Each Lwa is distinguished not only by their character traits and their performances, but also by their tastes and preferences: Ercilia is inextricably linked to the pair of white doves and fish fried in oil, sweet and to the fine, the merengue and the liquid. Ogun Almost all are related to excessive intake of alcohol and the luas hell, with the sacrifice of boars sure sign of bestial power. The saints "eat" like men, are fed with blood and other parts offerings of animals and other food delivered to them in ceremonies known, most significantly, with the name of many-lua. The offerings are the embodiment of the contractual relationship between divinity and his horse: this is the offer in payment for the services received, well-being achieved and, in short, the work done by the latter in a period. Also, expecting good results as a result of future performance. Where Lwa do not get what was offered in return for his work, takes revenge on his "son" in various ways. So the balance in the relationship server / lua achieved by complying with the "sacrifices" agreed between them. The offering, in effect, is a clear indicator of this relationship. If a Lwa rejects a food, is an indication that something has been wrong and that divinity is upset. All should be available in a rigorous manner many of the negative reaction will occur as targeted. When no Ercilia takes possession of your horse is because it expresses the rejection and then must repetírsele the ceremony, usually the following year.