, these places have all kinds of services and are very safe, and therefore ideal for families with young children.
Iquitos: the source of the Amazon
Lively, colorful, cheerful, surprisingly, the capital of the department of Loreto is undoubtedly one of the most charming cities in our country. It is also the only major city in Peru which is not accessible by road as it is in the middle of the Amazon basin, on the banks of the Nanay, Itaya and Amazon. Because of the variety of services offered and the proximity of its main attractions, Iquitos is an ideal destination for families.
Attractions in the city
Built on the banks of the Amazon during the rubber boom, the boardwalk is a must in the city, where you can observe several Art Nouveau mansions, decorated with European tiles. At the center you will find a sculptural framework that represents the city as a gateway to the Amazon, which will get wonderful views.
• Iron House
Jr. Jr. Esq Prospero and Putumayo Designed by Gustave Eiffel French and Belgian workshops forged Forjes D'Aisseau Les was the first prefabricated building that came to Peru. His pieces were made in Europe and brought by boat to be assembled here in 1887. Due to transport problems, the load was sold to Spanish cauchero Anselmo del Aguila, who ordered that the parts were assembled on the spot where now stands. Today it serves as a commercial center.

Putumayo Jr. Corner with Malecón Tarapacá In his time he was one of the most luxurious in the country and housed the great industrialists of the time. The building has three floors, art nouveau, with iron railings on balconies, Carrara marble, mosaics and decorative arabesques Sevilla in the hallways. It cost 40,000 pounds of gold, a fortune for the time. Today it houses the Prefecture.
Malecón Tarapacá 386 Here is a interesting collection of 80 sculptures, made of fiberglass and size, representing the major ethnic groups in the Amazon region of Peru, Brazil and Venezuela, designed by the late artist Felipe Lettersten who aboard his own boat was devoted to portraying the Amazon Indians. It also preserves old photos of Iquitos.
Located 30 minutes by car, the resort around the lake of the same name, has an artificial beach known as Playa Tunchi, trails, a zoo and a fish farm varieties representative of the region, also has a museum, a good restaurant and boat rental service.
Location: 12 km from Iquitos (E) beaches are located along the Nanay River and Lake Moronacocha, ideal for a swim or walk under the rain. In both places to walk or find fishing boats and to visit some nearby communities. A two is reached by paved road.
Location: 16 km from Iquitos (SO) Cocama native community set amidst a stunning setting. The Cocama Cocamilla whose main economic activities are fishing and pottery.

Location: 18 km (S) Without doubt one of the best places to observe wildlife in the Amazon. Currently, there are several shelters located in the buffer zone of this large protected area. These include all kinds of amenities such as water, electricity for hours, baths and showers, and an excellent guide service that allows you to delve into the mysteries of the Amazon rainforest. The trip starts from Nauta by Maranon or Puinahua Ucayali to the channel, near the town of Requena, where he joined the reserves.
Location: 20 km (E) This small protected area, located 30 minutes from Iquitos, hosts exceptional biodiversity, which was considered among the highest in the Amazon basin. In only 57 000 hectares, home to 28 species of animals threatened and vulnerable situation by Peruvian law, including the otter (Lutra longicaudis), harpy eagle (Harpy Eagle), the black tamarin (Saguinus nigricollis) and the armadillo Giant (Priodontes maximus).
In just one hectare of forest were found about 300 species of trees. Also found 145 species of mammals, birds 477, 83 and 120 reptiles amphibians.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


By plane from Lima to Iquitos (1 hour 25 min) and then by private car or tourist bus on the road Iquitos - Nauta km 26.5, the journey takes about 30 minutes.

The best guide in the Peruvian Amazon PDF

Sport in Laguna Blue Laguna El Sauce
Located halfway between the high forest and the Amazon plain, Tarapoto has everything you need to escape the tedium: dreamy lagoons, waterfalls endless ways to get lost, lively nights and above all, people who really know how to live. A perfect recipe amid the lush jungle. The city is located at the foot of the Blue Mountains, at the confluence of the rivers and Cumbaza Shilcayo in the department of San Martin. It was founded in 1782 by the Bishop of Trujillo, Baltazar Martinez Compañón and owes its name to the existence of a palm tree common in the area, which the natives called huacrapona (Socratea sp.), And that the Spanish called Tarapoto.
Location: 14 km (NO) Yurimaguas Road in Mount La Escalera. His name means "laughing waters' and offers a unique and refreshing experience in the jungle. An excursion can be combined with a visit to the falls is the archaeological site of Polish, a set of petroglyphs depicting animals and plants of the area and is just 6 km from Tarapoto.
Location: 50 km (S) also known as Blue Lagoon, Lagoon is a beautiful 5 km long, divided into two sections connected by a narrow channel. His calm and transparent waters dramatically reflect the lush forest that surrounds it. Ideal for canoeing. Services are in place for the night tour. Ideal for couples and families.
• Lamas
Location: 25 km (NO) Composed of a mixed population of mestizos and natives, apparently the result of ancestral migration from the mountains of Apurimac, the Islamists speak a unique dialect of Quechua languages ??mixed jungle. The town is located on top of a hill and is divided into three stories or housing complexes, located at different heights, the most important being the Wayku Kechwa neighborhood, home of the most renowned artisans of the region. Lamas is known for its music, handicrafts, traditional costumes and dances, so it is called the Folk Capital of the Upper Amazon.
Tarapoto: discovering paradise

Location: 45 km (SE) Located on the left bank of the Huallaga River, 1 hr 30 min walk from the village of Chazuta (famous for its handicrafts and mummies). The drop is about 40 m and rushes into a pool of clear water where we recommend you take a bath in reward for their effort. The name of these falls is due to the deafening sound they produce.
Distance: 113 km (N) Capital department of San Martin, better known as the City of Orchids. Moyobamba retains some of its colonial past and its neighborhoods have natural viewpoints because of the many differences of the land, the people call them 'tips' and from some, you can admire the Mayo River valley as a whole. Be sure to visit their orchid gardens, where you can see some of the 3,500 species of these beautiful flowers that have been reported in this region. Other attractions in the region include Niagara Gera, the nose Calzada, Jepelacio district, the city of Rioja, among others.
A Tarapoto commercial flights arrive daily (1 h). If you want to make the journey by land must take the road Fernando Belaunde. The trip (610 km) takes 10 to 12 hours through five departments. The route starts outside Lambayeque and heads northeast toward Olmos (El Cruce, 86 km), where the detour to the east. The journey from this point through places of great beauty, as open to Porculla, Corral Quemado bridge over the river Maranon, the cities of Bagua, Pedro Ruiz, Pomacochas, Rioja and Moyobamba, from where the final section that follows the course Alto Mayo River.

Amazon: a kingdom in the clouds
An invaluable destination for where you look, blending history, living cultures, and geography overwhelming. Visit the ancient kingdom of the Chachapoyas, the 'people of the clouds' that forged an important nation in the rugged mountain jungle of Amazon and bequeathed important remains that today are considered national heritage. This is an ideal opportunity to practice some of nature tourism, ideal for young and adventurous, and an essential destination for history buffs. Take the city of Chachapoyas, which is accessed via Chiclayo by road and by air, as a base for your visit to Amazon.
• Kuelap
Location: 74 km (SO) This extensive citadel was the main administrative center of the Chachapoyas. The massive structure is formed from a platform 600 meters surrounded by stone walls up to 19 meters high. Inside you have discovered 335 circular buildings, of which only some are complete, and the rest are conserved bases. These rooms are decorated with friezes of symbolic content that are enshrined in the form of a "V" continues. To reach it is necessary to address the people of Tingo (34 km or 1 h) by dirt road from Chachapoyas. From there, another dirt road 35 km (1h 30 min) to the camping and parking area of ??the citadel, the rest of the way (15 min) walk is a well marked trail. In Tingo you find accommodation and restaurants.
Location: 48 km (NO) This archaeological site contains the best example of the style of the Chachapoyas burial. This is a group of seven anthropomorphic sarcophagi of 2.5 m high-built with a mixture of clay, stones and sticks, arranged on a cliff 200 meters above the river Juscabamba. The sarcophagi are painted white and decorated with geometric figures in two shades of red.
• Large Jalca
Location: 85 km (S) This picturesque town that was founded initially Chachapoyas, known for its mud and straw houses with conical roofs, typical of the architecture of Amazonas. His church, also of stone and adobe, was built in the sixteenth century and has a bell tower. The town has a museum that preserves Chachapoya culture objects and several ponchos worn by the missionaries who visited the area. The village has basic amenities.

• Lake of the Condors
Location: 79 km (SO) Discovered in 1996, this great necropolis of Chachapoya meant the most important finding of this enigmatic culture. Getting there involves a journey demanding a full day on horseback and on foot through the wilderness, wetlands and dense cloud forest. The reward, however, is great for those who come to this place: a large dark lagoon, surrounded by an exudate berante mountain forest surrounded by high cliffs where they hide the mysterious tombs of the Chachapoyas. The easiest way to access this area is from the village of Leymebamba, exhibiting in his excellent site museum mummies collected in the lagoon. Leymebamba has basic services and is noted for its beautiful textiles.
Location: 83 km (NE) Located on the paved road leading to Moyabamba (Alto Mayo Valley) and Tarapoto, is one of the largest in the country. Pomacochas is a paradise for bird watchers who come in search of wonderful hummingbird or spatula queue (Loddigesia mirabilis), who like the abundant ericaceous flowers that abound in the area.
With its 771 meters is the fourth highest in the world after Angel Falls in Venezuela (972 m), Tugela Falls in South Africa (948 m) and Yumbilla in Peru (895 m). It was released in 2006 by German researchers and is located near the village of Cocachimba in Bongará province. Access is by an unpaved trail (1 h) and then walk (5 h). In Cocachimba find tourist services.
There are daily commercial flights to Chachapoyas. The land route used is the road from Chiclayo Olmos bound by the Old Panamerican Highway (86 km) and then to the open amounts of Porculla (km 46, 2,144 meters above sea level) to descend into the valley of the Maranon, Bagua and locality Pedro Ruiz (km 294). Once there you should take the road to the right that follows the left bank of the river Utcubamba to Chachapoyas.

Pucallpa: Magic Land
One of the commercial cities of the Amazon, which is accessible by air and road asphalt. Its name derives from the words and voices puca allpa, meaning 'red earth', and refers to the color of the clay soil of the region. This is the ancestral territory of the Shipibo-conibo ethnicity, whose worldview and culture can be seen at any of its communities located-ing around the beautiful lagoon Yarinacocha. Pucallpa is also a major center of tourism practice mystic fame because of their shamans, ayahuasca ceremonies directing the 'rope of the dead', a plant with powerful psychoactive properties used by the Shipibo since ancient times. However, those interested in this practice should go to Dircetur registered guides to avoid bad experiences.
Location: 7 miles (NE) Boating, skiing, fishing, sandy beaches and all the exoticism of the forest and its inhabitants are combined in Yarinacocha lagoon, within walking distance of the city of Pucallpa, which also may have contact with the Shipibo culture and amazing ritual.
• Yarinacocha Lagoon
• Garden ethnobotanical Chullachaqui
Location: 7 miles (NE) This large natural nursery is located on the banks of Yarinacocha and retains more than three thousand varieties of local flora, medicinal and ornamental use.
• Native Community of Santa Clara
From Yarinacocha can access this native community, the best organized of the entire area. Here you can buy pottery, fabrics and trims Shipibo art, as well as learn about the customs of this hospitable village Amazon. You arrive by boat (40 min from port Yarina).
There are daily commercial flights. To reach by land must transpose the Central Andes by road to Huanuco (409 km). From there you should be directed to open Carpish and Tingo Maria (120 km). The trip between Pucallpa and Tingo is 256 km and takes about 4 to 6 hours.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente



Anyone who thinks that the Peruvian jungle is the same endless forest crisscrossed by rivers flowing from the Andes is completely wrong. The Amazon is made up of a variety of woods and rivers, which explains the enormous biodiversity that has.
For example, on the eastern slopes of the Andes we find the rugged mountain forests or cloud forests, crossed by large rivers, populated by orchids, huge tree ferns and giant bromeliads hanging from the trees. This is also the territory of dwarf forests, where living things seem to have altered the natural laws, where giant plants and animals found in miniature, as the pudu, a deer just 20 cm tall.
If we continue our journey towards this, we will find the vast Amazon basin, where rivers meander lose their hustle and lagoons forming a horseshoe or 'lakes' bulle where wildlife. Here we find the great flooded forests, associations formed by large plants capable of withstanding several months with roots underwater and have developed various adaptations for oxygen, as aerial roots. Species useful to man as the watering forests here are very extensive.
On the other hand, in the upland forests, which are not flooded, there is another type of forest, with a greater diversity of species but in smaller amounts. This is one of the keys to understanding the Amazon but there is much diversity in small quantities, that is why we see wildlife, especially large mammals like the jaguar, is a challenge.
Other more specialized types of forests are, for example, varillales, composed Gadas plants growing on-white sand very poor in nutrients but has a high level of endemism. An example of these forests is the Allpahuayo Mishana, near Iquitos.
Jungle Water
Another important aspect in the Amazon is the source of the water they have, which gives you not only a different color, but a specific chemical composition also largely determines the biological diversity that develops in it. We have two basic types of water: white, from the Andes and laden sediments, such as the Amazon, and sewage from highly eroded sites, especially on the right bank of the Amazon, such as we find in the National Reserve Pacaya-Samiria. Despite its color, caused by plant matter in suspension, this is one of the cleanest water planet.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


The Amazons were a nation of only female offspring of Ares, god of war and the nymph Harmonia. Their position was sometimes north, sometimes in the plains of the Caucasus, and other on the plains of the left bank of the Danube. In his government does not intervene any man, and have a queen as head. The presence of man was permitted provided should play menial work. To perpetuate the race joined with foreigners, but only kept the girls.

In Greek mythology, a nation of female warriors with whom the Greeks fought often. The story of the Amazons probably originated in a variant in many cultures settled on a land so remote that surpassed Greek geographical knowledge. The stories began to accumulate.

According whomsoever reporter, lived in southern Russia, near the Black Sea, in Africa or many other parts. The word would be formed by the negative prefix am, and lack of mastos, breasts.

The story goes that the girls were amputated one breast or the leather bound with very tight to prevent the development of one breast, making it easier to use a bow and arrow. Many scholars deny this idea.

The legend of the Amazons mixture mythology, ancient traditions and stories. According to the researchers, these tribes captured men to force them to live with them until they became pregnant. Then they killed or expelled from their land. The sons were killed or returned to their parents and women, preserved to maintain the cohesion of the whole.

Several Greek heroes had to face the Amazons: Bellerophon, which first had to kill the Chimera, a monster half lion half goat-headed dragon that got heated, in his moments of leisure choked with whole herds of sheep. Bellerophon rode the marvelous horse Pegasus, winged and flying, and faced the beast. The killed quickly. Famous for his feat was tasked to face again the hero Amazon and raged.

These prodigious adventures aroused jealousy among your neighbors and organized to kill him. But, again, the pulverized Bellerophon. Powerful and invincible (he supposed), rode Pegasus, flapped its wings and soared into the sky search of Zeus. They finished their exploits.

Another episode. Hercules The ninth task was to remove the belt Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. He succeeded, but was killed Hippolyta face. Theseus, who accompanied him, took Antiope, sister of Hippolyta, and abducted her. Came the fury of the Amazons attacked Athens but lost in the attempt.

As allies of the Trojans, took part in the defense of Troy, where their queen, Penthesilea, was killed by Achilles after the brave girl killed several Greek warriors.

The Amazons worshiped Artemis (Diana to the Romans), the goddess of the hunt, daughter of Zeus, sister of Apollo. It's associated with chastity, wildlife, independent judgment and war.

In 1540, the Spanish led by Francisco de Orellana (1490-1546), found in the jungles of northern Brazil, tribes of women warriors who fought fiercely alongside men. The conquerors gave their name to the Amazon River. The unfortunate Orellana would die when his boat capsized and he drowned in the waters embraced this river.

On a world map of the thirteenth century, the Amazons are as famous warrior whose province has two castles and lands populated by strange animals. In its forests abound phosphorescent birds whose wings light up the night.

Magellan's chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta, who accompanied his boss on the extraordinary feat of circumnavigating the globe, maintains that the Amazons lived Ocoloro Island, south of Java and only were fertilized by the wind.

The Colombian master Germán Arciniegas (1900-1999), transcribed text of the Spanish navigator Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (1490-1557): "To the northwest inhabit and have very large villages, some women who are very white metal and yellow. seating and home services are all of these metals. Their queen is a woman. Nearby, is a nation of pygmies.

The story seems to place them somewhere in Paraguay. The truth is that the Amazons were part of the times, of magic and fantasy.
In the Castilian language, the word defines a woman rider high and strong. Also riding a horse and a parrot of America.

The Amazon River, the second longest in the world (6300 miles) across northern South America and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. It arises from the confluence of the Marañón Ucayili and northern Peru. It is considered the largest river on Earth.

In its course waterfalls are not any obstructions, which facilitates its seaworthiness. Among its most important ports are Iquitos in Peru, Belem and Manaus in Brazil. Amazon is the largest tropical area of ??the world with an area of ??seven million square kilometers. fundamental ecological preserve planet Earth. It extends from grade 2 to 16 north latitude, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Andes.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

The Yacuruna

The Yacuruna is a mythological god who lives in the depths of the rivers and lakes of the Amazon near Iquitos. He has the power to become human form giving the appearance of being a handsome man. Using magical powers of seduction, it often misleads innocent girls, making love with him and seducing. Once you have fallen to his spells, he brings the girls to his home in the depths of the water where they become beings Yacuruna-like underwater, never to be seen again by the outside world. According to this legend of Iquitos, the Yacuruna is similar to the god Poseidon of Greek mythology. His subjects are natural fish and aquatic reptiles. They say he travels the rivers and lakes of the Amazon at night riding a huge black alligator, a boa adorned with a necklace. Local people say Iquitos during the day, sleeping Yacuruna deep water, never closing one eye.

Legend of Iquitos, the Yacuruna can communicate with aquatic animals and uses his powers to dominate. Also, some say the Yacuruna can transmute into a pink dolphin. Also, many people believe Iquitos pink river dolphin is attracted to the smell of blood of menstruating women. Once the innocent victim is located, The Yacuruna can transform from the shape of a dolphin in the image of a handsome stranger either. Once in human form, the Yacuruna girl can hypnotize and can use aphrodisiacs to seduce her. Under its spell, she is kidnapped by the sorcerer and brought to his kingdom in the depths of the rivers and lakes of the Amazon.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente


The pink dolphin, or river dolphin is a species that lives only in rivers, lakes and streams of fresh water in the drainage basin of the Amazon.

It can be found in shallow water during the flood season, when their habitat which is filled with trees and plants that are part of the forest floor, creating an interesting obstacle course through which the dolphin should move when it goes search of prey. For this reason the pink dolphin is more flexible and slower than the ocean dolphins.


It has a long body and pink (from which comes the common name), with a long beak mouth line and curve towards the eyes, which attributes a permanent smile. Its teeth consists of two kinds of teeth, a bevel in the front and a flat back of the mouth. In total it has 48 to 68 teeth. It has a prominent forehead and malleable, which varies according to their business, becoming prominent or flat. His eyes are small and their view is limited. Instead of a dorsal fin there is a "hump" wide base, extending along the body. The pectoral fins are long, flat and flexible, often with wavy edges.

At birth, the pink dolphin measures between 70 and 83 cm and weighs about 7.5 kg., Upon reaching adulthood, reaching a maximum length of 2.5 m and weighs about 160 kg.

This dolphin is an animal of solitary habits. Commonly found in groups of two or three individuals who are generally the mother and children, although there are some records of groups of 12 or 15 individuals, but this is very rare. Group size varies according to the water level and the amount of food available, registration of large groups coincide with the period of low water.

The pink dolphin often coincides in distribution with Tucuxi or Tonina (Sotalia fluviatilis) so it can sometimes be confused the two species because Tucuxi size is similar to juveniles of the pink dolphin and also coloring back in both cases is gray.

The river dolphin is an animal extremely slow and sensitive, delicate movements. They have the ability to bend the body to form a 90 degree angle head and can rotate in any direction as they have independent cervical vertebrae (unfused). Breath while swimming at the surface several times and more rarely remains submerged for two minutes. Sometimes they are seen jumping or sticking his head (and his long beak) of water.



Generally from the surface can be observed only an individual who swims slowly, showing only the back and staying just long enough to breathe on the surface. The time interval between onset and the other is approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes.


Periscope: Dolphin puts his head above water until the eye or the pectorals. This behavior helps the individual to observe and evaluate all the territory where it is, even out of water.

Demonstration flow: the dolphin is placed upright with the tail fin out of the water and dives in this position. This is a very common behavior among young people and youth.

Whipped queue: the dolphin is in the same position before and begins to beat his tail, knocking her water surface. This behavior serves to warn colleagues about the presence of fish, to alert them of the danger, to jump, and even to punish the "delfincitos" hitting them as if they were clapping.

Demonstration pectoral: the dolphin is placed face up on the water, holding flippers sometimes raised and slapping the water with their tails. This behavior may be interpreted as an easy way to detect food in the background.

Demonstration of the "hump": the individual rises to the top and arches forming an angle of nearly 90 degrees, showing only the back, which thus resembles a hump. This behavior usually precedes a deeper immersion.


The dolphin comes almost entirely of water, makes turns and other stunts and then dive again. This behavior is observed only in the breeding season, when males try to attract the attention of females.

What is feeding?

The pink dolphin feeds mainly on fish and occasionally can eat shellfish. This species seems to prefer solitary prey fish shoals. The dolphin usually drag their prey to the bottom and rip engulf the head before. If fish are very large, well head wrest the dolphin used to split them in half with the back teeth, before eating.

How do you communicate?

All species of dolphins use echolocation system based on sounds. Using melon (forehead protruding part) they send a sound that bounces off objects that are around. The echo gives the animal information about the location and physical description of the objects. This system can also be used echolocation to communicate between species. However, there are few studies about this.


It is believed that the pink dolphin can live about 30 years, but data about its lifetime are still poorly understood. No records are known predators for this species in the region but there are some legends that Amazon may endanger his life. It is believed that this animal on full moon nights impregnates every woman goal river being in your fertile period. Another legend says that on moonlit nights when there are parties, the dolphin becomes man and going to parties to seduce women in the region, all dressed in white and wearing a straw hat to hide the blowhole. And it is believed that any woman who walks by the river in a canoe at the time of her menstruation, someday receive a visit from her pregnant dolphin anger. Because of these legends has been credited to the pink dolphins paternity of all children without a father in the region and that in some cases children are registered in the Dolphin notaries as children. Therefore the men of the region in many cases try to end the life of these animals because they do not want their women embazaren.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Iquitos - Capital Maynas

The city of Iquitos in the jungle lies north east of the country. It is the capital of Loreto Region, with almost 30% of the country is the largest and northernmost of Peru. The city lies on the banks of a secondary branch of the Amazon River, in front of a large permanent white called Padre Island, wooded and almost twenty miles long. The city is surrounded by a number of smaller rivers and channels.

Within walking distance is the confluence of the Great River Napo with the Amazon. In this world river communications depend as much or more than the navigation of inland, virtually nonexistent outside the city of Iquitos.

In Iquitos there a zoo recently opened and some interesting buildings, a product of the rubber boom of the last century, as the old houses of mosaics front of the boardwalk, and the first American manufactured home: the Iron House, designed and built by Gustave Eiffel and brought from Europe by parts (including nuts and bolts) and assembled at the site which is located in the city center.

Iquitos was a small village inhabited by a tribe of Indians Iquitos.

From 1864, with the visit of Marshal Castilla, Iquitos city became capital of the department. During the nineteenth century increased its trade with Brazil, but only since 1880, the rubber industry, began its expansion as a city.

From the time of splendor and luxury, when Europeans brought pavers and mosaics to decorate the mansions of the wealthy rubber barons, is the former Hotel Palace, Moorish style, and the Iron House designed by Eiffel (builder of the famous tower that bears his name in Paris).

In 1938 begins oil exploration, controlling important today with oil reserves and important projects of forest resource use.

By this time Iquitos had better communications with Europe, through the Amazon River, with the city of Lima, capital of Peru.

Iquitos has always been the main Amazon river port in Peru.

On November 9, 1897 Nicolas de Pierola names the city of Iquitos and Loreto department capital.

The Congress of the Republic declared October 18 of 1,828 for the founding of the city of Iquitos, capital of the province of Maynas, Loreto region.

At present there are several native groups living in the jungle, many of which are in permanent contact with civilization.

These groups live mainly along the banks of the Amazon, Napo, Ucayali, Marañón and Nanay.

Iquitos is the capital of the department of Loreto, Maynas province, is located in the heart of Peru's northeastern jungle.

The city of Iquitos southwest borders Requena province, east of the province of Ramón Castilla, on the north by the district of Indiana and west by the province of Loreto.

The city of Iquitos has a land area of ??5932.25 km and 261,648 inhabitants.

Amazon's difficult geography, Iquitos has no roads, and their communication is by air or river.

Near the city of Iquitos there Quistococha Zoo, home to many species of wildlife Amazonian also be found in resorts and recreation lakes (lagoons), and in the same city can learn Bethlehem, the Peruvian Venice, or stroll along the boardwalk and watch the world's largest river, the Amazon.

The population of Iquitos are mostly natural descendants of regional wild tribes of miscegenation.

His character is very noble and cheerful, fun-loving.

Iquitos is also famed for the number of men who came to the city and lost their bachelorhood, for the love they give their wives know.

The population of Iquitos has many myths and legends, some esoteric, there is a great diffusion of folk medicine and quackery based on the large number of medicinal plants in the world.

In the city you can find souvenir shops of the jungle tribes, and enjoy a variety of foods and drinks.

The typical public transportation in the city is the "motorcycle taxi" or "motorcar", is a motorized tricycle for transporting passengers with a very economical rate.

The Amazon is the wildlife reserve and more varied world. It has been classified at least 25,000 plant species, and is believed to lack know many others. Only in the Peruvian jungle there are about 4,000 species of butterflies, the great river basin (literally millions of miles of waterways), housed 2,000 different species of fish, more than those found in the Atlantic Ocean.

Large plants such as water hyacinth called Victoria Regia, with blades of more than two meters in diameter, and exotic animals such as Hoatzin bird whose breeding has claws on its wings and dive to escape their pursuers, or as the dolphin Pink, which is over two meters long and disputed the jaguar and tapir being the largest mammal native to the Amazon. They all live in harmony in this wonderful ecosystem


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Quistococha - Zoo

The camp is located on Sucusari River, a tributary of the Napo, is considered one of the most important attractions of ecotourism worldwide because it has the first American air passage that allows a privileged position to appreciate from the abundant wildlife .

Children of Iquitos

Nature enthusiasts can enjoy a walk "in style", this pendant passage 200 meters long, made of steel and networks located 30 meters, connecting the tops of six of the largest trees area, the first passage in the treetops and the longest in America.

In this area is the Biosphere Reserve of the Amazon where the laboratory "ACEER (Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research)" It is noteworthy that the laboratory name change a few years ago to ACTS (Amazon Conservatory for Tropical Studies)

The book now includes 2,000 hectares of pristine vegetation. This camp is accessible by river from Iquitos. The slider takes three hours and the boat seven. Service also offers aircraft.

The Feast of San Juan

The feast of San Juan is celebrated on June 24 in every town department and Forest of Peru.

On the night of 23, men and women flock to the rivers to purify this bath is called "blessed bath", as it is believed that at that time San Juan blesses watercourses and who bathes in them will happiness and health throughout the year.

The day 24 people move into the neighborhood of San Juan in Iquitos, there is a mass and a procession which is accompanied by typical band with drums, drums and flutes.

Then there is the dance of the gang where people dance around a palm tree laden with gifts and is known by the name "UNSHA".

The dish of the day is the "juane" made with rice, chicken and wrapped in banana leaves.

During Tourism Week Iquitos are organized dances, parades typical sets, photographic competitions and a craft fair.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Hotels In Iquitos - Loreto Perú

Hotel Turista Real Iquitos
Malecon Tarapacá - Cdra.3 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-1011

Hotel Europa
Jr Próspero 494 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-1123
RPM: *270424

Hotel Marañon
Jirón Fitzcarrald - Esq. Nauta 285 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Reservas) (65) 24-2673

Royal Inn & Casino Hotel
Elías Aguirre, 793 - (Plaza 28 de Julio) - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Central Telefónica) (65) 22-3018
RPM: #389113

Hotel Amazonas
Calle Napo, 118 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (RECEPCION) (65) 22-5122
Tlf: (#224329)

Amazon Apart Hotel***
Av. Aguirre, 1151 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Reservas) (65) 26-6262
RPM: (Reservas) #290360
Hotel Internacional
Jirón Próspero, 827 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Recepción) (65) 23-4093
RPM: #287111

Hotel Victoria Regia
Ricardo Palma, 252 - Iquitos - Loreto
Cel: (65) 965-750647

Doral Inn Hotel
Calle Raimondi, 220 - 222 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 24-3386
RPM: #242662
Hotel Victoria Regia
Ricardo Palma, 252 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Reserva) (65) 23-1983

Tambo Visits
Avenida Alfonso Ugarte, 565 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Informes) (65) 26-5580

The Arca Amazon Expedition
Urb. Sargento Lores, J-11 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-3938

El Dorado Plaza Hotel
Jirón Napo, 258 - Pza. de Armas - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-2555

Hotel Marañon S.R.L.
Fitzcarrald - Esq. Nauta 285 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 24-2673

Hotel Peru
Jirón Próspero, 318 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-1531

A & e Tours E.I.R.L.
Avenida La Marina, 100 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (Reservas) (65) 24-2792

Parthenon Hotel & Eventos
Avenida Guardia Civil, S/N - Pampachica - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-4258
RPM: *283239

La Posada de Lobo
Calle Cabo Pantoja, 417 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-6140

Hotel Sol del Oriente.
Avenida San Martín, 552 - Pucallpa - Ucayali
Tlf: (61) 57-5510

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Restaurants In Iquitos - Loreto Perú

Calle Amazonas Mz. G Lt. 23
Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf. (065) 22-4354

Pizzeria Chez Maggy los Maderos
Jirón Raymundi, 177 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 24-1816

Amazon Cafe Restaurant
Putumayo/Próspero, 182 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-5722

Restaurante Blanquita
Bolognesi 1181 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 26-6015

Aris Burger
Jirón Próspero, 127 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 24-1124

Gourmet Restaurant Papagayo
Calle Napo, 752 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-4386
RPM: #663305

Restaurant Chachita
Jirón Putumayo, 1970 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-4285

Restaurant el Valle del Manantial
Avenida Ricardo Palma, 504 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 50-7866

El Sabor Amazónico
Urb. Bermudez - C-9 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-6303

El Limon
Avenida 28 de Julio - Punchana - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 50-4403

Junior Restaurant S.A.C.
Jirón Putumayo, 1943 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-2804

Restaurant - Bar - Fitzcarraldo Via Gourmet
Jirón Napo, 100 - Esq. Boulevard - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-6536

Cebicheria Pub la Barra
Carretera Iquitos - Nauta - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-8579

Restaurante el Norte Chico
Calle Ramirez Hurtado, 846 - Maynas - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 23-3902

Restaurant Montecarlo
Calle Napo, 140 - 150 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-1530

Restaurant Cebicheria la Quinta Palabra
Av.Los Periodistas 1090 Punchana - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 25-3286

Restaurante Huarique
Avenida Augusto Freyre, 1631 - 1633 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 25-1342

Restaurant Turístico Mando
Esq. Tacna c/ Putumayo - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 22-4827 Delivery

Restaurant Amo'Nra'
Urb. Los Proceres - Mz. 4 Lt.11 - Iquitos - Loreto
Tlf: (65) 25-3482

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Travel by boat from Iquitos to Yurimaguas.

Eduardo transport

Destination: Iquitos to Yurimaguas.

Departures: From Iquitos to Yurimaguas, outputs almost diaras 6 pm from Puerto Masuta in Iquitos.

Travel time: 3 days.

3rd floor S /. 120.00 with hammock.
2nd floor S /. 60.00 with hammock.
Current prices 2009 for more information and current prices please contact the company Eduardos.
1st floor - just load.
There are also cabins.

Phone: 065 351270

Email: transpeduardo@hotmail.com


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente



The geographical diversity of Peru is such that most travel from one region to another and between cities requires air travel at some point. However, for pleasure and to enjoy the scenery, it is recommended that some land travel, train or boat.
By air
Major airlines offer regular flights from the U.S. to Lima.
International Flights
Aerocontinente S.A. Aeropostal - Alas de Venezuela Aerolineas Argentinas Aeromexico American Airlines Avianca - ACES (Alliance Sum) Continental Airlines KLM - Cia. Royal Dutch Airlines Copa Airlines Delta Airlines Iberia Lan Chile Lan Peru Lan Peru Lloyd Aereo Boliviano TAME - Ecuadorian Military Air Transport Varig Domestic flights - to and from Lima
Aerocontinente Arequipa / Ayacucho / Cajamarca / Chiclayo / Cuzco / Iquitos / Juliaca / Piura / Pucallpa / Puerto Maldonado / Tacna / Talara / Tarapoto / Trujillo / Tumbes
Aerocóndor Cajamarca, Chimbote, Huánuco, Nasca, Anta (Huaraz)
Aeroica Nasca Lines, charter flights
Aeroparacas Nasca Lines, Lima, charter flights
Aviandina Arequipa, Chiclayo, Cusco, Iquitos, Juliaca, Piura
Lan Peru Cusco, Arequipa
Charter flights Air Service AQP Arequipa / Colca Canyon (Chivay)
Star Up Andahuaylas, Ayacucho, Cusco, Puerto Maldonado, Huanuco, Tingo Maria, charter flights
Taca Peru Cusco, Iquitos
T ans Arequipa, Cusco, Chiclayo, Iquitos, Juliaca, Piura, Pucallpa, Tarapoto, Trujillo.

By Train
In 1851 in Peru was built the first railroad in South America. His route was from Callao to Lima, but long ago it stopped working. In 1870 began the construction of the Central Railway, which continues through the passage highest railway in the world (4849 meters), and is characterized as one of the world's most interesting routes.
The Southern Railway operates several routes that can be particularly attractive. The railroad Juliaca / Cusco through La Raya, one step at 4.313 m. During the tour, visitors have the opportunity to see animals native to Peru as vicuna, alpacas, llamas and condors in the midst of a magnificent panorama of mountains and cliffs plateau with very little vegetation.
The route of the railroad Cusco / Machu Picchu has 113 miles and is the most common way to get to Machu Picchu, as there are no roads. For many tourists, this trip is a wonderful experience. During the crossing, the train descends from 3399-2000 masl and travelers can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the Sacred Valley that gradually give way to a more lush vegetation typical of the high jungle.
By sea
The Callao has always been the most important industrial port of Peru, although the country has several seaports with communication networks and transportation along the coast. In this particular case, however, we will refer only to the navigation of the rivers and lakes with the purpose of tourism.
Peru has three types of rivers: those that begin in the Andes Mountains, which begin at the junction of two rivers, and those born at a distance from the Andean mountains.
The Madre de Dios rivers and their tributaries, including the Manu and Tambopata, through the jungle and are navigable various types of boats using medium. Because of its depth and size, the great rivers of the Amazon plain as the Ucayali, Napo, Marañón and Amazon can be navigated by any type of boats and, in some cases, even for large boats. Travel through these rivers and their tributaries are among the main attractions of the Amazon region.
There are several excellent rivers for canoeing and kayaking, especially in the regions of the coast and the mountains.
Finally, Lake Titicaca, whose water comes from rivers that originate in the eastern and western Andes, is navigable throughout the year in any type of vessel.


Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Amazonas Overland

The road system in Peru covering more than 70,000 km, the most important Pan American highway, which crosses the coast of Peru from Tumbes in the north to the southern border, in Tacna. This highway links all the coastal cities with interconnected routes to various locations in the highlands and the jungle.
The trip from Lima to Ayacucho (Huamanga) along the highway called "Los Libertadores-Wari" lasts eight hours. The landscape changes dramatically as the coastal desert gives way to the high peaks of the Andes. Another new road linking the tropical cities currently Rioja, Moyobamba and Tarapoto, all of great importance for tourism, archaeological and recreational in the department of San Martin. San Martin is famous for its flora and fauna and, in particular, for its numerous and diverse species of orchids.
Another important route is the Central Highway, which connects Lima with Tarma and La Merced, in the valley of Chanchamayo, and Jauja and Huancayo in the Mantaro Valley (entry points to the forest). The road comes to certain areas of the Amazon region, becoming the Marginal Jungle. There are also other routes across the country that have been built, either for connecting small towns and villages or to provide access to certain attractions. Between them stands the road from Cusco to the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
Several bus lines serve to almost any part of Peru. Local tour operators and travel agencies offer a range of vehicles with varying degrees of comfort and advantages.
One of the great advantages of visiting Peru is the sun that shines all year in the country. While it is possible to find different climates, the weather is generally mild and does not involve any difficulty for travelers.
The climate in some cities along the coast is mild and humid. In Lima, for example, the lowest temperatures in winter are 14 ° C and in summer can reach 28 ° C, with very little rain. In the northern cities, the weather is nice and sunny throughout the year and you can find beautiful beaches in the Talara and Tumbes, where visitors can swim in an ocean of warm water for most of the year.
Overall, the climate between 1,000 and 2,500 meters in cities such as Arequipa and Ayacucho is cooler, but the sun also shines all year.

There are only two types of weather above 3,500 meters: the rainy season (December to March) and the dry season, sunny, cold nights, typical weather in the cities of Cusco, Cajamarca and Huaraz, for example.
Moreover, the whole jungle region, from Iquitos to Madre de Dios (Puerto Maldonado), has a warm climate with temperatures between 24 ° C and 28 ° C all year round.
It is advisable to pack a variety of clothing. If planning a trip along the coast, you will need appropriate clothing for fall. If you choose to visit the mountains, winter clothing is essential. In the jungle, travelers should wear layers of clothing that will be removing the heat as you get stronger. If you plan to visit beaches for some time will be necessary to carry light clothing.
In general, we suggest casual attire, unless otherwise stated tourism program. We recommend comfortable shoes, a hat and sunscreen against strong sunlight of the mountain and the jungle heat.
Currency and banks
The official currency in Peru is the Nuevo Sol (S /.), Available in notes and coins. All banks (including branches at airports) and most hotels, restaurants, shops and "money exchange" offer money services.
In larger cities, many hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards known as traveler's checks. However, it is always advisable to carry some cash. The use of dollars is permitted. You can pay for various products and services directly in dollars at the exchange rate of the day.
Bank offices are open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, although some banks are open until 6:00 pm (opening hours vary during the summer season, between January and March). Some banks are open on Saturday morning. You can withdraw money with the most popular credit cards in the major banks.

Poblado yagua. Las cerbatanas, llamadas pucunas son enormemente alargadas, fabricadas artesanalmente

Shopping and Duty Free
Purchases form an important part of the trip in Peru. Major cities have modern shops and malls, but visitors can enjoy a special way with the acquisition of handicrafts in the Indian markets and in antique shops and jewelry. Businesses usually open their doors between 9:00 am and 10:00 am and close between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm Some close for lunch between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm
Duty Free
Most airports have shops selling souvenirs and typical products of the region. Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, has been recently remodeled and has a variety of shops offering domestic and imported products.
Measuring system
In Peru uses the metric system.
The excellence of the cuisine is widely recognized and has an enormous variety of delicious dishes. You can find nationwide Peruvian restaurants are great and cheap at the same time. Many accept international credit cards.
While some establishments include a percentage for the service, it is common to leave a tip of 10% of consumption.
The casinos are widespread in Peru and Lima has a good number of them.
Peru has a great range of hotels, ranging in capacity and quality of accommodation to suit the needs of all visitors. With the privatization of the hotel chain managed by the state until recently and new domestic and foreign investment, tourist accommodation continues to improve. The Peruvian hotels are classified under the system of five stars, depending on the services offered and other aspects.
There are a number of smaller hotels with special features that have earned good reputation in the industry.
Hostels are similar to hotels and, although more modest, provide interesting options for groups hosting services prefer bread-and-breakfast of good quality. These fall into three categories and have a scale of one to three stars.

Electricity in Peru is 220 volts AC, 60 cycles. Some hotels have 110 volts AC or adapters.
Information and assistance to tourists: iperú
Information services and tourist assistance PromPeru are an excellent source of information when planning a visit to our country or when looking denounce a bad provider. Contacts are:

Tourist information and assistance

Jorge Basadre Avenue 610 San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru Tel: (511) 421-1627 Fax: (511) 421-1583 Website:

www.peru.org.pe E-mail: iperu@promperu.gob.pe

iperú Lima
Jorge Basadre Ave 610, San Isidro Phone: (511) 421-1627 Fax: (511) 421-1583 Jorge Chavez International Airport Main Hall
Fax: (511) 574-8000 Larcomar Entertainment Center Plaza Gourmet Telefax: (511) 445-9400
Arequipa iperú
Square Municipality Portal 110, Arequipa Telefax: (5154) 22-1228 Rodriguez Ballon Airport Second Floor Fax: (5154) 44-4564

Cusco iperú
Portal Square Carrizos 250, Cusco Phone: (5184) 23-4498 Fax: (5184) 25-2974 Velasco Astete Airport Main Hall Tel: (5184) 23-7364
Machu Picchu iperú
Av Pachacutec s / n, INC Cultural Center, shop 4
Ayacucho iperú
Municipal Portal 48, Plaza de Armas Telefax: (5164) 81-8305
Trujillo iperú
Jr. Pizarro 412, Plaza de Armas Telefax: (5144) 29-4561
iperú Iquitos
Francisco Secada Airport Main Hall Fax: (5194) 26-0251
Puno iperú
Corner Jr. Jr. Deustua and Lima, Plaza de Armas Telefax: (5151) 36-5088
Tourist Police
The tourist police form a group within the National Police and specializes in protecting visitors, as well as national monuments. This group is identified as POLTUR and its members often know more than one language.
Address: Commissioner of Tourism Tambo Jr. of Bethlehem 104, Cercado de Lima, Peru
Phone: (511) 424-2053
PERU: Travel Planner 2003
Visitors in Peru can communicate with any country in the world. For countries with IDD can be called by dialing 00 + country code + city code + phone number. For countries that do not have direct dialing, calls are made through an operator (dial 108 to ask for help in the long distance calls).
Postal Service
There Postal Service offices across the country, even in small towns, they have email and other telecommunications services.
Peru is located in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. There is no time change between summer and winter.
Useful Tips
Visitors are advised to bring all your photographic equipment. While you can find rolls of film and batteries in most destinations, it is always a good idea to have photographic material, as different scenarios and landscapes offer many photo opportunities.
Photographers always considered taking into account the wishes of local people; always remember that some people do not like to be photographed.

Little is known about the origins of this language family. At first there were four known languages ??in this group: peba, masamae, yameo and yawa. The language Peba was located in the vicinity of the Peruvian-Brazilian border, in Chichita river, left tributary of the Amazon, between the Napo and ICA / Putumayo. The masamae was spoken in the river Mazán. In the third language, yameo, not have many records. In any case, during the mid-twentieth century they became extinct. Today, the only language of the linguistic family Peba - Yagua spoken is still yagua (Yawa).

Location and Census
They are located in a very dispersed in the Loreto region between the Amazon and its tributaries, and Atacuari Nanay. Of the 60 communities that inhabit yagua Peru, only 23 have a title. The 2007 census provides data on a total of 5,679 people, representing 1.7% of the indigenous population census. More than 25% of the Yagua live near the banks of the Amazon, others are in the tributaries of it. By the 1950s, 80% of the Yagua lived north of the Amazon.
The first global estimates of the population from sources yagua missionary early twentieth century. In 1903 the Spanish Augustinian estimated a population of 3,000 to 4,000 natives (Chaumeil, 1993). In later years it was estimated that there yagua 5,000 in 1943 and 3,700 in 1959 native. A decade later, there were an estimated 2,170 to 3,000 between yagua (Wise and Ribeiro, 1978).
Varese (1972), Uriarte (1976) and Wise and Ribeiro (1978) report a total of approximately 3000 people in this group in Peru. Chaumeil (1994)
estimated that the population could easily exceed 4,000 people.
The palm leaves are also established in Colombia and are known under the same name. The Colombian population is estimated at 279 people (Chaumeil, 1993; Arango and Sánchez, 1998).
Historical Background
When Europeans established their first contact with the Yagua, they kept Omagua asymmetrical relations with those who were domestic servants and slaves. On arrival of the Jesuits, missions become places of refuge for persecuted indigenous slaveholders. Initially yagua were hostile to missions that were mostly occupied by Omagua. However, due to the constant threat, the Yagua finally sought the protection of the missionaries. However, the epidemics that periodically unleashed on mutual reductions led to accusations of witchcraft among the groups that lived in them producing wars.
With the expulsion of the Jesuits from the colony and the decline of the missions, which were taken over by the Franciscans, most of its inhabitants came under the power of the first immigrant settlers, emerging then the system of servitude to the pattern that would to be the dominant figure in the region.
Because Independence wars of the nineteenth century, the Franciscans were removed temporarily from the area to return in 1840. In that time frame, the Yagua and peba were used by the civil authorities of the town of Pebas as labor in collecting sarsaparilla. A second wave of colonization came to the area in the mid-nineteenth century, bringing with it new forms of servitude for yagua. Shortly before the "boom" of rubber between the wars would occur and Mayoruna yagua, and against the huitoto.
During the rubber boom, when the Spanish arrived Pebas Augustinians (1902), found established many farms gomeros yagua territory. Before the raids of the rubber-especially the Casa Arana-the Yagua staged a counterattack, but were defeated when the mission of Jericho was attacked in 1911, founded a year after. In response, the missionaries withdrew to Iquitos in 1916.
After the rubber boom, the patterns became producers of fine woods, mullein, caspi milk and skins. According to successive extractive fashions, always used to yagua as labor.
In 1930, the first Protestant missionaries arrived. Soon after the conflict between Peru and Colombia (1932-1933). Peruvian troops settled in the community of Pebas, occurring between yagua a measles epidemic that wiped out a third of the local population. Between 1930 and 1940, the Yagua were forced by employers to migrate to
other areas south of the Amazon, extending its territory to the Yavari River and coming into conflict with Mayoruna.
In 1945 the Franciscans arrived shortly after Canadian and missionaries from the Summer Institute of Linguistics, who translated the Bible into yagua. During the 1970s, there was a further regrouping and sedentarization of yagua in 'native communities', as a result of new state legislation. Thus began a slow insertion of yagua within the regional economy in a process of conversion to farmers.
Social structure
The average population of the settlements yagua is 116 persons. The crude death rate is 13.5 ‰.
According Chaumeil (1974), society is divided into clans yagua patrilineal. The rule of post-marital residence is patrilocal. The different clans are associated with names of birds, plants or land animals. These three natural categories in which are grouped clans are, in turn, arranged in a pattern of exogamous halves. This exchange can be among the clans of birds on one side and terrestrial plants and animals on the other. Following the same scheme halves, the clans of the category of birds are divided into two "sub-species" clan, differentiated by size or color criteria, so for example, there is a clan of women exchanging Chico Paucar with Paucar the Great and a clan of Black Macaw. Finally, the families of the plant can exchange wives with the clans of land animals. The alliance between two clans for two halves thus defined, is modeled prescriptive alliance with bilateral cross-cousin (real or classificatory).
Given the frequency of contact with mestizo society, the cronyism yagua adopted as a form of fictive kinship.
Economy and Natural Resources
In addition to the traditional activities of swidden horticulture, hunting, fishing and gathering, the Yagua are involved in the fur trade, timber, meat and wild fruits and rice and jute for sale on the market. From a commercial standpoint, the Yagua are known for using pucunas or blowguns.
Education levels achieved are low. The 15% does not have any instructions and only 24% agreed to high school. For 56% of the school education is provided in 19 centers of which only one is of secondary education. There is also an Agricultural Institute. There are 37 teachers teaching in these schools, of which
only 16 are indigenous. Interestingly, all the high school teachers are indigenous.
The only language Peba-language family spoken Yagua is still yagua (Yawa). However, there are three other languages ??within the same group: the PEBA, the masamae and yameo, which became extinct during the twentieth century.
The yagua call themselves as nihamwo ("people") in their native language. The language has undergone some influence yagua lexical neighbors Kukama (Chaumeil, 1993).
Being witnessing a gradual process of regional integration in society, this group can be considered a medium vulnerability level.

this group can be considered a medium vulnerability level.

Images reveal isolated tribe in the Peruvian Amazon civilization

At the edge of one of the rivers of the reserve Manu National Park, one million 900 thousand hectares and located southeast of Peru, in the Amazon, an archaeologist and tourist photograph-able for the first time a group of indigenous Mashco-Piro, of which little or nothing is known, then shun contact with civilization and live in total isolation. In the pictures, taken at a distance, you see some wearing loincloths, although the majority (which include men, women and children) are totally naked.
The images were released by the NGO Survival studying indigenous groups who have no contact with the civilized world and, according to estimates by the state, no more than 100 in the world.
Miriam Ross, Survival spokeswoman, told La Tercera that it is believed that in the Peruvian Amazon is home to about 15 of such tribes, who are divided in groups of 20-50 people. "Although there are some Mashco-Piro Indians who have been contacted by people and have gone to live out of the jungle, are the least".
The most significant was the photo taken by the Spanish archaeologist Diego Cortijo, who sailed last November one of the rivers of the reserve as part of a personal investigation, when he noticed the presence of these Indians. At about 120 feet away, managed to get his camera and a telephoto lens to capture about 10 of them while in the river.
Something very similar to what happened to Gabriella Galli. This woman was in the area conducting a birding route from the river when they spotted sailing a small group of teenagers Mashco-in one of the banks. "The photo was taken from the ship and there was no contact," says De Luis.
They do not want contact
A year ago, the same NGO revealed photos of another tribe living in the Brazilian Amazon alone in the world, also within a reservation. This time, the photo was taken from the air by the government of Brazil.
Thanks to this photo, one could deduce that the Indians managed basketry and painting techniques and practicing the hunt (for the spears they had) and agriculture, for baskets full of manioc.
However, indigenous Mashco-we know almost nothing, except that they do not want to have contact with the outside world. In fact, De Luis explains that there is greater pressure on their habitat, by logging and oil exploration-have increased Mashco-watching in his last months, which have responded with violence against the invaders. One thing: last year shot an arrow as a warning to guard Manu Park, "which we interpret as a warning, since it launched a blunt arrow," says De Luis. Although this year was found dead with an arrow Nicolas "Shaco" Flores, a native of another tribe who for 20 years helped many scientists to study the area.
The expert says seeking protection from new threats, including a new one: drug trafficking. According to the NGO, the cartels are using their forest land to grow coca plants, into land that only tribes commonly move.

Images reveal isolated tribe in the Peruvian Amazon civilization at the edge of one of the rivers of the reserve Manu National Park, one million 900 thousand hectares and located southeast of Peru, in the Amazon, an archaeologist and tourist managed shooting-for the first time a group of Mashco-indigenous, of which little or nothing is known, then shun contact with civilization and live in total isolation. In the pictures, taken at a distance, you see some wearing loincloths, although the majority (which include men, women and children) are totally naked.


Native tribes Caribbean and Amazon

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Location: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. (Colombia) Population: 4,000 to 6,000 (1996 SIL). Language: Chibchan, Arawak

The Kogi are the most traditional and important group of those who inhabit the mountains of Colombia, mainly in the north into what they call 'black line', which is their traditional sacred territory. They are of the few indigenous groups that has not allowed contact with the white man to preserve their traditions.

During the colonial era were forced to settle in permanent villages, which are now abandoned. Today we are established in 15 small villages located on alluvial terraces near streams or rivers, at 1500 m. altitude.

These levels are characterized by the model home retain Columbian (shacks), round and with a conical grass roof. These huts are grouped around a top men's house, which assumes ceremonial functions. Women can not access the house of men and women occupy the surrounding with their children. The Kogi family life requires that men and women live separately.

The village is only used to trade, discuss community issues and celebrate some rites. The remaining time is spent in their household plots, also occupied by a hut for women and children, and one for the male. In these plots grow sugarcane, cotton, snuff and coke (part of which is sold), the basis of its domestic economy.

Men perform community work and crafts to cooking and toasting coca leaves, they eat to counteract fatigue and low temperatures. Women stay in the huts making clothes cotton cotton wool, also in charge of the collection.

The world relates Kogi marriage with animal symbolism. Thus, each lineage group, passed from father to son or mother to daughter, is related to a male or female animal respectively. A man and a woman may marry only if the animals that represent a relationship of male-female hunter-prey besides, that is, an eagle with a snake, an armadillo a marsupial, a cougar with a deer, etc.. The sense of balance governs all aspects of their values ??and beliefs.

This group resists external influences due to the strength of its ethical and religious universe. In this regard, there are in their mythology variety of spirits, including becoming more important all of the ancestors. Its supreme authority is the 'Mamo', a priest who holds the power of decision in all aspects of daily life, even above the heads. These shamans have true priestly functions, taught for years of study.

Besides ceremonial houses every village, there are others on the mountaintops, that serve as temples, and are also in the hands of Mamos. These peaks conduct a periodic pilgrimage, meeting in temples for ceremonies and religious rites.

Kogi cosmology is complex. The universe, linking egg to the uterus is the womb of the mother goddess and he lives all mankind. But every house, mountain or grave is a uterus. The funnel-shaped temples, have a "door" on its roof, which opens to allow contact with the higher cosmic levels. These "doors" are "sexual organs" in which deposited the offerings that fertilize the mother goddess. From the ceiling hangs a string that represents the umbilical cord by which priests are related to supernatural forces. Mamo directed the solemn rites necessary for the order of the universe. Thanks to that it tracks the sun, the seasons follow one another and the world and its people are fertile.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Location: La Guajira Peninsula (Colombia and Venezuela) Population: 135,000 Colombia (1995 SIL) Venezuela 170,000 (1995 SIL) Language: Arawak

Thanks to the adaptability of the peasants, have become one of the most numerous in South America. Their way of life is based on livestock and salt extraction.

Probably lived, initially from the hunting and gathering of plants, but following the Spanish conquest retreated to the peninsula that still live today, adapting to new forms of life. Thanks to that, these people today is one of the most numerous in South America.

Its habitat is characterized by an arid and desolate because of the high temperatures, but this wilderness permits, in autumn and by rainfall, grazing. Thus, their economy is based on livestock in addition to salt extraction and natural gypsum mines. Animals that today they were subsistence support, in colonial times, given by the Spanish in exchange for beads, crop in which the peasants were experts. Thus began adopting grazing as a means to survive in a changing environment. This feature makes them exceptional in America.

The value they might have had pearls yesteryear has been replaced by tuma stones. With these and concoct gold jewelry are the most precious of peasant women and is transmitted from mother to daughter. When women are not working with the cattle They elaborate craftsmanship, and woven with cotton and wool.

Its houses, mobility time with cattle, comply with a simple fence to protect them from the wind. In contrast, permanent houses are built of clay and the roof is covered with palm leaves. These permanent villages are home to about 200 or 250 people and about 50 homes and several wells.

Obviously the whole social structure revolves around livestock. Each of matriarchal castes, identifies with an animal. The head, usually the mother's brother, bases its prestige property accumulated by himself and his family. So, all that enriches the breed is considered good, but theft will be severely punished, like rape. However, currently the paternal inheritance starts to matter.

The peasants are mostly polygamous. Feats are paid in animals, in their absence, the couple's children will be considered illegitimate. In fact, in the past, wives were not paid with this well, were expelled from the caste. The only marriages between different castes are allowed, since individuals of the same breed are relatives of "meat", the most important family ties.

As in other matriarchal societies the education of children depends on the mother's family, being the maternal uncle figure more important than the father.

People and animals are treated equally. The woman who eats his cattle commits incest, and if an animal sick, you are taken to the shaman, just like people. The shaman, in addition to cure the sick by magic procedures, is the most representative in the celebrations and rites Mareigua peasant offered to God, creator of the world.

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Location: Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname Population: 2,400 (1977 SIL). Language: Arawakan, Caribbean

The Arawak are excellent carvers and pottery workers from pre-conquest times.

Lokono Arawak or practice a subsistence economy based on farming, fishing and hunting, but today, these Indians, the first known by Columbus, as employees begin to work to increase the meager profits from these activities.

The Arawak are famous for their ceramic works, fabrics and wood carving of quality processed. They are also characterized by having a matrilineal society, in which, after marriage the man is established with its laws, for which he works.

South American Arawak groups fared better than European contact originating in the Netherlands (extinct in the sixteenth century), because their groups were smaller and were more scattered. Traded with Dutch and English and its economy evolved into plantation agriculture, which came to have slaves.

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Location: Colombia and Panama Population: EMBERA-BAUDÓ: 5,000 Colombia (1995 SIL). EMBERÁ-cations: 15,000 - 20,000 Colombia (1992 SIL); 40 Panama (1982 SIL). EMBERÁ-Chami: 11,000 Colombia (1995 SIL). Embera-Saija: 3,500 Colombia (1992 SIL). EMBERÁ-state: 1,000 Colombia (1991 SIL). North Emberás: 13.000 to 15.000 Colombia (1988 Aguirre & Brown-Red) from 7.000 to 8.000 Panama (1982 SIL) Language: Choco

The Embera are an ethnic group of large population spread throughout Colombia and Panama. It brings together various groups, but they are characterized by their religious view of life, which is expressed in craftsmanship and body drawings.

The Embera is scattered in Panama and Colombia, and receive different names according to their geographical location. They are good growers of corn, cassava and banana, as well as engage in fishing and hunting with blowgun, for which they are experts in developing poisons from wild plants which permeate his darts.

His religious vision of life is of great importance, so that the shaman is the most important person in their social scale. This charge, usually inherited from parents to children, and requires a significant learning to be played, as it requires the ability to contact the spirits, which is carried out through song and the proper use of canes and anthropomorphic figurines .

These figures also are protective spirits, so that after each new birth, the shaman delivers babies to protect them until adulthood.

Girls, after passing puberty, choose husband and the new couple is set with the groom's parents. The houses, made of wood and palm, are inhabited by several family units, which are set by patrilineal (as paternal ancestry).

Are characteristic of the Embera body painting, as his drawings, often geometric, and colorful. Therefore emphasizes his craft, especially the making of baskets and similar useful, decorated with geometric or zoomorphic.

They now have their own indigenous organizations trying to defend the capitalist progress toward their land, which has developed in recent years, quite a few conflicts, including the assassination of leaders of the Embera.

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Location: Colombia and Venezuela Population: 15,000 Colombia, 5,000 (1982 R. Kondo SIL) Language: Arawakan, Guahiban

The guahibo maintained close contact with Jesuit missionaries arriving in South America. Nowadays maintain some of their traditions, especially religious ones.

This town, which calls itself Hiwi their nomadic economy based on hunting and foraging. Formerly engaged in the cultivation of cassava, which substituted for the care of livestock introduced by Jesuit missionaries. Still cultures still survive, traditionally slash and burn type, which is to prepare a forest by felling trees, burning the grass paid for land ashes. These crops have a duration of about three years, after which they leave and prepare new ones.

They use properties (kapis) palm-roofed village, home to several families. Also have a home for women in menstrual phase and a school for children.

His family clans are patrilineal and inbred, ie, the importance of ancestry is of paternal origin, and marriages are performed preferably between cousins, but sometimes there are cases of exogamy.

The majority goes hand in marriage. When you consider that a boy is ready for marriage, must change his name and take a wife, which is often between 12 and 14 years. Girls before marriage have undergone a rite which recognizes puberty. After the first period are isolated for about a month and their female relatives instruct them in sexual matters to be good wives and housewives.

Their social structure revolves around the ultimate authority of the chief, but major decisions are made by consensus between men and women. Men are responsible for developing handicrafts such as baskets, flutes, rattles ... , Used for ceremonial purposes.

His kareka or shamans remain some of the most knowledgeable of yopo (one of the most common hallucinogen in Latin America indigenous).

Formerly involved in tribal wars with achaguas, given the large number of individuals who faced both tribes.

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Location: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. (Colombia) Population: 5,272 (1985). Language: Chibchan, Arawak

The ika, like the Kogi live cultivation plots in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). Still trying to regain their culture and language through educational projects.

The ika, also called Arawak live on coffee, sugar cane, and coca, which like most of Indians living in the mountains, to withstand chewing and cold work. They also grow fruits, potatoes, corn and beans. To a lesser extent engaged in hunting and raising cattle.

Most families have two farms in different areas, growing in each different foods. Their houses, located within this farm are rectangular, square or circular, and often is more than one family construction, designed for various uses.

Similar to the Kogi, villages live only for meetings or community, led by the highest authority, the Mamo or priest, who is also responsible for settling disputes, and organize communal labor. They have also for celebrations leading a holy city center they call Nabusimake, with a temple which they call Kankurua.

Women are responsible for making bags, (traditional element in their culture and that men do not come off) plus dresses. But making hats and belts is done by men.

Marriages are freely, and when this has been agreed by the couple, the man must work for a while to his in-laws in return for the woman who will receive. If the marriage fails to take place, the bride's parents pay the groom the work he has done for them.

The use of their language was lost in large part by the influence of a Capuchin mission was established in the area since the early twentieth century to the 1980s. Today, these people displaced from their traditional settlements settlers and coca growers, making efforts to regain their culture and language, with the help of ethnic education programs.

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Location: Brazil and Venezuela Population: 9,000 (1994 SIL) Language: Yanomam

The Yanomami live on agriculture, hunting and gathering. Its population of more than 9000 individuals in villages set in the forests of Brazil and Venezuela.

The yamomami live in small communities of 40-200 people. Their houses are circular, built of wood and palm. These Indians live on agriculture, hunting and gathering. Traditionally cultivated bananas, but now also involved in the cultivation of cassava, supplemented by corn, yams and sugar cane.

In the collection are in charge of women, which is the main source of protein in the community, provided by eating crabs, termites, caterpillars and large insects, and fungi, nuts and wild fruits. Men are responsible for plowing and planting orchards and hunting with bows and arrows soaked in curare.

Their society is organized around kinship groups, each represented on the board by old more "competent". This advice is resolving political issues.

The prestige and respect is based on charismatic ability to influence the opinions of others, and settle disputes, and to maintain the morale of the group and weigh the consequences of conflicts with other communities.

These charismatic leaders become leaders in critical situations should motivate warriors to the fight, practice of these tribes. The charge, in addition to not be permanent, not imply any material privilege.

The Yanomami culture value and assertiveness are admirable virtues in both sexes, so that children are educated from an early age not to show fear in front of his opponents. The provocations are common in the daily life of these villages, causing not a few verbal conflicts that sometimes ultimately resolved by means of arms. All confrontations are governed by strict rules that opponents must respect.

The same happens in fights between villages. For the Yanomami, the war is part of their lives. Often villages are attacked by neighboring towns with which later may form alliance to tackle youth groups. It is a political situation of tension, in which each village must show his strength and ferocity. The trigger for these struggles is often a food stealing, adulterous practice, a simple insult, or a suspected evil spell exercised over any member of the attacking village.

Although these confrontations involving the murder of a member of the town unprotected attacked, the most savage of violence happens in the "Nomohori" or traps. They consist of the alliance between a friend and another enemy town a third party becomes the victim. The village maintains good relationship with these third parties, are invited to a party. Behind her, and while guests rest, are massacred by the enemy village which has hatched the plan together with the hosts. Women are taken prisoners and distributed between the two groups victorious.

Given their customs, villages Yanomami live in a continuing tension and alertness. Even so, there are frequent temporary alliances based on trade.

Its rituals include funeral ceremonies. On the death of a member of the town, is a meeting in which the deceased crying and inviting family and friends from other villages. In these celebrations men represent songs that are used for communicating news, negotiate weddings. The body of the deceased is cremated and the bones are crushed to a powder, which is incorporated into a plantain soup consumed by family, which according to their beliefs, frees the soul of the beloved.

The Kayapó
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Location: Park Xingu (Mato Grosso, Brazil) Population: 4000, including Xikrin 469 (1994). Language: Macro-Ge, Kayapo

The Kayapó encompass other groups scattered throughout Brazil. They live by hunting, fishing and gathering in the Xingu National Park.

The cayapó indigenous Kayapo are distributed north and south. The first (also called Cora) live in the states of Pará and Mato Grosso, and include the cayamos, mentuktires, xikrim and Diores. The Kayapo live in southern Minas Gerais and Goiás, and differentiate their language of northern villages. Their main food is corn, and unlike their northern neighbors allow polygamy.

The Coras subsist on cassava, potatoes and corn, while hunt, fish and gather fruits. They also plant cotton, and practice basketry.

Their villages are divided into two parts, one for each matriarchal clan. Their longhouses are long and are located around the houses of singles. They are strict about monogamy, and marriage is arranged by the parents of the groom and a bride of the opposite clan, and as children of both. After the marriage, the couple lives with the parents of the bride.

Socially have a chief and a council governing village life. Both sexes are divided into grades according to age, and a man does not reach adult status to killing another man.

The Kayapo have a complex system of moieties or social groups that form two complementary halves. These groups have reciprocal functions, such as burying the dead from the other half, which helps integrate large villages (500-600 people) in which Kayapo lived until recently.

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Location: Mato Grosso (Brazil) Population: 850 (1994 SIL). Language: Macro-Ge, Bororo

At other times the Bororo were a people majority in Brazil. Today, the few still maintain their traditional way of life. Are outstanding ceramic artists and feather work.

The Bororo were one of the largest villages in Brazil, today those remaining have been spread over a few villages in central Mato Grosso. Maintain their traditional way of life based on fishing, hunting and gathering seeds and berries, but begin to grow their own food.

They live in wigwams during the dry season, and roofed building homes together, sometimes on stilts, in the wet season. Their houses are arranged in a circle around the men's house.

The villages are led by the chiefs, which in turn depend on their superiors of the clan. The rank and wealth are inherited from the mother's brother. For good hunting hunting scenes drawn in the sand with magical purposes. The celebrations usually decorate the body with feathers and red dyes. This town also has a high quality ceramic and frangipani superb work done.

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Location: Pará, Amazonas. Brazil Population: 2,000 or more (1995 SIL). Language: Tupi, Munduruku

The munducurú are other people still struggling to recover their land. Formerly known as headhunters, today remain in agriculture and commerce. Still respecting their traditions as polygamy.

The mundurucúes are divided into twenty villages in the Amazon area, especially around Brazil Tapajos River. These people, who once had a great reputation as headhunters, live off their crops, hunting and gathering. His works are elaborate ornamentation, which has allowed them to trade and extra income.

Their social system is divided into different classes and have different leaders for war and for peace. Their villages are stable, and contain exclusive homes for men. Heads still practice polygamy, generally being the second wife a captive.

Some mundurucúes have been established as rubber tappers near the missions. Without losing their language and traditions entrenched, spent many years fighting to be recognized as they own the land they inhabit.

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Location: Park Xingu (Mato Grosso, Brazil) Population: 146 (1995 AMTB). Language: Caribbean

The Indians called several tribes grouped xingu currently living in the Xingu National Park in Mato Grosso. Many of their customs have managed to remain intact.

By xingu known to various indigenous groups that inhabit the Xingu National Park, reserve created in 1961 by the brothers Villas Boas. Currently living in it 17 tribes of different cultures and Aweites Kamayuras tribes are of Tupi. The Mehinakus, Waurus (or Waushas) and Yawalapitis are of Arawak, Carib descendants while the park are the Kuikuros, Kalapalos, Matapuhys and Nahukwas. Other tribes are Park of Trumais, Txukahamais, His, Kayabis and Jurunas

Xingu Indians share a mythological past, in which according to the primitive tribal chiefs sat in front of the sun and moon and they were assigned the land that belonged to their village and told them some specific knowledge.

Thus for Kamayura tribes, the Sun and Moon were taught to make the long wooden bow still used for hunting and Pascar. To Kuikuru tribes, Kalapalo, Matipoo and Nahuqua, the Sun and the Moon created land snails to be crimped and cut, forming belts and collars that are often used as payment for women. The chief received Wausha clay and conducting secret varied and imaginative containers in which the Xingu prepare their tapioca flour. At present Wausha consider white men as a tribe which called Caraiba, including it within the beings created by the Sun and Moon. All Xingu tribes continue to specialize in those items that were given by their ancestors.

Kamayura Indian, Xingu Park, communicate with the gods through sacred flutes. They should never be seen by a woman, who, otherwise, can be raped or be in grave danger.

The homes are usually circular or oval and are formed by a framework of poles covered with palm leaves. The Kuikurus are practically the only ones in the Amazon to roof their houses with herbs. Typically the houses are covered with straw to the ground level. As for the size may be small, to accommodate a nuclear family, but more often they are large communal buildings called "longhouses".

Although not common in this type of people, including Xingu there are both male and female heads. As a sign of distinction, female bosses usually have the habit of drawing tattoos small blue lines on different parts of the body, especially the waist, shoulders and thighs. The heads are also adorned with toucan feathers in their pierced ears and shell belts and necklaces.

Xingu Women also are painted red urucu body, but instead of carrying shells belt rows of palm leaves around his hips. Around the neck wear a string of beads or sometimes, a shell necklace that has been offered by her father, husband or an admirer.

The men are excellent harpers flute. It measures four feet and is made of wood, and it is also the symbol and voice of a spirit. The Indians believe that the same spirit man becomes when touched. Especially to be fed by those who have survived some of the diseases caused by their attacks. Women do not have access to the flutes, which should not even look. If either accidentally sees when flutes are being touched, is in danger of being raped and separated from the tribe.

Often the tribal chief is usually also the shaman, who is charged with healing the villagers. They are very respected as it is considered that very few men can persuade the spirits to restore the health of a patient. For this you need to enter the spirit world and does so in a trance induced by snuff.

When one of the heads dies, their relatives can arrange a funeral or Kuarupe. Before the ceremony, which takes place months after the death, they have to plant, harvest, prepare and store large amounts of food to feed the other Xingu tribes invited to join the funeral rite, in which men often tear the fish skin with teeth sharp as razor blades and glued with resin or glue on a wedge of dry pumpkin rind. The Xingu believe the bleeding does increase strength and body size. The same effect occurs strongly bind the body and drink, and then vomit large amounts of venom.

On these occasions, girls, held since her first period, are released. Some years come to stay hidden in a house until the conclusion of next kuarupe. Adolescent boys also must be fully withdrawn several years. Xingu tribes believe that the transition between adolescence and adulthood is a particularly dangerous and therefore the individual must be protected and cared for during that time.

The entrance of the girls held in the plaza of the village is a very important moment in the rites Kuarupe. Very out of shacks adorned with belts and necklaces of shells of the family. From this moment are young marriageable and walk against the tribal leaders invited putting feet each Pequi a handful of nuts which symbolize fertility and sexuality of these girls now returning tribal life as women.

Traditionally in Xingu Park region, the northern tribes are enemies of the South. The tribe is the largest northern of Txukahamai, whose culture differs from the south. Like his neighbors, His, are peoples who speak ge, lead discs in the lower lip and live more than hunting and gathering to fishing. Tapioca, characteristic of feeding their southern rivals, not part of your diet.

Currently there are still tribes mutually hostile nomads who roam the jungles of the upper Xingu and whose way of life must be protected from alterations that are exposed as a result of the gradual conquest of the Amazon rainforest. At the ends of Park live several tribes with which until very recently had not been able to contact anyone.

The highlight of the Xingu Park is the fact that it is imposed on the Indians change. They are encouraged to live and you work as they always have done and at the same time to be accepting the instruments they consider useful. So not forced to make a choice between their culture and ours. Missionaries and tourists are excluded from the park, and only a few doctors and anthropologists are allowed to work and perform on-site investigations. Indians are free to leave whenever they want, in fact some have visited Brasilia and Sao Paulo for medical treatment, to work for some time or curiosity. On his return all agree that they can not understand how you can think that Western human life form is superior to yours.

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Location: Ecuador Population: 500-1000 Language: Unknown

The Huaorani became known for the ritual murder of a Spanish bishop and a nun Colombia a few years ago. After his bloodthirsty reputation lies a people fighting for the oil interests not rob your lifestyle.

The Huaorani people, is also known in Quechua as the Auca (barbarians, savages). We characterized a subsistence economy devoted to gathering plants and hunting with blowpipes, which typically measure three meters. They get curare (poison) your darts vine bark, and fishing used mullein leaves. They build their houses with palm roof, and in these areas, inhabit all members of a clan.

Kindle Fire still rubbing sticks together, as some Pygmies and Australian Aborigines. His clothes consist of a small loincloth, and men are restricted to the foreskin kume waist, chambira rope. Another characteristic for which they are known is to have a total of 24 fingers, distinguishing feature that surely comes from unions between first cousins ??to preserve their ethnicity.

The Huaorani jumped into the headlines when one of its panels, tagaeri, ritually murdered Bishop Alejandro Labaka Spanish and Colombian nun Ines Arango on July 21, 1987. This slaughter ritual performed by all the tagaeri, including women and children, then reformulated the legend of the ferocity of the Huaorani. Tagaeri group was around that time the most reluctant to be disturbed in their territory, and to adapt to a lifestyle more "civilized". The pressure of the oil companies with interests in the area, was aggravating the situation, when the monks murdered tried to explain to the irreducible tagaeri could not continue to maintain their traditional lifestyle. This group of 20 or 30 individuals (including their chief Taga) has not been seen since until today, but the Huaorani still fear them, know they are considered traitors by acculturate left by the white man.

The Huaorani are a prime example of pre-Columbian Amazonian Indian fighter and strong, that when you die you must continue the fight against "angry caterpillar". If you can walk on it attain eternal life, everything depends on its value and Waenoni, the supreme being. A value that he finds himself helpless before the white man's destruction of their natural habitat, which, with or without oil, with or without deaths, keep going.

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Location: Park Xingu (Mato Grosso, Brazil) Population: 469 (1986 SIL). Language: Macro-Ge, Kayapo.

Social power is among the Xikrin by precious beaded necklaces and a plug inserted into her lower lip. It is also common that they may shave the front of his head and tattooed with geometric designs.

The Xikrin is Mebêngôkre call themselves "people of the place of water." Cayapo and belong to the people inhabiting the northern part of the earth cayapo, near the Amazon River, a place that does not present too many difficulties to survive and where they are especially needed great strength and aggressiveness. Nevertheless are warlike people.

By 1900, the Xikrin had invaded the territories traditionally occupied by the Kayapo and had conquered the lands of a large group of tribes. Soon after he clashed with other "invaders", rubber tappers, Brazil nut and the gold diggers. For a long time the attacks and counterattacks were continuous and frequent killings.

In 1954, the Xikrin were finally installed by the Indian Protection Service in the same territory they had gained in 1900.

During the rainy season, the Xikrin live in their village, sweet potatoes and corn grown in a sort of communal gardens located in clearings in the forest where logging and subsequent burning especially enrich the soil. At the end of the season the men tilled a plot of forest, leaving it dry and before the next rains burns. Ash is an excellent fertilizer, which ensures the cultures for two or three years.

Besides agriculture, subsist on turtle hunting, gathering and fishing nuts, both as a poison bait. The most common is to shoot fish with bows and arrows but also use various traps. The most productive method is to poison the water with a few plants that contain a powerful alkaloid that stuns fish and allows more easily catch them by hand. If you poison a pool of a mighty river, can produce up to half a ton of fish.

The forest lands are so lavish cayapo during the rainy season that a small group of women Xikrin can pick up in just three hours hunting two dozen large turtles. It is not unusual then, that in a year the Xikrin can consume up to 2,000 turtles.

During the dry season, from June to September, entire groups of families-all but the elderly and sick who are in the village under the care of his relatives, leave the village to go wandering through the jungle and grasslands in search of hunting.

Xikrin Families live all grouped under a matriarchal hierarchy: the grandmother, daughters, granddaughters, husbands and brothers children live together in the same family hut. The family sleeps together on a low platform, his head against the wall and feet towards the center of the room. Older girls, single women and widows of the family sleep on a mat placed on the side of the hut which overlooks the square, which can receive nightly visits of men of the town, without disturbing those who sleep in the inside. Young boys often sleep in separate and in their own mats, but girls tend to sleep with their parents, or all together in a group. A woman, usually the grandmother, governs the group.

Composed groups of twelve huts of sticks and palm trees, arranged in a circular or oval around a central plaza, where villagers gather for ceremonies and gatherings. At one end of the square is the chief's house.

As in many other Indian tribes, their customs are part of the initiation rites at puberty. Young people are subjected to various tests, after which they are considered men, are given a penis sheath (normally used only clothes), they are allowed to grow his hair and sex can also use weapons adults.

The introduction to community life is a ceremony that lasts three to four months, after which young people are admitted to society and can marry the girl of your choice, usually girls 8-12 years. Girls, on the other hand, undergo a marriage ceremony. After the first period, a suitor will eat with her several days and then sleep with the girl, being usually the mother of the bride who must confirm that the marriage has been consummated. But not really taken into account until the arrival of the first child.

Women who choose not to get married as contraception, abortions and infanticide, as well as maintaining their own farm plot. Her lovers hunting and provide them food, so are considered independent matrilineal group. These women are not neglected by the community. When they decide to marry, they will gain prestige as other women, as their children grow up and have their own children.

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Location: (Matto Grosso) Brazil Population: 800 (1994 SIL). Language: Tupi-Monde-Suruí

The Surui people, traditional enemies of the Xikrin, barely survive today. They have indigenous representatives and health centers. Its population was decimated by epidemics and the few that remain are losing their traditions.

Paiter the Surui people call themselves, and are located in ten villages in the forests of Mato Grosso. They came to this area to escape their traditional enemies, the xikrim, from its old location, on the banks of Vermello. After European contact, approximately in 1960, suffered several epidemics, influenza and smallpox, that reduced its population.

Traditionally, men of this village, were in the habit of tattooing their faces with various drawings that identified them. The painting was extracted from plant seeds, that injected with natural bones. The influence of whites has changed their ways. While women prefer not to mix with foreigners, men begin to migrate to the cities.

In terms of social organization, the chief is the leader of the group, but individuals do not need your permission to make decisions regarding the commons or privacy. They live by hunting and fishing, and women engaged in handicrafts.

Their houses of mud and straw, round and one room have been replaced by wood.

Polygyny, formerly practiced, has been replaced by monogamy, and preferably married men with raw and nephews. The relationship is set by patrilineal.

When the land no longer produces enough for sustenance, the village moves from site, leaving their homes. In them, leaving their dead bodies, which were buried inside the home at the time of his death, a practice shared with other groups of Tupi-Guarani language.

Barely survive on earth and most are not literate. Not have health centers or indigenous organization.

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Location: Mato Grosso (Brazil) Population: 8,000 (1994 SIL). Language: Macro-Ge, Aqua

The Xavante Uptabi A'uwe call themselves, real people. They had their first contact with Europeans in 1954, since then have gradually ceased to be nomadic. Today engage increasingly peasant life and live in independent villages. These villages (about 60) are characterized by a horseshoe shape. Their primary form is based on the power consumption of roots, nuts and fruits.

The Xavante are known to have managed to maintain their traditions. They piercing the ears of young people to reach maturity, paint their bodies for celebrations and practice a special type of fight, called Oi'o
The Oi'ó is a fight between young boys learning from Xavante children. They face different components clan and is stuck with the root of a plant stinging under armpit, until one of the opponents quit because of the pain.

Their society is clan-based, taking men to marry women of a clan different from yours, and allow polygamy, especially among the chiefs. Generally, parents of the bride who determine the commitment to his future in-laws.

Before the wedding, the boys have gone through a period of isolation of approximately five years together with other children of the same age. This will have a home "Ho", where teens live during that time and learn to make ornaments, hunting and fishing. Life in the "Ho" for the Xavante represents the transition to adult men, and the process ends with the presentation of a society boy and his future bride.

At fifteen participating in a ceremonial rite exclusive to men (), after which they are considered adults. Another of their rituals involves piercing the earlobes of youth, after being purified by the river water.

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Location: Brazil and Guyana Population: 571 in Brazil (1995 AMTB), about 1000 in both countries. Language: Caribbean Waiwai

Indians make an eminently waiwai warrior. Even manufacturing their spectacular headdresses, which used in ceremonies and rituals. Also noted for their elaborate preparation of musical instruments.

The waiwais include several similar tribes like the parakotos. They live in villages, with a round communal house moves to a new location every five years, so they can plant in the new land, cassava, sugar cane and since the arrival of Europeans bananas, food of those who survive but also hunt and fish.

The waiwais are known for their elaborate bows and musical instruments .. They trade with other tribes to get prepare reeds used in ornaments and arrows.

Their villages are headed by a chief. For both sexes there is a division into degrees by age. Men often marry several sisters.

As for their mythology, believe that all deaths, except the very young and very old, are works of witchcraft, so organize expeditions for revenge against a neighboring village suspected of having caused them.

THE Yecuana O Maquiritare
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Location: Brazil and Venezuela Population: 270 in Brazil (1986 SIL), 4,970 in Venezuela (1975 Indian Gazette) Total 5,240. Language: Caribbean

The Maquiritare European elements have been added to their culture, but basically keep their traditions and way of life.
The Maquiritare live mainly cassava cultivation, but also are excellent hunters using their blowpipes and poison fishing, like many towns located near rivers. They are known for their skill and marine waterways, aboard their canoes or dugouts, which can measure up to 20 meters long, can accommodate up to ten tons of cargo. Their houses often have large communal buildings, around which other rectangular sets and singles.

Political unity is maintained by a council of elders formed the head of household of each group. The head of the council is, usually, the founder of the old town and more. In the spiritual order, power is exercised by shamans (jowal), which are subdivided into ritual specialists, scholars and historians (and aremi achuri edamo).

They also maintain a commercial networks that come to Guyana. Among their customs is that of taking a narcotic called banisteriopsis, which causes them to dance, in which hold images of animals carved in wood. They are also characterized by their belts weave the hair of their dead enemies, as a trophy.

For yekuana the conquest began in 1756, nineteen years later, in 1775, revolted and in one night swept a string of forts that stretched across its territory. They returned after their isolation, while maintaining trade relations with the Dutch of Essequibo.

During the 1950s scans are incorporated and regional economic networks. Today they are present in all organizations Venezuelan Amazonian indigenous performing auxiliary positions in transportation, public health and education.

Your current mythology is a fusion of religions. Thus, their god Wanadi was crucified by parents (missionaries) and fañuru (soldiers) Spanish.

The Jibaro
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Location: Ecuador and Peru Population: 3,000 approx. in Peru and 2,000 in Ecuador (1981) Language: Jibarán

Known for their skulls reducing techniques, these people still living on the slopes of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru.

The Jivaro people, also known as Shuar, is mainly released by shrinking the heads of their enemies killed in combat. This custom originated in the belief that this will void the malevolent enemy soul. This village contains four subgroups: the antimalarial, aguaruna, Huambiza and Achual.

According to recent data, the Jivaro of the most remote areas of the Amazon, are being rapidly depleted by an epidemic of Hepatitis B. Associations and NGOs try to bring them the necessary vaccinations. Diseases so common in Western society can be deadly to a people whose individuals have not developed defenses against them.

The Jivaro live in the foothills of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru, subsisting mainly the crop, but also hunt, fish and are collectors. They use cotton to make their own clothes. As in most tribal groups have a healer that soothes their spirits imploring diseases.

Generally grouped as a single family (about 40 people), in an isolated house and well defended, round and made of vines and logs. They are polygamous and have no political organization in times of struggle, a leader is the one that leads to a particular group of families. This ability of associations to deal first served them the Incas and then the Spanish.

Today, continue to resist the intruders, and, although not threatened from the outside, do not live in peace. It is an eminently warrior. When a group successfully attacker out of the fight, is kept safe, to immediately reduce enemy heads that have been cut as a trophy of the battle. This operation usually ocuparles about twenty hours.

The heads-reducing technique is to make a vertical cut in the back of the neck, to remove all the skin of the skull. Eliminate meat attached, sew the eyelids and mouth hold wood chips. Introduce the head in a cooking herb that reduces it to one third of its normal size and prevents hair loss. After baking for two hours, fill it with stones and hot sand, stitched neck cutting and shaping, buffing the surface. The small head is hung over the smoke of a fire all night. Morning so that the decorating tsantsa is finished. The group will undertake, then, the road to the village.

To understand this practice, it is necessary to know its notion of soul (Wakani). For there are three types jíbaros Wakani, an acquiree, an avenger and a true. The latter disappears with death to become fog or cloud, while the acquiree is obtained by a ritual of fasting and visions before puberty.

The individual who takes this soul (arutam), feels a violent desire to kill, but through rituals are immune to death, and with each kill enemy, increases its power. Thus a man who dies violently is deprived of this soul, but may contain an avenging soul, which is precisely what the Jivaro try enclosing the skull of the victim. On arrival at the village are organized a series of rituals that make the avenging soul is expelled and returned to their home region.

Once the avenging soul has been neutralized, the head used to be buried or thrown into the jungle, but in the twentieth century have begun to sell to middlemen, who sell in the cities at a high price.





von dem Stamm von Iquitos