Near the falls, men and women sell candles, blue and white beads represent the loas and images of Our Lady of Miracles. The drums play syncopated rhythms, and some people go into a trance, talking loudly and moving frantically. At that time the Ron Barbancourt, the most typical of Haiti, takes action to keep the party is complete. Voodoo Festival Saut d'Eau is celebrated every year on July 16 to coincide with the day on which in 1847 appeared a vision of the Virgin Mary. Thousands of devotees coming from all parts of Haiti are bathed in this water for purified or pra lose the Grand Master that their dreams become reality. Voodoo is the main religion of Haiti. The followers need to be possessed by a spirit Iwa to communicate with Grand Met, since this is abut far from the physical plane. In the photograph, several people pray facing the waterfall while others celebrate this magical day. Voodoo or Vodun is a religion that originated in the cultural area of West Africa in prehistoric times. This is a theistic variant animistic belief system, equipped with a strong magical. For his direct link with cosmology and the Neolithic belief systems, their study is of great interest in the field of Paleoanthropology. Voodoo is one of the oldest religions in the world, halfway between polytheism and monotheism. The slave trade to America was a strong phenomenon of syncretism between this archaic religion and the Christian beliefs of the slave as well as with the native religions of the places where slaves were transported. Hence arise Haitian voodoo and a large number of derivatives: the Regla de Ocha or Santeria in Cuba, Candomble, Umbanda and Kimbanda in Brazil and so on. Some of these derivatives have come to Europe in recent decades, especially in the hands of returning emigrants